Showing posts with label Forgiveness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forgiveness. Show all posts

Monday, December 3, 2018

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Josh Duggar Resurfaces on Facebook, Sparks Feverish Debate Over Forgiveness

This just in:

Josh Duggar is alive and well…

… much to the annoyance and chagrin of many Facebook users.

On Wednesday afternoon, the official Duggar Facebook page shared a photo of nearly every member of this infamous family gathered at a restaurant in celebration of Jim Bob’s birthday.

As a caption, the post read as follows:

Happy birthday to a man that wears many, many hats! Jim Bob, you are an amazing husband and wonderful father. Your heart for people and the desire you have to see others come into relationship with Jesus is beautiful.

Our whole family has been blessed by you.

You have led and guided us and we are so blessed to call you “ours.” Happy birthday!!

Seems pretty straightforward, right?

Pretty much what you’d expect from this family in recognization of this kind of occasion, no?

However, it wasn’t this message or even Jim Bob turning another year older that has elicted serious debate online.

It’s the presence of the person front and center in that picture above: Josh Duggar.

Josh, of course, has been persona non grata for years now.

That’s what happens when you admit to molesting your own sisters, as Josh did in 2015; and then when you also admit to cheating on your wife.

Multiple times, we presume, considerning Duggar had an account with the infidelity website Ashley Madison.

In response to these scandals, TLC canceled the series 19 and Counting, although it has since launched a spinoff titled just Counting On.

Moreover, Josh and his wife Anna have remained pretty far out of the spotlight, sitting at home, caring for their five kids and, when it comes to Josh, trying as hard as he can to keep his hands to himself.

In light of this new photo surfacing, however, many Internet users have taken to the Comments section and engaged in a rather fiery debate over whether Duggar deserves to actually be forgiven.


Is he a “weirdo,” as someone has labeled him above?

Is he absolved of his sins because his family doesn’t hold these sins against him?

Should we let something as heinous as pedophilia go simply because it’s been talked about a lot and/or took place many years ago?


Then there’s the stance, espoused in one remark shared here, that Jesus has forgiven Josh… provided he doesn’t molest or cheat again.

Is this even how it works?

If Josh did commit these acts again and then sought forgiveness, wouldn’t these same people be saying the same thing?

Back in June, Josh made another rare social media appearance, this one by his own doing, on his own account.

He posted the following family photo in honor of his son, Marcus, turning five years old.

The comments Josh received in response to this image?

They were pretty similar to a handful of the critiques posted above.

“Josh should be castrated!” someone wrote at the time, while another added:

“Those poor little girls are at risk for being prey to their own father! The plot to cover for this monster was a very Christian thing to do!”

So… yeah.

Josh may be better served just keeping to himself for the rest of his years.

The guy may have avoided any jail time for his horrible actions as a teenager, but he’ll never be free from online castigation.

And thank goodness, right?


Monday, June 25, 2018

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Says Roseanne Deserves Forgiveness

TV personality Rabbi Shmuley Boteach says America is becoming too unforgiving … and Roseanne’s teary apology should warrant some apathy. Audio of Roseanne breaking down in an interview recorded with Boteach, just days after Barr…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Stacy London Posts About Forgiveness; Did She Unblock Clinton Kelly?

For nine years, Stacy London and Clinton Kelly starred on the fashion reality series, What Not To Wear.

Sometimes, working closely with someone can lead to lifelong friendships. In others, though, it can lead to lifelong feuds. And, last November, Stacy London dramatically blocked Clinton Kelly on Twitter.

But now Stacy London has made a long, vague post about forgiveness. Has she changed her tune about her former costar?

Stacy London and Clinton Kelly spent a decade joined at the hip, because that was their job.

They worked together, traveled together, and made appearances together both on and off of their show.

In his 2017 memoir, I Hate Everyone, Except You, Clinton Kelly wrote of Stacy and of their relationship:

I either adored her or despised her and never anything in between.

That sounds like a lot of sibling relationships. And even like a few marriages.

He also explained why he had always felt that way:

We spent nearly 60 hours a week in captivity, rarely more than an arm’s length away from each other.”

That’ll do it.

“Trust me when I tell you that that is just too much time to spend with any other human being you didn’t choose of your own free will.

That sounds like a fair description.

When Stacy London dramatically blocked Clinton on Twitter, he shared it and suggested that he knew why, writing:

“The tea is old. And I never spell tea unless I’m shook, which I’m not.”

That’s a great line. He also used both tea and shook correctly as slang, which is really refreshing when we’re talking about a somewhat older white guy, though not surprising coming from Clinton Kelly.

Now, in a lengthy post to Instagram, Stacy London wrote:

“Last night, I was thinking about forgiveness. It’s very easy to say but sometimes not easy to do truthfully.”

