Showing posts with label Ozzy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ozzy. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Ozzy Osbourne Suing AEG: You"re Making Me a Slave to Staples Center

Ozzy Osbourne is suing AEG, claiming the entertainment group is essentially blackmailing him to perform at the Staples Center … or else. Ozzy is scheduled to perform at the O2 Arena in London, but AEG has a giant string attached … they won’t let…


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Ozzy Osbourne"s Ozzfest Sues Over Central Park"s OZY Fest

Someone’s trying to make a buck off Ozzy Osbourne’s name and his long-running concert festival … according to a new lawsuit. Ozzy’s company’s unleashing their lawyers on a Central Park music event called OZY Fest — short for OZY Fusion Fest –…


Ozzy Osbourne"s Ozzfest Sues Over Central Park"s OZY Fest

Someone’s trying to make a buck off Ozzy Osbourne’s name and his long-running concert festival … according to a new lawsuit. Ozzy’s company’s unleashing their lawyers on a Central Park music event called OZY Fest — short for OZY Fusion Fest –…


Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne Walk Down the Aisle ... at Bristol Farms

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne are a shining example of staying together through thick and thin. The rocker and the talker — who have been hitched for 35 years — hit up Bristol Farms in WeHo Saturday … roaming the isles and filling up the shopping…


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Michelle Pugh: Ozzy Osbourne And I Were In Love! Sex Addiction A Lie!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.  

Colorist Michelle Pugh wants to tell her side of the story surrounding her affair with Ozzy Osbourne, details of which surfaced in late May.

Things spun out of control when Kelly Osbourne tweeted out Pugh’s cell number to get back at her father for his indiscretion.

Pugh told People Magazine that their affair started in 2012, a year after she first started coloring Ozzy’s hair.

“When I say he gave me the greatest love of my life, I mean it,” she said.

“He made me feel like the most beautiful and worshipped woman in the world.”  

What’s awkward is that Ozzy himself denies that their relationship was purely about sex, since he admitted to having an addiction.

Ozzy confirmed to Good Morning America recently that he and his wife, Sharon were back together, and he issued a warning to Pugh via his reps.

“He is sorry if Ms. Pugh took their sexual relationship out of context,” the rep stated in response to the story. 

“He would like to apologize to the other women he has been having sexual relationships with. Since his relationship with Ms. Pugh was exposed, Ozzy has gone into intense therapy.”

Pugh isn’t buying it, though.  She insists that Ozzy was “unhappy” in his 24-year marriage to Sharon.

What’s more, Pugh pointed out, Ozzy “consistently and willingly and generously” gave “his love” to her.

The attraction, Pugh insists, was based on chemistry.

“We just had it. It’s that indescribable thing in life, and you can’t deny it. And he didn’t.”

Pugh says she understands why Ozzy broke it off.

“He is a grown man. He is capable of making the decision to be with me. If he has chosen to not be, that is fine. I accept it and move on,” she said.

“But he has been my best friend for the last few years, so of course I am grieving the loss for that.” “I still love him,” she added.

“And I would never exploit the truly personal and private parts of what we had. That’s not me. I’m going to stand tall and proud and say, ‘This is me. I’m not ashamed.’

“I fell in love with a man that gave me the love I never knew I could receive.”

Does Pugh have a right to speak up?  Or is she exploiting their relationship?

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Sharon & Ozzy Osbourne: BACK TOGETHER, Says Daughter Kelly!

Really, Osbournes? After all that fuss?

Last month, we saw one of Hollywood"s most enduring relationships come to an end when Sharon Osbourne announced she was leaving Ozzy Osbourne after 33 years of marriage.

Ozzy was reportedly having an affair with hairstylist Michelle Pugh, and Sharon admitted throwing the rocker out of the house after making the discovery.

Sharon wasn"t shy about notifying the public, either.

Just a couple days after the news broke, Sharon re-assumed her hosting duties on The Talk, appearing at the table sipping a tall glass of lemonade.

For those with short attention spans, lemonade is the drink of choice by scorned women everywhere, made popular by fellow cheatee, Beyonce, through her latest album, "Lemonade."  

But now, it seems Sharon"s changing her tune.

Daughter Kelly Osbourne tells The Insider that her parents are now together.

"My mom and dad are together right now," Kelly said, in a tone suggesting, DUH.

She explained that no woman [expletive, expletive] was going to ruin her family, because somehow all the blame should be placed on the mistress, and not the cheater?

