Showing posts with label Prepares. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prepares. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Taylor Swift Sends New Message About Voting, Prepares to Be Killed by Republicans

There may now be bad blood between Taylor Swift and many Republicans, but the singer knew there would be trouble as soon as she posted to Instagram last week.

Nevertheless, she came out of the non-political woods and sent a message to young voters who think that a change in the direction of the country can only happen in their wildest dreams.

Yes, she received backlash.

But Swift has clearly shaken it off and is now prepared to receive any more.

This is all a long-winded way of saying that the artist shared two new photos on Instagram today, along with a very important caption affixed to each.

“Something I wish I knew about when I was 18 and voting for the first time: EARLY VOTING,” Swift wrote along the images above and below.

She added:

“It makes it so quick and easy to go and cast your vote before November 6. Early voting starts TODAY in Tennessee and goes to Nov 1.”

Taylor even included with these words a link to a page that offers information on early voting across the country.

Taylor Swift toes

Swift, of course, remained notoriously quiet about her political affiliations and preferences during the 2016 Presidential Election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

She came under an unusual amount of fire for this indecision as well.

Apparently inspired to put an end to the misogyny/insanity/racism/total and complete chaos under the Donald Trump administration, however, Wfit stunned the world several days ago when she posted an endorsement of two Democrats in Tennessee on her social media page.

This is what Swift wrote at the time:

I’m writing this post about the upcoming midterm elections on November 6th, in which I’ll be voting in the state of Tennessee.

In the past I’ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now.

I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country. I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent

I cannot vote for someone who will not be willing to fight for dignity for ALL Americans, no matter their skin color, gender or who they love. Running for Senate in the state of Tennessee is a woman named Marsha Blackburn.

As much as I have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, I cannot support Marsha Blackburn. Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me.

She voted against equal pay for women. She voted against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which attempts to protect women from domestic violence, stalking, and date rape.

She believes businesses have a right to refuse service to gay couples. She also believes they should not have the right to marry.

These are not MY Tennessee values. I will be voting for Phil Bredesen for Senate and Jim Cooper for House of Representatives.

Please, please educate yourself on the candidates running in your state and vote based on who most closely represents your values.

For a lot of us, we may never find a candidate or party with whom we agree 100% on every issue, but we have to vote anyway

In response to Taylor’s unexpected foray into the world of politics, thousands and thousands of people registered to vote.

Despite endlessly promoting and bragging about Kanye West’s love of President Trump, however, Republicans for some reason decided to slam Swift for expressing her view.

They dismissed her as an out-of-touch and ignorant musician who is rich and famous and who therefore cannot relate to the common voter in any way, shape or form.

This is what Trump himself said about the pop star:

But Swift appears to be undeterred.

As she accepted the artist of the year trophy at the American Music Awards last week, Swift again reminded her fans to vote.

“I just wanna say to the fans … you have been so nice to me and fun, and you’re so funny and you’re so cool and so loyal,” she said om stage, adding:

“Every time that you have made me lucky enough to ever get to stand on a stage and have something really sparkly in my hands … it means something different.

“This time, I just want you to know it means encouragement … for me to be better, work harder and to make you guys proud as much as I possibly can.

“This award and every single award given out tonight were voted on by the people, and you know what else is voted on by the people is the midterm elections on Nov. 6.

“Get out and vote. I love you guys!


Friday, June 8, 2018

Nursery Rhyme Prepares Children to Hide During School Shootings

This may send chills down your spine. It should.

A woman tweeted about a horrifying poem — written to a hauntingly familiar tune — that she saw posted on the wall of her child’s future classroom.

It’s to prepare for lockdowns in the event of a school shooting.


On Tuesday, June 5, Somerville Schools posted on Facebook:

“Tomorrow is Kindergarten Transition Day, when incoming Kindergarteners spend he day visiting their new school and learning about Kindergarten.”

That is not uncommon for schools, especially elementary schools that have any sort of partnership with specific pre-K programs or facilities.

Parents come in for a sort of open house experience. At some of these events, preschoolers who are soon to be rising kindergarteners are able to see and visualize their future.

Everything is so new when you are 4 or 5 years old, so being able to see a classroom in advance can make your future less daunting.