That’s true. Not everyone believes in forgiveness. Others believe that it’s theologically important, or good for their personal well-being. But it’s not easy, regardless.

“If you’re like me when I’m hurt I can hold a grudge. I know the old adage: being angry or vengeful or hateful to someone because they’ve wronged you is like taking poison expecting the other person to die.”

Many have said that, including the late, great Carrie Fisher.

“Anger is much easier to cope with for me than sadness and pain. Being angry feels pro-active and empowering, like I’m in control of the situation.”

She’s absolutely right.

“But last night (and WHY last night, I’m not sure) it occurred to me that taking action like blocking people in order to feel some sense of control over other’s actions is a waste of my time.”

She continues:

“I can’t stop people from the way they behave. I can’t stop them from being angry with me, hurtful to me, or indifferent to me.”

And she talks about how that, specifically, applies to social media.

“I can block ex-friends and ex-lovers, people I feel wronged by, but to what end? For the most part, these people aren’t even looking at my accounts in the first place and even if they were, why would being able to see this highlight reel of my life matter in the slightest?”

The connections to Clinton Kelly and how she famously blocked him are obvious.

“Don’t get me wrong: truly hateful, sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, racist comments are simply not permitted on my accounts.”

That is a very good boundary to set, and good advice for anyone to follow.

“@luvvie taught me that social media is NOT a democracy, it’s a dictatorship only in the sense that if you write on MY page l have every right to delete or block you. Go write nasty shit on your own page.”

But she makes it clear that (though she’s still not naming him) she’s not accusing Clinton Kelly of anything of the sort.

“Those are not the people I’m talking about. I’m talking about those I’ve had trouble forgiving for one reason or another.”

Still vague.

“The problem is the more I hold on to my anger, the more I hurt, not them. And while feeling pain and sadness sucks, it’s necessary, NOT damaging.”

You gotta look out for your own health, folks.

“Forgiveness is something you give yourself to move on, to find peace, to let go. So I unblocked a bunch of people today. If this resonates, maybe you can too.”

It’s not clear if Clinton Kelly has actually been unblocked. (Unlike who’s following whom, list of who has blocked whom are not readily visible).

But … it sure sounds like she may have taken him off of her social media no-fly list. That’s progress.


Friday, October 6, 2017

Harvey Weinstein"s Attorney Lisa Bloom Says He"s Earned Her Forgiveness

Harvey Weinstein’s attorney, Lisa Bloom, says there’s nothing strange about her representing a man accused of years of sexual harassment … because he’s handling it way better than most. Bloom famously ripped into late FOX honcho Roger Ailes…


Harvey Weinstein"s Attorney Lisa Bloom Says He"s Earned Her Forgiveness

Harvey Weinstein’s attorney, Lisa Bloom, says there’s nothing strange about her representing a man accused of years of sexual harassment … because he’s handling it way better than most. Bloom famously ripped into late FOX honcho Roger Ailes…


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Stephen Collins Gets Forgiveness from Co-Star, Paves Way to "7th Heaven" Reunion (VIDEO)

Stephen Collins confessing to child molestation won’t stop his ”7th Heaven” wife, Catherine Hicks, from sharing the screen with him again for a reunion. Catherine tells us she was shocked to hear the allegations of Collins…


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Javi Marroquin Begs Forgiveness, Then Accuses Kailyn Lowry of Cheating: What"s Going on Here?

Last night’s Teen Mom 2 reunion show certainly wasn’t short on drama as both Jenelle Evans and Leah Messer sat down to discuss their turbulent love lives.

But many fans believe the real fireworks will go off next week when Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin finally come face-to-face to clear up the many rumors that have surrounded their troubled relationship in recent weeks.

We know that Kailyn and Javi are getting divorced.

She confirmed the news in a recent interview after several weeks of dropping hints on social media.

What’s unclear are the details.

Scenes like the one below made it seem as though the couple was calling it quits at least in part because Kailyn can’t have any more children, and her recent miscarriage took a toll on both parties:

In a preview for part two of the reunion special, Javi even begs Kailyn’s forgiveness for not being there for her during one of the more difficult times in her life:

Based on that clip, it looks as though Kail and Javi’s split has been more amicable than previously reported.

“In my mind, I knew it wasn’t my fault, it wasn’t her fault, it wasn’t anybody’s fault,” Javi says at one point.

“I was just hurt and I took it out on her and that was my mistake.”

“I’m sorry and I just want to apologize to her,” Javi said, before confirming that he won’t be living with Kailyn upon returning from Qatar.

Javi seemed genuinely repentant at the time, the reunion special was taped several weeks ago, and Javi seemed to have a change of heart regarding his feelings toward Kailyn some time in the past few days.

On Twitter this week, Javi accused Kailyn of cheating on him and even slammed mutual friends who he claimed helped her to conceal her infidelity.

So what happened in the weeks after the reunion show was filmed?

