Showing posts with label Response. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Response. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2019

R. Kelly Claims Ex Trashed Him to Their Kids ... Child Support Stopped in Response

R. Kelly is rationalizing his decision to stop paying child support — claiming his ex-wife set the ball in motion by turning their children against him. 
Sources close to R. Kelly tell us the singer was absolutely lashing out at Drea Kelly when he quit writing child support che...
R. Kelly Claims Ex Trashed Him to Their Kids ... Child Support Stopped in Response

Monday, November 19, 2018

Jay-Z"s "99 Problems" Triggers Police Response for Dom. Violence Call

Ever blurted out Jay-Z‘s famous lyric to “99 Problems”? Bet it’s never resulted in cops pointing guns at you … ‘cause that’s EXACTLY what happened to one man in Tennessee.
Davon Eddington tells TMZ … he was in his backyard last week in Sp...
Jay-Z"s "99 Problems" Triggers Police Response for Dom. Violence Call

Jay-Z"s "99 Problems" Triggers Police Response for Dom. Violence Call

Ever blurted out Jay-Z‘s famous lyric to “99 Problems”? Bet it’s never resulted in cops pointing guns at you … ‘cause that’s EXACTLY what happened to one man in Tennessee.
Davon Eddington tells TMZ … he was in his backyard last week in Sp...
Jay-Z"s "99 Problems" Triggers Police Response for Dom. Violence Call

Friday, November 9, 2018

Jenelle Evans to Be Fired In Response to Petition From Thousands of Teen Mom 2 Fans?

Jenelle Evans" time at MTV may soon be coming to an end.

Jenelle"s been a controversial figure from the very beginning of her time in the spotlight, but in recent months, the Carolina Hurricane has hit rock bottom in previously unimaginable ways.

While there may have been a time when the constant drama was regarded as a source of amusement by Teen Mom 2 fans, no one is laughing these days.

And tens of thousands of fans are now circulating a petition urging the show"s producers to take action before someone gets seriously injured — or worse.

Take a look:

1. The Carolina Hurricane

Jenelle evans and a green screen

Jenelle has always been an agent of chaos, but these days, there’s more evidence than ever that her reckless behavior is creating an unsafe environment for her children.

2. Beyond Rock Bottom

Jenelle instagram

The situation has gotten so bad that many fans are convinced this is nothing less than a matter of life and death.

3. Taking Action

Jenelle evans in glasses

Now, more than 20,000 Teen Mom 2 viewers have sent a message to MTV that by continuing to employ Jenelle Evans, the network is condoning child abuse and endangerment.

4. Join the Fight

Jenelle is missing teeth

Click the link above in order to sign the petition to have Jenelle fired.

5. Dangerous Dave

Jenelle and david eason

Much of the concern among fans, of course, has to do with Jenelle’s husband, David Eason.

6. Weird Flex

David eason in confederate flag

David recently boasted that the Department of Child and Family Sevices had been called to the Easons’ home more than 20 times in the span of a single year.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Ronan & Mia Farrow Slam Trump"s Response to Slain Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi

Ronan and Mia Farrow think President Trump’s painted himself into a diplomatic corner when it comes to dealing with Saudi Arabia over the apparent murder of a journalist. We spoke to Ronan and his mom on Sunday afternoon about the…


Friday, August 24, 2018

Tekashi69 Performing at Jay-Z"s Festival Triggers Massive Security Response

Organizers for Jay-Z’s Made in America Festival are taking ZERO chances when Tekashi69 performs next month … they’ve beefed up security to avoid the violence that seems to follow the rapper. A rep for the Mayor’s Office of Philadelphia…


Friday, July 27, 2018

50 Cent"s Response in Revenge Porn Case, It Was Just a Repost

50 Cent’s going with the ole “everyone’s doing it, Mom” explanation for why he posted a screengrab from ‘Love and Hip Hop’ star Teairra Mari’s sex tape. Fiddy filed his response to Teairra’s revenge porn lawsuit, and in the docs he says the image he…


50 Cent"s Response in Revenge Porn Case, It Was Just a Repost

50 Cent’s going with the ole “everyone’s doing it, Mom” explanation for why he posted a screengrab from ‘Love and Hip Hop’ star Teairra Mari’s sex tape. Fiddy filed his response to Teairra’s revenge porn lawsuit, and in the docs he says the image he…


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Demi Lovato: Emergency Response Call Released

We have more information to pass along about Demi Lovato"s tragic hospitalization on Tuesday, July 24.

As previously reported, Lovato was discovered unconscious inside her Hollywood Hills home late on this date, as authorities responded to a call from her residence and discovered she was barely breathing.

According to multiple sources, Demi has spent the previous evening partying with friends and had been on a downward spiral for weeks.

An insider has told TMZ and Us Weekly that the singer was at one point administered Narcan, a drug which is used to treat narcotic overdoses in emergency situations.