Unfortunately, the experience caused quite a fright for a parent after she saw this hanging in a classroom.

Lockdown Rhyme Scare 01

To the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” or “The ABC Song,” or “Baa Baa Black Sheep,” read:

“Lockdown, lockdown, lock the door.”


“Shut the lights off, say no more.”

A chorus of children’s voices singing this sounds like the intro to a horror movie.

“Get behind the desk and hide. Wait until it’s safe inside.”

Holy f–k.

“Lockdown, lockdown, it’s all done. Now it’s time to have some fun.”


Some commenters tried to comment that this might be for tornado drills, too. But it is not. Tornado drills send children into hallways, and do not require turning off the lights or remaining silent.

This is to prepare children to hide and fear for their lives in the event of a shooting.

Lockdown Rhyme Scare 02

Georgy Cohen, the mother who shared the image, which of course went viral as people saw it and blanched with horror, wrote:

“This should not be hanging in my soon-to-be-kindergartener’s classroom.”

Referring to her child as “Z,” which is a tasteful way of discussing your child in a public space, Cohen says:

“Yeah. They already do the drills in pre K. Z was excited about it as a game to see if you can stay quiet for ‘one whole minute."”

To children, death is usually an abstract concept. And it very much should be.

For parents and other adults, who can fully understand the creeping dread of a society that allows its most vulnerable citizens to be in so much danger on a daily basis, this really hits home.

Lockdown Rhyme Scare 03

To be clear, she is not in any way condemning the school or the teacher who wrote the song.

“I’m only going to add one more comment to this:”

As you can imagine, her mentions on Twitter were blowing up.

“The school is doing exactly what they need to be doing, and I am glad for it.”

A rhyming song with a familiar tune is great for teaching children to remember simple instructions.

“My issue is with the political & cultural factors that brought us to this sad state.”

Yep. She specifically refers to America’s gun culture and the lack of political action.

“Please talk to your legislators about the need for gun reform.”

Lockdown Rhyme Scare 04

The tweet’s viral popularity was astonishing. This rhyme was a real shock to the system — which is good, because these horrors should never be normalized.

Many people who have a tweet blow up try to garner attention to a personal passion, such as their SoundCloud.

Cohen writes:

“So I don’t have a SoundCloud but I, like most of you, have congressional representatives I can call to advocate for gun reform Or we can support orgs like @Everytown and @SandyHook.”

That is sound advice.

The whole world has been horrified by these shootings. Regular folks and celebrities alike.


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Amy Roloff Prepares for Easter, Hears It from Jesus Fans

Without intending to do so, Amy Roloff has managed to make a plateful of cookies seem controversial.

The Little People, Big World star jumped on Instagram last week to share a delicious looking photo.

It features Amy sitting alone at a table, except for the yummy items in front of her; from mini muffins to some kind of bread and even a few painted eggs.

“I’m already planning for Easter,” she wrote to open a lengthy caption, continuing as follows:

“It’s a special time and celebration to me because what Jesus did! And I’m with my family. Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen is all about sharing what I love with you.

“Recipes, food and why I love being in the kitchen making delicious baked goods and meals. That gather people together and around the table.”

So… why the aforementioned controversy?

Because Easter is arguably the most sacred and important of all Catholic holidays.

It is meant as a celebration for the surprising resurrection of Jesus Christ.

And Amy is using it as a way to shill for her website and her company?!? Does she have no sense of decorum or respect?!?

So argues a few harsh critics, at least.

“Really, Amy?!? Must you exploit this holiday for your own selfish gain?” wrote one follower in response to this post.

The post, meanwhile, goes on a bit more:

I remember how I loved coloring eggs w/ my kids and hiding them before they woke up to find them. And making Easter baskets with something special in it that reminded them what Easter truly is all about. I

’d baked a lemon poppy seed bread (in photo) quiche, cheesecake, honey baked ham and other goodies for our meal. I get excited just thinking about it.

We get hungry just thinking about it.

But some get angry.

“Just stop, Amy,” said another hater. “Of ALL days, this one is not about you.”

In the past, Amy’s daughter also got dragged for using God and religion to pitch her own products.

