Thursday, August 31, 2017

Amber Portwood to Farrah Abraham: Let"s Make Up!

Amber Portwood and Farrah Abraham have one of the most interesting relationships out of all the Teen Mom ladies.

And that’s probably because Amber tried to knock Farrah’s teeth out on national television.

These two women go way back, obviously — all the way back to when they were both 16 and Pregnant.

We can’t be sure of all the specifics, but we at least know they met during the reunion show for the first season of Teen Mom, and after that, they were friendly with each other.

There was actually a period of time, believe it or not, when they were close.

It’s hard to say exactly when that changed, but it was probably right around the time that that video was released where Catelynn Lowell referred to Farrah as a “ho bag.”

Amber was right beside Catelynn when that happened, and she didn’t exactly defend Farrah.

Then again, their issues could have began when Farrah called Amber up and tried to warn her about Matt Baier — remember, Amber didn’t seem too receptive to any criticism of her man.

No matter how very, very valid that criticism was.

But basically, they had a falling out, and things were tense between them before that fateful reunion show.

During her interview with Dr. Drew, Farrah made a comment that Matt looked like a pedophile, and that was enough for Amber to storm the stage and take a swing at her.

After that, they had traded insults through social media and interviews.

Farrah referred to Amber as “Miss Piggy,” Amber threatened to quit the show altogether.

It was a great era of Teen Mom drama, we won’t lie.

But for the past few months, their feud has seemed to die down a bit — after all, Amber’s probably been very busy with her messy Matt Baier breakup and finding a new creeper to love.

Which is good, really, when you think about it. They’ve both got enough going on in their lives without fighting with each other.

Except Amber just did a new interview with E! News, and she was asked about Farrah …

And what she has to say may actually shock you.

At first, she was asked why she “hates” Farrah, and she laughed and said “No!”, because she doesn’t hate her.

So she was asked why they don’t get along, and she explained that “She has a very strong mind and strong opinions, and so do I.”

“So I think it’s just natural for us to kind of clash.”

“Plus,” Amber added, “she’s crazy.”

Well, we can’t argue that.

“We used to be friends,” she continued, “but I don’t know what happened, I really don’t. She just kind of did things for publicity, honestly.”

“But I still love her to death. She knows that.”

When she’s asked if they’ll ever be friends again, Amber claimed that “I know that for me, I’m ready to let everything go,” but with Farrah, things have to be “on her terms.”

And for that reason, she said “I’m not really putting any effort into it or thinking about it.”

But just because Amber isn’t tight with Farrah doesn’t mean she’s not close to any other members of the Abraham clan!

You know how Debra Danielsen, Farrah’s mother, is getting married soon to that sketchy doctor?

Amber said that she was invited to the wedding, and she’s definitely going because she and Deb are “very close.”

Now that’s a spin-off the world deserves, right?

Hopefully, Farrah will see this little interview somehow, and instead of hitting back with a statement that makes no sense, she’ll actually think about it.

Maybe she can forgive Amber for everything, maybe they can go back to being the weird, trashy buddies they used to be.

We can dream, can’t we?
