Showing posts with label Everything. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Everything. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Jenelle Evans on Pregnancy Hormones: Everything Makes Me Cry!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Jenelle Evans is pregnant with her third child.

Much has been made of the fact that this is Jenelle’s third “baby daddy,” as the kids say, but things happen in life, and the only sure thing is that you’ll eventually find yourself in some situation you never thought you’d have to deal with.

No, there’s nothing inherently wrong with Jenelle’s situation.

Jenelle herself, however … well, we don’t even know where to begin.

We won’t even get into Jenelle’s many arrests, several of them for violent crimes. 

(But here’s a rundown in case you need a refresher and have a couple hours to spare):

Instead, we’ll focus on her present situation.

For starters, Jenelle denied being pregnant numerous times over the past few months. 

We don’t mean she kept silent on the subject because she wasn’t ready to talk about it.

We mean even after a police report confirmed Jenelle is pregnant, she basically gaslighted her fans and acted like they were ca-razy for believing something so unreliable as a police report.

And then there’s Jenelle’s current situation with her other kids.

She recently bragged about fighting two custody battles at the same time, one with her mother, who has primary custody of her oldest son Jace, and the other with Nathan Griffith, father of her youngest, Kaiser.

Not the most stable situation to bring a third child into, but over on Twitter, Jenelle is doing what she does best – pretending like everything is just fine.

After tweeting that the crying Emoji is her favorite at the moment and revealing that she’s been rocking out to Eminem, Jenelle joked that her emotions are so all over the place that the dumbest of reality shows makes her cry:

“Crying watching Yes To The Dress because this girl found her perfect dress. What’s wrong with me?”

She went on to gush about current boyfriend David Eason, telling a fan with relationship problems:

“Glad I found the man I have now!”

Yeesh, even Jenelle sounds like she knows this relationship isn’t gonna last.

She concluded her tweeting day by encouraging fans to follow her on Snapchat for daily updates about her latest pregnancy.

We wish Jenelle would turn off the the dress-shopping shows and watch Teen Mom 2 online.

Maybe then she’d realize how extensively she has to get her sh-t together before this kid comes into the world.

Who knows, maybe this time she can retain full custody.

Dare to dream!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Vin Diesel Teases Response to Dwayne Johnson: I"ll Tell You EVERYthing...

Vin Diesel has spoken out for the first time since Dwayne Johnson basically called him out on Instagram.

A surprising brouhaha has erupted between Diesel and Johnson after the latter shared a scathing post on social media this week.

In a lengthy rant, Johnson made it clear he had some issues with at least one male co-star on the set of Fast 8.

“This is my final week of shooting Fast & Furious 8,” Johnso wrote.

“There’s no other franchise that gets my blood boiling more than this one. An incredible hard working crew. Universal Studios Entertainment has been great partners as well. My female co-stars are always amazing and I love ’em.”

Okay, great. All is good then, right?


“My male co-stars however are a different story,” the action star added.

“Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t. The ones that don’t are too chicken sh*t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses.

“When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling – you’re right.”

Whoa there! Shots fired!

At whom?

At Vin Diesel, it appears, with TMZ writing in detail about the problems Johnson had with Diesel throughout the filming of the latest installment in this beloved franchise.

And a follow-up report claims Johnson wasn’t alone.

Diesel reportedly would show up late to the set… insult other stars… and generally act like disrespectful jackass while filming.

Conversely, this same report had nothing but positive things to say about Johnson.

According to Fast 8 crew members, he was friendly, easy to work with and pretty much everything you’d expect from the popular star.

So… where does Diesel stand on all of this?

We’ll soon find out.

On Wednesday night, Diesel addressed this feud for the first time, pretty clearly admitting he’s the one beefing with Johnson.

But not saying much else. Yet.

“So much has gone on this year. I can’t believe I wrapped two back to back pictures I both starred in and produced,” the 49-year-old action star captioned the following Instagram video on Wednesday night.

“Now I get to return to my family, my life… To me.”

A video posted by Vin Diesel (@vindiesel) on

Diesel never directly addressed Johnson’s comments.

