Showing posts with label Ditch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ditch. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Greg Hardy Says He Wouldn"t Ditch UFC for NFL, Unless ...

Ex-NFL star Greg Hardy — who’s been killing people in his short MMA career — says he’s 100% focused on fighting in the UFC and wouldn’t even consider going back to the NFL … with one exception.  “I’m not putting any brakes on the UFC…


Greg Hardy Says He Wouldn"t Ditch UFC for NFL, Unless ...

Ex-NFL star Greg Hardy — who’s been killing people in his short MMA career — says he’s 100% focused on fighting in the UFC and wouldn’t even consider going back to the NFL … with one exception.  “I’m not putting any brakes on the UFC…


Friday, August 3, 2018

"My 600-lb Life" Star L.B. Bonner Found Dead in Ditch with Gunshot Wound

L.B. Bonner — who appeared on “My 600-lb Life” and ultimately dropped over 300 pounds — was found dead in a ditch with a gunshot wound … TMZ has learned. Police were making a welfare check Thursday night when they found him in a park in…


Sunday, July 1, 2018

Rich the Kid and Girlfriend Ditch L.A. Crib After Home Invasion

Rich the Kid and his girlfriend, Tori Brixx, are moving out of the downtown Los Angeles apartment where they were attacked and robbed at gunpoint by several men earlier this month … because neither could sleep there at night anymore. Rich had…


Rich the Kid and Girlfriend Ditch L.A. Crib After Home Invasion

Rich the Kid and his girlfriend, Tori Brixx, are moving out of the downtown Los Angeles apartment where they were attacked and robbed at gunpoint by several men earlier this month … because neither could sleep there at night anymore. Rich had…


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Prince Harry to Meghan Markle: Don"t Ditch Me On Our Wedding Day!

We’re just weeks away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and you know what that means!

Yes, the internet is currently overrun with bonkers rumors about the couple melting down in spectacular fashion!

In the past month, the tabloids have really outdone themselves in terms of imagining totally implausible scenarios that might lead Harry and Meg to call the whole thing off at the last second.

They’ve claimed nude photos of Markle are making their way around social media and bringing tremendous shame to the royal family.

They’ve reported that Harry was caught cheating on Meghan with one of his most high-profile exes (the identity of the mistress varies from one publication to the next).

They’ve even published headlines insisting that Meghan’s sexts to Harry had been intercepted by a website with ties to ISIS.

Like we said, you almost have to respect the shamelessness that’s going on here.

With all that nonsense floating around the blogosphere, it’s sort of amazing that it’s taken some desperate BS artist this long to apply one of the most classic wedding scandal scenarios to Harry and Meghan’s big day, but we knew someone would get there eventually:

Yes, Woman’s Day Australia is reporting that Meghan is coming down with a serious case of cold feet.

A “palace insider” tells the magazine that Markle is now “questioning whether she can cope with the constant scrutiny that comes with her new life as a royal.” 

According to the tabloid, the first sign of trouble came when Meg declined to join the rest of the royal family for church services on Easter Sunday.

“It’s a sure sign Meghan needed some time out,” the source claims.

The insider adds that Harry is now “worried Meghan will struggle with royal life” and is “in a panic of his own as he worries about his bride.”

“He’s fiercely protective of Meghan and just wants the haters to back off and stop trying to ruin her reputation and their wedding day,” says another source.

Not surprisingly, a royal rep has dismissed the reports as “rubbish.”

In other words, being a rep for Buckingham Palace is apparently the easiest job in the world.

Just be ready with a British euphemism for “bullsh-t” and you’re golden.


