Showing posts with label Number. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Number. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Gordon Ramsay We"re Having Baby Number 5!!!

Gordon Ramsay‘s wife has somethin’ cookin’ … a new baby!!!
Gordon and his brood posted a New Year’s Day announcement that his wife, Tana, is pregnant … very pregnant.

require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Gordon Ramsay We"re Having Baby Number 5!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Richest Members of the Kardashian Clan: Ranked! (And Kim"s NOT Number 1!)

Were it not for the seminal (tee-hee) cinematic masterpiece known as the Kim Kardashian sex tape, there would be no Kardashian media empire to speak of.

A decade after the film"s release, however, Kim is no longer the most bankable member of America"s second-most famous family of fame-obsessed egomaniacs.

Yes, proving once again that the Kard clan has far more staying power than its harshest critics feared, the younger sisters of Kourtney, Kim, and Khloe are raking in bank and showing no signs of slowing down.

And as if that weren"t enough, now a whole new generation of Kardashian-Jenner offspring has caught the attention of millions of social media users.

Will all that clout translate to future earnings?

Tough to say, but here"s who"s at the top of the Kardashian money heap as of right now:

1. Kendall Jenner: Estimated Net Worth, 18 Million (and Rising)

Kendall jenner models in manhattan

As Steve Harvey reminded us, during the Kard clan’s recent appearance on Family Feud, Kendall was the highest paid model in the world in 2017. But walking the runway doesn’t pay what it used to.

2. A Financial Plan of Attack

Kendall jenner as a model

But even though she’s currently the lowest-earning among her sisters, those who analyze this sort of thing closely say Kendall might be the most financially savvy.

3. Branching Out

Kendall jenner miss vogue australia cover

The biggest money may be in reality TV and social media influencing, but Kendall is looking at the big picture and refusing to put all her eggs in one basket. Will it pay off? Well, whatever happens, she’s not dependent on the E! Network and Instagram for her cashflow.

4. Kourtney Kardashian: Estimated Net Worth, 35 Million

Kourtneys tequila and bikini sunrise

Yes, the mother of three is worth almost twice as much as Kendall. Her work might not be as high-profile, but those who know Kourtney best say she stays on her grind 24/7.

5. The Family Business

Kourtney kardashian in a black dress photo

Kourtney’s earnings come primarily from her work on Keeping Up With the Kardashians (she’s an executive producer, as well as one of the show’s stars) and her social media endorsement deals with brands like Lyfe Tea.

6. Fun Fact:

Kourtney kardashian doing the angelina leg photo

Kourtney was actually the first member of the family to make a foray into reality TV. In 2005, she starred in a single season of the season of show Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive, in which heirs and heiresses were made to work as ranch hands. And you thought you knew everything about the Kards!

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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Voice Recap: Lucky Number 3 for Adam Cunningham?

With the finale fast approaching, it’s time to whittle down The Voice Season 13’s final 10. 

With Adam Cunningham circling the drain over the last few weeks, we think it’s fair to assume that will not be changing this week. Viewers cannot connect with him, and that has nothing to do with his vocals. 

Let’s break down the performances of the night and see how everyone stacks up. 

Davon Fleming (Team Jennifer) – “Hurt”

Davon’s rendition of this Christina Agulera classic was flawless. He hit all of the high notes with ease, and there were no signs of it slowing down. The coaches seemed shocked by the power of his voice, and it will be fun to see what he does next. 

Adam Cunningham (Team Adam) – “Maybe It Was Memphis”

Adam is struggling to garner the votes he needs to stay in the process, and his latest performance was breathtaking. To try and win some new fans, he changed his voice up. 

It worked, and his sound was more like someone you would expect to win a show like this. Will it help with votes? We can hope.

Noah Mac (Team Jennifer) – “Ordinary World”

Noah stalled this week. His performance was still decent, but his take on this Duran Duran classic was rather bland. His confidence seemed to take a knock, and that seems like a step back for him. 

Losing confidence during the lives is a big no-no, so he needs to get it together soon. 

Shi’Ann Jones (Team Jennifer) – “Diamonds”

Shi’Ann’s voice has been all over the place during her time in the competition, and it was at its worst this week. This Rihanna classic was butchered by the teen, and she even struggled to hit some of the notes. 

Could this be the end of her time in the competition?

Chloe Kohanski (Team Blake) – “Call Me”

Chloe has been the one to watch pretty much all season long. This Blondie hit is a great song, and she managed to make it her own with some subtle changes that proved she is an elegant performer who wants to win. 

