Showing posts with label Unblock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unblock. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Kim Kardashian Makes Tristan Thompson Unblock Her on Instagram

Kim Kardashian doesn’t seem to have the word awkward in her vocabulary, ‘cause she asked the guy who cheated on her sister to unblock her on social media … right to his face. Kim was celebrating Khloe Kardashian’s 34th birthday Wednesday evening…


Kim Kardashian Makes Tristan Thompson Unblock Her on Instagram: WATCH!

Khloe"s birthday was Wednesday, and sister Kim used the opportunity to more or less ambush Tristan Thompson to unblock her on Instagram.

That"s right — when Kim and Tristan unfollowed each other on Instagram, it was because Tristan had blocked Kim.

Watch this video and see Kim strongarm Tristan into making nice with her.

Almost two months ago, eagle-eyed fans noticed that Kim and Tristan were no longer following each other.

That didn"t really come as a huge surprise, because of course Kim was royally pissed at the man whose cheating left Khloe betrayed and humiliated.

It turns out that it wasn"t some mutual unfollowing — Tristan blocked Kim. (And, spoiler alert, he blocked some others in the process)

We can only imagine what Kim must have said to him to prompt him, the party decidedly in the wrong, to block her.

But … what"s a little feuding and a lot of cheating between people who are basically family?

Kim used Khloe"s birthday and a video recording as leverage to socially blackmail Tristan into rebuilding that bridge.

"All right guys, what do you think?" Kim says at the beginning of her video. "It’s Khloé’s birthday, should I ask this guy to unblock me?"

Tristan begins to laugh. In awkward social situations, sometimes that"s all that you can do.

"For Khloé’s birthday it’s only right,” Tristan concedes. “I got you."

But it doesn"t sound like Kim was convinced that he was really on board.

"Was that a yes?" Kim asks.

It seems pretty clear that she is not worried about making Tristan feel uncomfortable.

"Si," Tristan responds. Which is Spanish for "yes."

"There’s no going back now," Tristan says as he unblocks Kim.

That is, to be clear, untrue. You can always reblock someone.

Interestingly, Kim — as she is glancing at the list — notices that she is not the only woman close to Khloe whom Tristan had decided to excise from his social media experience.

Malika and Khadijah Haqq, Khloe"s longtime best friends, were also on his list of blocked Instagram accounts.

This does not go unnoticed by Kim, who says: "Wait, what was that? You unblocked Malika and Khadijah?"

Both Haqq twins, Khloe, and Tristan began speaking at the same time in order to explain the situation — not that it needs much explanation — but Kim interrupts them.

"This is a birthday party!" Kim says. And that, as far as the camera reveals, is the end of that conversation.

The rest of what Kim chose to share featured little snippeds of the Kardashians being ridiculous and dancing.

Oh, and also being rich.

What do you buy for the woman who already has everything? Well, a custom Belenciaga handbag that is covered in dollar signs, apparently.

Kim also honored Khloe"s birthday by showing off cute cousins Chicago and True, both sitting on Khloe"s lap.

All in all, it looks like a very positive family gathering … after that one tense moment that Kim forced.

But hey, take your opportunities when they appear, right?

So … our minds are swirling about the fact that Tristan apparently felt justified in blocking Kim and the Haqq twins.

Surely they had given him a piece of their minds — several pieces each, we would imagine — over cheating on Khloe with a slew of women while Khloe was pregnant with his baby.

But while that was probably annoying for him, he was very much in the wrong. How did he work up the nerve to block them, as if they were the bad guys?

Some people will feel justified in anything that they do. That"s the sort of person who might repeat past bad behavior as soon as things calm down.

Let us hope that Tristan is not one of those people.

Kim kardashian makes tristan thompson unblock her on instagram w

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Stacy London Posts About Forgiveness; Did She Unblock Clinton Kelly?

For nine years, Stacy London and Clinton Kelly starred on the fashion reality series, What Not To Wear.

Sometimes, working closely with someone can lead to lifelong friendships. In others, though, it can lead to lifelong feuds. And, last November, Stacy London dramatically blocked Clinton Kelly on Twitter.

But now Stacy London has made a long, vague post about forgiveness. Has she changed her tune about her former costar?

Stacy London and Clinton Kelly spent a decade joined at the hip, because that was their job.

They worked together, traveled together, and made appearances together both on and off of their show.

In his 2017 memoir, I Hate Everyone, Except You, Clinton Kelly wrote of Stacy and of their relationship:

I either adored her or despised her and never anything in between.

That sounds like a lot of sibling relationships. And even like a few marriages.

He also explained why he had always felt that way:

We spent nearly 60 hours a week in captivity, rarely more than an arm’s length away from each other.”

That’ll do it.

“Trust me when I tell you that that is just too much time to spend with any other human being you didn’t choose of your own free will.

That sounds like a fair description.

When Stacy London dramatically blocked Clinton on Twitter, he shared it and suggested that he knew why, writing:

“The tea is old. And I never spell tea unless I’m shook, which I’m not.”

That’s a great line. He also used both tea and shook correctly as slang, which is really refreshing when we’re talking about a somewhat older white guy, though not surprising coming from Clinton Kelly.

Now, in a lengthy post to Instagram, Stacy London wrote:

“Last night, I was thinking about forgiveness. It’s very easy to say but sometimes not easy to do truthfully.”

That’s true. Not everyone believes in forgiveness. Others believe that it’s theologically important, or good for their personal well-being. But it’s not easy, regardless.

“If you’re like me when I’m hurt I can hold a grudge. I know the old adage: being angry or vengeful or hateful to someone because they’ve wronged you is like taking poison expecting the other person to die.”

Many have said that, including the late, great Carrie Fisher.

“Anger is much easier to cope with for me than sadness and pain. Being angry feels pro-active and empowering, like I’m in control of the situation.”

She’s absolutely right.

“But last night (and WHY last night, I’m not sure) it occurred to me that taking action like blocking people in order to feel some sense of control over other’s actions is a waste of my time.”

She continues:

“I can’t stop people from the way they behave. I can’t stop them from being angry with me, hurtful to me, or indifferent to me.”

And she talks about how that, specifically, applies to social media.

“I can block ex-friends and ex-lovers, people I feel wronged by, but to what end? For the most part, these people aren’t even looking at my accounts in the first place and even if they were, why would being able to see this highlight reel of my life matter in the slightest?”

The connections to Clinton Kelly and how she famously blocked him are obvious.

“Don’t get me wrong: truly hateful, sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, racist comments are simply not permitted on my accounts.”

That is a very good boundary to set, and good advice for anyone to follow.

“@luvvie taught me that social media is NOT a democracy, it’s a dictatorship only in the sense that if you write on MY page l have every right to delete or block you. Go write nasty shit on your own page.”

But she makes it clear that (though she’s still not naming him) she’s not accusing Clinton Kelly of anything of the sort.

“Those are not the people I’m talking about. I’m talking about those I’ve had trouble forgiving for one reason or another.”

Still vague.

“The problem is the more I hold on to my anger, the more I hurt, not them. And while feeling pain and sadness sucks, it’s necessary, NOT damaging.”

You gotta look out for your own health, folks.

“Forgiveness is something you give yourself to move on, to find peace, to let go. So I unblocked a bunch of people today. If this resonates, maybe you can too.”

It’s not clear if Clinton Kelly has actually been unblocked. (Unlike who’s following whom, list of who has blocked whom are not readily visible).

But … it sure sounds like she may have taken him off of her social media no-fly list. That’s progress.