Instead, discussed being home with his daughter, Pauline, who was named after the late Fast and Furious actor, Paul Walker.

“After being on set since literally Christmas to finally, finally, finally to come home,” he says above.

“And to learn the little angel learned a new word. I’m going to have to share it with you, it’s more important than anything. When I heard her say ‘happy,’ I just lit up in ways I can’t even describe.”

Diesel then paused before adding:

“So give me a second and I will tell you everything. Everything.”

Consider us on the edge of our seats, Vin. We’ll be right here, awaiting your next response to this saga.



Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Famously Single Recap: Alcohol Changes Everything

Famously Single has been a surprisingly decent reality series, but the cast had barely had a drink between them. 

That all changed on the most recent episode and changed things up for the better. 

famously single cast

Things started with the group recounting what went down at the conclusion of last week’s episode. It was all surprisingly tame, but then the one-on-one interviews came. 

Dr. Sterling opted for the story that would get everyone talking… the of Calum’s father. Calum told her about his turbulent life and how his father’s death changed it all. 

He made it clear that in the three years following the death, he was doing a lot of things he shouldn’t be and that’s why he got his famous title. 

Brandi’s one-on-one was slightly more upbeat. She chatted about recycling guys because she feels like she already knows them. 

She isn’t looking for something serious. Casual works for her and that’s why she’s pursuing Calum. He’ll be back in England at the end of filming. 

It’s a good plan, but it’s hardly going to help her in the long run if she’s scared to get in a relationship. 

Darcy shocked the house with the news that they would be throwing a party and inviting whoever they wanted to. There was a mad rush as the singles went through their phones and invited people. 

Audrey only invited a female friend because she knew she would be spending most of her time with Pauly. She’s totally into him!

She followed him around like a little lap dog the whole night and told her gal pal about how she really felt about him. 

Calum got a little too drunk at the party and showed Brandi the side he was hiding from her. She was shocked and upset. 

He just floated from group to group and mocked Brandi every step of the way. She was furious with him and the others noticed what he was doing. 

Brandi then crossed a line by getting a little too close to Pauly after he spent the whole night with Aubrey. Pauly and Brandi admitted that they have feelings for one another. 

Somaya then halted things between Pauly and Brandi and sent Pauly after Aubrey. 

Brandi and Calum had one more argument and it sent Brandi off to bed crying. 

That escalated pretty damn quickly. 

The next morning, Brandi gave Aubrey some advice about taking things too fast with Pauly. 

Aubrey (obviously) didn’t want to take it. 

Will any of these couples be able to find love? We’ll need to tune in next week to find out!

Famously Single Recap: Alcohol Changes Everything

Famously Single has been a surprisingly decent reality series, but the cast had barely had a drink between them. 

That all changed on the most recent episode and changed things up for the better. 

famously single cast

Things started with the group recounting what went down at the conclusion of last week’s episode. It was all surprisingly tame, but then the one-on-one interviews came. 

Dr. Sterling opted for the story that would get everyone talking… the of Calum’s father. Calum told her about his turbulent life and how his father’s death changed it all. 

He made it clear that in the three years following the death, he was doing a lot of things he shouldn’t be and that’s why he got his famous title. 

Brandi’s one-on-one was slightly more upbeat. She chatted about recycling guys because she feels like she already knows them. 

She isn’t looking for something serious. Casual works for her and that’s why she’s pursuing Calum. He’ll be back in England at the end of filming. 

It’s a good plan, but it’s hardly going to help her in the long run if she’s scared to get in a relationship. 

Darcy shocked the house with the news that they would be throwing a party and inviting whoever they wanted to. There was a mad rush as the singles went through their phones and invited people. 

Audrey only invited a female friend because she knew she would be spending most of her time with Pauly. She’s totally into him!

She followed him around like a little lap dog the whole night and told her gal pal about how she really felt about him. 

Calum got a little too drunk at the party and showed Brandi the side he was hiding from her. She was shocked and upset. 

He just floated from group to group and mocked Brandi every step of the way. She was furious with him and the others noticed what he was doing. 