Keisha Renee (Team Blake) – “All By Myself”

Keisha opened up this number in a soft tone that became a full-blown scream by the end, but that benefited her for this song. Keisha knows how to make a song her own, and she did so in winning fashion. 

Ashland Craft (Team Miley) – “I Hate Myself for Loving You”

This performance was not memorable in the slightest. From her nerves to her pitchy vocals, there was nothing that made this exciting. Have we seen everything Ashland has to offer?

Brooke Simpson (Team Miley) –  “Amazing Grace”

Brooke’s performance gave me chills. She owned the stage with her voice and her moves. The song choice was on point, and she battled to make it one that everyone would remember when it came to voting. Well played. 

Red Marlow (Team Blake) –  “That’s What I Love About Sunday”

Red Marlow effortlessly beat out Adam Cunningham for the best voice of the night, and that was not going to be an easy task. Blake is the perfect coach for Red because they can both learn a lot from each other. 

Addison Agen (Team Adam) – “Lucky”

The performances came to a close with a solid number from Addison. She went the acoustic route, and it benefited her voice. Every note was hit with ease, and you could tell she knew she had wowed the crowd with that grin at the end. 

Okay, so who will go home? Will Adam beat the odds and be sent to safety?

Hit the comments!


Sunday, December 3, 2017

Lisa Bloom Says She Has a Number of New Alleged Victims of John Conyers, Bruce Weber

Attorney Lisa Bloom says she has a number of women who contacted her and are ready to testify that they too were victims of sexual harassment at the hands of Representative John Conyers. We got Bloom at LAX where she said she was busy on her flight…


Lisa Bloom Says She Has a Number of New Alleged Victims of John Conyers, Bruce Weber

Attorney Lisa Bloom says she has a number of women who contacted her and are ready to testify that they too were victims of sexual harassment at the hands of Representative John Conyers. We got Bloom at LAX where she said she was busy on her flight…


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Lisa and Jack Osbourne: Pregnant With Baby Number 3!

It looks like the Osbourne family is about to add one more member!

Jack Osbourne, son of Ozzy Osbourne and Sharon Osbourne, and his wife Lisa want the world to know that Lisa is pregnant.

Not only are they sharing that they’re expecting, but Lisa Osbourne snapped a mirror selfie and it flaunts her very apparent baby bump.

The couple already has two children, so this will be their third.

As we’re sure that you remember, Jack and Lisa Osbourne welcomed their second daughter in June of 2015.

It’s been just over two years, so most would say that this is pretty ideal spacing for siblings.

(Personally I lean more towards recommending a, like, four-year spacing between siblings, but different families work with different dynamics)

Jack and Lisa welcomed their first daughter into the world in April of 2012.

And here’s their photo with their new announcement!

Lisa captioned this photo:

“Literally ate the biggest burrito ever.”

We love a good sense of humor. … Also we could really go for a burrito right about now.

Have you ever seen one of those cards that someone made by buying a random card at the grocery store and very obviously crossing out a word and replacing it with another?

Like: “Look who’s turning Christmas!” on a card that was originally designed to congratulate someone on their second birthday.

Well, all that we could think when we first saw this photo was “Look who’s turning pregnant!”

After a moment, though, we noticed Lisa’s phone.

She has a pill bottle phone cover and now we’re sorely missing Carrie Fisher (though, on some level, aren’t we all still missing Carrie every minute of every day?)

When we think of the Osbournes, we think of three things.

Sharon Osbourne, of course, is so endearing — we tend to love her on The Talk and elsewhere.

Kelly Osbourne is precious, whether she’s doing talk shows or guest judging RuPaul’s Drag Race or pretty much anywhere that she can just be herself.

Ozzy Osbourne’s music might not be our style, and his wandering eyes (amongst other parts) clearly hurt Sharon deeply, but we’ll always fondly remember his goofy World of Warcraft commercials.

(Those were about a decade ago, back when that game was relevant and eminently playable, where now it’s woefully dated and every time that we hear about the current plot, it sounds like it’s gone more and more off the rails)

Jack and his wife Lisa haven’t made quite as big of a splash, but some people — even reality stars whose parents and siblings are extremely famous — prefer to keep a lower profile.

If Lisa looks a little far along to only just now be announcing the news, consider this:

It was about four years ago, in September of 2013 when their oldest daughter was 16 months old, that Lisa Osbourse suffered a miscarriage.

We’re sure that it was for this reason that the couple waited so long to announce their pregnancy.

