Showing posts with label Bonner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bonner. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

LB Bonner 911 Call: Did the Star Try Save Himself?

We have a surprising update on the death of LB Bonner.

As previously reported, the former fan favorite on My 600-lb Life was found dead in a ditch nearly two weeks ago.

A handful of follow-up reports confirmed that Bonner shot himself in the head, bringing a tragic end to a life that saw its many shares of ups and downs.

At the time Bonner appeared on My 600-lb Life, he weighed well over 600 pounds.

He had fallen into a dark depression following a car accident in 2013 that required his leg to be amputated.

However, during his run on the popular reality series, Bonner committed himself to dieting and exercise, while also undergoing lap band surgery, and eventually dropped over 300 pounds.

He was considered a major success story.

Sadly, however, true depression never really goes away… and those close to Bonner have said they saw signs of his mental decline over the past few weeks.

This is the surprising new piece of information, however:

As featured on this page, Bonner actually dials 911 prior to taking his own life.

TMZ has obtained a recording of this call, which features a dispatcher repeatedly asking Bonner for his location.

She says she cannot understand what Bonner is saying and the line is eventually disconnected.

When the operator calls Bonner back, it goes to his voicemail.

Was Bonner having second thoughts?

Did he call in the hope that he could be talked out of suicide and/or in an attempt to get someone out to rescue him?

And then he perhaps took it as some sort of sign when his message was unable to be received and he then went through with the horrible act?

We"ll never known, of course. But we can"t help but ask these kinds of questions.

Elsewhere in this video, we hear Bonner mother also call 911.

She says that her son had been posting threats about hurting himself online and she was afraid he was going to "do something stupid." 

Just so very tragic all around.

Click PLAY to hear what we have to assume were Bonner"s final words, and then to hear his mom talk about the state in which her son was in and her ongoing concern for his well-being.


Lb bonner 911 call did the star try save himself

"My 600-lb Life" Star LB Bonner Hung Up on 911 Before Suicide, Mom Called Too

LB Bonner called 911 before he shot himself, but the operator couldn’t help him out because she couldn’t hear him … according to the audio. The former “My 600-lb Life” star can be heard trying to give his location on the call — obtained by TMZ…


Friday, August 10, 2018

L.B. Bonner: What May Have Led the Reality Star to Commit Suicide?

We may have some new information on what drove L.B. Bonner to commit suicide last week.

As previously reported, the former 600-lb Life cast member took his own life via gunshot wound outside of his home in Lexington, South Carolina.

According to the official autopsy report, Bonner was discovered dead in a ditch.

What could have driven the 30-year old to make such a drastic decision?

That’s the most frustrating aspect of suicide in many ways: we’ll never know the answer.

But Bonner had to have his led amputated after getting into a severe car accident in 2013 and a friend tells Radar Online that the experience left Bonner not just physically scarred…

… but mentally scarred as well.

Following this incident, Bonner turned to food and alcohol, eventually climbing to 650 pounds before joining the cast of this TLC series and shedding the weight via diet, exercise and lap band surgery.

Still, the aforementioned friend, who is also an amputee, explains why losing one’s limb can leave a dangerous and lasting impression.

“I knew him when I lived in South Carolina,” this person tells Radar, explaining;

“He was a bouncer at night clubs we used to go to. Also, both of us are amputees.

“Both of us are also or were also members of the support group where you can speak to other issues that you’re going through.”

This friend says she lost touch with Bonner in recent years, but still feels as if she knew him well enough to speak on this tragedy.

“A lot of amputees think that they can’t do everything they used to do or get depressed or feel like someone would never want them. I’ve been lucky.

“I’ve always had the mentality that if someone tells me I can’t do something then I’m going to do it anyway with or without two legs.

“I think he tried to have that mentality, but with everything else he was dealing with…”

In March, Bonner started a GoFundMe page with a goal of earning $ 7,500 to pay for a new leg.

It does seem clear that the ex-reality star was affected tremendously by his amputation.

“My insurance won’t cover a new leg and I’ve gotten to the point where just walking is becoming very painful, let alone going to the gym and working out hard like I was before,” Bonner said this spring.

Still, he worked to lose over 300 pounds a few years ago and was considered a My 600-lb Life success story. He was also a fan favorite.

Viewers have taken his suicide very hard.


In the wake of Bonner’s passing, TLC issued the following statement:

On the show, viewers saw LB struggle with obesity following a tragic accident that claimed his right leg.

