Showing posts with label Simms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simms. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Phil Simms Says Son Misreported Tony Romo News, "Probably My Fault"

Phil Simms says reports he was blindsided by the news he was being replaced by Tony Romo is completely false … and it’s awkward since it was his own son who reported that in the first place.  Here’s the deal …  right after CBS made…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Phil Simms Not Officially Out at CBS

You may not have seen the last of Phil Simms on CBS.  With Tony Romo coming in as the new #1 game analyst — the question now is what happens to Simms?  Our sources tell us straight-up there has been no official decision on whether Simms…


Phil Simms Not Officially Out at CBS

You may not have seen the last of Phil Simms on CBS.  With Tony Romo coming in as the new #1 game analyst — the question now is what happens to Simms?  Our sources tell us straight-up there has been no official decision on whether Simms…


Tony Romo Picks CBS ... Replacing Phil Simms?

Well, that was fast!! Tony Romo has already picked his new home — and it’s CBS. Tuesday morning, news broke that Romo was leaving football to pursue a career as a broadcaster — with multiple networks battling to sign the ex-Cowboys star. …


Monday, October 31, 2016

Ex-"Voice" Contestant Juliet Simms -- Hauled Off Plane for Fighting Husband (VIDEO)

Former ‘Voice’ runner-up Juliet Simms was taken off an American Airlines flight and handed over to the FBI when she allegedly got into a physical fight with her husband. Juliet and Andrew Biersack were flying from Charlotte to LAX Sunday night when…


Friday, June 17, 2016

Leah Messer and Corey Simms" Daughters: ALL Grown Up in Cute New Pics!

Behold, the ever-rare Leah Messer news update that doesn’t involve any sort of drama or controversy whatsoever!

It’s an early summer miracle, THG readers!

Perhaps it’s this time of year that brings out the best in people. With long days and fun in the sun, what’s not to love about mid-June?

At least compared to mid-February in West Virginia. Right?

Ali and Aleeah, like all kids, are loving being out of school – and not just because Leah ever got them there on time or with a full stomach.

Just kidding! Total cheap shot there, but seriously folks:

Clearly, they are having an amazing start to their summer vacation here in 2016, and are looking both happy and HUGE these days!

Kids. They grow up so fast right before our eyes. *Sniff*

Crazily, they will be seven years old in December. Thanks to the enduring legacy of Teen Mom 2, we remember when they were born.


So much has changed in the young girls’ lives since then, and not all of it for the better. Things are looking up these days, however.

Case in point? They’re loving life with both Leah and Corey Simms, Messer’s ex-husband, who was photographed with the girls recently:

Also pictured with the twins and Corey is his daughter, Remi, whom he shares with his second wife of three years, Miranda Patterson.

Leah also has another daughter, Addie, whom she shares with her second ex-husband, Jeremy Calvert, and who turned three this year.

Reports surfaced earlier this month that Corey and Miranda Simms are divorcing, but the couple shot that down adamantly and quickly.

The duo attributed such gossip – specifically quotes allegedly from Corey – to a fake Facebook page and insisted they are not splitting up.

Rather, the Simms’ are happier than ever!

As for Leah, she had a rough year, as you know if you watch Teen Mom 2 online or read celebrity gossip sites with any sort of regularity.

Things got so bad that stories of Leah spending time with her kids and not having any problems with them became genuinely newsworthy.

Here’s hoping we’ve turned that corner.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Corey and Miranda Simms: We Are NOT Getting Divorced!

Corey Simms and Leah Messer didn’t work out, as you know if you watch Teen Mom 2 online, but he and Miranda Patterson are on solid ground.

Despite rumors of a Corey and Miranda Simms divorce that were triggered by social media comments earlier this month, they’re fine. 

Seriously. Like Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer, they are one of the rare Teen Mom couples you don’t have to worry about lately.

Miranda and Corey were recently caught up in controversy after a Facebook account attributed to him referred to being a “single” dad.