Miscarriages happen, and they can be tragic enough on their own.

Having to inform family, friends, and the public about it only compounds the grief that the parents feel.

We hope that this pregnancy is without complications, though.


Monday, August 21, 2017

Bonnie Tyler"s "Total Eclipse of the Heart" Shoots to Number 1 Song During Solar Eclipse

Bonnie Tyler has eclipsed the charts with her hit song from the ’80s … and it’s all thanks to the moon just doing what it does. Tyler’s 1983 song, “Total Eclipse of the Heart,” has rocketed to number 1 on the iTunes chart, which is no coincidence…


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Kate Middleton: Hoping For Baby Number 3?!

One of the most amusing details to emerge from Pippa Middleton and James Matthews’ wedding last month had to do not with the happy couple, but with some intriguing photos of Pip’s more famous sister, Kate Middleton.

The images appeared to show Kate losing her temper with her kids for behaving inappropriately moments before the start of the ceremony.

Some found it relatable and took it as evidence that Kate is a real-live human, but of course, a handful of trolls chastised her for her perceived lack of decorum.

Shortly thereafter, said trolls reveled in reports that Kate had hired a “supernanny” in order to help her cope with worsening behavior from Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

But while Kate is undoubtedly feeling the pressures of motherhood (albeit with help from a full, round-the-clock staff of caretakers), it seems she and Will may not be through expanding their family just yet.

Yesterday, Kate and William attended an event celebrating inventive tech startups in Warsaw, Poland.

The couple received a number of plush children’s toys as part of their gift basket.

And then Kate made a remark that caught the attention of royal-watchers and tabloid columnists the world over:

“We will just have to have more babies!” the Duchess of Cambridge laughed.

Now, in all likelihood, Kate was simply having a laugh with the crowd on hand.

In fact, it may have been her way of poking fun at the event’s organizers for presenting her with baby toys as a present.

But of course, it was enough to get royal obsessives talking.

Rumors about Kate getting pregnant a third time have been flying ever since she welcomed Princess Charlotte back in 2015.

Never mind that aside from this week’s obvious joke, Kate has given no public indication that she has babies on her mind.

The British tabloid press is in a pregnancies and weddings drought (no, Pippa’s doesn’t count as royal), and they’re desperate for anything headline-worthy.

It was widely assumed that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would be engaged by now, but that doesn’t appear to have happened, so we get more of “Kate must be pregnant.”

We’re sure they’ll move on once Harry puts a ring on it.


Friday, May 19, 2017

31 Messages Sent to the Wrong Number (#19 May Kill You)

We"ve all been there. But hopefully, not at this level.

Know the feeling of abject horror when you realize you sent a text to the incorrect person? The people in this gallery can relate … and then some.

The worst occasions of texts sent to the wrong people occur when it"s regarding something truly personal, not just a harmless stray thought.

Or, when we don"t even realize that we"ve just sent the erroneous text message until the unintended recipient brings it to our attention.

In these cases, both are the case. Enjoy …

1. Tonight is the Night!

Tonight is the night

Dad won’t be ignoring this, we’re guessing. Sorry Kyle.

2. Friend Zoned

Friend zoned

It’s hard to get back into the romantic mindset after you eff up like this.

3. WTF Arnie

Wtf arnie

The fact that Arnie was ready and willing to do this at the drop of a hat raises so many questions.

4. Okay, I Deserved That

Okay i deserved that

Jeremy owned it after the fact at least?

5. Surprise!


At least Joey loves her?

6. Semper Fi

Semper fi

Even under the most bizarre circumstances, you gotta salute those who fight for our freedom.

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Friday, May 12, 2017

This Woman Texted the Wrong Number. It Didn"t Go Well.

Oops! Her bad!

But someone better tell her that.

In the following text message chain, we see a woman ask her teenage daughter to please bring home some milk.

The only problem? This woman sent the message to a 35-year old man (who goes by the handle "velakskin" on imgur), who politely tried to explain that she had the wrong number.

Only she didn"t believe him. And things grew awfully heated from there…

1. It Was a Simple Request

It was a simple request

And a healthy request, too. It was just sent to the wrong person. This person tried to explain as much to Jess’ mother.

2. I Hate Ham!

I hate ham

You never listen to me, non-mom!

3. A Dream Come True

A dream come true

Thank you, strange lady, you’ve turned a fantasy into a reality.

4. Lady, Really, I Am Not Your Child

Lady really i am not your child

I could have made this so much worse for you, please realize.

