Showing posts with label Aubree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aubree. Show all posts

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Adam Lind: Did He Sign Over His Parental Rights for Aubree?

Adam Lind is … well, he"s not a good person, for a whole lot of reasons.

He has several problems, and don"t worry, we"ll do a quick review on them, but as a result of all of these issues, he recently gave up his rights to his youngest child.

It"s sad in many, many ways.

But what about Aubree?

1. Ugh

Adam lind and daughter aubree

OK, so Adam is doing so hot these days.

2. Well …

Adam lind muscles

He’s always been a jerk … remember when Chelsea had just given birth to Aubree and he texted her to call her a “fat stretch mark bitch”?

3. So Awful

Adam lind image

He also wrote “tell me where and when to sign the rights over for that mistake,” which is particularly heartbreaking, considering what just happened with his parental rights.

4. Hold Up

Hold up

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, all right?

5. Bad Boy

Adam lind pic

Adam’s been getting arrested for years now because he’s always had trouble with following the law and being a considerate person.

6. Why Though?

Adam lind shows off his body

For a while, his arrests were mostly based on his complete inability to follow the rules of the road — rules like “don’t drive drunk” and “don’t drive without a license.”

View Slideshow

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Adam Lind to Chelsea Houska: You Can"t Keep Me Away From Aubree!

The Teen Mom landscape is absolutely littered with young men who have outlived their purpose as unwitting sperm donors.

But for all the franchise’s deadbeat dads and loser boyfriends, perhaps no one has sunk to such appalling depths as Adam Lind.  

(And yes we’re aware that Ryan Edwards got arrested the same week he got caught cheating on his pregnant wife. Believe it or not, Lind might actually be worse.)

Lind has always been an abusive boyfriend and a negligent father, but it’s only over the course of the past year that we learned just how low he’s willing to sink.

It all began when Lind tested positive for meth just moments before a scheduled visit with his youngest daughter, Paislee.

In the months that followed Lind was arrested several times, on charges ranging from domestic assault to possession to violating a restraining order.

These days Lind has lost all visitation rights and is not legally permitted to be in the presence of either of his daughters.

But it seems his casual disregard for the law continues unabated, as Radar Online is reporting this week that Lind spent much of Easter weekend with Aubree, his eight-year-old daughter by Chelsea Houska.

Sources say Houska was not aware of the situation until afterward and would not have given Lind permission to visit Aubree. 

“Chelsea let his parents have her for a couple of hours. It wasn’t their time to have her,” a source tells Radar.

Adam apparently stopped by his parents’ house unannounced and even went so far as to taunt Chelsea by posting a Snapchat video in which he’s seen hanging out with Aubree.

Houska has apparently made it clear to Linds’ parents that by allowing their son to violate the law in their home, they’ve sacrificed the privilege of receiving future visits from their granddaughter:

“[Chelsea is] livid and won’t do that anymore. These grandparents haven’t learned a damn thing. [One] can definitely tell where Adam gets the rules and law don’t apply to him attitude.”

The insider says that Houska took immediate action and “e-mailed her lawyer to find out what the next step should be” as soon as she learned of Lind’s visit with Aubree.

Her attorneys have since reminded Adam’s parents of a clause in their visitation agreement, which reads:

“One weekend a month Aubree will be with his parents from Friday to Sunday. Adam may not be present when Aubree is with Donna [Adam’s mom].” 

Stripping Linds’ parents of visitation rights may sound severe, but Chelsea is no doubt well aware that her daughter’s health and safety hang in the balance.

For the most part, Houska is one of the more even-tempered moms on MTV’s flagship reality franchise.

But clearly, if you mess with her kids, she will go full mama bear on your ass.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Chelsea’s perfect parenting.


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Chelsea Houska: See the Most ADORABLE Moment Between Aubree and Cole DeBoer!

If you watch Teen Mom, chances are you really, really love your trashy reality television — and hey, there"s nothing wrong with that.