Brandi then crossed a line by getting a little too close to Pauly after he spent the whole night with Aubrey. Pauly and Brandi admitted that they have feelings for one another. 

Somaya then halted things between Pauly and Brandi and sent Pauly after Aubrey. 

Brandi and Calum had one more argument and it sent Brandi off to bed crying. 

That escalated pretty damn quickly. 

The next morning, Brandi gave Aubrey some advice about taking things too fast with Pauly. 

Aubrey (obviously) didn’t want to take it. 

Will any of these couples be able to find love? We’ll need to tune in next week to find out!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Disney Alligator Attack Witness: "Everything Unfolded In Less than 30 Seconds"

As his family grieves, witnesses are recalling how an alligator made a surprise attack on two-year-old Lane Graves on June 14th.

Graves was wading in the Seven Seas Lagoon at Walt Disney World’s Grand Floridian Resort when an alligator emerged, snatched the little boy and dragged him underwater.

“We know that that happened and it is certainly not survivable at this point for him to have been submerged for that period of time,” Sheriff Jerry Demings said in a press conference before the body was found.

The Orlando Sentinel spoke to hotel guest Bill Wilson from Indiana, who saw the whole thing unfold from his balcony.

Wilson told the newspaper that at first, it sounded like a fight broke out on the beach.

“I looked over and here comes one of the lifeguards. He said, ‘Everybody get out of the water.’

“The mother was there and she was frantic, running up and down looking.”

The entire ordeal, Wilson recalled, happened in 30 seconds.  

A minute later, the alligator was gone, with Grave his in mouth.

Wilson saw the group – which included a lifeguard and Grave’s parents, gathered by the water’s edge.  That part of the beach was not lit, and it was very dark, he noted.

Almost immediately, Wilson said, first responders and Disney employees got to work searching for the little boy.

“Disney did every damn thing they could do to help,” he said.

Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings confirmed that divers found Graves’ body around 1:45 pm ET on June 15th in six feet of “murky” water, roughly 10-15 yards from where he was snatched.  

Other than a few puncture wounds, the body was in tact.

Graves was visiting Disney World with his older sister and their parents, Matt and Melissa from Nebraska.  They were enjoying their third day of vacation during the resort’s “Movie Night” on the beach.

“No Swimming” signs are posted on the beach, but there is no mention of being aware of alligators.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Mayte Garcia Mourns Loss of Prince: He Was My Everything…

Millions of fans around the world may be in mourning over the shocking death of Prince, but Mayte Garcia is taking this stunning news harder than most.

That’s because she was once married to the iconic musician.

Garcia, who married Prince in 1996 and split from him in 2000, has released a statement through her manager that reads as follows:

“I can’t even think of the words of what I’m feeling. This man was my everything, we had a family. I am beyond deeply saddened and devastated.”

Garcia met Prince in 1990 and was later hired to dance on one of his tours.

The singer-songwriter went on to produce an album for his eventual, who he wed in Minneapolis and who served as the inspiration behind the single “The Most Beautiful Girl in the World.”

In 1996, tragedy struck the couple when they lost their son, Gregory, at just a week old to Pfeiffer syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that affects the skull and bones in the hands and feet.

Garcia and Prince officially divorced four years later.

“I loved him then, I love him now and will love him eternally,” Garcia added. “He’s with our son now.”

The seven-time Grammy Award winner and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee was found dead at Paisley Park Studios in Chanhassen, Minnesota on Thursday morning.

The Carver County’s Sheriff Office is currently investigating the circumstances of his death.

The incident took place just days after Prince was hospitalized for a mysterious illness that new reports are linking to a possible drug overdose.

“It is with profound sadness that I am confirming that the legendary, iconic performer, Prince Rogers Nelson, has died at his Paisley Park residence this morning at the age of 57,” the star’s publicist confirmed yesterday, concluding:

“There are no further details as to the cause of death at this time.”

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Lin-Manuel Miranda Raps with Obama, Wins Everything Forever

Lin-Manuel Miranda for ALL the wins, people.

All. The. Wins.

The creator and star of the Broadway blockbuster Hamilton, Miranda paid a visit to The White House on Monday, appearing opposite President Barack Obama in The Rose Garden.

