Thursday, May 5, 2016

Leah Messer: I Don"t Care if Corey Simms Dies!

In a preview clip for the next Teen Mom 2, Leah Messer airs her frustrations over the custody battle with her ex Corey Simms.

Leah sits down with her sister Victoria and explains the situation.

“Corey filed these papers. He turned around and filed an injunction to be the primary custodian," Leah tells Victoria.

Previously, Leah and Corey had agreed to co-parent their six-year-old twin daughters, Aliannah and Aleeah. 

However, Corey went back on their agreement and Leah is now angry and perplexed.

“Today I get his objection that West Virginia law does not recognize joint custodian,” she says.

“Who cares?” she yells. “Why are you making a big deal out of nothing? I know plenty of parents that’s done joint custodian.”

“I mean, if you’re both good parents, then there should be nothing wrong," she continues.

"And then he says that he should be the primary custodian because they live — or, they go to school in his district and whatever else. No!" 

"OK, I do everything, so maybe I should be the primary custodian.”

In a deleted scene from the show, Corey accuses Leah of being selfish rather than thinking of the girls, claiming "it"s all about herself."

Corey has also bashed Leah for repeatedly making the kids late for school and insisted that her drug problem was worse than MTV had revealed on the show.

However, Leah believes Corey wants to drag out the custody battle simply to exercise control over her.

“Now it’s a control thing," she explains. "He jumps into this family lifestyle and feels like he’s the better parent. He’s the more stable parent. He needs them.”

Leah is entirely fed up with her ex – so much that she doesn"t care if he drops dead.

“To do what he’s done to my kids — I don’t care if he takes another breath!" she says.

However, she is determined to fight for her girls. 

"And I don’t know what else to do. All I can do is fight against it. That’s all I can do.”

Watch below:

Leah messer i dont care if corey simms dies