Showing posts with label FatherDaughter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FatherDaughter. Show all posts

Friday, July 28, 2017

Adam Lind Ditches Aubree"s Father-Daughter Dance AGAIN!

Look, we all know Adam Lind is a garbage person.

Not a person whose job it is to collect trash — no, those people are fine citizens who perform an important service for society.

Adam Lind is a garbage person in the way that he may literally be made of garbage.

He’s that awful.

We don’t have time to recount all the many, many ways in which he is the worst — no one has that kind of time.

But just to do a quick recap, he’s failed a drug test earlier this year when he was found to have meth in his system, and people in his life claim that he also does steroids.

The mother of his second child has also claimed that he’s killed her puppies, and that he’s been abusive towards her in the past.

On top of all that, he’s one of the worst parents in Teen Mom history.

And right now, we’re going to focus on that last bit.

Though we’ve seen many, many examples of Adam being a bad father on Teen Mom 2, perhaps the most heartbreaking example was when he stood up his daughter, Aubree, for a dance.

Last year, Aubree’s school had a special father-daughter dance, and she got permission from her school to bring both Adam and Chelsea Houska’s then-boyfriend, Cole DeBoer.

(She wanted Cole to come along because while Adam is her father, Cole is her “other daddy,” as she explained at the time.)

Ultimately Adam didn’t show up at all, and he didn’t call or text, either, so Cole took Aubree by himself.

The next time the poor little girl was with her dad, she asked him why he didn’t show up for the dance, and he told her he was busy practicing for a weight-lifting competition.

Pathetic, right?

And now, thanks to a bittersweet Teen Mom 2 sneak peek, we know that Adam missed this year’s father-daughter dance, too.

The clip starts with Aubree and Cole riding around in his truck, and he asks her “Are you ready to go dancin’?!”

“I didn’t know it was tonight,” she tells him, and he confirms that the father-daughter dance is indeed that night.

“Better bring your dancing shoes, ‘cause it’s on,” he says.

Did we mention that it’s physically painful how adorable Cole is?

Later that day, we see Aubree and home with Chelsea, and Cole brings in two bouquets of flowers for his stepdaughter.

One of Chelsea’s nieces is there too, and it looks like her father, Randy, is accompanying her to the dance.

Chelsea asks Aubree if she can see her dance moves, and she obliges, then Chelsea shows off her moves, and all the while little baby Watson is chilling in a baby swing.

Randy even gets in on the dancing, too!

Cutest Teen Mom 2 clip ever? It’s a solid possibility.

It’s also pretty telling that this time around, there’s not even a mention of Adam.

Cole steps up for Aubree, just like he’s always done, and it’s not even an issue.

Which, on one hand, is great for Aubree. But on the other … man, how is Adam this big of a douchebag?


Friday, March 10, 2017

Tony Romo Recruited to Texans By Singing Father/Daughter Fans (ADORABLE VIDEO)

This might be the most effective recruiting video yet.  A pair of Houston Texans superfans made a singing/dancing plea to Tony Romo to join their favorite team. Dad’s got a decent voice … but the daughter’s dance moves are insane! Do it,…


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Adam Lind: Did He Ditch Aubree and Her Father-Daughter Dance AGAIN?!

So hey, remember the little issue of that father-daughter dance that Chelsea Houska’s daughter, Aubree, had last season on Teen Mom 2?

Of course you do — it was one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the history of the show.

Last winter, right about this time, Aubree’s school held a special little dance. The girls could bring their fathers, they’d dance together, and it would be so precious.

Aubree got permission to bring both Adam Lind and Cole DeBoer — her real father and, at the time, her soon-to-be stepfather.

As Chelsea was helping Aubree get ready, she asked her why she wanted Cole to come at all, and Aubree adorably answered with “‘Cause he’s my other daddy.”

It was a good thing she felt that way, because when it was time for the dance, Adam didn’t show. He didn’t even call or text, so Cole took Aubree to the dance by himself.

In a later episode, Aubree went to watch Adam do some competitive weight lifting, and she asked him why he didn’t come to the dance.

And instead of apologizing for missing an event that was important to her, instead of acting even a little sorry that he stood her up, he told her that he missed the dance “‘Cause I had to do this.”

Yes, Adam didn’t take Aubree to the dance because he was practicing for his weight lifting competition.

It was a ridiculously sad moment, and unfortunately, it looks like it’s happened again.

Last night, Chelsea posted this photo on Instagram:

And her caption? “Off to the dance.”

So it looks like, once again, Cole stepped up when Adam couldn’t manage to spend one evening being a good father.

And Chelsea’s fans were quick to notice.

“You sure struck gold!” one of them told her. “And Aubree too. She won’t forget Cole’s love for her when her own ‘dad’ couldn’t step up!”

“How sweet,” another wrote. “He’s a good daddy to her. He might as well be her dad. Cause Adam don’t care. Cole is amazing.”

One person pointed out that “Dad isn’t spelled DNA,” and another asked “What kinda guy can sit back and let another man raise his child? Cole is a dream guy, so lucky.”

And they’re right — Cole is obviously a father figure to Aubree, and a great one at that. Chelsea is very, very lucky that she found such an upstanding, attractive guy to step into her little family.

It’s unbelievably sad that Adam can’t pull his head out of his ass long enough to be a good father, but let’s not think about that.

Let’s just look at that sweet picture, go “awww,” and thank goodness that Cole DeBoer exists.
