Showing posts with label Bolton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bolton. Show all posts

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Michael Bolton Says He"s Down to Caddie for Tiger Woods

Michael Bolton is PUMPED on the Tiger Woods comeback tour — and says he’s down to hit the links with Tiger … as his caddie! FYI, Bolton’s been tearin’ it up on the celeb golf circuit for years … and giving Woods words of encouragement whenever…


Friday, March 24, 2017

"DWTS" Bull Rider Bonner Bolton: I Treat Sharna Like a Lady ... On and Off the Dance Floor (VIDEO)

‘DWTS’ bull rider Bonner Bolton is a gentleman … according to Bonner Bolton. Bonner was leaving the dance studio with pro dance partner Sharna Burgess Thursday when they set the record straight on Bonner’s crotch grab. Both say it was…


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Bonner Bolton: Very Likely Boning Sharna Burgess!

Bonner Bolton and Sharna Burgess may not have scored especially high with the judges on Monday night’s Dancing with the Stars premiere.

But they are almost definitely scoring with each other.

In the bedroom. Via sexual intercourse.

Rumors of a romantic relationship between the Dancing with the Stars partners made the rounds of the Internet nearly as soon as this week’s opening episode concluded.

For one thing, the chemistry between the bull rider and the professional dancer was apparent to anyone that tuned in.

It was even a topic of discussion for both Bolton and Burgess when speaking to reporters after completion of their Cha Cha.

“I was telling her before we started tonight, ‘I can’t look at you for too long. I might get distracted,” Bolton said, explaining:

“That’s why I might miss some of my steps. She’s obviously beautiful.”

For her part, Burgess acknowledged there was “really obvious chemistry” between the stars, but said she was trying to keep things “professional.”

Then, of course, there was CrotchGrabGate.

A backstage camera captured Bolton running his hand over a certain private part on Monday, only for Burgess to gently place Bonner’s fingers elsewhere.

You can very clearly see the interaction here:

Did Bolton accidentally touch his partner in her most sacred region? Maybe.

Or did he sort of forget there was a television camera around and simply caress his lover as if they were hanging out in the living room together? That’s our theory.

And the fact that Bolton and Burgess were spotted out on Tuesday evening at the Cowboy Palace Saloon in Chatsworth, California only backs up this belief.

According to Entertainment Tonight and photos snapped by Splash News, the rumored couple was in good spirits, taking to the dance floor to show off Bolton’s newly-perfected skills.

Moreover, Burgess was full of smiles when the 29-year-old athlete whispered in her ear as they waltzed around the country western establishment.

An onlooker says Bolton wrapped his arms around his Australian dancing partner at one point, prompting Burgess to hold in to Bolton’s hand in response.

She didn’t move it away at all this time around!

Neither Sharna nor Bonner has confirmed that he or she has seen the other one naked, but the former did defend the latter against accusations that he purposely accosted her in the above video.

“Anyone who has the ridiculous idea that it was intentional…is straight up stupid,” Burgess Tweeted in reply to the hullabaloo surrounding Bolton’s hand movements.

She added:

“It was innocent. @bonner_bolton’s a true southern gentleman & was so embarrassed that it even happened let alone got caught on camera for gossips to gawk at.”

For the record, we do believe the grab was intentional.

But in a sweet way.

In a way that reveals what the stars really might as well come out and say at this point:

They are totally getting it on!


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

"DWTS" Star Sharna Burgess Defends Bonner Bolton, Digs Him (VIDEO)

Sharna Burgess says pro bull rider Bonner Bolton made an innocent mistake when he nearly grabbed her crotch, but make no mistake about it … she digs her “Dancing with the Stars” partner. Sharna came on “TMZ Live” to defend Bonner, who…


Sharna Burgess Responds to #CrotchGate, Gushes Over Bonner Bolton

Sharna Burgess and Bonner Bolton expected to be asked about their Cha Cha following the premiere of Dancing with the Stars Season 24.

They did not expect to be asked about Sharna’s, well… cha cha. 

If you know what we mean.

But the professional dancer and her bull riding partner found themselves at the center of an unexpected controversy Monday night, after footage surfaced of the pair backstage.

They were sitting around with other contestants, waiting for Erin Andrews to interview Nick Viall following his first performance, when Burgess saddled up close to Bolton.

As you can see below, it certainly appears as if Bolton then moves his hand over Sharna’s thigh and down to her crotch.

She responds buy gently and casually placing it elsewhere:

Did Bolton feel up Sharna against her will? We strongly doubt it.

Did his hand linger in that forbidden area for a few nanoseconds by sheer accident? That’s very possible.

But so is this: 

Bolton and Burgess are both single. Their chemistry on screen was so palpable that both stars were asked about it after they left the dance floor.

Perhaps the two are simply hooking up, Bolton wanted to be affectionate and Burgess quickly corrected him, essentially saying: Not now, darling.

“Obviously we have chemistry,” she told E! News last night, adding:

“We’re not going to stand here and lie and say we don’t, but everyone made such a big deal tonight that I didn’t really know what to say to it… I’ve never blushed on this show, ever in my life, and I legit blushed tonight.”

And then there was this from Bolton, to People Magazine:

“I was telling her before we started tonight, ‘I can’t look at you for too long. I might get distracted. That’s why I might miss some of my steps.’ She’s obviously beautiful.”

