Showing posts with label Ramsay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramsay. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Gordon Ramsay We"re Having Baby Number 5!!!

Gordon Ramsay‘s wife has somethin’ cookin’ … a new baby!!!
Gordon and his brood posted a New Year’s Day announcement that his wife, Tana, is pregnant … very pregnant.

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Gordon Ramsay We"re Having Baby Number 5!!!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Sarah Symonds: Gordon Ramsay Had a Vasectomy! Tana"s Miscarriage is FAKE!!

Gordon Ramsay’s former mistress Sarah Symonds believes the celebrity chef’s wife was never recently pregnant and is faking a miscarriage.

Who would do such a thing (besides Tila Tequila)?

Sad news of Tana Ramsay’s miscarriage surprised his fans this spring, and sparked an outpouring of support for the longtime couple.

Not from Sarah Symonds, however.

“I feel he was motivated to talk about his wife Tana’s ‘phantom’ pregnancy, and then losing the child, for its public relations value,” she says.

“I find it curious that his wife never showed a baby bump up through the fifth month, when he alleged she lost the child,” Sarah adds.

“Furthermore, she never once talked publicly about being in a pregnant way, leaving that for Gordon to do on a late night talk show.”

“Then, when she miscarried, he once again took control, posting an official statement about it on Facebook.”

Accusing him of milking the story “to engender sympathy from his adoring fans,” she said, “I’m asking that he turn over his medical records.”

That’s right … his medical records.

Because he had told her, allegedly, several times during their seven year affair that he’d had a vasectomy. Naturally.

“If somehow her pregnancy was for real and she lost the baby, I truly feel for her,” added Symonds.

“But if that was the case, then it’s also possible that Gordon never had a vasectomy in the first place and lied to me so that he could have unprotected sex!”

“In fact, he only used a condom our last time together at my insistence because I’d been told there were other women.”

“To be on the safe side, I was on the pill.”

Is it possible to have a vasectomy and then get it reversed? Of course, and Symonds acknowledges this is a possibility, but …

“Gordon blabs about just about everything in his personal life, so why wouldn’t he talk about having had a vasectomy and then getting it reversed?”

“Gordon told me in no uncertain terms that he couldn’t have any more kids because of the vasectomy he’d had.”

“So which is it, did he ever have the procedure, was it reversed or was it just another of his many outright lies to me?”

“He owes me some small degree of respect in this matter given we’d been intimate for such a long period,” she ranted.

Moreover, “by going public with his story he could have helped so many men going through the same thing … to be a beacon of support.”

We’re trying not to laugh at that last line.

Furthermore, Symonds questioned her ability to even get pregnant at age 41, because her last child was conceived with the help of IVF.

Ramsay and Tana have been married since 1996. They have four kids, daughters Megan 17, Holly, 16, and Matilda, 14, and son, Jack, 16.

Symonds blasted Gordon, 49, for treating his wife like a “rag doll” and said she was in denial when their 2001-2008 affair went public.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Jon Snow vs. Ramsay Bolton: A Bastard Bowl Tale of the Tape

As longtime Game of Thrones fans know, the penultimate episode of any season can usually be counted on to deliver in the dramatic fireworks department, and Sunday night"s installment promises to be no different.

In fact, after two weeks of what often felt like place-setting episodes, the alliances are set, the sides have been chose, and "Battle of the Bastards" is poised to hit us with what sure to be one of the show"s most epic and game-changing clashes to date.

As usual, supposed spoilers abound in all corners of the Internet, but no one really knows what will happen when Jon Snow attempts to take back Winterfell from the demented Ramsay Bolton.

So here"s a quick rundown of what we can expect based on the books, the information released by HBO thus far, and the personal histories of two very different motherless warriors.

(As always, you can watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic if you need to get caught up.)

We"ll start with the chief combatants:


1. Jon Snow

Jon snow battle of the bastards

The Bastard of Winterfell, the former Lord Commandor of the Night’s Watch, the Dashing Undead. His ex used to tell him he knew nothing, but after surviving battles like the ones we saw in “The Watchers on the Wall” and Hardhome” this revenant knows everything about waging war … especially on his home turf.

2. Ramsay Bolton

Ramsay bolton still awful

The Bastard of Bolton, the Flayer of Men, the Eater of Suggestive Sausages. Ramsay may not know Winterfell as well as Jon and Sansa (who grew up there), but he’s a proven military leader, and he certainly has the edge in the sadism department.

3. What Are the Odds?

Game of thrones battle scene

There’s no way both bastards are getting out of this thing alive. Vegas bookmakers are giving 1/3 odds that Ramsay will bite the dust. Jon, the clear favorite, is at 9/1. After all, this season started off with Jon as a corpse. They’re not gonna kill him off again THAT quickly.

4. How Big Are the Armies?

Wildling army

Ramsay has over 5,000 men, while Jon (with help from Sansa and Ser Davos) managed to round up a rag-tag bunch of just 2,000. But hey, we hear those 62 from Bear Island can fight like ten men!

5. What Happens if the Starks Win?

Jon snow glares

They recapture Winterfell, unseat Ramsay as Warden of the North and probably kill him. They free Rickon Stark and set set up shop in the castle Jon and Sansa grew up in as their new base of operations. We learned last week that Arya is also headed home to Winterfell, and you can that would be one tearjerker of a family reunion.

6. What’s at Stake?

Sansa stark at winterfell

Winterfeeeeeell! The Stark family home where Robert Baratheon asked Ned Stark to be the Hand of the King, and Jaime Lannister pushed Bran from a window so many years ago. Add to that the fact that Ramsay raped and tormented Sansa during their brief marriage and the fact that the Boltons are partially responsible for the Red Wedding, and you can see what sort of emotions are involved. In a way, the show has building to the Starks’ return to Winterfell ever since, so there’s definitely more than just a castle in play here.

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