5. Look! Listen! Believe Me!

Look listen believe me

Please don’t call Brad’s parents. For your own sake.

6. Can’t Someone Think of the Children?!?

Cant someone think of the children

Poor Jess.

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

"Silicon Valley" Star Amanda Crew Gets Wrong Number Penis Pic, Makes a Friend (PHOTO)

“Silicon Valley” star Amanda Crew got an eyeful of some guy’s junk when she checked her text messages … but her cool chick reaction made his day. Amanda says the strange schlong came in the middle of a string of texts from a guy who thought he was…


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Little Girl Argues with Dad, Doesn"t Believe in the Number 4

It can be difficult to be a parent.

On one hand, you want your child to possess a strong belief in herself. You want her to be confident and self-assured and to not back down when her values are called in to question.

On the other hand… you want her to understand that the number four does, in fact, exist.

In a Facebook video that has gone crazy bananas viral (over 37 million views!), a little girl name Aaliyah is engaged in an argument with her father.

She is insisting that one counts to five by saying "one, two, three, five."

Her dad is taking a different approaching, trying to explain that there"s a missing digit in there.

With Aaliyah"s mother behind the camera, the adorable girl and the hilarious dad keep going back and forth.

There"s not a lot of substance to the argument; it"s basically just each side stating his or her case over and over and over again.

"You"re skipping four! You can"t just leave four out," the father says. "No, no, that"s not right. … Aaliyah, I"m not going to keep going back and forth with you."

But he does keep going back and forth, of course.

Finally, the genius wife and mother steps in and tries to make a convincing case regarding the number four to Aaliyah.

Does it work? Sort of. See for yourself:

Little girl engages in intense counting debate with dad doesnt b

Thursday, October 27, 2016

33 Hilarious Texts Sent to the Wrong Number

We"ve all been there. But hopefully, not quite this bad.

Know the feeling of abject horror when you realize you sent a text to the incorrect person? The people in this gallery can relate … and then some.

The worst occasions of texts sent to the wrong people occur when it"s regarding something truly personal, not just a harmless stray thought.

Or, when we don"t even realize that we"ve just sent the erroneous text message until the unintended recipient brings it to our attention.

In these cases, both are the case. Enjoy …

1. Tonight is the Night!

Tonight is the night

Dad won’t be ignoring this, we’re guessing. Sorry Kyle.

2. Friend Zoned

Friend zoned

It’s hard to get back into the romantic mindset after you eff up like this.

3. WTF Arnie

Wtf arnie

The fact that Arnie was ready and willing to do this at the drop of a hat raises so many questions.

4. Okay, I Deserved That

Okay i deserved that

Jeremy owned it after the fact at least?

5. Surprise!


At least Joey loves her?

6. Semper Fi

Semper fi

Even under the most bizarre circumstances, you gotta salute those who fight for our freedom.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Tina Knowles -- Both My Girls Are Number 1s ... Just Like Michael and Janet! (VIDEO)

Tina Knowles is watching history repeat itself with her 2 daughters, who now share a place in the books with another pair of famous siblings … the Jacksons.  We got Tina leaving The District in L.A. Tuesday and asked about…


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Michelle Pugh: Suing Kelly Osbourne For Tweeting Out Her Number!

She broke up a family and blabbed about her affair with Ozzy Osbourne, but Michelle Pugh refuses to be publicly shamed.

The colorist, who had a four-year affair with Ozzy, confirmed to People Magazine that she’s suing Kelly Osbourne for “defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress and public disclosure of public facts” after the TV personality shared Pugh’s phone number on Twitter back in May.

“Anyone looking for cheap chunky LOW-lights a blow out and a blowjob call ________,” Kelly tweeted, listing out Michelle’s number.

“I am a private individual. I am not a celebrity,” Michelle told People.

“My private life is off limits.”

Michelle said she sent Kelly a cease and desist letter in May after seeing the Tweet, but alleges it wasn’t immediately taken down. 

What’s more, Michelle alleges, she won’t tolerate being bullied or shamed for the affair.

“I am not asking for anyone’s approval, but the difference between someone’s disapproval, and shaming and harassing publicly, that’s verbal abuse,” Michelle said in response to her affair with Ozzy.

“Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you are not allowed to bully other people.”

Ozzys’ reps have already responded to Michelle’s claims that theirs was a true love affair, suggesting that the she “took their relationship out of context.”


And so, as Ozzy reconciles with Sharon Osbourne, Michelle is left to pick up the pieces of her life that were torn apart by the public, thanks to Kelly.