Even though he once weighed 650 pounds, LB’s hard work and dedication helped get him in the 200-pound range.

His spirit and determination as displayed through his story, quickly made LB a fan-favorite, and family & friends have taken to LB’s Facebook page to commemorate his life.

TLC was deeply saddened to hear of LB’s passing and is honored to have shared his honest and courageous story on My 600-lb Life.

May he rest in peace.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

L.B. Bonner Autopsy Confirms Cause of Reality Star"s Death

We have an official follow-up on the tragic death of L.B. Bonner.

As previously detailed to the best of our ability, the former 600-lb Life star was found dead last week in park in Lexington, South Carolina.

Initial reports, however, made it unclear just how Bonner passed away, although all signs pointed to suicide and certain outlets said Bonner’s was discovered in a ditch.

Thanks to the official coroner’s report, we can now confirm this very sad piece of news:

L.B. Bonner died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

It does still remain unclear, however, just what prompted someone inside Bonner’s home to call 911 because he or she was concerned about the former TLC star’s well-being.

This is what led to an officer arriving on the scene and eventually finding Bonner’s corpse.

Such a detail is unimportant at this point; there are just so many questions to ponder any time someone commits suicide.

Prior to his death, Bonner shared a Facebook message in which he thanked everyone for their support and said he needed to “face his demons.”

“I just want to say thank you to everyone who has shown me love and support throughout my journey,” he wrote in this post, adding:

“I’ve realized a few things over the last few days and its time that I face my demons head on.”

He added, in what effectively served as a suicide note:

No matter what you change or the efforts you put forth in life, sometimes you just have to take it on the chin and deal with things your own way.

Again, thank y’all so much. Please don’t ever let people you care about not know how you feel…

This post served as quite a troubling change from Bonner’s usual presence on Facebook.

As evidenced by a message he penned mere days before he killed himself, Bonner often started each morning with an inspiring set of words.

In 2013, Bonner lost his leg in a car crash and later turned to food and alcohol to cope with the loss.

He weighed 650 pounds at the time he started filming My 600-lb Life.

Over the course of his stint on the series, though, the 30-year-old got sober and underwent a lap-band surgery, which led to him losing over 400 pounds.

He was considered by viewers and producers to be one of the program’s most impressive success stories.

But it was clear, to anyone that paid close attention, that Bonner often struggled with his mental health.

In June, he shared a photo of the late Robin Williams (who committed suicide) on Instagram with the saying: “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind. ALWAYS.”

Wrote Bonner as his caption:

“This is so true, step out your comfort zone to be kind.”

In the wake of his passing, TLC released a statement that read:

James “LB” Bonner, who appeared on this past season of My 600-lb Life, has sadly passed away.

On the show, viewers saw LB struggle with obesity following a tragic accident that claimed his right leg. Even though he once weighed 650 pounds, LB’s hard work and dedication helped get him in the 200-pound range.

His spirit and determination as displayed through his story, quickly made LB a fan-favorite, and family & friends have taken to LB’s Facebook page to commemorate his life.

TLC was deeply saddened to hear of LB’s passing and is honored to have shared his honest and courageous story on My 600-lb Life.


Friday, August 3, 2018

"My 600-lb Life" Star L.B. Bonner Found Dead in Ditch with Gunshot Wound

L.B. Bonner — who appeared on “My 600-lb Life” and ultimately dropped over 300 pounds — was found dead in a ditch with a gunshot wound … TMZ has learned. Police were making a welfare check Thursday night when they found him in a park in…


L.B. Bonner Dead of Apparent Suicide; My 600-LB Life Star was 31

James “L.B.” Bonner, a reality star who appeared on the Lifetime series My 600-LB Life, was found dead on Thursday morning.

He was 31 years old.

According to Radar Online, police in Lexington, South Carolina responded to a call from Bonner’s home at 7:45am yesterday…

… but that’s all that has been reported to date regarding what happened with Bonner.

Two of the former reality star’s friends, however, Stephanie Garbinsky and Shaylee Gantt, have confirmed that L.B. is no longer with us.

“He passed away,” one of them told Radar, adding that many people close to Bonner are saying on Facebook that he “took his own life.”

We would like to stress, however, that we cannot confirm this at the moment.

Added another acquaintance:

“Haven’t heard exactly what happened, but I keep seeing people say something about depression is real.