But this was not your garden variety visit.

It did not include Obama giving a speech and Miranda standing awkwardly by his side. 

Instead, it featured Obama holding up cue cards with various words, phrases and nouns on them (e.g. Supreme Court, Opportunity, NASA, Obamacare, Immigrants) and Miranda breaking into a freestyle rap that includes references to each term.

It"s really unlike anything we"ve ever seen before.


At the end of the performance, Miranda drops his actual mic and Obama drops a pretend mic and we drop our jaw in absolute awe.

Enough from us, though.

Take it away, Lin-Manuel Miranda!

Lin manuel miranda freestyles with president obama wins everythi

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Leah Messer: Everything is Fine! I Swear!

It’s been a rough week for Leah Messer, but we’re pretty that’s true of every week of her adult life.

First we learned the Leah and T.R. Dues had broken up.

Then we found out that Leah may have dumped T.R. for Jeremy Calvert, her second husband and father of her youngest child whom she’s reportedly been hooking up with in recent weeks. 

Then came news that Calvert had reunited with ex-girlfirend Brooke Wehr, which needless to say, was probably not part of Leah’s plan.

Despite all that turmoil, Leah has recently been tweeting goofy photos like the one above, which was captioned:

“Don’t mind my faces, just being fun. I don’t know if I could ever be boring. Haha. Always gotta be doing something silly. Xoxo #sillyfaces #happy #healthy”

We’re not saying for certain that Leah’s happiness isn’t genuine, but she has a long history of pretending everything is fine when her world is falling apart around her.  

We all have that Facebook friend who starts frantically posting inspirational quote memes and manically-grinning selfies when we know they’re struggling, and sometimes it feels like Leah is that type.

We hope she really is having no trouble moving on from her latest romantic setbacks, bet her attempts to convince us that everything is kosher aren’t working.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Scott Disick: I Will Spend EVERYTHING to Win Kourtney Back!

According to the latest rumors surrounding Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian, the Lord is ready to pull out all the stops to win her back.

An uphill battle? Yes. A desperate attempt? Clearly. But these qualify as desperate times, and he’s got the measures to match …

No sooner was Scott linked to Lina Sandberg than his inner circle publicly told anyone who’d listen that he’s not dating Lina Sandberg.

Then came talk of a “desperate” attempt at getting back with the mother of his children, complete with a very un-Disick-like mea culpa.

Sources close to the Lord say Scott is nothing without Kourtney and is committed to being a sober, upstanding parent and human being.

Many onlookers saw the public Lina “breakup” as a ploy for Kourt’s love, especially given some of the quotes attributed to his camp.

“Scott’s always with Kourtney. Even when he’s not actually with her, he’s ‘with’ her. Their relationship will always stand the test of time.”

“Scott owes everything to Kourtney, and while at times he does a lousy job showing it … he knows he’s nothing, he’s lost without her.”

Seriously. Dude is launching quite the shadow PR campaign.

It’s far from clear whether Kourtney may warm up to his overtures, but insiders say his bid to win her back might not be totally in vain.

Saying he’s “nothing” without her is just a tease, we’re told.

Disick’s net worth, reportedly in the healthy eight-figure range (somehow), is at least as much as Kourtney’s, and he’s gonna use it.

Sources ssay he’ll spend as much of it as becomes necessary to earn her trust, and won’t rest until she gives him another shot.

He’s certain that sooner or later she will … and maybe he’s right, but in the meantime, we don’t suggest checking out the gallery below.

Could be a little disheartening. Or maybe he should look at it as motivation to try that much harder. Either way, she looks unreal lately

Thursday, November 12, 2015

This Jennifer Lawrence Video is Everything

We"ll be honest: we"re not completely sure what"s taking place in this Jennifer Lawrence video.

We know it was filmed on behalf of her cover story for the December 2015 issue of Vogue and we know it"s set in the country.

But it opens with Lawrence talking in an accent, introducing herself as other A-List actress… and it later includes Lawrence comparing the act of feeding a horse to going on a date with her.

