Showing posts with label DeBoer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DeBoer. Show all posts

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Cole DeBoer: Should He Adopt Chelsea Houska"s Daughter?

Chelsea Houska is undoubtedly one of the most beloved moms in the entire Teen Mom franchise, if not the most beloved.

When the franchise features people like Jenelle Evans and Farrah Abraham, it’s not that difficult to be a favorite, but still.

Chelsea gets a lot of love because she has her life together, and because she’s adorable, with adorable family to match.

She’s never been arrested, she’s not rude and hateful on a regular basis, she’s never neglected her kids.

She’s a good mother, and it’s even more notable since her oldest child’s father is arguably the worst person in Teen Mom history.

Chelsea dated Adam Lind off an on for a good long while when she was younger, and they had little Aubree together, but he was never really a present father.

Since then, Adam has been getting sketchier and sketchier, and last year he failed a court-appointed drug test with a substantial amount of meth in his system.

He was also arrested multiple times for domestic assault, and there have been warrants out for his arrest thanks to his failure to pay child support for both of his children.

It’s a whole lot of bad stuff, basically, and so Chelsea has obtained sole custody of Aubree.

She’s also had Aubree’s last name changed from Lind to Lind-DeBoer, at the request of Aubree herself.

And speaking of her new last name, let’s talk about where it came from: Cole DeBoer, Chelsea’s husband, father of little Watson, and Aubree’s adoring stepfather.

Cole is amazing, right? He’s sweet and very attractive and best of all, he treats Aubree like his very own.

He constantly steps up for her like her real father never does, and he did it again last night.

Because, believe it or not, Adam skipped Aubree’s father-daughter dance. For the third year in a row.

The first time was in 2016 — Aubree was expecting Adam, but he didn’t show up, so Cole took her by himself. Adam later said he couldn’t come because he was training for a bodybuilding competition.

The second time was last year, and there was no mention of Adam at all, Aubree and Cole just went and had a nice time together.

And this year, again, for the third year in a row, Cole and Aubree dressed up and headed out for a lovely little evening.

He shared this adorable photo of her — it looks like he took her to dinner, too — and he captioned it “Look at my STUNNING little sweetie. I am so so lucky to have her as my dancing partner!!! Father daughter dance time!!!”

It’s so cute it hurts, right?

And if that one hurts, this next one will probably destroy you.

In the second photo Cole shared, he’s giving Aubree some flowers while she’s posing in front of a sign that reads “I love you Daddy!”

“I love this perfect girl so much!” he captioned this one.

It’s clear that he does — and to many people, it’s clear that he deserves to be her real father in every way, including legally.

“Adopt her!!!!” one person commeneted on Cole’s Instagram. “She loves you so much and you’re the best daddy ever!!!!!”

Another person suggested her adopt her because her ‘dads’ a low life, she’s so much better off with you as her father.”

So many people had so many kind words to say — one told him that he’s “amazing for showing that little girl what a daddy is supposed to be.”

“Cole you are by far the best Father that sweet little girl will ever know!” someone gushed. “You should try and adopt her Coley Dad!!”

Yet another person wrote “Plese adopt her! Adam should be smart enough to let you take over completely from here. You already have in every other way.”

These kinds of comments are very common in basically any story about Adam or Cole — Adam is the worst, Cole is the best, so Cole should adopt Aubree.

Could that be a possibility? Maybe, if Adam keeps getting worse.

But despite his many, many flaws, Aubree does seem to love her father, so it could be hard for her to cut ties with him like that.

Do you think Cole should adopt Aubree?


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Chelsea Houska & Cole DeBoer to Tell Their Love Story in MTV Special

A typical episode Teen Mom 2 offers much to feel discouraged about and little in the way of edification.

However, the show offers the occasional break from all the bickering and bleakness when it focuses on Chelsea Houska and her happy home life.

Chelsea married Cole DeBoer last year, and together, they"ve defied the odds and formed a stable relationship that"s built to endure the dual pressures of fame and one truly psychotic ex.

Now, Chelsea and Cole will be telling their tale in a TM2 spinoff special focusing on their love story.

It"s a romantic saga that fans can"t wait to relive…

1. The Happy Couple

Cole deboer and chelsea houska lookin good

Chelsea and Cole are unique in the world of Teen Mom 2. Under the glaring spotlight of fame they’ve built a marriage based on trust, loyalty, and mutual respect.

2. Mrs. DeBoer

Chelsea houska and cole deboer wedding throwback

Chelesea and Cole tied the knot in October of 2016. They welcomed their first child together just two months later.

