Showing posts with label Hide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hide. Show all posts

Thursday, December 13, 2018

LeSean McCoy Accuser Claims He Scrubbed Home with Bleach ... to Hide Evidence

LeSean McCoy has scrubbed down the home he owns in Georgia with BLEACH in an effort to conceal evidence in the home invasion case … this according to one of the victims. 
Elizabeth Donald — who was attacked during the July 10 home invasion — has filed new court docs ...
LeSean McCoy Accuser Claims He Scrubbed Home with Bleach ... to Hide Evidence

Friday, June 8, 2018

Nursery Rhyme Prepares Children to Hide During School Shootings

This may send chills down your spine. It should.

A woman tweeted about a horrifying poem — written to a hauntingly familiar tune — that she saw posted on the wall of her child’s future classroom.

It’s to prepare for lockdowns in the event of a school shooting.


On Tuesday, June 5, Somerville Schools posted on Facebook:

“Tomorrow is Kindergarten Transition Day, when incoming Kindergarteners spend he day visiting their new school and learning about Kindergarten.”

That is not uncommon for schools, especially elementary schools that have any sort of partnership with specific pre-K programs or facilities.

Parents come in for a sort of open house experience. At some of these events, preschoolers who are soon to be rising kindergarteners are able to see and visualize their future.

Everything is so new when you are 4 or 5 years old, so being able to see a classroom in advance can make your future less daunting.

Unfortunately, the experience caused quite a fright for a parent after she saw this hanging in a classroom.

Lockdown Rhyme Scare 01

To the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” or “The ABC Song,” or “Baa Baa Black Sheep,” read:

“Lockdown, lockdown, lock the door.”


“Shut the lights off, say no more.”

A chorus of children’s voices singing this sounds like the intro to a horror movie.

“Get behind the desk and hide. Wait until it’s safe inside.”

Holy f–k.

“Lockdown, lockdown, it’s all done. Now it’s time to have some fun.”


Some commenters tried to comment that this might be for tornado drills, too. But it is not. Tornado drills send children into hallways, and do not require turning off the lights or remaining silent.

This is to prepare children to hide and fear for their lives in the event of a shooting.

Lockdown Rhyme Scare 02

Georgy Cohen, the mother who shared the image, which of course went viral as people saw it and blanched with horror, wrote:

“This should not be hanging in my soon-to-be-kindergartener’s classroom.”

Referring to her child as “Z,” which is a tasteful way of discussing your child in a public space, Cohen says:

“Yeah. They already do the drills in pre K. Z was excited about it as a game to see if you can stay quiet for ‘one whole minute."”

To children, death is usually an abstract concept. And it very much should be.

For parents and other adults, who can fully understand the creeping dread of a society that allows its most vulnerable citizens to be in so much danger on a daily basis, this really hits home.

Lockdown Rhyme Scare 03

To be clear, she is not in any way condemning the school or the teacher who wrote the song.

“I’m only going to add one more comment to this:”

As you can imagine, her mentions on Twitter were blowing up.

“The school is doing exactly what they need to be doing, and I am glad for it.”

A rhyming song with a familiar tune is great for teaching children to remember simple instructions.

“My issue is with the political & cultural factors that brought us to this sad state.”

Yep. She specifically refers to America’s gun culture and the lack of political action.

“Please talk to your legislators about the need for gun reform.”

Lockdown Rhyme Scare 04

The tweet’s viral popularity was astonishing. This rhyme was a real shock to the system — which is good, because these horrors should never be normalized.

Many people who have a tweet blow up try to garner attention to a personal passion, such as their SoundCloud.

Cohen writes:

“So I don’t have a SoundCloud but I, like most of you, have congressional representatives I can call to advocate for gun reform Or we can support orgs like @Everytown and @SandyHook.”

That is sound advice.

The whole world has been horrified by these shootings. Regular folks and celebrities alike.


Monday, April 30, 2018

Kendall Jenner: Pregnant? Turning Down Modeling Gigs to Hide Her Baby Bump?

Subtle changes in Kendall Jenner’s appearance have led to plastic surgery accusations. It’s been rumored that Kendall is quitting TV. And apparently she’s turning down modeling gigs.

Now, a shocking new report from an industry insider has come out that may explain it all.

Is Kendall Jenner pregnant?!

Fameolous reports that they received a hot tip that Kendall is pregnant. If it pans out, this could be truly explosive.