Luckily, it’s not true, and Miranda Simms took to Twitter to explain.

“That most definitely is a Fake Facebook,” Miranda told her fans.

“Corey and I have a private FB for only family & close friends!”

In a second tweet days later, Miranda added, “Those rumors def aren’t true! We actually celebrated 3 years of marriage yesterday.”

Bottom line: Whatever beef they have with Leah is one thing, and we likely haven’t seen the end of that, but as a couple, they’re golden.

Almost lost in the shuffle amid Leah’s non-stop drama is the fact that Corey and Miranda became parents themselves fairly recently.

Besides the twin girls he shares with Leah Messer, the couple are the parents of a daughter Remi, who just celebrated her first birthday.

Don’t expect to see much of her on MTV going forward, though.

Insiders say Corey was not a fan of the ongoing drama surrounding Messer and her alleged drug use playing out as it did on the air.

“[Corey Simms] feels MTV did him dirty,” a friend explained.

How so? Simms believed producers “let Messer off easy.”

“He thinks they had the perfect opportunity to show [Teen Mom 2] viewers, ‘This is what happens when you get on drugs, this is reality."”

“Instead, they made it seem like Corey was constantly attacking Leah for no reason,” the source claimed, and he scaled back on filming.

“[Corey] told producers what he thought about the situation, and said that he and Miranda would not film nearly as much as in past seasons.”

As for his ex-wife, Leah Messer also slammed producers for what she felt was an unfair portrayal this season, so they have that in common.

Then again, in her case it was a little more complicated.

After all, she was taken to task repeatedly for perceived parenting fails as well as her handling of relationships with both of her ex-husbands.

It’s a turbulent world out there for those Teen Moms.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Corey Simms Announces Spilt From Miranda Simms on Facebook?!

The last time we checked in on Miranda Simms, she was defending herself against accusations that she had been neglectful toward Leah Messer’s daughters.

Miranda defended herself well and convincingly argued that she was fully devoted to raising Leah and Corey Simms’ kids as her own – but now it looks like she may not get that chance.

Many fans are taking a pair of cryptic Facebook posts attributed to Corey as confirmation that he and Miranda are headed for divorce.

“Starting to rethink a lot of things,” the first status update read.

Another more telling post quickly followed, reading, “Single dad. Never thought I would do this again.”

Needless to say, it’s not hard to see how fans interpreted that as Corey’s way of saying he and Miranda were kaput.

Many expressed their shock on social media and implored Corey to either confirm or deny the news.

Others pointed out how devastating the timing of such a split would be.

Corey and Miranda welcomed their first child in May, and they recently celebrated the third anniversary of their marriage.

Fortunately, Miranda has taken to Twitter to put the rumors at rest, informing fans that they’ve been the victims of a hoax:

“That most definitely is a Fake Facebook,” Miranda tweeted. “Corey and I have a private FB for only family & close friends!”

Some fans still have their doubts, but it looks like Miranda’s story checks out.

After all, this isn’t the first time that the Simms has complained about a fake Facebook account spreading rumors about them.

We guess Leah Messer will just have to put the celebration festivities on hold yet again.

Just kidding, Leah!

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the many ups and downs (mostly downs) of Hot Messer’s love life.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Leah Messer: SLAMMED By Fans For Criticizing Miranda Simms!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you’re probably aware that Leah Messer hasn’t been portrayed in the most flattering light this season.

On recent episodes, Leah has butted heads with Miranda Simms over what she alleged is Simms’ negligence toward her daughter Ali, who suffers from muscular dystrophy.

Specifically the ladies clashed over the accusation that Miranda refused to help Ali carry her backpack while she was walking into school.

The conflict stemmed from a recording in which Ali was heard to complain, “Miranda always gets mad at me cause my backpack is too heavy.”

Leah became emotional after viewing the footage, saying, “I can’t watch it without getting angry or wanting to cry … I don’t know what to do.”