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Lakers Should Probably Ditch Isaiah Thomas, Says Ex-Laker Devean George

Isaiah Thomas and Lonzo Ball miiight be able to mesh … but the Lakers are probably better off letting I.T. walk this summer — so says former longtime Laker Devean George. We got Devean at LAX on Monday … and the 3-time NBA champ wasn’t…


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Female WWE Superstars Ditch Sexy Gear For Middle East Throwdown

Wanna participate in a women’s pro wrestling match in Abu Dhabi? Better trade out the skimpy spandex for a non-skin-baring costume … juts like Sasha Banks just did.  The pro wrestling superstar just threw down in WWE’s very first women’s…


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Selena Gomez: I Didn"t Ditch The Weeknd for Justin Bieber! Honest!

When news broke that Selena Gomez and The Weeknd had split, none of us could help but think of how Selena had reunited with Justin Bieber so recently.

Had old Jelena flames rekindled?

Apparently it was The Weeknd who ended things, as hard as that may be to believe. What drove him to do it?

Remember this photo?

Back in September, Selena Gomez shared this rare pic with The Weeknd.

We now know, of course, that one of the reasons for the rarity of these photos is that Selena had spent basically her entire summer receiving and then recovering from a kidney transplant.

If you look at the dynamic of that snapshot, though, Selena Gomez looks engaged — she’s posting for the photo, after all.

The Weeknd looks like he’s a little checked out at the moment.

(Or, more likely, paying attention to someone or something out)

This photo turns out to be weirdly telling.

As apparently The Weeknd is the one who pulled the plug on their relationship … and, if you look at that photo again, that looks like the face of a man who’s not sure that he wants to be there.

TMZ reports that, per multiple sources, The Weeknd initiated the breakup.

And, honestly … we have very complicated feelings about this.

It seems that not only did The Weeknd end things, but it had nothing to do with the Biebs.

Apparently, the relationship between Selena and The Weeknd has been “fizzling out” since this summer.

They also apparently hadn’t seen each other very much (not enough, anyway) because The Weeknd had his busy touring schedule and Selena has had her busy shooting schedule.

So many celebrity breakups happen because, well, a lot of celebrity jobs require extensive travel and time apart.

Reportedly, another factor in The Weeknd’s decision was that he’d enjoyed being single …

(Of course he did. Some would question the point of being a young celebrity, regardless of gender, if you can’t enjoy the, um, perks)

… And felt “unfairly” tied down so Selena.

Oh? As for how that breakup went down?

The Weeknd apparently called Selena a few weeks ago and told her that it wasn’t working out and that, you know, they were over.

Here’s why we have complicated feelings about this.

First of all: who the hell breaks up a serious relationship over the phone?

That is barely better than a text message breakup.

But you know, we don’t have all of the information, and it might have been best that way. So, sure, let’s let that slide.

Instead, we’ll take a nice hard look at the timing of all of this.

When did their relationship start to lose its passion?

Over the summer.

So … right around the time when Selena Gomez got her kidney transplant.

Remember, Selena suffered kidney failure back in May and was rushed to the hospital as a result. It was all very hush-hush at the time.

And then, in June, Selena underwent her kidney transplant, courtesy of her friend, Francia Raisa.

Summer began in June, so … this seems to be saying that The Weeknd just lost interest because Selena was on bedrest after, you know, getting organs removed and implanted so that she wouldn’t die.

So that’s uncomfortable. We’re not saying that you’re not allowed to break up with someone who’s sick, but the timing of his disinterest really rubs us the wrong way.

We get that The Weeknd wanted to enjoy the single life and all of its perks, but Selena Gomez isn’t just one of the greatest singers in human history …

(Though she is definitely that)

… She’s also one of the most gorgeous women in the planet. So, you know, let’s play him a sad song on the world’s smallest violin.

But, hey — it’s his loss.

We wonder what this means for Jelena, though.

Some fans say good riddance to Justin Bieber, who’s neither as attractive as he once was nor as likable.

He may claim to have left his bad behavior and alleged life-threatening substance abuse problems behind him, but suffice it to say that it’ll take a little more convincing before Justin wins most people over.

And Selena already gave him a few of her best years. Few of her fans want to see her fall back into old habits.