Most people can"t look away from a good train wreck, and, for the most part, that"s what Teen Mom is.

But in between all the relentless drama, between Jenelle Evans having meltdowns and Farrah Abraham yelling at literally every person she comes across, it"s good to have a palate cleanser.

You know, a cute moment, something to lighten the mood.

And Chelsea Houska"s life has become the sweetest palate cleanser there is.

Sure, she"s still got some Adam Lind drama, but we don"t see as much of it as we used to on Teen Mom 2.

These days, it"s pretty much just baby stuff, sweet scenes with Aubree, and Chelsea and Cole being #relationshipgoals all day long.

If you"re not quite sure what we mean, just check out this new sneak peek for Monday"s episode.

In the clip, which is seriously so very, very precious, Aubree and Cole are hanging out while Chelsea tends to little baby Watson.

They decide to make some ghost spray, or as Cole calls it, "Aubree"s Powerful, Butt-Kickin" Ghost Spray."

He helps her make the label and mix the formula — it looks like the ghost spray consists of mostly glitter — and then instructs her to spray him once "so I can have protection."

Yes, Cole, a grown man, lets Aubree spray him with glitter.

The love must be so real.

She then uses some of the spray on Chelsea — just her legs though, since she"s feeding Watson — and she also squirts some around the living room.

When she"s done, she gives Cole a hug as he congratulates her on a job well done.

And just like the Grinch, our hearts grew three sizes by watching this.

So go on, treat yourself by watching the extremely darling video below:

Chelsea houska see the most adorable moment between aubree and c

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Adam Lind: Did He Ditch Aubree and Her Father-Daughter Dance AGAIN?!

So hey, remember the little issue of that father-daughter dance that Chelsea Houska’s daughter, Aubree, had last season on Teen Mom 2?

Of course you do — it was one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the history of the show.

Last winter, right about this time, Aubree’s school held a special little dance. The girls could bring their fathers, they’d dance together, and it would be so precious.

Aubree got permission to bring both Adam Lind and Cole DeBoer — her real father and, at the time, her soon-to-be stepfather.

As Chelsea was helping Aubree get ready, she asked her why she wanted Cole to come at all, and Aubree adorably answered with “‘Cause he’s my other daddy.”

It was a good thing she felt that way, because when it was time for the dance, Adam didn’t show. He didn’t even call or text, so Cole took Aubree to the dance by himself.

In a later episode, Aubree went to watch Adam do some competitive weight lifting, and she asked him why he didn’t come to the dance.

And instead of apologizing for missing an event that was important to her, instead of acting even a little sorry that he stood her up, he told her that he missed the dance “‘Cause I had to do this.”

Yes, Adam didn’t take Aubree to the dance because he was practicing for his weight lifting competition.

It was a ridiculously sad moment, and unfortunately, it looks like it’s happened again.

Last night, Chelsea posted this photo on Instagram:

And her caption? “Off to the dance.”

So it looks like, once again, Cole stepped up when Adam couldn’t manage to spend one evening being a good father.

And Chelsea’s fans were quick to notice.

“You sure struck gold!” one of them told her. “And Aubree too. She won’t forget Cole’s love for her when her own ‘dad’ couldn’t step up!”

“How sweet,” another wrote. “He’s a good daddy to her. He might as well be her dad. Cause Adam don’t care. Cole is amazing.”

One person pointed out that “Dad isn’t spelled DNA,” and another asked “What kinda guy can sit back and let another man raise his child? Cole is a dream guy, so lucky.”

And they’re right — Cole is obviously a father figure to Aubree, and a great one at that. Chelsea is very, very lucky that she found such an upstanding, attractive guy to step into her little family.

It’s unbelievably sad that Adam can’t pull his head out of his ass long enough to be a good father, but let’s not think about that.

Let’s just look at that sweet picture, go “awww,” and thank goodness that Cole DeBoer exists.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Chelsea Houska: See Her Tell Aubree She"s Becoming a Big Sister!