Miranda was understandably not happy with being portrayed as the bad guy, as she claims she was unable to assist Ali due to the fact that she was carrying her infant son, Remington.

It doesn’t take much to turn fans against Leah, so perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that social media seems to be overwhelmingly Team Miranda.

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Miranda made a strong case for why Leah should trust her a bit more with regard to her children.

Leah reluctantly agreed, and she even agreed to attend co-parenting sessions with Miranda and Corey.

Even so, many fans on Twitter believe Leah as in the wrong and should be begging Miranda for an apology:

“U never had ur hands full when you had ur 3rd child & couldn’t help a child with a book bag?” tweeted one viewer.

“Maybe you should invest in a rolling backpack for your daughter @TM2LeahDawn that way she doesn’t have to carry a heavy bag,” wrote another.

Leah didn’t respond directly, but she did post a meme reading:

“Should you ever find yourself the victim of other people’s bitterness, smallness, or insecurities, remember things could be worse … you could be them.”

Sigh. She tries, but things will never be easy for Leah on Twitter … or in life, for that matter.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Corey & Miranda Simms: Neglecting Leah Messer"s Daughters?!

Thanks to last week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Leah Messer is once again at the center of a parenting controversy.

This time, however, she’s not the one who’s getting slammed by critical fans on social media.

Viewers took to Twitter in droves to express their displeasure over a scene in which Leah’s daughter Ali, who suffers from muscular dystrophy, complained that her stepmother, Miranda, Patterson refused to help her carry her backpack into school.

“Miranda always gets mad at me ’cause my backpack’s too heavy,” Ali said in a heartbreaking video.

“I give her my backpack when it’s too heavy outside. When we’re going inside. And she says, ‘Ali, I have to hold a baby."”

Naturally, Leah lost it when she saw the footage, and she proceeded to go off on Simms’ second wife, even going so far as to call Miranda a “lazy bitch.”

Miranda texted Leah shortly after the incident, explaining that she treats Messer’s twin daughters with the same loving care that she gives her own children.

Judging from the reaction on Twitter, however, many still believe that Miranda is guilty of failing to properly attend to a disabled child’s needs.

Perhaps it’s for that reason that Miranda and Corey made made their case in a recent interview with MTV News:

“I always try to carry Ali’s backpack for her,” Simms explained. “I would never try to do any harm to the children or create any kind of task that I know Ali cannot do.”

“I’m not saying how she felt was wrong – her feelings are important. I just hope that we can move on, and I hope that the girls feel comfortable no matter where they are at one time.”

Corey chimed in to stick up for his wife, saying:

“Miranda is aware of what Ali is capable of and what she’s not capable of doing. If Miranda would have felt that the backpack was too heavy, she would not have made her carry the backpack.

As for Messer girls’ claims that they’re being neglected in favor of Miranda and Corey’s son, Remi, Miranda says that’s just kids being kids:

“After Remi was born, I’ve never seen any type of jealousy that the girls had towards Remi or any kind of feeling that they felt left out,” Miranda explained.

“Yes, it would be a big change for two six-year-olds to have a new baby in their lives when they’re used to just being the kids in the house.”

Makes sense to us – but we doubt that’s the end of the drama over this particular issue.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive some of Leah’s best battles with her exes’ new boos.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Miranda Simms Calls Leah Messer Out: I"m So Good To Your Girls!

Leah Messer"s cousin recorded an interaction between one of her twin daughters and their stepmom, Miranda Simms.

Naturally, it disturbed the Teen Mom 2 star.

In the recording Ali, 6, complained that “Miranda always gets mad at me cause my backpack is too heavy."

Ali was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, which leads to weakness and muscle mass.

“I give her my backpack when it’s too heavy" Ali continued.  "She [Miranda] says, ‘Ali, I have to hold the baby."”

Miranda and Leah"s ex-husband have a daughter, Remington, whom they welcomed back in November.

Leah was furious after watching the video.