3. Lil Watty

Chelsea houska with baby watson deboer

Watson DeBoer entered the world in January of 2017. And with that, the DeBoers became a whole and happy family of four. Of course, there are still complications…

4. Lind-sanity

Adam lind chelsea

The DeBoers are still forced to contend with the chaos that her baby daddy Adam Lind brings to their lives, but it seems that even a meth-smoking ex isn’t capable of throwing their ship off course.

5. Fan Favorites

Cole deboer and chelsea houska one year anniversary

It should come as no surprise that Chelsea and Cole have been granted their own hourlong special. For many fans, Chelsea’s ability to find love after her disastrous relationship with Lind has made her living proof that fairytale endings are possible.

6. The Reaction Online

Chelseak houska takes a selfie with cole deboer

Fans were overjoyed when word got out that Chelsea and Cole would be the subject of the next TM2 special. Especially since many assumed the news would outrage one of the show’s most reviled stars…

View Slideshow

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Cole DeBoer Posts Sweet Tribute on Their One Year Wedding Anniversary!

It sometimes seems like Chelsea Houska, the best mom of the Teen Mom franchise, can’t catch a break. She makes a responsible decision, but trolls slam her for “poisoning” her baby. Go figure.

But she’s not letting that get her down. Instead, she’s taking time to celebrate the good things — like her one year wedding anniversary!

And Cole DeBoer posted the sweetest anniversary tribute. Awww!

Not all of the moms on Teen Mom 2 make the best life choices.

That kind of goes with the territory when you’re talking about people who each decided to become a mom in high school.

One area where the stars really seem to struggle is choosing

Like … Briana DeJesus, who seems to have a subconscious attraction to deadbeat dads.

Remember when she shared that Luis Miguel had never even seen their baby, Stella? Which means that she’s made that same mistake twice now.

Or, worse, there’s Jenelle Evans, who tends to choose men who honestly don’t seem like they’re qualified to be parents.

To be fair, we wouldn’t trust Jenelle Evans to watch over a houseplant, so we guess that her romantic history is just story after story of water finding its own level.

These days, though, Chelsea Houska seems to have figured out how to tell the good ones from the bad. Cole DeBoer seems to be a good guy, and he’s even handsome.

He’s definitely sweet — because look at the anniversary tribute that he posted!

That photo might look like it’s out of a fairytale, but we’ve seen other pics from this same wedding photoshoot before.

Cole didn’t leave it at just a 

“1 year ago on this beautiful day I married my amazing perfect wife. Happy anniversary @chelseahouska I love you”

It’s not long or poetic — because he’s not trying to impress his followers with how creative he is, or whatever.

He’s just speaking from the heart, but over social media — which is very different from the performative romance that you see a lot of the time from social media stars and their loved ones.

(Which is all part of the gig and can also be very sweet; we get it)

These two are crazy about each other and, honestly, we wish them the best. Not that they seem to need a lot of luck.

Chelsea Houska married Cole DeBoer on October 1st, 2016.

The first wedding anniversary is a big deal because it’s your first.

Other, later milestones become much bigger deals.

But we think that they’ll get there.

In addition to being crazy about each other, these two seem like an actual good fit.

Sometimes mixed families can leave out someone, but contrary to how MTV sometimes portrays Chelsea’s life, she and Cole absolutely make time for Chelsea’s daughter, Aubree.

It’s an editor’s job to make things more interesting, and since Chelsea isn’t an out-of-control redneck or whatever, we get that editing out context so that it looks like Chelsea’s ignoring Aubree probably seemed like a good idea.

Even if it’s not accurate.

Chelsea Houska has previously stated that she could keep doing Teen Mom 2 for years and years.

Obviously, “Teen Mom” sounds like a misnomer at first — but you have to remember that they did become mothers as teenagers.

That’s not something that ever goes away in your life, you know? It’s a decision that frames your destiny. That’s a dramatic way of phrasing it, but … yeah.

Still, Chelsea’s done well for herself despite numerous disadvantages along the way. We, at least, look forward to seeing where she — and Cole — are in a few years.


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Chelsea Houska: See the Most ADORABLE Moment Between Aubree and Cole DeBoer!

If you watch Teen Mom, chances are you really, really love your trashy reality television — and hey, there"s nothing wrong with that.

Most people can"t look away from a good train wreck, and, for the most part, that"s what Teen Mom is.