It"s a tad bit confusing overall, but that doesn"t make it any less awesome.

Because it"s pretty much just Jennifer Lawrence being Jennifer Lawrence; unfettered, gorgeous, goofy, down to earth, weird, funny… a mixture of all the reasons we absolutely adore Jennifer Lawrence.

Heck, at one point she shakes her head and hair in concert with the horse in front of her.

Lawrence, of course, is about to star in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2.

It hits theaters around the nation on November 20 and Lawrence will be hitting up every talk show she possibly can in promotion.

Oh, yes, we"ll be seeing plenty of Jennifer Lawrence in the lead-up to this blockbuster… and then again in promotion of her winter drama, Joy.

But we somehow doubt anyone is complaining over this fact.

The world could use as much Jennifer Lawrence as it can get, especially when she"s imitating other stars and interacting with horses and apples. 

You must watch this video.

Jennifer lawrence vogue video is everything we love about jennif

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Here is Everything You Need to Know About Chris Stapleton

By taking home a trio of Country Music Awards in 2015, Chris Stapleton announced his arrival at the next country music star.

Many watching this ceremony at home or reading about it the next day were left with one lingering question, however:

WHO IS CHRIS STAPLETON? We"re so glad you asked…

1. Quite the Debut

Quite the debut

Singleton released his debut solo LP, “Traveller,” in May. It won him Album of the Year at the CMAs.

2. An Industry Veteran

An industry veteran

Can we really call him a “newcomer?” The Kentucky native moved to Tennessee in 2001. Since that time, he has worked as a songwriter for 15 years, teaming with such major artists as Adele. However, he didn’t get his big break until he signed with Warner Chappell Music as a solo artist in January 2014.

3. You’ve Known him For Years… Without Really Knowing Him

Youve known him for years without really knowing him

Stapleton both wrote and did backup vocals for Adele’s “If It Hadn’t Been for Love,” Luke Bryan’s “Drink a Beer,” Kenny Chesney’s “Never Wanted Nothing More,” Blake Shelton’s “100 Miles,” and “Too Fast” for Jason Aldean. That’s quite the resume!

4. Banding Together

Banding together

Before going off on his own, Chris was the lead singer for the band SteelDrivers from 2008 to 2010. He also founded the Southern rock band The Jompson Brothers and opened for the Zac Brown Band in 2010 as part of that group.

5. What About Movies and Television?

What about movies and television

Yup, he’s dipped his talented toes into these waters, too. Stapleton has contributed to the soundtracks of 2010’s Country Strong and 2010’s Valentine’s Day. He also has writing credits on installments of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, The Apprentice, Late Night with Seth Meyers and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

6. He’s Taken

Hes taken

Stapleton has a son and daughter with his wife, singer-songwriter Morgane. He’s quite smitten with her, telling the CMA audience after winning Male Vocalist of the Year: “I gotta thank my wife again. She always pushes me to be the best I can be and do anything.”

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Thursday, October 29, 2015

LeAnn Rimes SLAMS Brandi Glanville: I Ignore Everything She Says!

The feud between LeAnn Rimes and Brandi Glanville has been going on for years, but it cooled off in a recent months, and there was a time when it looked as though the ladies might be through throwing shade at one another in public.

Fortunately, it looks like we’re now back to square one, as LeAnn ran her mouth off in a recent interview, and Brandi has already replied on Twitter!

“I ignore everything that [Brandi] puts up on Twitter,” LeAnn told Britain’s Closer magazine.

“This is real life and it’s not about Twitter or a reality show. This is our life and I take being a stepmom seriously. I love the boys like they’re my own and they live with us half the time.”

She said that she ignores Brandi’s tweets, but it seems that what really got LeAnn’s goat was a recent interview in which Brandi said that LeAnn and Eddie let the kids get away with murder

Brandi’s not exactly the quiet type, so she didn’t just let the comment slide, but she didn’t lash out in her usual fashion, either:

“I’ve never accused any1 of being a wicked stepmom I said my ex hub &I have different parenting styles,” Brandi tweeter. “My Kids are happy.”

Like we said, not exactly fighting words, but something tells us this is far from over.