That said, attraction towards exes doesn’t always go away. Justin Bieber offering his friendship to support Selena could develop into something else.

We’ll keep you posted.


Friday, October 6, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian to Scott Disick: Ditch the Hookers! Get a Life!

It appears as if no one will be particularly happy on Keeping Up with the Kardashians this Sunday night.

In clips previously posted on The Hollywood Gossip, Kim Kardashian freaked out after seeing that a paparazzo has snapped some unflattering photos of her and shared them online:

We also shared a sneak peek of Kim breaking down in a puddle of tears because she feared for her safety while on vacation in Mexico.

Here. Look at how that attack in Paris is still having an effect on the star in the following video:

So this brings us to Kourtney Kardashian.

Below, having just returned from this same trip down south with her sister, Kourtney stops by her mom"s office and asks how ex-lover Scott Disick has been in her absence.

"I think that he was jealous because you were having fun spending time with other people," Kris replies, which really sets her daughter off.

"Well that"s really not fair," Kourtney says. "It"s just like I can"t even live my life. I can"t even go anywhere. He needs to get a f–king life and leave me alone.

"All he does is try to make everybody else feel bad for him and try to make me look like the bad guy in this situation when clearly I"m not from 10 years of this going on."

"Wouldn"t you be sad if he truly left you alone?" Kris asks in response. "You always want what you can"t have. And when somebody"s right there giving you their heart on a platter."

(NOTE: Is that really what Disick has been doing? The guy is dating Sofia Richie and has basically had a young harem for months now.)

"He"s not! He"s not though!" Kourtney says, getting angry and adding:

"That"s what he makes it seem! To you, to Kim, to Khloe, to the world, to everybody! He sits there and grovels and feels bad for himself. So if that was his truth, why can"t he get it together?"

That"s a valid question.

Disick continues to get drunk all the time, party a lot and hook up left and right.

"I have to handle it when he"s out photographed with a different hooker every day," Kourtney says emphatically in this sneak peek.

It"s hard to disagree with that assessment, even if there"s no proof Disick has paid any of these women money for their services.


Kourtney kardashian to scott disick ditch the hookers get a life

Friday, September 15, 2017

Heather Locklear Won"t Face Criminal Charges After Crashing Porsche into Ditch

Heather Locklear can officially rest easy knowing she won’t face any criminal consequences following driving her Porsche into a ditch because cops say their investigation is a wrap. Law enforcement sources tell us they’ve determined drugs and…


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Is Josh Ready to Ditch Paul?

We think it’s fair to say that Big Brother 19 has featured some of most epic arguments in the history of Big Brother, and it’s making for a house divided. 

When the episode got underway, Josh made his way to Jessica to let her know that she is not his target. Jessica was not about to bow down to him, so she mocked him once again. 

Over the course of the summer, the pair has been at odds every step of the way, so it made sense that Jess would think Josh was trying to stir the pot. 

Josh then lets her know that it’s only Cody he does not like, and Cody was in the room, so it was a rather ballsy move when you consider that Cody has immunity. 

Jessica is not one to allow anyone to talk badly about her man of so many weeks, so she exits the conversation and brands it a big fat waste of time. 

When it came to veto plans, Paul recalled that Christmas had the Ring of Replacement, and decided to use it to his advantage. He wanted her to use it in the event Cody’s name is called. 

However, Paul revealed in the Diary Room that he wants Christmas to use it so that he can flush it out of the game so that she does not use it against him later. 

Not one to listen to the leader, Christmas turned to Josh, and he told her not to use it so they can have it at their disposal later. 

They tell Paul that they don’t want to use the power this week, but Paul turns the tables and reiterates that they absolutely need to send Jessica home or there will be hell to pay. 

Christmas then says the best course of action is if Josh blinks at Christmas during the players being picked. That way she will know to use it. 

When Cody’s name is picked, Josh blinks, and Christmas shuts him right out of the competition. This sends Jessica and Cody into a fit of despair as they realize the odds are stacked against them. 