Amy, meanwhile, typically hears it from trolls who don’t approve of her romance with Chris Marek.

But he wasn’t the source of contention this time around.

Concluded Roloff in her caption:

My kids are all grown up now and it’ll be fun to see them with their kids at Easter and start their own traditions. What are some of your Easter traditions and things you make? Check out Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen at

Thank you for your support and encouragement. Have a wonderful almost Spring day.

Roloff also used the hashtags “#amyroloffslittlekitchen,” “#Easter,” “#celebratetraditions,” “#familylife,” and “#sharingourstory.”

What do you think of this scandal?

Is it really a scandal?

Is Amy just doing what any entrepreneur anywhere would do?

Or should Easter really not be a holiday that gets the hashtag treatment because it is too sacred?

We want to hear your opinion, readers!


Monday, October 16, 2017

Javi Marroquin Prepares For "Emotional" Trip With Kailyn Lowry

There might not be a more complicated relationship in the entire reality TV landscape than the one between Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin.

As fans of Teen Mom 2 are well aware, Kailyn and Javi have been divorced for quite some time.

However, due to the fact that they not only have a child together, but also share a number of professional commitments, they’re still very much in one another’s lives.

For most divorce couples, that probably sounds like hell on earth, but Kail and Javi don’t seem to mind the arrangement.

In fact, they recently doubled-down by collaborating on a yet another project together.

Last week, Lowry and Marroquin announced a book deal with a unique twist.

Each of them penned a separate memoir offering their version of what led them to divorce, with the idea that the books would be released on the same day.

Now, Javi is opening up for the first time about the origins of the unique project.

“Out of respect for Kail, I wanted her to read it and she needed to read it,” he told Radar Online in a recent interview.

“She wasn’t happy with what was in it. We were figuring out a way to compromise. It came down to, why don’t you just write your own book? Leave my book alone. You do your thing and I write my book.”

Javi says that from there, it became clear that the only fair way for both parties to tell their stories was to publish two separate books.

“People are going to believe what they want to believe,” Marroquin said.

“As she writes and I find out what she’s putting in there, more things pop into my head. I’m like, ‘Okay, if you’re going to go there, I’m going to go here.’”

Following photos of Javi and Kailyn kissing in public, rumors of a reconciliation began circulating on social media last week.

But Javi says it was a purely platonic moment, and he and Kailyn are committed to maintaining amicable co-parenting and collaborating relationships.

In fact, the former couple is soon to embark on a book tour together, and while Javi is aware they may be some emotional moments, he says he and Kail are committed to keeping their relationship professional.

“We try not to get emotions involved and just kind of realize the past is the past,” he said.

“Emotions get involved so quickly because it was so heavy for both of us. We find ourselves arguing over something that happened such a long time ago.

“Hopefully we can be professionals and go on this book tour,” he concluded.

We think that might not be as easy as Javi thinks.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Javi and Kailyn’s tumultuous romance.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Meghan Markle Prepares to Meet Queen as Engagement Draws Near

You might think starring in a basic cable legal drama is the height of human experience, but you, easily satisfied reader, would be dead wrong.

The best thing a person can do is become royalty, and that’s an objective fact, so you can just take your BS about helping others and leading a fulfilling life of service elsewhere!

Now, earning a royal title is no easy feat for Americans, but it’s been done.

We’ve had Grace Kelly, Prince, King of Pop Michael Jackson, and now, Suits actress Meghan Markle may soon join the ranks of the gilded elite.

In case you haven’t heard due to your busy schedule of charitable deeds, Meghan is dating Prince Harry.

And unlike the contestants on what’s arguably the most ill-conceived reality show in history, she may soon get the chance to marry Harry.

Rumors of Meghan and Harry getting engaged have been circulating pretty much from the time they started dating, but these days it really seems like an announcement is imminent.

Harry and Meghan traveled to Africa earlier this month in celebration of her 36th birthday.

Many anticipated that Harry would propose on the trip, but she arrived back in the UK ringless last week.

But despite the prominent lack of bling, Meghan and Harry might still be walking down the aisle in the very near future.

Sources say the couple has been spending time together in London recently, and they seem to have an agenda.