“I can’t watch it without getting angry or wanting to cry… I don’t know what to do,” she told her sister, Victoria.

"There’s nothing wrong with you going down there and saying, ‘I’m tired of my kids hurting,"" Leah told Victoria

"Ali has a condition, she can’t help it that she can’t carry the damn backpack. So the lazy b***h needs to pick the backpack up and carry it for her period.

"There is no reason that kid should feel that way.”

Leah told her sister that Ali says she"s "upset" and "hurt" by the way Miranda treats her.

“What do I do?” she asked helplessly.

“I want to save them. I want to make them feel better, I want to rescue them and I can’t. There’s nothing I can do and they’re my kids.” It is Corey’s fault just as much as it is Miranda’s,” she added.

“I would have never, ever thought he would allow this to ever happen to our kids.”

In the video below, Leah deals with Miranda"s reaction after she told Corey about the video.

Miranda was upset that she was portrayed in such a poor light, and texted Leah that she didn"t appreciate what happened.

Watch the video, and let us know if you agree with Leah or not.

Miranda simms gets defensive after

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Leah Messer: I Don"t Care if Corey Simms Dies!

In a preview clip for the next Teen Mom 2, Leah Messer airs her frustrations over the custody battle with her ex Corey Simms.

Leah sits down with her sister Victoria and explains the situation.

“Corey filed these papers. He turned around and filed an injunction to be the primary custodian," Leah tells Victoria.

Previously, Leah and Corey had agreed to co-parent their six-year-old twin daughters, Aliannah and Aleeah. 

However, Corey went back on their agreement and Leah is now angry and perplexed.

“Today I get his objection that West Virginia law does not recognize joint custodian,” she says.

“Who cares?” she yells. “Why are you making a big deal out of nothing? I know plenty of parents that’s done joint custodian.”

“I mean, if you’re both good parents, then there should be nothing wrong," she continues.

"And then he says that he should be the primary custodian because they live — or, they go to school in his district and whatever else. No!" 

"OK, I do everything, so maybe I should be the primary custodian.”

In a deleted scene from the show, Corey accuses Leah of being selfish rather than thinking of the girls, claiming "it"s all about herself."

Corey has also bashed Leah for repeatedly making the kids late for school and insisted that her drug problem was worse than MTV had revealed on the show.

However, Leah believes Corey wants to drag out the custody battle simply to exercise control over her.

“Now it’s a control thing," she explains. "He jumps into this family lifestyle and feels like he’s the better parent. He’s the more stable parent. He needs them.”

Leah is entirely fed up with her ex – so much that she doesn"t care if he drops dead.

“To do what he’s done to my kids — I don’t care if he takes another breath!" she says.

However, she is determined to fight for her girls. 

"And I don’t know what else to do. All I can do is fight against it. That’s all I can do.”

Watch below:

Leah messer i dont care if corey simms dies

Leah Messer: I Don"t Care if Corey Simms Dies!

In a preview clip for the next Teen Mom 2, Leah Messer airs her frustrations over the custody battle with her ex Corey Simms.

Leah sits down with her sister Victoria and explains the situation.

“Corey filed these papers. He turned around and filed an injunction to be the primary custodian," Leah tells Victoria.

Previously, Leah and Corey had agreed to co-parent their six-year-old twin daughters, Aliannah and Aleeah. 

However, Corey went back on their agreement and Leah is now angry and perplexed.

“Today I get his objection that West Virginia law does not recognize joint custodian,” she says.

“Who cares?” she yells. “Why are you making a big deal out of nothing? I know plenty of parents that’s done joint custodian.”

“I mean, if you’re both good parents, then there should be nothing wrong," she continues.

"And then he says that he should be the primary custodian because they live — or, they go to school in his district and whatever else. No!" 

"OK, I do everything, so maybe I should be the primary custodian.”

In a deleted scene from the show, Corey accuses Leah of being selfish rather than thinking of the girls, claiming "it"s all about herself."