It’s the OTEV competition, and Elena is first out. Jessica is out second and starts crying again because she knows that means she is going home. 

Mark ultimately wins the competition, meaning Josh needs to name a replacement nominee. 

In the end, Josh puts up Raven, meaning she joins Elena and Jessica on the block. 

It’s obvious that Jessica is going home, so there’s really no question about it. 

Who do you want to go home?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Rickie Fowler & Jordan Speith Ditch Their Shirts for Spring Break Golf Trip (VIDEO)

How do golfers do Spring Break? They golf.  Rickie Fowler and Jordan Spieth linked up with fellow golf pros Smylie Kaufman and Justin Thomas for a guys trip to the Bahamas … where they let loose, popped some beers and swung away.  The…


Monday, April 3, 2017

Keeping Up With the Kardashians Recap: Kim"s Last Ditch Effort!

Was Kim Kardashian serious about carrying another baby?

Or was this yet another ploy to save the show from plummeting ratings – or maybe a little of both, because what’s a health crisis without exploitation?

Last night’s Keeping Up addressed that and much more.

Picking up where last week left off, Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 13 Episode 4 found Kim getting right down to business.

Of trying to save KUWTK from tanking ratings, that is.

“Kanye and I’ve always talked about having more kids, but after what I went through in Paris, the urgency is even greater,” Kardashian said.

Seamless pivot from crisis to potential storyline there.

“Being a stay at home mom has been so refreshing,” she added, without irony, “and I’d love nothing more than to expand my family.”

Stay at home mom? Is she serious right now?

For all the special things Kim has done and continues to do as a parent, the idea that it’s a full-time job for her is absolutely hilarious.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you know Kim has been told that her body might not be able to take a pregnancy.

Well, her body in its current condition, anyway.

“I have to go and repair my uterus because I decided I’m going to try to have one more baby. Isn’t that exciting?” Kim told the family.

The family was more worried than happy.

“I have to have a surgery on my uterus to kind of repair this hole, so they need to, like, clean it out and then there’s scar tissue,” Kim said.

“It will still be a really high-risk pregnancy,” she added, to which Khloe asked the obvious question on everyone’s minds in this situation: 

“So, why do you want to do it again?”

Because Khloe, sometimes, the ratings are just that low that you’ll feign interest in a lot of things if it means quality promos and stories.

Sorry, here’s her actual answer:

“I’ve gone through so much with really bad deliveries that the doctors don’t feel like it’s safe for me to conceive again myself.”

“This surgery is the one last thing I can try. I want my kids to have siblings. I want to know I did everything I could to make this happen.”

Later, she went through with it.

“I definitely am in pain, but if the end result is that I get to carry my baby, it’s all worth it,” Kim told the cameras. “Hopefully this is successful.”

Then she took a fertility test, though, and learned that despite the surgery, the results said “for sure now, you should not carry [a] baby.”

The devastation began to sink in, and quickly.

“Not only has this been really painful, but now hearing that I shouldn’t carry any more kids, it couldn’t be worse,” Kim lamented.

“I had a full breakdown. I just, like, give up.”

She said she and Kanye would look into having a surrogate carry their third kid next, and “whatever is meant to be will be,” she noted.

Meanwhile, the Kards were going hard at Rob over his health, with Khloe going so far as to ask if he wants to “be around” for Dream.

“When my mom and my sisters gang up on me, it doesn’t really motivate me. It pushes me away,” Rob said, and he does have a point.

 “I can’t f–king talk about this right now.”

Tough love is great … but only to a point.

Unlike her brother, Khloe has no problem motivating herself to get in shape, but she still revealed to Kourtney what keeps her up at night.

Her fashion line. She needed to move 150,000 pairs of jeans in three months to please investors and her business partner, a lofty goal.

“I have so much anxiety,” Khloe said, noting that such a sales figure has “never happened in denim history.” Plus, there’s personal anxiety.

