Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne: Divorce Getting Ugly Already?!

Over the weekend, we reported that Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne have called it quits after 33 years of marriage.

It wasn’t the first time that rumors of Sharon and Ozzy breaking up made their way around the web, so we figured there was a good chance that the sassy TV personality and the mumbly rock zombie would patch things up.

Now, however, it’s beginning to look like Ozzy would have a better chance of winning an elocution contest than of winning his wife back.

For starters, Sharon basically confirmed her marriage is over on The Talk this week.

On Monday, she took the day off, but had co-host Julie Chen issued a statement hinting that the reports about Ozzy being caught cheating are 100% true. 

Today, Sharon returned to the panel and started the show with a very clear reference to her husband’s alleged infidelity:

Yes, lemonade. The official beverage of famous women whose famous husbands have been caught sleeping around.

At first it was reported that Ozzy was basically retreating and had moved out of the Beverly Hills home he once shared with Sharon.

Now, it seems he was kicked to the curb – and then made an unwelcome return:

According to TMZ, Ozzy showed up at the house to try and win his way back into Sharon’s heart and she wasn’t having it.

Basically, he was all, “Mama, I’m comin’ home,” and she was like, “Nah, you’re really not.”

Sounds like these two are in for an ugly breakup.

Fortunately, Sharon doesn’t have to worry about Ozzy bad-mouthing her because no one can tall what the hell he’s saying.