The source identifies how they know this, first.

“I work in PR and a high end luxury client wanted to book Kendall Jenner for an event during couture week in Paris.”

Kendall is a supermodel and one of the most in-demand talents in the world.

“We hired a subcontractor and a top photographer to facilitate the booking (as he is extremely well introduced).”

It was apparently this guy who spilled the beans.

(This “pregnant” photo has been haunting us all for a long time)

On a call, this man apparently informed those involved that it wasn’t going to work out.

“And he said they can’t book Kendall because she is pregnant.”

The source explains that this knowledge comes secondhand … or thirdhand … or more.

“Unfortunately, I was not on the call, so I have zero details.”

No details … and they don’t risk identifying themselves.

So … is it true?

Obviously, Kendall has not announced anything regarding an alleged pregnancy.

(We would have led with that; we’re not monsters)

Given that Khloe and Kylie both refused to publicly acknowledge their pregnancies for months on end, a denial from Kendall might not mean much to most people, but it would be worth mentioning.

But we should note that a tweet from the second half of April casts doubt on the idea that Kendall is pregnant.

Someone tweeted: “Khloe has True. Kourtney has Mason, Penelope, Reign. Kim has North, Saint, Chicago. Kylie has Stormi. Rob has Dream. Kendall has lip tattoo.”

Kendall replied to the tweet, writing her own correction:

“Kendall has her horses**”

She sure does.

Plenty of people would be excited to see Kendall pregnant. She’s the only one of Kris Jenner’s children who has not yet had a child.

She’s also gorgeous and, if she is pregnant, it would likely be Blake Griffin’s baby.

But, in addition to Kendall being satisfied with her horses, there are other reasons that this report should perhaps be taken with a grain of salt.

As the insider admits, the information does not come firsthand or even secondhand.

And then there’s the fact that Kendall isn’t showing any signs of pregnancy. So why would she need to turn down modeling gigs?

Here is a photo that she shared less than a week before that report came out.

Kendall Jenner tummy

We’re no doctors, but that does not look like a baby bump to us.

Could it have been taken earlier and then posted later? Sure. But Kendall was just enjoying herself at Coachella. She was not invisible.

Finally, there is a totally valid explanation for why she might take some time off from modeling events such as Paris Fashion Week earlier this year.

Models have to take breaks or they’ll risk burnout. Kaia Gerber, Bella Hadid, and Gigi Hadid have all taken steps back from huge modeling events for exactly this reason.

Sometimes, a rumor is just a rumor. Even within the modeling industry.

But hey, at least this time, the rumor isn’t that Kendall is pregnant with Scott Disick’s baby. That would be worse.


Saturday, April 7, 2018

Cardi B Wears Ridiculous Dress to Hide Pregnancy

It’s just getting absurd … Cardi B barely made it through the door for her performance Friday night in Miami …. her dress was so damn big, and of course we know why. Cardi performed at E11EVEN nightclub in Miami, arriving at around 2:30 AM with…


Friday, April 6, 2018

Cardi B"s Team Swarming to Hide Pregnancy

Cardi B’s squad is rolling in super tight formation to make sure NO ONE gets the slightest glimpse of what must be a sizable baby bump by now. We got Cardi Thursday evening outside the London Hotel in NYC, and it was almost like a military…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Cardi B Goes to Extreme Lengths to Hide Baby Bump

Cardi B’s wardrobe crew is working overtime, and will continue to be until she announces what we already know … that she’s hiding a baby bump under increasingly baggy clothing. The “Bodak Yellow” rapper got dressed to the nines Wednesday to film…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Kylie Jenner: How Long She"ll Hide Herself & Her Baby!

Okay, so not only is Kylie Jenner pregnant, but we finally know how the big Kylie pregnancy reveal is happening on Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

Once that two-part special airs, she’ll finally be able to go out in public and let people see that she’s pregnant. … Right?

Maybe not. As it turns out, Kylie is reportedly still determined to remain in seclusion until the baby’s born.

Though the entire planet has known about Kylie’s pregnancy since September, Kylie — who used to dominate social media with selfies and updates on her life — hasn’t confirmed it.

Or even allowed herself to be seen — really seen — in ages.

At first, we wondered if it was just because she wanted to do a big reveal. We even wondered if it was some sort of revenge, if staying mum about her pregnancy was a way of getting back at her nosy fans.

