Friday, June 17, 2016

Leah Messer and Corey Simms" Daughters: ALL Grown Up in Cute New Pics!

Behold, the ever-rare Leah Messer news update that doesn’t involve any sort of drama or controversy whatsoever!

It’s an early summer miracle, THG readers!

Perhaps it’s this time of year that brings out the best in people. With long days and fun in the sun, what’s not to love about mid-June?

At least compared to mid-February in West Virginia. Right?

Ali and Aleeah, like all kids, are loving being out of school – and not just because Leah ever got them there on time or with a full stomach.

Just kidding! Total cheap shot there, but seriously folks:

Clearly, they are having an amazing start to their summer vacation here in 2016, and are looking both happy and HUGE these days!

Kids. They grow up so fast right before our eyes. *Sniff*

Crazily, they will be seven years old in December. Thanks to the enduring legacy of Teen Mom 2, we remember when they were born.


So much has changed in the young girls’ lives since then, and not all of it for the better. Things are looking up these days, however.

Case in point? They’re loving life with both Leah and Corey Simms, Messer’s ex-husband, who was photographed with the girls recently:

Also pictured with the twins and Corey is his daughter, Remi, whom he shares with his second wife of three years, Miranda Patterson.

Leah also has another daughter, Addie, whom she shares with her second ex-husband, Jeremy Calvert, and who turned three this year.

Reports surfaced earlier this month that Corey and Miranda Simms are divorcing, but the couple shot that down adamantly and quickly.

The duo attributed such gossip – specifically quotes allegedly from Corey – to a fake Facebook page and insisted they are not splitting up.

Rather, the Simms’ are happier than ever!

As for Leah, she had a rough year, as you know if you watch Teen Mom 2 online or read celebrity gossip sites with any sort of regularity.

Things got so bad that stories of Leah spending time with her kids and not having any problems with them became genuinely newsworthy.

Here’s hoping we’ve turned that corner.