And I know his dad has been sick recently also. My husband has known him since he was a little boy.

“This is so sad and so unexpected. I thought he was doing really well with his new job and girlfriend. Not to mention his weight loss and upcoming surgery.”


Bonner lost his leg in a car accident in 2013, eventually turning to to food and alcohol for comfort and at one point reaching 650 pounds.

But through diet and exercise and lap band surgery, he dropped down to close to 200 pounds of late and was also firmly on the wagon.

Loved ones have said Bonner was sober at the time he died.

L.B. was also known for starting each day by sharing an inspirational or motivational quote on Facebook.

This is what he wrote on July 31:

bonner fb

Contrast that message with the one he posted on this same account the morning of his death.

We’ve shared it below.

Does this confirm reports of suicide? No.

But it sheds some light on what Bonner may have been thinking or going through on Thursday:


UPDATE: Someone on Facebook has now posted the following:

Hi, I’m LB’s sister Angela. It is true, LB has taken his life.

We are all shocked at the moment and trying to figure this out. LB was adored by many people and I would like to thank all of you for supporting him through this journey.

Elsewhere today, LB’s friend and fellow My 600-Lb Life participant Doug Armstrong just changed his Facebook profile picture to one of the two men together earlier this year.

This could also be taken as a strong sign that Bonner is dead.

more bon

How sad and awful.

We send our condolences to Bonner’s friends, family members and loved ones.

May he rest in peace.

If you or someone you know is in an emotional distress or suicidal, please call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).


Friday, March 24, 2017

"DWTS" Bull Rider Bonner Bolton: I Treat Sharna Like a Lady ... On and Off the Dance Floor (VIDEO)

‘DWTS’ bull rider Bonner Bolton is a gentleman … according to Bonner Bolton. Bonner was leaving the dance studio with pro dance partner Sharna Burgess Thursday when they set the record straight on Bonner’s crotch grab. Both say it was…


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Bonner Bolton: Very Likely Boning Sharna Burgess!

Bonner Bolton and Sharna Burgess may not have scored especially high with the judges on Monday night’s Dancing with the Stars premiere.

But they are almost definitely scoring with each other.

In the bedroom. Via sexual intercourse.

Rumors of a romantic relationship between the Dancing with the Stars partners made the rounds of the Internet nearly as soon as this week’s opening episode concluded.

For one thing, the chemistry between the bull rider and the professional dancer was apparent to anyone that tuned in.

It was even a topic of discussion for both Bolton and Burgess when speaking to reporters after completion of their Cha Cha.

“I was telling her before we started tonight, ‘I can’t look at you for too long. I might get distracted,” Bolton said, explaining:

“That’s why I might miss some of my steps. She’s obviously beautiful.”

For her part, Burgess acknowledged there was “really obvious chemistry” between the stars, but said she was trying to keep things “professional.”

Then, of course, there was CrotchGrabGate.

A backstage camera captured Bolton running his hand over a certain private part on Monday, only for Burgess to gently place Bonner’s fingers elsewhere.

You can very clearly see the interaction here:

Did Bolton accidentally touch his partner in her most sacred region? Maybe.

Or did he sort of forget there was a television camera around and simply caress his lover as if they were hanging out in the living room together? That’s our theory.

And the fact that Bolton and Burgess were spotted out on Tuesday evening at the Cowboy Palace Saloon in Chatsworth, California only backs up this belief.

According to Entertainment Tonight and photos snapped by Splash News, the rumored couple was in good spirits, taking to the dance floor to show off Bolton’s newly-perfected skills.

Moreover, Burgess was full of smiles when the 29-year-old athlete whispered in her ear as they waltzed around the country western establishment.

An onlooker says Bolton wrapped his arms around his Australian dancing partner at one point, prompting Burgess to hold in to Bolton’s hand in response.

She didn’t move it away at all this time around!

Neither Sharna nor Bonner has confirmed that he or she has seen the other one naked, but the former did defend the latter against accusations that he purposely accosted her in the above video.

“Anyone who has the ridiculous idea that it was intentional…is straight up stupid,” Burgess Tweeted in reply to the hullabaloo surrounding Bolton’s hand movements.

She added:

“It was innocent. @bonner_bolton’s a true southern gentleman & was so embarrassed that it even happened let alone got caught on camera for gossips to gawk at.”

For the record, we do believe the grab was intentional.