Is there any doubt these two are doing far more than the Waltz behind closed doors?

In response to the video above and the photo below, however, Sharna took to Twitter this morning and cleared up all the rumors.

She made it as clear as she could that Bolton did NOT act in an inappropriate manner.

“Anyone who has the ridiculous idea that it was intentional…is straight up stupid,” Burgess wrote, adding:

“As in lacking [the] intelligence to realize it was innocent. @bonner_bolton’s a true southern gentleman & was so embarrassed that it even happened let alone got caught on camera for gossips to gawk at.”

An insider, meanwhile, tells E! News that Bolton and Burgess are” really enjoying to get to know each other.”

We can only imagine!

On the actual dance floor, however, they only scored a total of 22 points for their opening number.

So the duo better step it up if they want to return in subsequent weeks.

Or they shouldn’t bother, if their goal is to actually get off the show as quickly as possible in order to have alone time, where Bolton can touch whatever body part of Burgess he wants to, far away from the camera.

If you know what we mean.


Bonner Bolton Gropes Sharna Burgess on DWTS: Watch! Squirm!

Bonner Bolton and Sharna Burgess performed the Cha Cha on Monday night to help kick off Dancing with the Stars Season 24.

The professional bull rider and his partner displayed obvious chemistry on the dance floor, despite earning a a combined score of only 22 points from the judges…

… but it was an incident backstage that has everyone talking.

As Erin Andrews waited to talk to Nick Viall and the other contestants sat around behind the scenes, cameras caught Bolton pretty clearly pulling a Donald Trump:

He grabbed Burgess by the crotch!

Sharna proceeded to place Bolton"s hand on her leg instead, but the awkward damage had already been done.

At least on the Internet.

This photo, for example, will live forever in infamy.

“I was telling her before we started tonight, ‘I can’t look at you for too long. I might get distracted. That’s why I might miss some of my steps,"” Bolton told People Magazine after the show, not helping matters and adding:

“She’s obviously beautiful.”

Burgess also acknowledged the "really obvious chemistry" between the partners, but said she is trying to remain "professional."

That could be challenging if Bolton keeps making unwanted advances.

We say that in jest. We assume this was a simple mistake.

But you can watch the clip and decide for yourself:

Sharna burgess removes bonner boltons hand from crotch

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Jon Snow vs. Ramsay Bolton: A Bastard Bowl Tale of the Tape

As longtime Game of Thrones fans know, the penultimate episode of any season can usually be counted on to deliver in the dramatic fireworks department, and Sunday night"s installment promises to be no different.

In fact, after two weeks of what often felt like place-setting episodes, the alliances are set, the sides have been chose, and "Battle of the Bastards" is poised to hit us with what sure to be one of the show"s most epic and game-changing clashes to date.

As usual, supposed spoilers abound in all corners of the Internet, but no one really knows what will happen when Jon Snow attempts to take back Winterfell from the demented Ramsay Bolton.

So here"s a quick rundown of what we can expect based on the books, the information released by HBO thus far, and the personal histories of two very different motherless warriors.

(As always, you can watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic if you need to get caught up.)

We"ll start with the chief combatants:


1. Jon Snow

Jon snow battle of the bastards

The Bastard of Winterfell, the former Lord Commandor of the Night’s Watch, the Dashing Undead. His ex used to tell him he knew nothing, but after surviving battles like the ones we saw in “The Watchers on the Wall” and Hardhome” this revenant knows everything about waging war … especially on his home turf.

2. Ramsay Bolton

Ramsay bolton still awful

The Bastard of Bolton, the Flayer of Men, the Eater of Suggestive Sausages. Ramsay may not know Winterfell as well as Jon and Sansa (who grew up there), but he’s a proven military leader, and he certainly has the edge in the sadism department.

3. What Are the Odds?

Game of thrones battle scene

There’s no way both bastards are getting out of this thing alive. Vegas bookmakers are giving 1/3 odds that Ramsay will bite the dust. Jon, the clear favorite, is at 9/1. After all, this season started off with Jon as a corpse. They’re not gonna kill him off again THAT quickly.

4. How Big Are the Armies?

Wildling army

Ramsay has over 5,000 men, while Jon (with help from Sansa and Ser Davos) managed to round up a rag-tag bunch of just 2,000. But hey, we hear those 62 from Bear Island can fight like ten men!

5. What Happens if the Starks Win?

Jon snow glares

They recapture Winterfell, unseat Ramsay as Warden of the North and probably kill him. They free Rickon Stark and set set up shop in the castle Jon and Sansa grew up in as their new base of operations. We learned last week that Arya is also headed home to Winterfell, and you can that would be one tearjerker of a family reunion.

6. What’s at Stake?

Sansa stark at winterfell

Winterfeeeeeell! The Stark family home where Robert Baratheon asked Ned Stark to be the Hand of the King, and Jaime Lannister pushed Bran from a window so many years ago. Add to that the fact that Ramsay raped and tormented Sansa during their brief marriage and the fact that the Boltons are partially responsible for the Red Wedding, and you can see what sort of emotions are involved. In a way, the show has building to the Starks’ return to Winterfell ever since, so there’s definitely more than just a castle in play here.

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