Showing posts with label Hormones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hormones. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Jenelle Evans on Pregnancy Hormones: Everything Makes Me Cry!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Jenelle Evans is pregnant with her third child.

Much has been made of the fact that this is Jenelle’s third “baby daddy,” as the kids say, but things happen in life, and the only sure thing is that you’ll eventually find yourself in some situation you never thought you’d have to deal with.

No, there’s nothing inherently wrong with Jenelle’s situation.

Jenelle herself, however … well, we don’t even know where to begin.

We won’t even get into Jenelle’s many arrests, several of them for violent crimes. 

(But here’s a rundown in case you need a refresher and have a couple hours to spare):

Instead, we’ll focus on her present situation.

For starters, Jenelle denied being pregnant numerous times over the past few months. 

We don’t mean she kept silent on the subject because she wasn’t ready to talk about it.

We mean even after a police report confirmed Jenelle is pregnant, she basically gaslighted her fans and acted like they were ca-razy for believing something so unreliable as a police report.

And then there’s Jenelle’s current situation with her other kids.

She recently bragged about fighting two custody battles at the same time, one with her mother, who has primary custody of her oldest son Jace, and the other with Nathan Griffith, father of her youngest, Kaiser.

Not the most stable situation to bring a third child into, but over on Twitter, Jenelle is doing what she does best – pretending like everything is just fine.

After tweeting that the crying Emoji is her favorite at the moment and revealing that she’s been rocking out to Eminem, Jenelle joked that her emotions are so all over the place that the dumbest of reality shows makes her cry:

“Crying watching Yes To The Dress because this girl found her perfect dress. What’s wrong with me?”

She went on to gush about current boyfriend David Eason, telling a fan with relationship problems:

“Glad I found the man I have now!”

Yeesh, even Jenelle sounds like she knows this relationship isn’t gonna last.

She concluded her tweeting day by encouraging fans to follow her on Snapchat for daily updates about her latest pregnancy.

We wish Jenelle would turn off the the dress-shopping shows and watch Teen Mom 2 online.

Maybe then she’d realize how extensively she has to get her sh-t together before this kid comes into the world.

Who knows, maybe this time she can retain full custody.

Dare to dream!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Kylie Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian Work Up Sweat, Hormones of Men Everywhere

What’s the point in going to the gym if you can’t tell everyone about it.

Isn’t that right, Kylie Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian?

The half-sisters worked up far more than just a sweat over the weekend, rocking some revealing clothing and working up the hormones of millions of men around the globe via a pair of exercise selfies.

“First workout with @kourtneykardash this lady has been working hard!” Kylie wrote as a caption to the image above, while Kourtney added of the picture below:

“I’ve been trying to get her to workout with me for six months…today was my lucky day.”

Why did Kylie Jenner finally decide to work out with Kourtney Kardashian?

Perhaps because Tyga is so bad in bed that she barely burns any calories when getting it on with her boyfriend.

Kourtney, meanwhile, is allegedly having sexual intercourse with Justin Bieber and has been for months now.

That singer is 21, of course, while Kourtney is 36 years old.

So it would also stand to reason that this mother of three would be extra motivated to hit the gym and stay in shape in order to continually impress her younger man.

For these famous women, in our imagined universe, it all comes back to their men. How sad.