But in a sweet way.

In a way that reveals what the stars really might as well come out and say at this point:

They are totally getting it on!


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

"DWTS" Star Sharna Burgess Defends Bonner Bolton, Digs Him (VIDEO)

Sharna Burgess says pro bull rider Bonner Bolton made an innocent mistake when he nearly grabbed her crotch, but make no mistake about it … she digs her “Dancing with the Stars” partner. Sharna came on “TMZ Live” to defend Bonner, who…


Sharna Burgess Responds to #CrotchGate, Gushes Over Bonner Bolton

Sharna Burgess and Bonner Bolton expected to be asked about their Cha Cha following the premiere of Dancing with the Stars Season 24.

They did not expect to be asked about Sharna’s, well… cha cha. 

If you know what we mean.

But the professional dancer and her bull riding partner found themselves at the center of an unexpected controversy Monday night, after footage surfaced of the pair backstage.

They were sitting around with other contestants, waiting for Erin Andrews to interview Nick Viall following his first performance, when Burgess saddled up close to Bolton.

As you can see below, it certainly appears as if Bolton then moves his hand over Sharna’s thigh and down to her crotch.

She responds buy gently and casually placing it elsewhere:

Did Bolton feel up Sharna against her will? We strongly doubt it.

Did his hand linger in that forbidden area for a few nanoseconds by sheer accident? That’s very possible.

But so is this: 

Bolton and Burgess are both single. Their chemistry on screen was so palpable that both stars were asked about it after they left the dance floor.

Perhaps the two are simply hooking up, Bolton wanted to be affectionate and Burgess quickly corrected him, essentially saying: Not now, darling.

“Obviously we have chemistry,” she told E! News last night, adding:

“We’re not going to stand here and lie and say we don’t, but everyone made such a big deal tonight that I didn’t really know what to say to it… I’ve never blushed on this show, ever in my life, and I legit blushed tonight.”

And then there was this from Bolton, to People Magazine:

“I was telling her before we started tonight, ‘I can’t look at you for too long. I might get distracted. That’s why I might miss some of my steps.’ She’s obviously beautiful.”

Is there any doubt these two are doing far more than the Waltz behind closed doors?

In response to the video above and the photo below, however, Sharna took to Twitter this morning and cleared up all the rumors.

She made it as clear as she could that Bolton did NOT act in an inappropriate manner.

“Anyone who has the ridiculous idea that it was intentional…is straight up stupid,” Burgess wrote, adding:

“As in lacking [the] intelligence to realize it was innocent. @bonner_bolton’s a true southern gentleman & was so embarrassed that it even happened let alone got caught on camera for gossips to gawk at.”

An insider, meanwhile, tells E! News that Bolton and Burgess are” really enjoying to get to know each other.”

We can only imagine!

On the actual dance floor, however, they only scored a total of 22 points for their opening number.

So the duo better step it up if they want to return in subsequent weeks.

Or they shouldn’t bother, if their goal is to actually get off the show as quickly as possible in order to have alone time, where Bolton can touch whatever body part of Burgess he wants to, far away from the camera.

If you know what we mean.


Bonner Bolton Gropes Sharna Burgess on DWTS: Watch! Squirm!

Bonner Bolton and Sharna Burgess performed the Cha Cha on Monday night to help kick off Dancing with the Stars Season 24.

The professional bull rider and his partner displayed obvious chemistry on the dance floor, despite earning a a combined score of only 22 points from the judges…

… but it was an incident backstage that has everyone talking.

As Erin Andrews waited to talk to Nick Viall and the other contestants sat around behind the scenes, cameras caught Bolton pretty clearly pulling a Donald Trump:

He grabbed Burgess by the crotch!

Sharna proceeded to place Bolton"s hand on her leg instead, but the awkward damage had already been done.

At least on the Internet.

This photo, for example, will live forever in infamy.

“I was telling her before we started tonight, ‘I can’t look at you for too long. I might get distracted. That’s why I might miss some of my steps,"” Bolton told People Magazine after the show, not helping matters and adding:

“She’s obviously beautiful.”

Burgess also acknowledged the "really obvious chemistry" between the partners, but said she is trying to remain "professional."

That could be challenging if Bolton keeps making unwanted advances.

We say that in jest. We assume this was a simple mistake.

But you can watch the clip and decide for yourself:

Sharna burgess removes bonner boltons hand from crotch