Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Famously Single Recap: Alcohol Changes Everything

Famously Single has been a surprisingly decent reality series, but the cast had barely had a drink between them. 

That all changed on the most recent episode and changed things up for the better. 

famously single cast

Things started with the group recounting what went down at the conclusion of last week’s episode. It was all surprisingly tame, but then the one-on-one interviews came. 

Dr. Sterling opted for the story that would get everyone talking… the of Calum’s father. Calum told her about his turbulent life and how his father’s death changed it all. 

He made it clear that in the three years following the death, he was doing a lot of things he shouldn’t be and that’s why he got his famous title. 

Brandi’s one-on-one was slightly more upbeat. She chatted about recycling guys because she feels like she already knows them. 

She isn’t looking for something serious. Casual works for her and that’s why she’s pursuing Calum. He’ll be back in England at the end of filming. 

It’s a good plan, but it’s hardly going to help her in the long run if she’s scared to get in a relationship. 

Darcy shocked the house with the news that they would be throwing a party and inviting whoever they wanted to. There was a mad rush as the singles went through their phones and invited people. 

Audrey only invited a female friend because she knew she would be spending most of her time with Pauly. She’s totally into him!

She followed him around like a little lap dog the whole night and told her gal pal about how she really felt about him. 

Calum got a little too drunk at the party and showed Brandi the side he was hiding from her. She was shocked and upset. 

He just floated from group to group and mocked Brandi every step of the way. She was furious with him and the others noticed what he was doing. 

Brandi then crossed a line by getting a little too close to Pauly after he spent the whole night with Aubrey. Pauly and Brandi admitted that they have feelings for one another. 

Somaya then halted things between Pauly and Brandi and sent Pauly after Aubrey. 

Brandi and Calum had one more argument and it sent Brandi off to bed crying. 

That escalated pretty damn quickly. 

The next morning, Brandi gave Aubrey some advice about taking things too fast with Pauly. 

Aubrey (obviously) didn’t want to take it. 

Will any of these couples be able to find love? We’ll need to tune in next week to find out!