According to a report from E! News, Harry is planning on introducing Meghan to his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, sometime in the next week.

“It’s, of course, very serious and both Harry and Meghan are focused on the future,” a source tells the outlet.

“Engagement talk isn’t just between the two of them, even some of Harry’s closest aides are quietly expecting news before the end of the year.”

Yeah, this isn’t like when you proposed over the build your own sampler platter at Applebee’s.

(Hey, a life of good works won’t make you rich!)

Royals follow a unique protocol, and tradition dictates that Harry get the permission of a whole bunch of people before he gets down on one knee.

Of course, the Queen’s approval is of particular importance, so Meghan is likely feeling the pressure these days.

Fortunately, Meghan’s years of portraying Suits Suiterson have likely taught her a thing or two about remaining cool under stress.

She might not be teaching Slovenian orphans conversational English, but she’s doing just fine for herself, you smug SOB!


Sunday, January 8, 2017

Golden Globes Prepares for Waterworld (PHOTOS)

Everyone’s got their own problems … while 10’s of millions of Americans are paralyzed by blizzards, Beverly Hills is in a panic over fancy gowns getting all wrinkled and wet from an impending storm. The Golden Globes are tonight, and there’s a mad…


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Blac Chyna Poses with Dream, Prepares to Shed Weight

Blac Chyna is clearly savoring this time with her brand new daughter.

But she’s also making plans to leave that child behind.

Or to leave the weight gained while carrying that child to term behind, we should say.

First, the two-time mother and fiancee of Rob Kardashian has shared yet another precious photo of herself and her newborn baby, Dream Renee Kardashian.

Check it out here:

Chyna simply posted a sleeping emoji face for this photo’s caption.

It’s good to see she’s cherishing such a moment, however. Because babies don’t sleep very much during their first couple months of life!

But while Chyna is clearly making the most out of parenthood, she also said in a Snapchat video that she has her eyes on one particular post-pregnancy prize:

Major weight loss.

On Monday, Chyna posted a Snapchat of her healthy meal, saying on video: “I’m about to get this body back right – rice, salmon, salad.”

Which is great and all. She should absolutely want to eat healthy.

But we took up this same issue back when Kim Kardashian talked at painful length about wanting to shed her excess baby weight so soon after giving birth to Saint West.

It sets a bad example for other mothers out there.

There are more important things right now than returning to one’s former weight. You just gave birth to a human being! You were just at the center of a miracle!

Sit back. Enjoy it. Appreciate it. Savor it.

At the very least, don’t publicize your desire to get right back into shape because most mothers out there are so overwhelmed by parenthood that they simply can’t think that way.

Moreover, they may not be able to afford to think this way.

Chyna and Kim are far better off than a significant majority of people on this planet; they can afford personal chefs or personal trainers and they can pretty much set their own work schedule.

All that venting aside, Chyna and Rob look so gosh darn cute with little Dream!

It’s almost hard to believe this is the same couple that spend every episode of their reality show arguing, fighting and screaming.

Since becoming parents, it’s been impossible to wipe the smiles off their faces, with Chyna sharing a photo of her breastfeeding Dream and Rob gushing like a proud papa.

“I am so lucky!! Thank you @blacchyna for having our baby and being so strong! I love you so much and can’t wait to see her get older day by day with you Chy!” he wrote shortly after Blac Chyna gave birth.

He later added:

“I love you and Dream so much and Appreciate both of you. I know everyone saying that’s my twin but that’s def your nose Chy lol.”

New aunt Khloe Kardashian was also excited about this addition to the family, Tweeting on Thursday afternoon:

“My new niece is absolutely stunning!!! So thankful I was able to land in time to witness this miracle happen! Praise God!”

And what about Kylie Jenner?

“I can’t stop looking at her. Congrats @robkardashian @blacchyna She’s so beyond beautiful, a dream,” she wrote.

We’re yet to hear from Kim and Kanye West, but they did send Dream her very first pair of sneakers. Of the Yeezus variety, of course.

Please join us in sending Rob and Chyna your very best wishes.

And if you want to see more of Dream, don’t worry:

E! will air a Rob and Chyna baby special on Sunday, December 18. Because of course it will.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Jessa Duggar Offers Pregnancy Update, Prepares For Spurgeon"s 1st Birthday!