“Kylie [Jenner] sells hundreds of thousands of units in like, what? Three minutes?” Khloe said. “I know we’re not necessarily competing.”

“Still,” she admits, “I have always been known as the fat sister and now that I’m over that, I don’t want to be known as the failing sister.”

That’s certainly not happening.

Khloe’s sales were off the charts right out of the gate, proving that she is not the fat sister, or the failing sister, in any sense of the word.

Just the anxious sister.

Perhaps the insecurity and fear of failure is what drives her, like a lot of people in business, because Khloe’s hustle is killin’ it of late.



Saturday, March 4, 2017

Adam Lind: Did He Ditch Aubree and Her Father-Daughter Dance AGAIN?!

So hey, remember the little issue of that father-daughter dance that Chelsea Houska’s daughter, Aubree, had last season on Teen Mom 2?

Of course you do — it was one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the history of the show.

Last winter, right about this time, Aubree’s school held a special little dance. The girls could bring their fathers, they’d dance together, and it would be so precious.

Aubree got permission to bring both Adam Lind and Cole DeBoer — her real father and, at the time, her soon-to-be stepfather.

As Chelsea was helping Aubree get ready, she asked her why she wanted Cole to come at all, and Aubree adorably answered with “‘Cause he’s my other daddy.”

It was a good thing she felt that way, because when it was time for the dance, Adam didn’t show. He didn’t even call or text, so Cole took Aubree to the dance by himself.

In a later episode, Aubree went to watch Adam do some competitive weight lifting, and she asked him why he didn’t come to the dance.

And instead of apologizing for missing an event that was important to her, instead of acting even a little sorry that he stood her up, he told her that he missed the dance “‘Cause I had to do this.”

Yes, Adam didn’t take Aubree to the dance because he was practicing for his weight lifting competition.

It was a ridiculously sad moment, and unfortunately, it looks like it’s happened again.

Last night, Chelsea posted this photo on Instagram:

And her caption? “Off to the dance.”

So it looks like, once again, Cole stepped up when Adam couldn’t manage to spend one evening being a good father.

And Chelsea’s fans were quick to notice.

“You sure struck gold!” one of them told her. “And Aubree too. She won’t forget Cole’s love for her when her own ‘dad’ couldn’t step up!”

“How sweet,” another wrote. “He’s a good daddy to her. He might as well be her dad. Cause Adam don’t care. Cole is amazing.”

One person pointed out that “Dad isn’t spelled DNA,” and another asked “What kinda guy can sit back and let another man raise his child? Cole is a dream guy, so lucky.”

And they’re right — Cole is obviously a father figure to Aubree, and a great one at that. Chelsea is very, very lucky that she found such an upstanding, attractive guy to step into her little family.

It’s unbelievably sad that Adam can’t pull his head out of his ass long enough to be a good father, but let’s not think about that.

Let’s just look at that sweet picture, go “awww,” and thank goodness that Cole DeBoer exists.


Monday, February 20, 2017

Dwyane Wade, Gabrielle Union & Chris Bosh Ditch All-Star Game For Miami Boat Trip (VIDEO)

Dwyane Wade wasn’t an All-Star this season … but that didn’t stop him from livin’ it up like one with his old teammate Chris Bosh and their wives on a boat trip in Miami!! The Bulls star didn’t make the team for the first time in 12 seasons, but…


Dwyane Wade, Gabrielle Union & Chris Bosh Ditch All-Star Game For Miami Boat Trip (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Dwyane Wade wasn’t an All-Star this season … but that didn’t stop him from livin’ it up like one with his old teammate, Chris Bosh, and their wives on a boat trip in Miami!! The Bulls star didn’t make the team for the first time in 12…


Friday, February 19, 2016

Khloe Kardashian to Rob Kardashian: Don"t Ditch Your Family For Blac Chyna!

