Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Kylie Jenner: I"m Just Gonna Hide Until My Baby"s Born!

This might break Kris Jenner’s heart.

You know how Kylie Jenner is pregnant, but refuses to confirm it — even when she’s been spotted out and about with a baby bump?

Well, now we know how long she intends to keep this to herself. In fact, we know when she’s planning to announce her baby news … and you won’t believe it.

People reports that their source informs them that Kylie wants to keep things relatively private for the next long while.

Specifically, their source says:

“Kylie wants to disappear and be out of the spotlight and focus on her health and happiness.”

Health and happiness are important, we’ll give her that.

But how long is she going to keep teasing fans about her pregnancy?

“Kylie isn’t going to publicly address her pregnancy until she gives birth.”

That is … technically her business but also laughably ridiculous. The entire world knows that she’s pregnant.

“She’s not doing any public appearances and just wanted to take six months off”

Taking time off is fine … though we wonder how it might impact her brand. Maybe she’s counting on her baby to balance things out?

Most shocking of all was this tidbit:

Apparently, Kylie’s baby shower “was organized just five days before it happened.”

That is … almost incomprehensible.

Maybe Kylie was unsure of whether or not to have one or maybe she was prompted to do it by Kim Kardashian’s baby shower or maybe she wanted to keep it quiet, but … wow.

Personally, I try to plan going to dinner or a movie days in advance. If I were planning a baby shower, I’d start the day that the pregnancy was announced … if not sooner.

We can understand a new mother’s desire to focus on her pregnancy and new baby, but … six months?

Kylie Jenner hasn’t spent six months out of the spotlight since she was in elementary school.

Now, everybody is totally entitled to a break.

That includes reality stars. They work a lot to get footage for their show, and then there are promotional gigs and the constant social media presence.

Anyone would want a vacation, right?

Especially someone who’s pregnant.

But … six months is a lot of time to all but disappear from the world, especially when the whole world is accustomed to seeing you give multiple updates on your life every day.

And there’s no telling how this could impact Kylie’s wildly successful makeup business. So … this is a little confusing.

But it makes sense when you think about what we’ve heard about Kylie feeling insecure over her pregnant body.

“Kylie is only trusting her closest friends and her sisters right now.”

That’s usually a good policy to keep.

“She wants to reveal things on her own terms but she’s, of course, having fun teasing everyone.”

From selfies that only capture her face to photos featuring massively oversized shirts to remaining a shut-in most of the time, Kylie’s definitely doing a lot of teasing.

“She knows all the attention is on her and her baby bump, but she won’t share until she wants to.”

That’s her right, even if some of her fans feel that she’s mocking them for being interested in the life that she’s openly shared with them until very recently.