But in between all the relentless drama, between Jenelle Evans having meltdowns and Farrah Abraham yelling at literally every person she comes across, it"s good to have a palate cleanser.

You know, a cute moment, something to lighten the mood.

And Chelsea Houska"s life has become the sweetest palate cleanser there is.

Sure, she"s still got some Adam Lind drama, but we don"t see as much of it as we used to on Teen Mom 2.

These days, it"s pretty much just baby stuff, sweet scenes with Aubree, and Chelsea and Cole being #relationshipgoals all day long.

If you"re not quite sure what we mean, just check out this new sneak peek for Monday"s episode.

In the clip, which is seriously so very, very precious, Aubree and Cole are hanging out while Chelsea tends to little baby Watson.

They decide to make some ghost spray, or as Cole calls it, "Aubree"s Powerful, Butt-Kickin" Ghost Spray."

He helps her make the label and mix the formula — it looks like the ghost spray consists of mostly glitter — and then instructs her to spray him once "so I can have protection."

Yes, Cole, a grown man, lets Aubree spray him with glitter.

The love must be so real.

She then uses some of the spray on Chelsea — just her legs though, since she"s feeding Watson — and she also squirts some around the living room.

When she"s done, she gives Cole a hug as he congratulates her on a job well done.

And just like the Grinch, our hearts grew three sizes by watching this.

So go on, treat yourself by watching the extremely darling video below:

Chelsea houska see the most adorable moment between aubree and c

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Cole DeBoer Posts the Cutest Photo of Baby Watson EVER

Cole DeBoer is one proud papa, and Chelsea Houska’s husband can’t wait to tell the whole world about it via pics of his baby son Watson.

Honestly, who could blame the man?!

The Teen Mom 2 star has been a father to his newborn child for only a few days now, but clearly he’s taken to the role with flying colors.

And love. Lots and lots of love.

“Honestly the love I have for this little man is outrageous!!! It hurts @ chelseahouska,” DeBoer wrote of his son, who was born last week. 

While all of the previous shots of the little fellow shared by the Teen Mom 2 tandem have been beyond cute, this one may be next level.

Precious Watson Cole wore a white long-sleeved shirt with his name on it, along with a striped black and white beanie, in the pic he shared.

He’s also smiling. OMG OMG.

DeBoer has had some time to practice his dad skills, as his wife famously had her daughter, Aubree, with her ex-boyfriend Adam Lind.

Cole married Houska, 25, in October.  

She announced she was expecting again in July, and rather than put off getting married, they simply postponed their wedding celebration.

The two made it official before Watson’s birth, and are saving the full-on reception for their first anniversary, which is a terrific compromise!

Chelsea unveiled the pregnancy with the help of her 7-year-old daughter holding a sonogram attached to a round wood cutout.

She while she and DeBoer held hands in the background. Houska later revealed that she was having a boy, and wrote on her website:

“Cole is the PROUDEST man I have ever seen, and cannot wait to have his son. He’s already planning his future hunting and fishing trips, haha!”  

“This little dude is constantly kicking and rolling around, and both his daddy and sister always have their hands on my belly to feel him.”

The child made his precious Instagram last Wednesday in a black and white photo of his adorably tiny hand holding his adoring mother’s.

“Welcome to the world, sweet boy,” Houska wrote, before revealing the name she had teased, but kept secret throughout her pregnancy.

Chelsea had promised that while based on a common last name, it was one that she had “never heard before” used as a first name.

No alternative facts here – she was speaking the truth!

We couldn’t be happier for Chelsea, and not just because of Watson Cole, but because of the man who gave her son his middle name.

Whereas her former beau Adam Lind is selfish, irresponsible (he doesn’t even pay child support), verbally abusive, and generally toxic …

Cole is the utter opposite of all of those traits.

Attentive, devoted, compassionate, reliable and steady as they come, it’s not hard to see why Chelsea married the South Dakota outdoorsman.

And why they’re universally popular among those who watch Teen Mom 2 online, where watching their story play out has been magical.

Congratulations again to the new family!


Friday, November 18, 2016

Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer Get Racy AF on Instagram!

Marriage has really changed Chelsea Houska.

Or at least that’s what it seems like, anyway.

For a while now, Chelsea has been a real class act, avoiding arrests and sex tapes and pointless nude photo shoots — something we can’t say for her fellow Teen Mom costars.

But now, after one month of marriage (and at 27 weeks pregnant, no less), Chelsea’s ready to switch things up.

Is that a photo of Chelsea’s new husband, Cole DeBoer, getting up close and personal with her breasts?!