Corey has also bashed Leah for repeatedly making the kids late for school and insisted that her drug problem was worse than MTV had revealed on the show.

However, Leah believes Corey wants to drag out the custody battle simply to exercise control over her.

“Now it’s a control thing," she explains. "He jumps into this family lifestyle and feels like he’s the better parent. He’s the more stable parent. He needs them.”

Leah is entirely fed up with her ex – so much that she doesn"t care if he drops dead.

“To do what he’s done to my kids — I don’t care if he takes another breath!" she says.

However, she is determined to fight for her girls. 

"And I don’t know what else to do. All I can do is fight against it. That’s all I can do.”

Watch below:

Leah messer i dont care if corey simms dies

Monday, May 2, 2016

Corey Simms SLAMS Leah Messer in Deleted Teen Mom 2 Scene

These days, the custody battle between Leah Messer and Corey Simms is over and decided, but back when the current season of Teen Mom 2 was filming, the matter was still being hotly contested.

The tension created by all the legal wrangling is apparent in a snippet of deleted footage just released by MTV today.

The clip shows Simms stressing out over Leah"s lawyers reopening the case and forcing him to go back to court.

“It stresses me out that they approved the reconsideration,” Corey confesses to a friend.

“This whole reversal of custody should have been done years ago before the kids were aware of what’s going on,” he explains.

“Now they have a lot more emotions and feelings, and they can understand a lot more.”

He goes on to accuse Leah of putting her own needs ahead of those of her daughters:

“It’s a pretty serious thing. Leah’s looking at it for herself. I mean it’s all about herself is all she cares about. But the kids are the ones getting hurt.”

The judge in the case eventually decided in Leah"s favor, and she and Corey have reached an amicable custody agreement.

The main sticking point was Leah"s alleged inability to get the kids to school on time, which was captured on a recent episode of the show.

These days, Leah is sober and she was able to convince the court that her difficulties to school had been exaggerated by Simms" attorneys.

Still, this clip serves as a reminder of how ugly things got at one point.

Remarkably, Messer and Simms are reportedly on good terms with one another and able to peaceably co-parent.

Check out the clip below to see Corey (briefly) lose his cool and watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the Simms vs. Messer court battle.


Corey simms slams leah messer in deleted teen mom 2 scene

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Corey Simms Defends Leah Messer, Slams "Teen Mom" Editing

After months of being branded a mess and a bad mom, Leah Messer is finally standing up for herself. 

Not only that, but she’s found an unlikely ally in ex-husband, Corey Simms.

“Corey knows how it all works, and feels bad for Leah,” a production source told Radar Online.

“They have been getting along very well lately, and everything with the girls is fine. He believes her when she says what appeared on TV wasn’t actually what happened.”

The West Virginia native “is well aware that producers will do absolutely anything for ratings,” the source added.

“Last season, they made him and [wife] Miranda look like the villains on the show, and they got a lot of backlash from it. They were very upset.”

It’s gotten so bad that Corey and Miranda don’t bother watching Teen Mom 2 anymore.

“It’s too frustrating for them,”  the source pointed out. “They refuse to pay any attention to the fake drama.”

On March 25th, Messer defended herself in a series of tweets, furious at how she’s been portrayed on the series:

“It’s so sad how the person behind the editing can even live a happy life by Editing to manipulate the audience watching. It makes me feel like my story just isn’t enough.

I DID hit rock bottom but I come out of it and I was willing to air it ALL because if just ONE person watched and reached out for HELP even when they feel so ALONE that’s all I cared about because I could NEVER imagine ANYONE feeling the pain, hurt, depression AND anxiety that I WAS suffering from. It would break my heart!

I wanted to bring awareness and HELP others and if MTV couldn’t share that then I will do it on my own the way God wants me to!!!!

As hard as it was to go through. I know there’s reasoning why I went through it. AND It hurts to feel BETRAYED by the ones I THOUGHT I could trust with my story.

