Showing posts with label Pugh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pugh. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Michelle Pugh: Suing Kelly Osbourne For Tweeting Out Her Number!

She broke up a family and blabbed about her affair with Ozzy Osbourne, but Michelle Pugh refuses to be publicly shamed.

The colorist, who had a four-year affair with Ozzy, confirmed to People Magazine that she’s suing Kelly Osbourne for “defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress and public disclosure of public facts” after the TV personality shared Pugh’s phone number on Twitter back in May.

“Anyone looking for cheap chunky LOW-lights a blow out and a blowjob call ________,” Kelly tweeted, listing out Michelle’s number.

“I am a private individual. I am not a celebrity,” Michelle told People.

“My private life is off limits.”

Michelle said she sent Kelly a cease and desist letter in May after seeing the Tweet, but alleges it wasn’t immediately taken down. 

What’s more, Michelle alleges, she won’t tolerate being bullied or shamed for the affair.

“I am not asking for anyone’s approval, but the difference between someone’s disapproval, and shaming and harassing publicly, that’s verbal abuse,” Michelle said in response to her affair with Ozzy.

“Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you are not allowed to bully other people.”

Ozzys’ reps have already responded to Michelle’s claims that theirs was a true love affair, suggesting that the she “took their relationship out of context.”


And so, as Ozzy reconciles with Sharon Osbourne, Michelle is left to pick up the pieces of her life that were torn apart by the public, thanks to Kelly.

“Not only have they stated their speculation, but they have come out and attacked me, berated me, and publicly shamed me on a global scale,” Michelle told people.

“Once it is on the Internet, it is out there for the whole world to see and it is always going to be there… The point is you cannot violate someone’s privacy like that.”

Michelle Pugh: Ozzy Osbourne And I Were In Love! Sex Addiction A Lie!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.  

Colorist Michelle Pugh wants to tell her side of the story surrounding her affair with Ozzy Osbourne, details of which surfaced in late May.

Things spun out of control when Kelly Osbourne tweeted out Pugh’s cell number to get back at her father for his indiscretion.

Pugh told People Magazine that their affair started in 2012, a year after she first started coloring Ozzy’s hair.

“When I say he gave me the greatest love of my life, I mean it,” she said.

“He made me feel like the most beautiful and worshipped woman in the world.”  

What’s awkward is that Ozzy himself denies that their relationship was purely about sex, since he admitted to having an addiction.

Ozzy confirmed to Good Morning America recently that he and his wife, Sharon were back together, and he issued a warning to Pugh via his reps.

“He is sorry if Ms. Pugh took their sexual relationship out of context,” the rep stated in response to the story. 

“He would like to apologize to the other women he has been having sexual relationships with. Since his relationship with Ms. Pugh was exposed, Ozzy has gone into intense therapy.”

Pugh isn’t buying it, though.  She insists that Ozzy was “unhappy” in his 24-year marriage to Sharon.

What’s more, Pugh pointed out, Ozzy “consistently and willingly and generously” gave “his love” to her.

The attraction, Pugh insists, was based on chemistry.

“We just had it. It’s that indescribable thing in life, and you can’t deny it. And he didn’t.”

Pugh says she understands why Ozzy broke it off.

“He is a grown man. He is capable of making the decision to be with me. If he has chosen to not be, that is fine. I accept it and move on,” she said.

“But he has been my best friend for the last few years, so of course I am grieving the loss for that.” “I still love him,” she added.

“And I would never exploit the truly personal and private parts of what we had. That’s not me. I’m going to stand tall and proud and say, ‘This is me. I’m not ashamed.’

“I fell in love with a man that gave me the love I never knew I could receive.”

Does Pugh have a right to speak up?  Or is she exploiting their relationship?