"I will never not be good with my dad," she said.

"That does not mean that I think what he did wasn"t f**king stupid, but that"s between him and I. I"m a daddy"s girl. I love my dad."

Fans were shocked at the breakup news, most notably because Sharon has stuck with Ozzy throughout many years of god-awful behavior – cheating included.

So why would she dump him now?

Well, a number of skeptics surmise that the entire blowup was nothing but a PR stunt executed just in time to gain publicity before Ozzy"s world tour.

It all makes sense now.

Lest we forget Sharon was the original Kris Jenner, and the modern day version of PT Barnum.


Sharon and ozzy osbourne back together says daughter kelly

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Ozzy Osbourne DUMPS Mistress, Begs Sharon for Forgiveness!

Earlier this month, fans were shocked to learn that Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne had split after 33 years of marriage.

Sharon had put up with so much for so long, what could have possibly sent her over the edge at this late stage of the game?

The Talk host held nothing back.

She confirmed the split and the rumors that Ozzy was cheating with hairstylist Michelle Pugh over a tall glass of, you guessed it, lemonade.

Now, sources claim that Ozzy has ended his affair with Pugh in hopes that Sharon will take him back.

“His family is really important to him and he’s come to his senses,” a source told Page Six.

“Sharon is Ozzy’s whole life; he can’t manage without her.”

Funny how family suddenly becomes important only after someone is caught cheating.

According to the insider, the affair with Pugh lasted about six months, which Sharon caught wind of after looking through Ozzy’s e-mails.

Last week, we reported that Sharon was already meeting with divorce lawyers to make the end of their marriage official.

However, the new source claims Sharon will drag her feet.

“She’ll wait months,” said the insider.

“It’s a huge decision with a lot of moving parts, so she’s going to see how everything shakes out before deciding what she wants to do and what is best for their kids.”

Still, others suspect Sharon orchestrated the entire thing as a publicity stunt to garner interest when Ozzy goes on a reunion tour with Black Sabbath next month.

And given that Sharon’s been so open about everything, well, let’s just say Kris Jenner would be proud.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Sharon Osbourne: Filing For Divorce From Ozzy Osbourne?!

Well, that didn’t take long.

Less than a week after the world learned that Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne had separated, several sources are reporting that Sharon has begun the process of filing for divorce from her husband of 33 years.

According to TMZ, Sharon has been meeting with divorce lawyers and is on the verge of choosing the attorney who will help her fight what could be lengthy legal battle.

Insiders report that Sharon and Ozzy’s split is already getting ugly, with the soon-to-be exes quarreling over petty details.

Shortly after Sharon found out about Ozzy’s infidelity through his emails, she reportedly kicked him out of their Beverly Hills home.

He returned two days later, and she responded by moving out herself.

The couple has tens of millions of assets to split, and insiders say they expect the divorce process to be brutal on the whole family.

But there are others who think the couple will soon magically patch things up – right around the time the publicity dies down.

Yes, Page Six is reporting that an anonymous source close to the Osbournes believes the whole divorce drama is just a big publicity stunt orchestrated by Sharon:

“Sharon is the queen of publicity stunts, there’s always deliberate drama going on, it maintains interest in them as a family,” says the insider.

“She’s a very smart woman, it would be very hard for Ozzy to carry on an affair under her nose without her knowing about it. If it is a stunt, it has got him almost as much press as when he bit that bat’s head off.”

Sounds a bit far-fetched, but we wouldn’t put it past her.

Sharon has expressed her admiration for Kris Jenner in the past, and interest in the Osbournes is currently the highest it’s been in years.

And it wouldn’t be tough to get Ozzy on board. 

He’s probably only vaguely aware of what the hell’s happening.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne: Divorce Getting Ugly Already?!

Over the weekend, we reported that Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne have called it quits after 33 years of marriage.

It wasn’t the first time that rumors of Sharon and Ozzy breaking up made their way around the web, so we figured there was a good chance that the sassy TV personality and the mumbly rock zombie would patch things up.

Now, however, it’s beginning to look like Ozzy would have a better chance of winning an elocution contest than of winning his wife back.

For starters, Sharon basically confirmed her marriage is over on The Talk this week.

On Monday, she took the day off, but had co-host Julie Chen issued a statement hinting that the reports about Ozzy being caught cheating are 100% true. 