“Not only have they stated their speculation, but they have come out and attacked me, berated me, and publicly shamed me on a global scale,” Michelle told people.

“Once it is on the Internet, it is out there for the whole world to see and it is always going to be there… The point is you cannot violate someone’s privacy like that.”

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Chelsea Houska: Nervous About Baby Number 2!

After announcing her big news on July 12th, Chelsea Houska couldn’t help but be honest.

The Teen Mom 2 star and her fiance, Cole DeBoer are expecting their first child together, and while they can’t wait to be a family of four, Houska admitted that she “feels more nervous for some reason,” when a fan asked if she felt more prepared for this pregnancy.

“It’s been awhile and I want to do everything perfect #deboerbaby,” Houska responded via Twitter.

The impromptu Q&A saw Houska get real with fans, who were nothing but supportive of the news.

“Sometimes it’s scary sharing such personal things and letting so many people/opinions into our lives,” she wrote.

“You guys have made us feel so amazing.”

Houska, who said she had “no idea” she was pregnant at the Teen Mom 2 reunion, assured her fans that even though the pregnancy was “not unplanned,” it just happened a wee bit faster than she or DeBoer expected.

No matter, though.

“Super happy! :) we are very lucky.”

The best part? Houska took a little dig at her ex-boyfriend, Adam Lind (they have a daughter, Aubree, together).

“What are you most excited for during this pregnancy?” another fan asked.

“To be able to experience this with an amazing supportive man,” Houska answered.

When she starred on 16 & Pregnant, Houska’s ugly relationship with Lind played out in front of the cameras.

In one episode, Lind texted Houska this incredibly romantic text:

“You fat stretch mark bitch…tell me where and when to sign the rights over for that mistake.”

Now, Houska is living her dream life with a fiance who is the complete opposite of Lind.

And no, she and DeBoer will not be postponing the wedding.

Houska told fans she’ll just let her dress out a little to include baby Deboer.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Kelly Osbourne Publishes Michelle Pugh"s Phone Number In Scathing Tweet

Point: Kelly

It was recently revealed that Ozzy Osbourne, 67, had been having an affair with hair stylist, Michelle Pugh.

According to  i, Pugh was fired from her job as a colorist at Meche Salon in Beverly Hills after the cheating rumors surfaced.

“Ozzy was supporting her,” a source told the magazine.

Kelly Osbourne is defending her mother, Sharon, who uncovered the affair by going through her husband’s emails.

“She and [daughter] Kelly both called the salon repeatedly for about two weeks before the news broke, trying to get in touch with Michelle.

“They were really angry,” the source added.

“Sharon is the reason Michelle was let go.”

Last night, Kelly took to Twitter to issue a scathing call-to-action against Pugh.

“Anyone looking for cheap chunky LOW-lights a blow out and a blowjob call ________,” listing a cell phone number that no doubt belongs to Pugh.

In the May 30th issue of Us, a coworker told Entertainment Tonight that Pugh, who has worked with Jennifer Lopez and Pete Wentz, “is super into rock/metal music, so they bonded.

“It was known in the salon they were a little too close.”

The family thought Ozzy went missing in April, but it turns out he just left the house without telling anyone so that he could hang out with Pugh.

Sharon, according to the story, “thought he had gone on a walk and had some kind of medical emergency.”

She and Kelly, along with siblings Aimee and Jack, tried to find their dad.

Ozzy had left behind his cell phone, so the family scrolled through his history for any information pointing to his whereabouts.  They noticed a strange number, which belong to Pugh.

“She’s a Black Sabbath groupie who used to dye his [Ozzy’s] hair,” a friend of Pugh’s said.

As of press time, Kelly’s tweet is still up.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

21 Best Ever Text Responses to a Wrong Number

We"ve all been there, right?

You hit SEND on a text message, only to realize that you actually texted the wrong number.

Fortunately, people such as the ones featured below exist in the world.

They"ve received these misguided text messages and replied in ways that guarantee them a place in Internet history…

1. I’m Ashley?

Im ashley

No… wait… I’m Ron Burgundy?

2. A Royal Mistake

A royal mistake

Don’t go, though! Let’s role play!

3. How YOU Doin?!?

How you doin

Oh, no. Yuck! Not you!

4. You Can’t Protect the Galaxy While Drinking!

You cant protect the galaxy while drinking

Not well, at least.

5. Down with Bieber!

Down with bieber

But up with awesome Jay-Z references!

6. Sorry, Kassidy

Sorry kassidy

But life isn’t fair sometimes.

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