One heartbreaking reports claims that Kylie Jenner cannot stop eating.

That’s normal for a pregnancy, but, if it’s true, it must be a nightmare for a reality star. Especially one based in Southern California who built a lot of her brand on having a desirable look.

Whatever the true cause — and we’re sure that a number of factors are involved — reports have been claiming for a while now that Kylie Jenner plans to hide until she gives birth.

HollywoodLife reports that Kylie Jenner plans to remain in hiding … and they describe how she reportedly plans to share her baby with the world.

Kylie wants to keep the worst kept secret still very vague until she actually has the baby.”

That much seems clear.

“She doesn’t want anyone to know when she will be at the hospital and in labor, she doesn’t want anyone to get the shot of the baby.”

We’ve heard absolute nightmare situations about famous people being stalked at hospitals and even followed by helicopters.

Kylie’s reason for wanting zero photos of her baby after the birth is for a much more practical reason.

“Because she would like to sell that photo and she doesn’t want it to be a part of the show until the baby is actually born.”

Kylie has a very specific role model in mind for how she rolls out information and media about her soon-to-be child.

“But she is going to move forward pretty much the same way how Kim has dealt with it with her children.”

Meaning, specifically:

“Revealing things very limitedly or not at all.”

Honestly, it makes sense that Kylie would follow Kim’s example, here. Is Kourtney the more experienced mother? Of course.

But Kim’s been having children over the past few years, at the height of Kardashian fame. Kourtney is world-famous, but she’s never taken center-stage like Kim or Kylie.

HollywoodLife‘s source goes on to talk about how Kylie is enjoying keeping this private.

“She doesn’t have many things for herself and with this being her first baby, she wants to make it as special and real as it possibly can be.”

That seems to contradict her plans to sell a photo of her baby … but whatever.

“And then make everything about her private life take the turn to public life.”

So she’ll, what, gradually let people know more?

“She wants to give something to herself before she gives it up to the world.”

That is very sweet. But … is it the whole truth?

We’re leery of latching onto an individual report and swallowing it hook. line, and sinker. But we’ve heard a lot about Kylie’s alleged weight gain during her pregnancy and about her apparent body image issues.

Considering her history (she wasn’t always considered “hot,” folks … and Kylie went through her own transformation, not unlike Kourtney’s, during her teen years and many believe that it wasn’t just puberty), it’s easy to believe that Kylie’s freaking out about pregnancy weight, from hormones and from eating.

We hope that she’s able to calm down and get some perspective by the time that the baby arrives.

And Kylie’s baby is due in less than a month.


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Duggars Hide Joy-Anna"s Baby Bump, Put Josh on Display in Bizarre Christmas Photo

It’s no surprise that the Duggar family loves Christmas.

Of course, they don’t celebrate the holiday the way that most Americans do.

As with just about everything else they do, the Duggars keep the focus on their religious beliefs, eschewing customary traditions and designing their festivities as a “birthday party for Jesus.”

But while they’ve been vocal in their criticism of the consumerism that they feel distracts from the religious significance of the season, the Duggars allow for some traditional celebrations.

They exchange gifts, enjoy a big family meal, and pose for an annual Christmas photo.

Of course, that last part doesn’t necessarily take place during the Christmas season.

As you can see in the photo below, it looks as though the Duggars posed for their yearly pic in the warmer months.

Aside from the weather, there are other indications that the photo is not a very recent one.

Josh and Anna Duggar welcomed a fifth child back in September, and as many fans have pointed out, the baby is nowhere to be seen in this year’s Christmas photo.

Of course, most of the fans who posted Josh-related comments were less concerned about the absence of his youngest child and more angry with the fact that he was included in the photo at all.

In the immediate wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals, the disgraced former lobbyist was seldom seen on his family’s social media pages.

These days, he makes frequent appearances on the Duggar’s official Facebook, and many are concerned that that’s a sign of what’s to come.

But not everyone who dissected the movie under a magnifying glass took issue with the inclusion of Josh.

No, some focused on Joy-Anna Duggar and the way she’s positioned in the shot.

As you’ve likely heard by now Joy-Anna is pregnant with her first child, and there’s some debate as to how far along she is.

Joy says she got pregnant on her honeymoon, but many believe she actually got knocked up prior to marrying Austin Forsyth back in May.

If that’s the case, it would mean that Joy and Austin violated the Duggar’s famous rules of courtship.