Yes, yes it is.

And we are positively scandalized.

Don’t worry though, because as unexpectedly racy as the photo may be — he’s got his lips puckered and he’s zeroing in on her boobs, y’all, that’s PG-13 as hell — we’ve got some sweet updates, too.

One of them being a new photo of Chelsea’s baby bump!

“27 weeks!” she captioned the photo, shared just a few days ago.

“I cannot wait to meet this sweet little boy!”

She also shared a photo of Cole when he was a kid alongside an ultrasound photo of their little bundle.

“You guys,” she adorably explained, “I’ve totally become that crazy mom that is literally comparing ultrasound pictures with baby pictures of Cole.”

“I can’t help it! I stare at these photos ALL the time, I’m so excited.”

And nobody blames you, girl. You’re pretty much living the dream.

Over on Twitter though, that’s where the true cuteness lies.

Check out this painfully cute message Chelsea tweeted earlier this week:

I just have to be sappy for a moment….

I truly feel like the luckiest woman in the world. I have such an incredible husband.

I am seriously SO proud to call myself his wife and to have his children.

I cannot wait to raise a son to be just like him. And Aubree to be just as sweet.

My heart is so full.

Aww, Chelsea, stop it.

Really, please stop it. This is too precious, we’re too jealous, it’s too much.


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer: 19 Times They Gave Us #RelationshipGoals

Teen Mom has given us a lot of heartache over the years, and it"s been rough.

We"ve seen so many relationships fail, so many bad decisions and just so much sadness.

But thankfully, it looks like Chelsea Houska got it right when she got with Cole DeBoer.

Check out some of their cutest moments — they"ll warm your heart, guaranteed!


1. When they showed off their patriotic side.

When they showed off their patriotic side

For good ol’ Independence Day, Chelsea, Cole, and Aubree got decked out in their finest American flag gear. Come on, you know you love it.

2. When Cole took Chelsea fishing and she made this face.

When cole took chelsea fishing and she made this face

We feel you, girl. We feel you.

3. When Cole took Aubree to the father-daughter dance.

When cole took aubree to the father daughter dance

This was a whole storyline on Teen Mom 2 … Aubree had a father-daughter dance, but her dad, Adam, didn’t show up because he’s a terrible person. Cole stepped up and took her instead, and thank goodness she and Chelsea have him in their lives.

4. When they did family Halloween costumes.

When they did family halloween costumes

Clark Kent, Wonder Woman, and Wonder Girl … could they be any cuter?

5. This picture.

This picture

Seriously. Just this picture, all by itself. #GOALS.

6. When they got a pet pig together.

When they got a pet pig together

This is Pete. Pete is a pig. Chelsea and Cole are pig parents. How have we survived all this cuteness?

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Friday, October 28, 2016

Chelsea Houska: I Want Cole DeBoer to Deliver My Baby!

How cute are Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer?!

You really don’t even have to answer that: they’re so cute that our minds probably can’t even properly comprehend just how cute they are.

They’re that cute.

And right now Chelsea is pregnant with their first child together — she’s already mother to one adorable little girl, Aubree, obviously — so things are only going to get sweeter for them.

Oh, but just you wait till you hear these new details that Chelsea’s giving out about the pregnancy.

Can a person’s brain literally explode from delight?

We’re about to find out.

First, Chelsea asked her Twitter followers about some thoughts she’d been having about delivering her baby.

“Opinions from people who had a photographer during labor/birth?” she wrote.

“I’m considering it, but want to hear what other people thought!”

One woman told her that she’s had the birth of her baby photographed and that she loved the experience, which was apparently what Chelsea wanted to hear.

“I think I’m going to!” she tweeted in response. “I’ve only ever heard amazing things.”

“I’m excited to see my husband’s reaction since normally that’s not something I would be paying attention to right when the baby is born!”

Someone told her to “just vlog it!”, and Chelsea joked “I’ll have Cole get up in there! Lol.”

But it turns out that Chelsea’s comment wasn’t just a joke, because it sounds like she actually is having Cole get up in there.

“We are also planning on having Cole help with the delivery!” she revealed.

“A big reason why I want to capture the moment! Amazing photo!”

And we have to agree, it definitely would be an amazing photo, but it’s unlikely we’d ever get to see it.

Chelsea and Cole are very private — remarkably private, really, when you consider Chelsea reality television career.

All the way back in January, after they got engaged, Chelsea stated that she wouldn’t allow the wedding to be filmed.

At the time, an insider added that “Chelsea wants her wedding to be very private and low-key.”