It’s a time of change at the Duggar compound.

Shortly after fans learned that Jinger Duggar had gotten engaged to Jeremy Vuolo, another Duggar sister shared some big news of her own.

Jessa Duggar is expecting her second child with Ben Seewald, and while the couple has been typically tight-lipped with regard to the kid’s gender and possible name, they’ve been offering regular social media updates on the happenings within their growing family:

“So many milestones this week for our little family!” Jessa wrote in her latest Facebook status. “I’m overwhelmed by God’s kindness!’

She added:

“Nov 1st @ben_seewald and I celebrate our anniversary, Nov 3rd baby #2 enters the 3rd trimester, and Nov 5th #SpurgeonElliotSeewald celebrates his 1st birthday!”

Yes, it’s hard to believe, but it’s been almost a year since Jessa welcomed baby Spurgeon into the world.

No word on how many times they’ve reconsidered that name, but it must be in the thousands.

Anyway, Jessa has stated that her second pregnancy is going more smoothly than her first, and that the time is moving more quickly as a result of the full-time task of chasing lil Spurge around the house.

She posted side-by-side photos of her herself carrying Spurgeon at 25 weeks in order to commemorate reaching the same milestone in her second pregnancy.

There’s not a whole lot of difference between the two photos…

…but some fans believe Jessa is sporting a smaller, higher bump this time around which – according to less-than-scientific wives’ tales on the subject – can be taken as an indication that she’s carrying a girl.

Not exactly a sonogram, but Duggar obsessives will take whatever information they can get at this point.

Jessa spoke about her pregnancy in a recent Counting On “after-show” that many took to be the series’ Season 2 finale.

However, according to TLC, there are two more new episodes, one of which will air tonight.

Be warned, however, it does look as though tonight’s installment will be a “retrospective” made up of previously-aired footage.

But just in case there’s anything new, you can watch Counting On online in order to get caught up.


Monday, May 9, 2016

Sharon Osbourne Confirms Split From Ozzy Osbourne, Prepares For Divorce

Over the weekend, the celebrity gossip world was abuzz with news that Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne have split after 33 years of marriage. 

The couple has yet to respond to reports that Ozzy moved out of their Beverly Hills home after Sharon learned that he’d been cheating with celebrity hair stylist Michelle Pugh – but their silence speaks volumes.

Sharon did not appear on her CBS panel show The Talk today, but co-host Julie Chen spoke on her behalf and basically confirmed that the rumors of infidelity are true:

“There were many tabloid headlines this weekend about Sharon and her husband Ozzy, rumors and speculation that they have split up after 33 years of marriage,” Chen told her audience.

“Sharon understandably took today off. We are sending all of our love to her and to her family, and we ask that you do the same.”

Obviously, she didn’t come right out and say the Osbournes are ready to call it quits, but hosts generally don’t take time off because of untrue tabloid reports.

Sharon and Ozzy are no strangers to rough patches, and there were rumors that she gave him the boot after he fell off the wagon back in 2013, but the 67-year-old rocker sobered up and managed to save his marriage.

At that time, Sharon addressed her marital difficulties on The Talk, telling viewers that she was “not happy,” but had no intention of getting a divorce.

This time, Ozzy’s substance abuse issues were reportedly not a factor, and it looks as though Sharon is preparing to move on without him. 

“Sharon has been pretty down,” a source close to the situation tells People magazine.

“I don’t know how much more she can take. It just weighs you down.”

The insider adds that Kelly and Jack stopped by to visit Sharon for Mother’s Day yesterday – and Ozzy was nowhere to be found:

“The kids were over yesterday with their kids and their other halves for Mother’s Day and they had a good day,” says the source.

After more than three decades of putting up with Ozzy, we assumed Sharon didn’t have a breaking point, but it sounds like she just reached it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Jenelle Evans Prepares to Face Off With Nathan Griffith in Court

Last week, Jenelle Evans bragged that she’ll soon be fighting “two custody battles” at once

Today, we learned that one of them will be getting underway much sooner than expected.

According to Radar Online, Jenelle and Nathan Griffith will face off in court on Monday, which leaves Evans with less than one week to prepare for what could be a very ugly legal battle. 