It goes to show you how “THE ENTERTAINMENT WORLD” really is and I guess everyone will see where I REALLY am starting EPISODE 4. #SUCHASHAME.

When others that is suffering could ALREADY be reaching out for help It just BREAKS MY HEART!!! It’s NOT okay but I KNOW that I am NOW in such a AMAZING place and I LOVE YOU ALL!

I hope to continue to share my story but I REFUSE to allow it to be twisted for the benefit of a NETWORK!”

Do you think Messer was the victim of editing?

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Corey Simms: Leah Messer is on Drugs and Teen Mom Producers Hide It!

In a preview for Monday’s episode of Teen Mom 2, we saw Corey Simms win custody of his twin girls.

In the months since that scene was filmed, Corey and Leah have worked out a more amicable arrangement, but it seems they’re still far from a peaceful co-parenting situation.

Though she’s reportedly clean and sober these days, Leah had a drug problem that was well-documented on the show last season. 

Apparently, Corey didn’t feel that producers showed enough of Leah’s intoxicated behavior, and according to Radar Online, he’s so irate about the preferential treatment she received that he’s ready to quit the show.

“He thinks they had the perfect opportunity to show viewers, ‘This is what happens when you get on drugs, this is the reality.’ Instead, they made it seem like Corey was constantly attacking Leah for no reason,” says one insider.

After watching what he thought was a glossing-over of Leah’s prescription painkiller addiction, Corey reportedly decided that he and his wife, Miranda Simms, would appear in only a few episodes of the show this season.

Sources say the couple will likely bow out entirely if the show gets renewed for an eighth season.

“Corey told MTV just what he thought about the situation, and said that he and Miranda would not film nearly as much as in past seasons,” the source says. “Producers understood.”

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to see what may be Corey and Miranda’s final scenes on the series.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Corey Simms WINS Primary Custody of Twins After Battle with Leah Messer

In a clip for this Monday"s episode of Teen Mom 2, Corey Simms learns that he has been granted primary custody of the twin daughters he shares with Leah Messer.

"You got virtually everything you asked for," his lawyer tells him during a one-on-one meeting.

"You"re gonna be primary caretaker, primary legal custodian," he continues. "She no longer has the decision making, it"s shared now."

Corey can barely contain his excitement when he receives the news and releases a huge grin before fighting back tears.

"It"s amazing, we"ve fought for so long," he says. "It"s hard to hold back the emotions. I really didn"t expect it, you know? But for the girls" sake, I"m tickled pink that it happened."

Corey had accused Leah of failing to get their six-year-old daughters Ali and Aleeah to school on time, and Leah"s past addiction to prescription drugs certainly didn"t help in the custody battle.

Of course, this is devastating news for the Teen Mom 2 star, who reportedly even dumped her boyfriend T.R. Dues out of fear that the custody judge would frown upon her new relationship.

More recently, Leah came under fire when it appeared as though she wasn"t feeding her daughters breakfast and complained that she already has to get up early enough as it is.

She later clarified that the kids eat breakfast at school, so all the haters can just back off, mmkay?

You can watch Corey"s emotional reaction below.


Corey simms wins primary custody of twins after battle with leah

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Miranda Simms to Leah Messer: Do Not Speak to Corey Without ME THERE!

Teen Mom 2 star Leah Messer is not allowed to speak to ex-husband Corey Simms without his current wife present – or so she claims.

Miranda Patterson Simms isn’t letting Leah anywhere near her man after Corey banged Leah in his truck (or at least hooked up with her).

The details are disputed, but there was an affair. In a reversal of how it usually goes, Corey cheated on his second wife with his first one.

“Corey and I did hook up two months after they got married,” Leah confessed to Us after being tag-teamed on the Teen Mom 2 reunion.

Far from pleased as you might expect, Miranda went further than throwing shade at Leah on MTV. She enforced a new set of rules.

“I’m not allowed to call Corey’s phone to communicate with the girls unless she’s somehow three-wayed in,” the mother of three explained.