Today, Sharon returned to the panel and started the show with a very clear reference to her husband’s alleged infidelity:

Yes, lemonade. The official beverage of famous women whose famous husbands have been caught sleeping around.

At first it was reported that Ozzy was basically retreating and had moved out of the Beverly Hills home he once shared with Sharon.

Now, it seems he was kicked to the curb – and then made an unwelcome return:

According to TMZ, Ozzy showed up at the house to try and win his way back into Sharon’s heart and she wasn’t having it.

Basically, he was all, “Mama, I’m comin’ home,” and she was like, “Nah, you’re really not.”

Sounds like these two are in for an ugly breakup.

Fortunately, Sharon doesn’t have to worry about Ozzy bad-mouthing her because no one can tall what the hell he’s saying.

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne: Divorce Getting Ugly Already?!

Over the weekend, we reported that Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne have called it quits after 33 years of marriage.

It wasn’t the first time that rumors of Sharon and Ozzy breaking up made their way around the web, so we figured there was a good chance that the sassy TV personality and the mumbly rock zombie would patch things up.

Now, however, it’s beginning to look like Ozzy would have a better chance of winning an elocution contest than of winning his wife back.

For starters, Sharon basically confirmed her marriage is over on The Talk this week.

On Monday, she took the day off, but had co-host Julie Chen issued a statement hinting that the reports about Ozzy being caught cheating are 100% true. 

Today, Sharon returned to the panel and started the show with a very clear reference to her husband’s alleged infidelity:

Yes, lemonade. The official beverage of famous women whose famous husbands have been caught sleeping around.

At first it was reported that Ozzy was basically retreating and had moved out of the Beverly Hills home he once shared with Sharon.

Now, it seems he was kicked to the curb – and then made an unwelcome return:

According to TMZ, Ozzy showed up at the house to try and win his way back into Sharon’s heart and she wasn’t having it.

Basically, he was all, “Mama, I’m comin’ home,” and she was like, “Nah, you’re really not.”

Sounds like these two are in for an ugly breakup.

Fortunately, Sharon doesn’t have to worry about Ozzy bad-mouthing her because no one can tall what the hell he’s saying.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Sharon Osbourne Confirms Split From Ozzy Osbourne, Prepares For Divorce

Over the weekend, the celebrity gossip world was abuzz with news that Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne have split after 33 years of marriage. 

The couple has yet to respond to reports that Ozzy moved out of their Beverly Hills home after Sharon learned that he’d been cheating with celebrity hair stylist Michelle Pugh – but their silence speaks volumes.

Sharon did not appear on her CBS panel show The Talk today, but co-host Julie Chen spoke on her behalf and basically confirmed that the rumors of infidelity are true:

“There were many tabloid headlines this weekend about Sharon and her husband Ozzy, rumors and speculation that they have split up after 33 years of marriage,” Chen told her audience.

“Sharon understandably took today off. We are sending all of our love to her and to her family, and we ask that you do the same.”

Obviously, she didn’t come right out and say the Osbournes are ready to call it quits, but hosts generally don’t take time off because of untrue tabloid reports.

Sharon and Ozzy are no strangers to rough patches, and there were rumors that she gave him the boot after he fell off the wagon back in 2013, but the 67-year-old rocker sobered up and managed to save his marriage.

At that time, Sharon addressed her marital difficulties on The Talk, telling viewers that she was “not happy,” but had no intention of getting a divorce.

This time, Ozzy’s substance abuse issues were reportedly not a factor, and it looks as though Sharon is preparing to move on without him. 

“Sharon has been pretty down,” a source close to the situation tells People magazine.

“I don’t know how much more she can take. It just weighs you down.”

The insider adds that Kelly and Jack stopped by to visit Sharon for Mother’s Day yesterday – and Ozzy was nowhere to be found:

“The kids were over yesterday with their kids and their other halves for Mother’s Day and they had a good day,” says the source.

After more than three decades of putting up with Ozzy, we assumed Sharon didn’t have a breaking point, but it sounds like she just reached it.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne SPLIT After 33 Years of Marriage: Did He Cheat?

Ozzy Osbourne and his wife Sharon Osbourne have split up after 33 years of marriage, a new report claims.

The rocker agreed to move out of the Beverly Hills home they share after Sharon caught him cheating with celebrity hairstylist Michelle Pugh, a source told The Sun.

