Thursday, May 19, 2016

Ozzy Osbourne DUMPS Mistress, Begs Sharon for Forgiveness!

Earlier this month, fans were shocked to learn that Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne had split after 33 years of marriage.

Sharon had put up with so much for so long, what could have possibly sent her over the edge at this late stage of the game?

The Talk host held nothing back.

She confirmed the split and the rumors that Ozzy was cheating with hairstylist Michelle Pugh over a tall glass of, you guessed it, lemonade.

Now, sources claim that Ozzy has ended his affair with Pugh in hopes that Sharon will take him back.

“His family is really important to him and he’s come to his senses,” a source told Page Six.

“Sharon is Ozzy’s whole life; he can’t manage without her.”

Funny how family suddenly becomes important only after someone is caught cheating.

According to the insider, the affair with Pugh lasted about six months, which Sharon caught wind of after looking through Ozzy’s e-mails.

Last week, we reported that Sharon was already meeting with divorce lawyers to make the end of their marriage official.

However, the new source claims Sharon will drag her feet.

“She’ll wait months,” said the insider.

“It’s a huge decision with a lot of moving parts, so she’s going to see how everything shakes out before deciding what she wants to do and what is best for their kids.”

Still, others suspect Sharon orchestrated the entire thing as a publicity stunt to garner interest when Ozzy goes on a reunion tour with Black Sabbath next month.

And given that Sharon’s been so open about everything, well, let’s just say Kris Jenner would be proud.