“He has to be around her when he calls.”

Of course, not everyone calls these days … so when it comes to texting, Corey and Leah must also communicate via group MMS with Miranda.

According to Leah, the second Mrs. Simms is just jealous, insecure and bitter because of the former spouses’ past. In her own words:

“Miranda doesn’t want me in the picture. She wants to hurt me because she thinks that Corey and I still have something for each other.”

Not that Leah gives AF about it though.

“I couldn’t care less about their relationship,” she said. “I want them to be happy. But if [we] can’t get along, this is going to be a nonstop fight.”

Leah also says the former couple’s twins are “miserable” at their father’s house because they are “so close” to her. That may be a stretch.

Fortunately, time does heal all wounds.

Leah recently regained custody of the twins – 50/50 with Corey – after the couple came to an equitable agreement and buried the hatchet.

Apparently, Leah and Corey are on good terms these days, with Simms praising her, saying Messer is great when she’s not on drugs

Small victories, people. Small victories.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Leah Messer & Corey Simms: Getting Along Now That Leah"s Off Drugs?

It’s been two months since Leah Messer won custody of her twin daughters back from Corey Simms after a long and frequently ugly legal battle. 

After a rocky transition period that followed the kids moving back into Messer’s home, sources say Leah and Corey are on “great terms” with one another – and it’s all because Leah has finally cleaned up her act.

An insider close to the situation tells Radar Online that the current custody arrangement “is working out just fine,” and Corey no longer fears for his children’s safety.

One of the he ex-couple’s lowest points was featured in the latest Teen Mom 2 trailer.

In a clip from the upcoming season, Leah is “Corey is trying to take our kids from me,” Messer sobs in the new trailer. “What’s life without your kids?”

Leah’s pill addiction was depicted in previous episodes of the long-running series, and Simms was able to convince a judge that she was an unfit mother.

Now, that she’s completed rehab and proven her ability to get the kids to school on time, Simms reportedly feels comfortable with Leah maintaining primary custody of the girls.

Yes, for once, it looks like things are going Ms. Messer’s way!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Leah Messer and Corey Simms: On GREAT Terms with Kids, Each Other!

Despite reports that Teen Mom 2 star Leah Messer “won” custody of her twins from Corey Simms, insiders say it was a mutual decision.

Moreover, the former spouses reached an agreement without any input from a judge, and are said to be on much better terms lately.

As we reported last week, Leah Messer and Corey Simms struck a deal last week regarding custody of the couple’s twin daughters.

Given the contentious history between them – if you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you are well aware of it – this was billed as a “win” for Leah.

Yet it wasn’t quite like that – and that’s a good thing for all involved.

Both parties “were told that they had a few minutes to figure the situation out on their own,” a source close to Simms says, and they did just that.

“The judge then left the room and allowed them to talk alone.”

Messer, 23, and Simms, 26, the parents of 6-year-olds Ali and Aleeah, spoke “very civilly” and agreed to share custody of their daughters.

“The judge only signed off on the settlement,” the source insists, adding that when it came to Leah’s custody, “He didn’t order anything.”

Now, Simms and his wife, Miranda Patterson, are dedicated to remaining on good terms with his ex-wife after years of public feuding.

Corey and Miranda, who are parents to a baby daughter, Remington, have accused Leah of abusing drugs while parenting their children.

Messer went to rehab last year for what MTV described as anxiety and depression (and subsequently divorced Jeremy Calvert).

Time, and treatment have apparently healed this rift.

Simms and Messer have agreed to abide by a shared plan, splitting custody of the twin girls almost equally, and co-parenting together.

For all the reunion show squabbling, cheating accusations and shade-throwing on Twitter, it looks like they’re all in a very good place.

“Corey and Miranda think Leah is doing much better now, which makes it easier for them to get along with her,” the insider explains.

“They’re praying Leah stays on a good path … Corey never wanted to take the girls away from … he felt it was in the girls’ best interest.”