While Ozzy has battled a nearly lifelong addiction to drugs and alcohol, insiders insist that it did not play a role in the breakup as the singer has remained sober for three years.

“Sharon went ballistic with Ozzy and accused him of having the affair,” revealed the source.

“She said she had suspected something had been going on for some time and now had proof.

“People are wondering whether Sharon went through Ozzy’s phone before accusing him.

“She has done that before but in the past she was checking if he’d been using drugs.

“Ozzy was extremely sheepish and admitted being close to Michelle.

“It is likely Sharon has discovered calls and possibly meetings.”

Amid the crisis, Pugh canceled appointments and called off work for what she referred to as a “personal emergency.”

Neither Ozzy, Sharon nor their three children Aimee, Kelly or Jack have spoken publicly about the split.

Whether divorce is imminent is still unknown.

The couple hit a rough patch in 2013 when Ozzy fell off the wagon and started using again.

But they were committed to their union and managed to work through their troubles.

“We’re not getting divorced,” Sharon said at the time. “However, am I happy? No. Am I upset? Yes I am. I’m devastated right now.”

Then earlier this year, Sharon admitted that she’d caught Ozzy cheating in the past – with their children’s nannies.

She dismissed his behavior and forgave him, however, explaining that he was too high to know what was going on.

It’s hard to believe that after all these years of putting up with Ozzy’s substance abuse and cheating that Sharon would end things now.

Perhaps this affair is more serious than the others, or maybe she’s just finally had enough.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Sharon Osbourne: I Caught Ozzy in Bed With TWO NANNIES!

All this time we thought Ozzy Osbourne was an eccentric, unique individual, but it turns out he’s just another cliche – at least in one area of his life.

Today on The Talk, Ozzy’s wife Sharon revealed that back in the day, she’d caught the Black Sabbath singer in bed with not one, but two of their nannies.

Yep, the old celeb banging the nanny trope. (See: Gavin Rossdale, Ben Affleck.)

The host explained that because of her busy work and travel schedule, the couple employed four nannies who would rotate schedules so they would always have coverage for their children, Kelly, Jack and Aimee Osbourne.

“I’m telling you, they were the bane of my existence,” she said of the nannies. “They were all wanting to be celebrities. They were all wanting money.”

“But not all, right?” interjected co-host Sara Gilbert.

“Unlucky me!” quipped Sharon. “I caught two of them in bed with Ozzy!”

Funnily enough, while Sharon describes the nannies as “the bane of her existence,” she dismissed her husband’s bad behavior, blaming the drugs and alcohol Ozzy had been known to partake in.

“Maybe it’s Ozzy you should be mad at,” Sara suggested, half-jokingly.

“No way, he’s out of his mind,” Sharon responded. “He’s calling them his first wife, he’s calling them me.” 

But she did manage to put the kibosh on the affairs in a strategic move that we kinda have to admit we LOVE.

“At the end of the day, I hired a manny called Big Dave,” she said.


Sharon Osbourne: I Caught Ozzy in Bed With TWO NANNIES!

All this time we thought Ozzy Osbourne was an eccentric, unique individual, but it turns out he’s just another cliche – at least in one area of his life.

Today on The Talk, Ozzy’s wife Sharon revealed that back in the day, she’d caught the Black Sabbath singer in bed with not one, but two of their nannies.

Yep, the old celeb banging the nanny trope. (See: Gavin Rossdale, Ben Affleck.)

The host explained that because of her busy work and travel schedule, the couple employed four nannies who would rotate schedules so they would always have coverage for their children, Kelly, Jack and Aimee Osbourne.

“I’m telling you, they were the bane of my existence,” she said of the nannies. “They were all wanting to be celebrities. They were all wanting money.”

“But not all, right?” interjected co-host Sara Gilbert.

“Unlucky me!” quipped Sharon. “I caught two of them in bed with Ozzy!”

Funnily enough, while Sharon describes the nannies as “the bane of her existence,” she dismissed her husband’s bad behavior, blaming the drugs and alcohol Ozzy had been known to partake in.

“Maybe it’s Ozzy you should be mad at,” Sara suggested, half-jokingly.

“No way, he’s out of his mind,” Sharon responded. “He’s calling them his first wife, he’s calling them me.” 

But she did manage to put the kibosh on the affairs in a strategic move that we kinda have to admit we LOVE.

“At the end of the day, I hired a manny called Big Dave,” she said.