Did Javi find out that the relationship between Kailyn and Becky Hayter began before he and Lowry decided to separate?

Here’s hoping Marroquin will eventually take to Twitter to spill some more tea.

Javi Marroquin Begs Forgiveness, Then Accuses Kailyn Lowry of Cheating: What"s Going on Here?

Last night’s Teen Mom 2 reunion show certainly wasn’t short on drama as both Jenelle Evans and Leah Messer sat down to discuss their turbulent love lives.

But many fans believe the real fireworks will go off next week when Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin finally come face-to-face to clear up the many rumors that have surrounded their troubled relationship in recent weeks.

We know that Kailyn and Javi are getting divorced.

She confirmed the news in a recent interview after several weeks of dropping hints on social media.

What’s unclear are the details.

Scenes like the one below made it seem as though the couple was calling it quits at least in part because Kailyn can’t have any more children, and her recent miscarriage took a toll on both parties:

In a preview for part two of the reunion special, Javi even begs Kailyn’s forgiveness for not being there for her during one of the more difficult times in her life:

Based on that clip, it looks as though Kail and Javi’s split has been more amicable than previously reported.

“In my mind, I knew it wasn’t my fault, it wasn’t her fault, it wasn’t anybody’s fault,” Javi says at one point.

“I was just hurt and I took it out on her and that was my mistake.”

“I’m sorry and I just want to apologize to her,” Javi said, before confirming that he won’t be living with Kailyn upon returning from Qatar.

Javi seemed genuinely repentant at the time, the reunion special was taped several weeks ago, and Javi seemed to have a change of heart regarding his feelings toward Kailyn some time in the past few days.

On Twitter this week, Javi accused Kailyn of cheating on him and even slammed mutual friends who he claimed helped her to conceal her infidelity.

So what happened in the weeks after the reunion show was filmed?

Did Javi find out that the relationship between Kailyn and Becky Hayter began before he and Lowry decided to separate?

Here’s hoping Marroquin will eventually take to Twitter to spill some more tea.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Ozzy Osbourne DUMPS Mistress, Begs Sharon for Forgiveness!

Earlier this month, fans were shocked to learn that Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne had split after 33 years of marriage.

Sharon had put up with so much for so long, what could have possibly sent her over the edge at this late stage of the game?

The Talk host held nothing back.

She confirmed the split and the rumors that Ozzy was cheating with hairstylist Michelle Pugh over a tall glass of, you guessed it, lemonade.

Now, sources claim that Ozzy has ended his affair with Pugh in hopes that Sharon will take him back.

“His family is really important to him and he’s come to his senses,” a source told Page Six.

“Sharon is Ozzy’s whole life; he can’t manage without her.”

Funny how family suddenly becomes important only after someone is caught cheating.

According to the insider, the affair with Pugh lasted about six months, which Sharon caught wind of after looking through Ozzy’s e-mails.

Last week, we reported that Sharon was already meeting with divorce lawyers to make the end of their marriage official.

However, the new source claims Sharon will drag her feet.

“She’ll wait months,” said the insider.

“It’s a huge decision with a lot of moving parts, so she’s going to see how everything shakes out before deciding what she wants to do and what is best for their kids.”

Still, others suspect Sharon orchestrated the entire thing as a publicity stunt to garner interest when Ozzy goes on a reunion tour with Black Sabbath next month.

And given that Sharon’s been so open about everything, well, let’s just say Kris Jenner would be proud.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Kris Jenner Begs Blac Chyna For Forgiveness, Attempts to Cash In on Engagement

If you’ve been anywhere near a wi-fi signal in the past 24 hours, you’ve no doubt heard that Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian are engaged

Blac confirmed the engagement yesterday afternoon, but even as it went from “rumor” to “real deal,” the ladies of the Kard clan remained radio silent on social media.

In fact, there are reports that Kris planned a “surprise” getaway so that the family wouldn’t be in LA when the news that Rob had put a ring on it went public.

Now, sources are saying Kris has weighed her options and decided that the best course of action is for her to try and get on Blac’s good side.

“Kris has done a total U-turn on this romance now that it’s a possibility she could profit from it,” says one insider.

“She called Blac up and gave her a groveling apology for resisting the relationship at first, but Kris buttered her up by telling her she now sees what a good influence she is on her son.”

In fairness to Blac, she really has been a good influence on Rob, who’s appeared much happier (and slimmer) in recent weeks.

Of course, this is Kris Jenner we’re talking about, so not surprisingly, the main reason she’s had a change of heart about Blac has to do with the bottom line. 

“Kris sees these two as a major money-making asset for the family brand and she’s wheeling and dealing all kinds of projects for them, including their own six-part reality show and exclusives for a massive summer wedding,” the source tells Radar Online.

Another Kardashian televised wedding? What could go wrong?!