Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Jenelle Evans SLAMS Chelsea Houska"s Dad: Cram It, You Fat F-ck!

Jenelle Evans has never been a particularly even-tempered young woman, and at this point, there’s nothing surprising about the instability she demonstrates on just about every single episode of Teen Mom 2.

But we do sometimes find ourselves caught off guard when she tears into someone on social media, and we’re reminded that no part of the Jenelle we see on camera is fake.

She’s really like this, folks.

Last month, Jenelle attacked David Eason’s sister in a bonkers Facebook rant that reminded us that no one is off limits when it comes to the wrath of the Carolina Hurricane.

Most reality stars observe strict Mafia rules and refuse to go after their co-star’s friends and family.

Not Jenelle, who went on a foul-mouthed tirade against the father of her fellow TM2 cast member Chelsea Houska during last night’s episode.

In fairness to Jenelle (and we’re not thrilled about defending the eternally-enraged Ms. Evans), she wasn’t the one who started this particular war of words.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you’re probably familiar with Randy Houska.

Widely regarded as the among the most stable and supportive of the Teen Mom dads, Chelsea’s dad is often quick to rush to his daughter’s defense on Twitter.

Unfortunately, sometimes he offers his two cents on the other cast members, and … well, this time he was put in his place.

“It is good to scream at each other in front of the kids, it teaches them great things,” Randy tweeted during last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2.

“Hey fat f-ck, I am so sick of you commenting on my life. go tend to your own family. you don’t know a f**king thing i’ve been through,” Jenelle fired back, showcasing her usual wit and grace.

She later added:

“I don’t give two s**ts anymore. not any other parent comments about me negatively except randy. nothing positive, ever.”

In a rare conciliatory gesture, Jenelle later deleted the tweets, but in a recent interview with Radar Online, she stated that she stands by her remarks.

“I wish he would stop,” she told the site.

“He doesn’t know me or what I have to deal with when it comes to my mom. Yes, of course my mom brings out the worst in me so we are bound to argue sometimes, but it’s gotten better and everything is a lot more calmer on my end.”

She then proceeded to really go off on the poor guy, even referencing a storyline that last night’s episode that Chelsea says was fabricated in post production.

“He should be more focused on Aubree being ignored, since all they show is me yelling and if that’s true and that’s all we do 24/7…then I guess MTV is true about Aubree being ignored since Watson has been born,” Jenelle told radar.

We suppose in her own way, she was making a point about MTV’s editing practices.

But this is Jenelle we’re talking about, so she couldn’t resist going in for the kill:

“I’m not as bad as a person Randy thinks, but if he wants to spend his time checking Twitter daily like it’s his job, then so be it. He’s just now another creepy Teen Mom troll in my book,” she said.

“Maybe that’s why Aubree is ignored…his attention is dedicated to Twitter, not his family.”

Dammit, Jenelle, you almost came off looking sane in this one.

So close.