We"ve known for a good long while now that Chelsea Houska, the best Teen Mom out of all the Teen Moms, is pregnant with her second child.

She announced in July that she and her massively adorable boyfriend (now husband!!!), Cole DeBoer, were expecting their first kid together, and we couldn"t be more excited about a total stranger"s pregnancy.

(Oh, and hey, it feels important to note that while this new kid will be Cole"s first biological child, he"s made it clear that he considers himself a father to Chelsea"s older daughter, Aubree, too.)

In the months since, we"ve learned that the new baby will be a little boy, and that he"s due to enter the world on Valentine"s Day, February 14th.

We"ve kept up with Chelsea"s growing bump, we"ve seen all the photos from her baby shower, and it"s all been just grand.

But next Monday, on January 2nd, the new season of Teen Mom 2 premieres.

And we will get to see so much more of this magical journey.

Right now, we"ve got a brand new clip from the show, and if the rest of Chelsea"s role in this season is anything like this, it"s going to be painfully cute.

In the clip, Chelsea and Cole sit Aubree down to tell her all about the pregnancy — and about her upcoming role as a big sister!

See the seriously sweet video below:

Chelsea houska see her tell aubree shes becoming a big sister

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Chelsea Houska & Cole DeBoer Show Off Rings, Aubree Melts

How often is a man’s wedding ring noteworthy at all?

You wouldn"t think very often – or that it would warrant a TV clip in particular – but if you watch Teen Mom 2 online Monday, it will be worth it.

Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer show off their wedding rings to her daughter, Aubree in this latest clip from the season finale, and …

Let"s just say it got a little dusty here at THG HQ.

The clip begins with Aubree returning “from dingbat’s parents” (a.k.a. the mother and father of Adam Lind) to see her mom and Cole.

Chelsea then brings up the topic of Cole’s wedding ring, and after explaining the concept, asks her adorable girl if she wants to look.

“YESSS!” Aubree says, and it"s pretty darn cool.

Cole shows her how it"s made up of antler (deer, presumably), gold and wood – but the best part is how he cares about showing Aubree.

Check out the adorable scene below:

Chelsea houska and cole deboer show aubree wedding rings melt ou

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Adam Lind: CONFRONTED by Daughter Aubree on Why He Ditched Her at the Dance!

If one thing breaks my heart, it"s seeing a deadbeat parent completely let down their kid.

I still burst into tears every time I hear Everclear"s "Father of Mine."

So last week, when I saw proven POS Adam Lind stand up his child at her father-daughter dance, I wanted to rip him apart, as did many other Teen Mom 2 viewers, as I"m sure did his ex Chelsea Houska.

Now, we get a chance to see little Aubree confront her dad about why he ditched her.

Sadly, he does not redeem himself.

In the clip for Teen Mom 2 below, the six-year-old watches her dad compete in a weight lifting competition. 

(Yeah, we"re rolling our eyes over here, too.)

She cheers him on, shouting, "Come on, Daddy!" from the sidelines as he bench presses a barbell.

And guess what? All that ignoring his daughter and focusing on himself earned him first place in the competition.


Aubree is unconditionally overjoyed for Adam, shouting, "You did it!" as he returns to his metal folding chair with the trophy.

Finally, Aubree poses the question.

"Why didn"t you come to the father-daughter dance?" she asks, point blank.

""Cause I had to do this," he answers, without so much as an apology.


You had to do what, exactly? Train for a meathead competition so high profile that its signage entails a 8 1/2" x 11" piece of paper taped to the door?

The least you could"ve done was call.

Adam says maybe he"ll come have lunch with her "one of these days," which Aubree seems excited about.

We don"t know if he kept that promise, but he recently took to Facebook to confess that he knows he"s been a jackass, and that he was going to turn his life around and become a better father and boyfriend.

"Kay. We"re waiting.



Adam lind daughter aubree asks why he ditched her at the father