The family’s efforts to remove Joy from the public eye and hide her baby bump in photos has only fueled speculation that the 20-year-old newlywed is misleading fans.

And then there’s the matter of Derick Dillard.

Dillard was recently fired by TLC after launching a homophoboic tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings on Twitter.

Many feel that Derick should be removed not only from the show, but from all Duggar-related media.

Clearly, the Duggars themselves disagree.

Yes, these days the Duggars can’t even post a Christmas photo without sparking numerous debates on social media.

It’s all in a day’s work for the ultra-conservative clan.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Khloe Kardashian Goes Overboard to Hide Baby Bump

Hey, Khloe … Tristan Thompson called and he wants his trench coat back. Khloe was out in Santa Monica Wednesday for a doctor’s appointment and it just seems like she’s wearing her 6-foot-9 BF’s drab to hide what the…


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Kylie Jenner: I"m Just Gonna Hide Until My Baby"s Born!

This might break Kris Jenner’s heart.

You know how Kylie Jenner is pregnant, but refuses to confirm it — even when she’s been spotted out and about with a baby bump?

Well, now we know how long she intends to keep this to herself. In fact, we know when she’s planning to announce her baby news … and you won’t believe it.

People reports that their source informs them that Kylie wants to keep things relatively private for the next long while.

Specifically, their source says:

“Kylie wants to disappear and be out of the spotlight and focus on her health and happiness.”

Health and happiness are important, we’ll give her that.

But how long is she going to keep teasing fans about her pregnancy?

“Kylie isn’t going to publicly address her pregnancy until she gives birth.”

That is … technically her business but also laughably ridiculous. The entire world knows that she’s pregnant.

“She’s not doing any public appearances and just wanted to take six months off”

Taking time off is fine … though we wonder how it might impact her brand. Maybe she’s counting on her baby to balance things out?

Most shocking of all was this tidbit:

Apparently, Kylie’s baby shower “was organized just five days before it happened.”

That is … almost incomprehensible.

Maybe Kylie was unsure of whether or not to have one or maybe she was prompted to do it by Kim Kardashian’s baby shower or maybe she wanted to keep it quiet, but … wow.

Personally, I try to plan going to dinner or a movie days in advance. If I were planning a baby shower, I’d start the day that the pregnancy was announced … if not sooner.

We can understand a new mother’s desire to focus on her pregnancy and new baby, but … six months?

Kylie Jenner hasn’t spent six months out of the spotlight since she was in elementary school.

Now, everybody is totally entitled to a break.

That includes reality stars. They work a lot to get footage for their show, and then there are promotional gigs and the constant social media presence.

Anyone would want a vacation, right?

Especially someone who’s pregnant.

But … six months is a lot of time to all but disappear from the world, especially when the whole world is accustomed to seeing you give multiple updates on your life every day.

And there’s no telling how this could impact Kylie’s wildly successful makeup business. So … this is a little confusing.

But it makes sense when you think about what we’ve heard about Kylie feeling insecure over her pregnant body.

“Kylie is only trusting her closest friends and her sisters right now.”

That’s usually a good policy to keep.

“She wants to reveal things on her own terms but she’s, of course, having fun teasing everyone.”

From selfies that only capture her face to photos featuring massively oversized shirts to remaining a shut-in most of the time, Kylie’s definitely doing a lot of teasing.

“She knows all the attention is on her and her baby bump, but she won’t share until she wants to.”

That’s her right, even if some of her fans feel that she’s mocking them for being interested in the life that she’s openly shared with them until very recently.


Friday, November 10, 2017

Cuba Gooding Jr. to O.J. Simpson: You Can"t Hide Dirt In 2017

O.J. Simpson is learning real quick … it’s WAY harder to hide your dirty laundry in 2017 — so says Cuba Gooding Jr.  Case in point … we broke the story … O.J. was banned for life from a Vegas casino this week — and Cuba says with…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Christopher Darden Says Hide the Women and Children After O.J. Simpson"s Released!!!