Later in the same interview, LeAnn was asked about reports that she’s having a baby by surrogate.  

She didn’t exactly confirm the rumors, but she strongly hinted that there’s a strong chance we’ll be seeing a little LeAnn in the near future:

“I used to hate my eyes as a kid and now I have a husband with the same ones,” LeAnn said. “So maybe the baby will come out with those eyes too!”

Wow. If Brandi thinks LeAnn and Eddie are too lenient with her kids now, just wait until they have an infant to worry about!

Monday, September 21, 2015

2015 Emmys: Fashion Hits, Misses & Everything in Between

Viola Davis and Tracy Morgan both made us cry on stage with their acceptance speeches, while Jon Hamm finally took home his well-deserved trophy and Game of Thrones get a new record.

But whatever, right?!?

The 2015 Emmy Awards, like all other ceremonies of this nature, come down to red carpet fashion and red carpet fashion only.

Who wore it best? Who needs to fire his or her stylist? Scroll around and decide now:

1. Taraji P. Henson at the Emmys

Taraji p henson at the emmys

Looking fierce, Taraji P. Henson! The actress, seen here on the red carpet of the 2015 Emmys, was nominated for Leading Actress in a Drama.

2. Laverne Cox at the Emmys

Laverne cox at the emmys

Laverne Cox is a transgender actress on Orange is the New Black. She poses here on the red carpet of the 2015 Emmys.

3. Lady Gaga at the 2015 Emmys

Lady gaga at the 2015 emmys

Lady Gaga at the Emmys?!? Your eyes do not deceive you. She will be starring on Season 5 of FX’s American Horror Story.

4. Giuliana Rancic at the 2015 Emmys

Giuliana rancic at the 2015 emmys

Hi, Giuliana Rancic! The TV personality waves to the camera on the red carpet of the Emmy Awards.

5. Jane Lynch at the Emmys

Jane lynch at the emmys

Who didn’t adore Jane Lynch on Glee?!? The actress strikes a pose here on the 2015 Emmy red carpet.

6. Gwendoline Christie at the Emmys

Gwendoline christie at the emmys

She looks different here than she does on Game of Thrones, doesn’t she? Yes, this really is a photo of Gwendoline Christie.

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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Grey"s Anatomy Season 12 Trailer: Everything Has Changed

Everything is about to change on Grey"s Anatomy Season 12.

Actually, correction: According to Meredith in the first promo for new fall episodes, everything has already changed.

The 21-second teaser gives us a look at Meredith lying alone in bed (Rest in Peace, Derek Shepherd), along with some demolition work taking place in her house and some enthusiastic high-fives taking place at work.

Oh, and someone gets punched in the face in the hospital. That also happens here

Creator Shonda Rhimes has promised a "lighter tone" for the series this fall, though the question still remains: Will people tune in now that Patrick Dempsey is gone?

Or will they continue to hold his character"s death, and the way it was handled, against the long-running drama?

Check out fresh footage now and tune in for Grey"s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 1 on Thursday, September 24 at 8/7c.

Greys anatomy season 12 trailer everything has changed

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Kris Jenner On Getting To Know Caitlyn Jenner: "I Think Everything Takes A Little Bit Of Time"

Well now we know what Kris Jenner hasn’t seen!

We’ve all watched that emotional reunion between her and Caitlyn Jenner on the most recent episode of I Am Cait, but Kris has not seen it, and it sounds like she may not be interested for quite a while!

[ Related: Joel McHale Recaps The Kris-Caitlyn Sit Down! ]

Speaking to reporters at an event in Beverly Hills on Saturday night, the Kardashian family matriarch said about the reality show clip:

“I haven’t watched it yet because it’s hard.”

She does have a lot of history — and an entire family, after all — with Caitlyn.

Jenner also dished about how her relationship with Caitlyn was holding up, admitting:

“It’s good. It’s fine. You know, it’s a process. I think everything takes a little bit of time. We’re still family. We still have kids together. And it will work itself out.”

That it will, Kris. That it will.

What do U guys think??

[Image via Bauer Griffin.]