Tuesday, August 14, 2018

LB Bonner 911 Call: Did the Star Try Save Himself?

We have a surprising update on the death of LB Bonner.

As previously reported, the former fan favorite on My 600-lb Life was found dead in a ditch nearly two weeks ago.

A handful of follow-up reports confirmed that Bonner shot himself in the head, bringing a tragic end to a life that saw its many shares of ups and downs.

At the time Bonner appeared on My 600-lb Life, he weighed well over 600 pounds.

He had fallen into a dark depression following a car accident in 2013 that required his leg to be amputated.

However, during his run on the popular reality series, Bonner committed himself to dieting and exercise, while also undergoing lap band surgery, and eventually dropped over 300 pounds.

He was considered a major success story.

Sadly, however, true depression never really goes away… and those close to Bonner have said they saw signs of his mental decline over the past few weeks.

This is the surprising new piece of information, however:

As featured on this page, Bonner actually dials 911 prior to taking his own life.

TMZ has obtained a recording of this call, which features a dispatcher repeatedly asking Bonner for his location.

She says she cannot understand what Bonner is saying and the line is eventually disconnected.

When the operator calls Bonner back, it goes to his voicemail.

Was Bonner having second thoughts?

Did he call in the hope that he could be talked out of suicide and/or in an attempt to get someone out to rescue him?

And then he perhaps took it as some sort of sign when his message was unable to be received and he then went through with the horrible act?

We"ll never known, of course. But we can"t help but ask these kinds of questions.

Elsewhere in this video, we hear Bonner mother also call 911.

She says that her son had been posting threats about hurting himself online and she was afraid he was going to "do something stupid." 

Just so very tragic all around.

Click PLAY to hear what we have to assume were Bonner"s final words, and then to hear his mom talk about the state in which her son was in and her ongoing concern for his well-being.


Lb bonner 911 call did the star try save himself