The pre-trial orientation will allow Jenelle and Nathan a final opportunity to settle things amicably – but those in Jenelle’s inner circle doubt that she’ll take the opportunity.

“It’s a mediation orientation on Monday,” one source says. “They explain to you how and where Jenelle and Nathan would negotiate on terms of custody.

“For mediation, it would be Jenelle and Nathan in a room with a legal authority overseeing their talks.”

Yes, if they’re able to see eye-to-eye on the matter, Jenelle and Nathan can sort custody of little Kaiser out for themselves, rather than having a judge decide.

But based on the fact that Jenelle is already suing Nathan for child support (even though she’s the one with a freakin’ MTV show), we’re guessing that’s not gonna happen. 

As for the other custody battle, Jenelle will soon face off against her infamous mother, Barbara Evans, who’s been raising her youngest child pretty much since he was an infant.

Needless to say, exciting times are ahead for Ms. Evans.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Jenelle’s wildest moments.

Jenelle Evans Prepares to Face Off With Nathan Griffith in Court

Last week, Jenelle Evans bragged that she’ll soon be fighting “two custody battles” at once

Today, we learned that one of them will be getting underway much sooner than expected.

According to Radar Online, Jenelle and Nathan Griffith will face off in court on Monday, which leaves Evans with less than one week to prepare for what could be a very ugly legal battle. 

The pre-trial orientation will allow Jenelle and Nathan a final opportunity to settle things amicably – but those in Jenelle’s inner circle doubt that she’ll take the opportunity.

“It’s a mediation orientation on Monday,” one source says. “They explain to you how and where Jenelle and Nathan would negotiate on terms of custody.

“For mediation, it would be Jenelle and Nathan in a room with a legal authority overseeing their talks.”

Yes, if they’re able to see eye-to-eye on the matter, Jenelle and Nathan can sort custody of little Kaiser out for themselves, rather than having a judge decide.

But based on the fact that Jenelle is already suing Nathan for child support (even though she’s the one with a freakin’ MTV show), we’re guessing that’s not gonna happen. 

As for the other custody battle, Jenelle will soon face off against her infamous mother, Barbara Evans, who’s been raising her youngest child pretty much since he was an infant.

Needless to say, exciting times are ahead for Ms. Evans.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Jenelle’s wildest moments.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Anna Duggar to File For Divorce as Josh Duggar Prepares to Leave Rehab?

It’s been over three months since Josh Duggar checked into rehab for sex addiction, and several sources close to his famous family say that the 27-year-old former lobbyist is hoping to be home in time for the holidays.

However, it seems that Josh’s wife may not be thrilled by the idea of his early release, as In Touch is reporting that Anna Duggar is planning to file for divorce before her husband returns home, and now, she may need to rush the proceedings.

Insiders tell the tabloid that the ever-scheming Josh is aware of Anna’s intentions, and in addition to leaving treatment early in hopes of changing her mind, he’s in the process of hatching another plan that he hopes will essentially force her to stay with him:

“She’s contemplating divorce, but now Josh wants them to renew their wedding vows in front of both of their families,” says one insider.

Josh is aware that Anna’s family is as devoutly religious as his own, and he’s reportedly hoping that the dual pressure of feeling that she’s disappointing her kids and her parents will convince her to give him another chance.

Yes, he’s a classy guy, that Josh Duggar:

“It’s been really stressful for Anna because her kids want their daddy home for the holidays and she’s a full-time single parent,” says the source.

“She is getting support from the Duggar family in that they help watch the kids, but she’s still under a ton of pressure.”

As we’ve previously reported Josh’s faith-based rehab (which some say bears more resemblance to a Christian work camp than an actual treatment facility) works in 45-day cycles.

At the end of each cycle, “students” are evaluated, and asked if they would like to leave the facility or remain in treatment.

Josh is approaching his 90-day mark, and now that he’s caught wind of Anna’s plan to leave him, sources say there’s no way he’ll remain in treatment, as he knows this might be his last chance to plead his case.

So it looks like Josh will indeed by home for Christmas – but it also sounds like it won’t be a very merry occasion.