It’s been almost a month since we first learned that Rob Kardashian is dating Blac Chyna, and it looks as though the relationship may be here to stay.

The unlikely pairing has caused some tension within the Kardashian family, especially with Khloe, Rob’s former favorite sister who  recently kicked him and Blac out of her house

But just because she doesn’t want him hooking up under her house, that doesn’t mean she wants Rob out of her life.

Khloe tweeted the above photo last night, along with a caption reading, “It’s simple…I miss you.”

Kourtney Kardashian chimed in by tweeting, “True love.”

Based on their online sentiments, we think it’s safe to say the Kardashian girls haven’t seen their brother in quite some time.

There have even been reports of Blac forbidding Rob to see his family.

Sources say Blac and Rob have been living together ever since he got the boot from Khloe, and aside from the occasional Instagram post, they’ve been keeping a very low profile.

Rob has been showing reclusive tendencies for almost two years now, but when he lived with Khloe, at least his family got to see him.

Now, it seems that he’s not spending time with anyone but Blac, and his sisters are clearly becoming concerned.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Did She Ditch Tyga For the Golden Globes?

The 2016 Golden Globe Awards took place in Hollywood on Sunday night, and as always, Hollywood’s most talented stars were in attendance at the many swanky after-parties.

And some of the Kardashian-Jenner girls were there, too:

Yes, Kylie and Kourtney hit the red carpet at a party hosted by InStyle magazine, and it’s worth noting that there wasn’t a dude in sight.

Kourtney, of course, is single at the moment, but Kylie is – officially, at least – still dating Tyga.

Many believe the fact that the 26-year-old rapper was not by her side Sunday night could have something to do with the latest Tyga cheating scandal – and may well be an indication that Kylie has finally kicked her shady longtime boyfriend to the curb.

“Kourtney was not Kylie’s first choice as a date,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online

“Kylie was supposed to bring Tyga as her date last night, but after this last cheating rumor she told him that she needed a break to think things over.”

This “last cheating rumor” involves Tyga’s relationship with Annalu Cardoso – the 23-year-old Brazilian model that he was reportedly romancing behind Kylie’s back. 

Of course, it probably didn’t help that that rumor came on the heels of reports about Tyga stalking and harassing a 14-year-old girl via social media.

Needless to say, things aren’t going so well between Kylizzle and T-Raww these days, and the 18-year-old reality star has reportedly been leaning on her sisters for support.

“Kourtney has been a huge source of support for Kylie,” says one insider. 

“Kourtney has taken Kylie under her wing recently because no one in that family knows how to handle a bad news boyfriend more than Kourtney does. She will help her get through this.”

There aren’t many upsides to Kourtney’s situation, but one silver lining is that she certainly can sympathize with others who are unlucky in love.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Downton Abbey Stars Ditch British Accents, Blow Our Minds

Downton Abbey has been an unexpected giant hit in the United States for years now.

But it doesn"t feature zombies. Or naval officers solving crimes. And we can"t think of a single superhero who has ever made an appearance on the PBS drama.

So, what is the appeal?

Stephen Colbert thinks he knows.

The talk show host had stars Michelle Dockery, Hugh Bonneville and Allen Leech as guests on The Late Show this week and he offered up the notion that Americans love Downton Abbey because those British accents are just so cool.

They make everything sound so fancy and important.

But what if Dockery, Bonneville and Leech read a scene in American accents? What would the effect be?

Total and complete hilarity, that"s what!

Especially when Dockery uses a Valley Girl accent. And Bonneville comes across like a Disney villain of some kind. And then Leech shows them both up when he raises his voice many octives and, let"s face it, sounds like a stereotypical gay man.

"Let"s just forget about this. Mary, who are you wearing?" he concludes, much to the enjoyment of Colbert and his castmates.

Would you watch Downton Abbey online if the cast all used American accents?

It"s an intriguing question. Try to answer it as you experience this bizarre event below:

Downton abbey cast performs scene in american accents