“MTV is begging her to let them film it but Chelsea refuses,” the source continued. “She usually stands firm on stuff like this, so it’s unlikely that she’ll change her mind.”

“Besides, Cole has never really been comfortable doing things on-camera.”

And when they got married earlier this month, there were no cameras, and they just shared a single photo from their big day.

So if Chelsea and Cole didn’t feel comfortable sharing much from a day when they got dressed up and professed their love for each other, it seems highly unlikely they’d share anything about the birth of their child.

And damn, what a shame.

Understandable, of course, but still … such a crying shame.


Monday, June 20, 2016

Chelsea Houska & Cole DeBoer: Wedding Date & Location Revealed!

Despite persistent rumors that Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer are already married, it seems the most stable couple in the history of the Teen Mom franchise has yet to walk down the aisle.

Houska and DeBoer got engaged last year, but they’ve been tight-lipped about the plans for their nuptials.

Now, however, Radar Online is reporting that the Housk and DeBoer are planning to tie the knot in their home state against a backdrop of fall foliage.

According to the site, Houska and DeBoer will get married on October 1 in Hartford, South Dakota.

“Cole and I really like the fall, so sometime around then,” Chelsea told MTV shortly after DeBoer proposed.

“The ceremony will be small and intimate with our close family and friends.”

Of course, now that the date and location are circulating around the Internet, she may want to amend that to “friends, family and 13,000 Teen Mom 2 fans.”

We kid!

This is Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer we’re talking about, not Brangelina.

We can understand why they wanted to keep the details under wraps, but we don’t think they’ll be overwhelmed by wedding crashers.

Chelsea might be a fan favorite, but we think that after all she’s been through with nightmare baby daddy Adam Lind, most of those fans feel protective of her happiness.

We doubt any of them would want to do anything to mess up her big day.

And even if anyone decided to rent a tux and take advantage of the open bar, they’d likely be in for a surprise:

Sources say Chelsea and Cole’s wedding will be televised – which means MTV camera crews and security teams.

Best to just stay home and watch Teen Mom 2 online like the rest of us.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Chelsea Houska & Cole DeBoer Show Off Rings, Aubree Melts

How often is a man’s wedding ring noteworthy at all?

You wouldn"t think very often – or that it would warrant a TV clip in particular – but if you watch Teen Mom 2 online Monday, it will be worth it.

Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer show off their wedding rings to her daughter, Aubree in this latest clip from the season finale, and …

Let"s just say it got a little dusty here at THG HQ.

The clip begins with Aubree returning “from dingbat’s parents” (a.k.a. the mother and father of Adam Lind) to see her mom and Cole.

Chelsea then brings up the topic of Cole’s wedding ring, and after explaining the concept, asks her adorable girl if she wants to look.

“YESSS!” Aubree says, and it"s pretty darn cool.

Cole shows her how it"s made up of antler (deer, presumably), gold and wood – but the best part is how he cares about showing Aubree.

Check out the adorable scene below:

Chelsea houska and cole deboer show aubree wedding rings melt ou

Friday, May 13, 2016

Chelsea Houska Hints That She"s Already Married to Cole DeBoer

Part of the agreement with most reality shows is that the stars will more or less live their lives in the public eye. This means that the big moments in one’s life generally play out in front of a camera crew.

It can be awkward, but the ladies of the Teen Mom franchise are mostly (if somewhat grudgingly) accepting of it.

But not Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer.

Sure, Chelsea plays ball for the most part, but it seems the 24-year-old may have reached a point in her life where she wants to keep some milestones private.

Sources say TM2 producers were less than thrilled when they learned that Chelsea and Cole DeBoer had gotten engaged between seasons, and now it looks like they may have more reason to be upset.

Earlier this month, fans began to speculate that Chelsea and Cole are already married after he referred to her as his wife in an Instagram post.

Now, the Housk is dropping further hints that she and Cole have already tied the knot:

Chelsea posted the video above yesterday, which seems innocent enough on its own (though if she’s looking for marriage role models, she should probably stop watching so much Bobby Flay).

But the caption on the clip has fans wondering if Chelsea and Cole are (very poorly) keeping a big secret:

“When you’re trying to watch TV but your hubs wants attention,” Chelsea wrote.

Obviously, it’s possible that she’s just being playful and trying variations of “husband” on for size, but it’s hard not to notice the fact that this is the second time these two have hinted that they’re married in as many weeks.