O.J. Simpson will be a menace to society when he’s released from prison … a danger to women and children … so says (possibly jokes) former O.J. prosecutor Christopher Darden. We got Darden leaving NBC studios Thursday in NYC when we asked…


Monday, April 24, 2017

Beyonce and Jay Z Go Above and Beyond To Hide Her Baby Bump at Nobu (PHOTO + VIDEO)

Jay Z and Beyonce have a carefully orchestrated escape plan to hide her baby bump whenever they’re in public, and they rolled it out after dinner in Malibu. The couple slipped out of Nobu Sunday night under heavy cover … from bodyguards to…


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Victoria"s Secret Angels Have NOTHING to Hide On the Job (PHOTO GALLERY)

Here we have 4 Victoria’s Secret Angels in their natural habitat — basking in the sun and getting a little closer … while wearing the least amount of lingerie legally allowed in public. Josephine Skriver, Sara Sampaio, Elsa Hosk and Lais Ribeiro…


Monday, December 12, 2016

Irina Shayk"s Hiding Her Baby Bump, But Can"t Hide Cravings (PHOTOS)

Irina Shayk’s employing the oldest trick in the book — super baggy sweaters — to conceal what’s widely believed to be the baby in her belly, but her mouth is blowing the secret. Irina was out Sunday in L.A. with BF Bradley Cooper’s mom and…


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Kylie Jenner to PartyNextDoor: You"re Trying to HIDE Me!! (VIDEO)

Kylie Jenner is moving fast in her new relationship with PartyNextDoor, and it looks like the couple just had their first fight.

Both Kylie and the 22-year-old rapper have already appeared on each other"s Snapchats, and PND recently posted a video of his visibly upset new girlfriend.

In the vid, Kylie suggests that PND is trying to hide her after he deleted an earlier post with her in it.

He tries to explain that he was just "protecting" her, but she does not appear convinced.

Very early this morning, Kylie debuted her new flame on her Snapchat by sharing a video of him playing the piano and singing "Kylie, Kylie."

But more interesting than the content of the vid is the time it was posted: 6:21 a.m.

That"s a very early date.

Or very late date, if you get my drift.

Did you catch that, Tyga?

While it appears that Kylie is having a grand ol" time with PND (or at least, a time), sources claim that she"s still reeling from her breakup, and the reason she"s been so public with her new man is to make Tyga jealous.

It"s the exact type of thing teenagers do when they want to stick it to someone, even if they"re rich and famous.

Kylie was first spotted with PND at a comedy show in Hollywood, and later on a bowling date.

He filmed Kylie throwing the ball and knocking some pins down then shared it to Snapchat.

Kylie broke her silence on Tyga breakup rumors yesterday when she debunked a rumor that he owed her $ 2 million, calling it nothing but "lies."

Kylie jenner to partynextdoor youre trying to hide me video

Monday, May 9, 2016

Jill Duggar: Lying Low on Social Media to Hide Pregnancy?!

For weeks now, rumors that Jill Duggar is pregnant with her second child have been circulating throughout the more Duggar-obsessed corners of the Internet.

Much of the speculation is based on the photo above, which many believe shows Jill hiding a baby bump.

Not exactly ironclad evidence, but it does appear that some sort of change has recently taken place in Jill’s life, as the 24-year-old has been uncharacteristically quiet on social media lately.

In fact, Jill hasn’t posted anything on Instagram in over a week.

That may not seem all that unusual, but it’s unlike Jill to let an occasion like Mother’s Day come and go without giving her mom a shoutout online.

Adding to the mystery is the fact that Derick didn’t mark the holiday with a post in honor of Jill.

His only social media activity in the past few days is a photo of an outdoor party (with Jill nowhere to be seen) that he posted on Friday night.

The image confirms that despite reports that Jill and Derick had cut their mission trip short (again), they are in fact still in El Salvador. 

But as you can see, it does little to quash rumors that Jill is secretly knocked up.

And why would a family that’s as big on procreation as the Duggars keep a pregnancy under wraps?

Well, Jill and Derick have spent the last several months living in one of the world’s worst Zika virus hotspots.

Rumors that Jill got pregnant despite Zika concerns have resulted in tense debates on Duggar fan pages, and the family can hardly afford another controversy at the moment.

The fact that Jill seems to have stepped away from her beloved Instagram page could be an indication that she’s hoping to avoid the scandal for as long as possible.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Corey Simms: Leah Messer is on Drugs and Teen Mom Producers Hide It!

In a preview for Monday’s episode of Teen Mom 2, we saw Corey Simms win custody of his twin girls.

In the months since that scene was filmed, Corey and Leah have worked out a more amicable arrangement, but it seems they’re still far from a peaceful co-parenting situation.

Though she’s reportedly clean and sober these days, Leah had a drug problem that was well-documented on the show last season. 

