Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Chloe Grace Moretz Hits Out At Trolls: Stop Being So Judgemental!

Chloe Grace Moretz has had enough of the haters. 

The 19-year-old actress went on a stunning Twitter rant to let the haters know just what she thought of them. 

“When will people hiding behind computer screens get tired of calling someone ‘fat’ or ‘masculine,’” read Moretz’s first of several tweets.

Fat shaming has become a very common thing on Social Media and it really needs to stop. The abuse that people are subjected to is just deplorable.

“Does it make you feel good typing your hateful comments? Does it fulfill you in some dark way?” she asked, before suggesting, “Sit back before you fire away commenting ignorant things and imagine the real HUMAN BEING you are commenting about.”

It is pretty great that she’s taken this stand because there is just so much hate online these days that it makes it difficult for people to put up new pictures if they are constantly being criticized for their appearance. 

“He or she is a PERSON, with feelings and thoughts and a life that you are affecting so negatively,” continued the actress, who then related her own experience with being evaluated on a superficial level.

More often than not, these haters don’t seem to take their victim’s feelings into consideration and it’s just horrible. 

The star was quick to point out that she’s spent most of her life in the spotlight. She knows what it feels like to be victimized from a young age. 

“I’ve spent my whole life in front of cameras growing up with miscellaneous people judging and critiquing every little thing about myself,” she wrote.

“And it’s time we all stop hiding behind keyboards pretending we know even the smallest thing about the people we judge.”

Moretz concluded by writing, “That’s all. Have a nice taco Tuesday guys.” It’s unclear what sparked the actress’s diatribe, and whether she’s calling out anyone in particular or referring to a specific situation.

It’s unclear what actually triggered her huge rant, but there’s a good chance she just got sick of all of the sick posts on Facebook and Twitter. 

You don’t have to look very hard to find hate on Social Media. It just always seems to be there. 

There have been no follow-up tweets as of yet, but Moretz might open up about what really caused the tweets. 

The tirade is actually a little bit rich considering Moretz slammed Kim Kardashian not that long ago. 

She did try to defend her reasons behind it, but talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

What do you think of her comments?

Is Chloe Grace Moretz guilty of passing hurtful comments?

Hit the comments below!