Looks like these rebellious lovebirds might have some more explaining to do to MTV execs.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Chelsea and Cole’s romance.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Chelsea Houska & Cole DeBoer: The Cutest Teen Mom Couple!

The Housk! De Boer!

As fans who watch Teen Mom 2 online known, Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer are without a doubt the most stable couple.

Not just among that show"s cast, but in the history of the Teen Mom franchise. Like, so normal they barely qualify for the show.

Fortunately, there is always Adam Lind to supply the usual deadbeat drama, while we can focus primarily on Chelsea and Cole.

It"s no wonder that her daughter Aubree loves to call her fiance "dad," because he sure is a keeper – and treats her like a queen.

Cole and Chelsea are not only building a nice life for themselves, they are healthy, happy and pretty freaking cute to boot.

Check out the pics:

1. Chelsea Houska with Cole DeBoer

Chelsea houska with cole deboer

Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer share one seriously hot embrace.

2. Cole DeBoer and Chelsea Houska Selfie

Cole deboer and chelsea houska selfie

Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer pose together for a cute selfie.

3. Chelsea, Cole and Aubrey

Chelsea cole and aubrey

Chelsea Houska, Cole DeBoer and her daughter Aubree pose for another cute photo.

4. Gon’ Fishin’

Gon fishin

Chelsea Houska, Cole DeBoer and her daughter Aubree enjoy the great outdoors.

5. Cole DeBoer, Chelsea Houska

Cole deboer chelsea houska

Teen Mom 2 star Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer pose together for another cute selfie.

6. Cole DeBoer and Chelsea Houska

Cole deboer and chelsea houska

Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer always look so happy together.

View Slideshow

Monday, May 2, 2016

Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer: Already Married?!

Do you two crazy kids have something to tell us?

Last week, Cole DeBoer posted a photo with fiance, Chelsea Houska to his Instagram account.

“LA with my stunning wife,” he captioned the pic.

OMFG for life, fans collectively screamed.  

Did they get married in secret?  Or is DeBoer just getting into the habit of calling the Teen Mom 2 star his wife?

Neither Houska nor DeBoer have commented on the photo caption, and even though they have said publicly that they’d love an Autumn wedding, the couple could very well be throwing fans (and MTV) off the scent.

“We like the Fall,” Houska has said when asked when she thinks she and DeBoer will marry. 

“The weather is perfect around that time so that’s what we’re thinking. We’re not really doing a set color scheme, it’s just kind of fall colors.”

DeBoer proposed to Houska back in November, but cameras were not around to capture the moment.

“I don’t think they [producers] were super happy that they missed it,” Houska admitted to Wet Paint back in March.

“They would’ve liked to be there. They’re like, ‘We’re supposed to have access,’ I’m like, ‘I didn’t know he was gonna do it!’’

Houska doesn’t plan on on allowing the cameras to what her walk down the aisle, either.

“Our wedding is just something so personal and we’re having a small intimate wedding and it just didn’t feel right just for us to have it aired to millions of people,” Houska revealed.

“Even though I appreciate the support and I’m so grateful for everyone who is so happy for us, people will be able to see the planning and pictures and stuff like that so I’m not leaving them with nothing.”

“It’s mostly just family and Cole’s friends.” 

Considering the crap she’s had to put up with (re: Adam Lind), Houska can do whatever she pleases, as far as we’re concerned.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Chelsea Houska Shares The Moment Cole DeBoer Proposed

You can’t help but root for this girl.

Chelsea Houska shared an intimate photo of Cole DeBoer proposing to her in front of daughter Aubree.  

Photographer Tyler Jacobsen captured the moment DeBoer got down on one knee in a meadow to ask Houska for her hand in marriage.

“I’m so so happy @jakephotographysf was there to capture this amazing moment in November,” Chelsea wrote.

“I am so blessed with such an incredible man @coledeboer.”

Houska first shared the news via Instagram last November.

“He’s stuck now!” she captioned the photos, which showed off her ring.

“I honestly cannot believe how lucky I am.

Finally found my Prince Charming and I get to be with him for the rest of my life!”

Houska updated fans on how DeBoer proposed, recalling his odd behavior.

“He was acting so weird,” Houska said. “He took me to this spot he likes out in the woods, and he had me come out there. There was a whole bunch of trees and there were pictures of us three nailed up on there.

I seriously covered my eyes and I was like, ‘Holy s**t, is this really happening?!’”

Houska’s co-star, Leah Messer was one of the first to send her well wishes.

“Congrats @ChelseaHouska!! You and cole are adorable!!!! You deserve it, love!” she wrote.