Apparently, Corey didn’t feel that producers showed enough of Leah’s intoxicated behavior, and according to Radar Online, he’s so irate about the preferential treatment she received that he’s ready to quit the show.

“He thinks they had the perfect opportunity to show viewers, ‘This is what happens when you get on drugs, this is the reality.’ Instead, they made it seem like Corey was constantly attacking Leah for no reason,” says one insider.

After watching what he thought was a glossing-over of Leah’s prescription painkiller addiction, Corey reportedly decided that he and his wife, Miranda Simms, would appear in only a few episodes of the show this season.

Sources say the couple will likely bow out entirely if the show gets renewed for an eighth season.

“Corey told MTV just what he thought about the situation, and said that he and Miranda would not film nearly as much as in past seasons,” the source says. “Producers understood.”

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to see what may be Corey and Miranda’s final scenes on the series.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lisa Rinna: Makeup-Free and Nothing to Hide

I’ll admit that I’ve had my doubts about Lisa Rinna’s looks.  Specifically, has that face been under the knife?

Lisa Rinna

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reality star’s latest makeup-free selfie has washed any and all doubts away.  

Fishwrapper has the same thoughts, wondering what sorcery is responsible for that youthful complexion.  The work of a chemical peel?  Great genes? 


Her lips appear real, only because other reality stars have afforded me the opportunity to actually hear the difference between speaking with lip plumpers vs. without.  It’s painfully obvious and offensive to those of us whom you say, “I’ve done nothing!  Don’t I look natural?”

No, you do not.  And you sound odd.

Rinna’s lips look the same now as they did twenty years ago.  The same cannot be said for Farrah Abraham (to be fair, she was a child at that time), Kyle Richards, Rose McGowan and others who have gotten a little help from Juvederm.

Alas, even Rinna gets jealous of others’ youthful glows.  

Rinna had a few theories about new RHOBH co-star and model Kathryn Edwards’ unchanging looks.  The two have known each other since the 90s, when Rinna worked on Days of Our Lives.

“She’s either sold her soul to the devil, or she has some sort of special cocktail that she drinks, because she looks exactly the same,” Rinna said in her voice-over interview.

You can’t have it all, Rinna.  Embrace the beauty that you are and be grateful that women everywhere walk into their plastic surgeon’s office, proclaiming “I want Rinna’s trout pout!”

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Bill Cosby Had Son Killed to Hide Sex Crimes, Scandalous New Book Claims

Over the past year, Bill Cosby has gone from one of the most beloved and respected stars in the history of television to a publicly reviled sexual predator, accused of victimizing more than 50 women over the course of his career.

According to recent reports Cosby might finally face rape charges, even though it initially looked as though he would be protected from prosecution due to the fact that each alleged incident fell outside of the statute of limitations.

Now, a new allegation is surfacing that could have Cosby answering for a crime even more serious than the many vile acts of which he’s already been accused.

Fans of the legendary comic may have forgotten that infidelity accusations about Cosby have been circulating for decades, and a woman named Autumn Jackson claimed in 1997 that she was Cosby’s illegitimate child.

Cosby eventually admitted to having an affair with Jackson’s mother, Shawn Thompson Upshaw, but insisted that he is not her father. Upshaw claims Jackson was conceived when Cosby drugged and raped her in 1974. 

A paternity test was never performed, but Cosby bought Jackson a car, paid for her college tuition and maintained contact with her throughout her adolescence.

Their relationship soured when Jackson went public with claims that Cosby was her father, and she was eventually arrested for extortion.

Now, The National Enquirer reports that Jackson’s aunt, Jewel Star, has written a book entitled Bill Cosby’s Love Child that she’s currently shopping to publishers.

The book makes the shocking claim that Cosby orchestrated the murder of his son Ennis as part of his attempt to bury the allegations made by Upshaw. 

Jackson was arrested just two days after Ennis was murdered by a Ukrainian immigrant with no ties to the 27-year-old.

In the book, Star quotes Jackson as saying, “Cosby might have had Ennis murdered because he had found out about me.”

Star says she believes that Cosby sent “a hitman” to murder her as well, but settled for simply having her arrested and imprisoned.

Obviously, the claims made by Star and Jackson are wild and seem rather far-fetched, but then again, there was a time when it would have been very difficult to believe that Bill Cosby could possibly be guilty of sexually assaulting more than 50 women.