Her condition was unknown when news of her apparent overdose first went viral, but we can now confirm the artist is stable.

After saying on Facebook that her niece was "awake and responsive," Kerissa Web Dunn, the co-director of the Demi Lovato Charity Boutique in Texas added:

“PLEASE PLEASE pray for my sweet niece DEMI LOVATO. She has been hospitalized and needs everyone’s prayers desperately!!!!"

Nearly all in Hollywood, of course, have heeded this plea.

Tweeted Ellen DeGeneres upon learning what had happened:

love @DDLovato so much. It breaks my heart that she is going through this. She is a light in this world, and I am sending my love to her and her family.

And Lily Allen:

Poor beautiful spirit @ddlovato I hope she’s ok, and that she makes a full recovery soon.

And Brad Paisley:

My friend @ddlovato is one of the kindest, most talented people I’ve ever met. Praying for her right now, addiction is a terrifying disease. There is no one more honest or brave than this woman.

Lovato, as most gossip followers know, has battled addiction and eating disorders for nearly a decade now.

She has been in and out of rehab and has been as candid as one can be about this struggle over the years, aiming to serve as an inspiration for others in her situation.

Just over a month ago, Lovato confessed that she had relapsed.

Few knew it was this serious, but all worried it always could be.

We send Demi our continues thoughts and best wishes.

Listen above to the emergency response call placed on her behalf, which outlines the surroundings in which paramedics came across her allegedly overdosed body.

Demi lovato emergency response call released

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Duggar Family: Response to Arkansas Abortion Law Stuns Fans

Earlier today, the Supreme Court cleared the way for the nation’s most restrictive anti-abortion law to go into effect.

The justices declined to hear an appeal against the Arkansas law, which would severely limit the ability of doctors to provide medication-induced abortions to their patients.

The law has been the subject of intense debate on social media, and many are wondering what the state’s most famous abortion opponents have to say.

But surprisingly, thus far, the Duggars have been silent on the matter.

Yes, despite previously comparing abortion to the Holocaust and spearheading fundraising efforts for anti-choice protesters, not one of the Duggars has commented on today’s developments.

The silence, of course, speaks volumes, and both fans and critics alike are wondering when and how the family will finally make a statement.

The Duggars have a long history of political engagement, and they’ve gone on record as saying they won’t be satisfied until abortion is prohibited on a federal level.

So while they likely don’t view today’s ruling as a total victory, they almost certainly see it as a major step in the right direction.

Most surprising of all is the fact that Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard, has not yet spoken out on the matter.

Dillard’s controversial political views have made him a divisive figure in recent months.

In November of 2017, Dillard was fired from the Duggar’s reality show, Counting On, after making statements that many construed as transphobic on Twitter.

Jill quit the show as a gesture of solidarity, and Derick’s views have lurched even more to the far-right in the time since his business relationship with TLC came to an abrupt end.

It was widely expected that Derick would have much to say about today’s events, but thus far, he’s keeping his views to himself.

In the meantime, others are making their voices heard on the matter.

“Arkansas is now shamefully responsible for being the first state to ban medication abortion,” Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said in a statement issued this afternoon.

“This dangerous law also immediately ends access to safe, legal abortion at all but one health center in the state. If that’s not an undue burden, what is?” she added.

“This law cannot and must not stand. We will not stop fighting for every person’s right to access safe, legal abortion.”

Laguens points out that if the law is permitted to take effect, two of the three facilities that perform abortions in Arkansas would likely be forced to close.

On the other side of the political spectrum is Family Council Executive Director Jerry Cox, who issued a statement in support of the law:

“This is very good news for people who care about the safety of women in Arkansas,” Cox said adding:

“This is a pro-life victory not only for the women of Arkansas, but for women across the nation. I’m sure other states will be looking at Arkansas and considering following our example.”

Today’s development comes on the heels of attempts by Arkansas lawmakers to institute a ban on abortions after the 12-week mark of a pregnancy.

That effort was blocked by a federal appeals court.

We’ll continue to be on the lookout for the official Duggar response to today’s appeal rejection.

In the meantime, watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, March 2, 2018

Donald Trump Gets Dunked On By Alec Baldwin In Response Random Trash-Talk

Alec Baldwin made his first appearance as Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live way the hell back in October of 2016, and the show’s been on hiatus for the past three weeks due to NBC’s broadcast of the Winter Olympics.

So why was the president angrily tweeting about Baldwin’s impression at 5:42 this morning?

It’s a good question with several troubling answers.

The most obvious explanation for why the leader of the free world had a man-baby outburst while gnawing on his Egg McMuffin this morning is the fact that Baldwin had some unkind words for Trump in a recent interview.

“Every time I do it now, it’s like agony,” Baldwin recently told The Hollywood Reporter when asked about his Trump impression.

“Anybody over this guy,” Baldwin added. “It doesn’t matter. We have to get rid of him.”

Those are exactly the kind of comments that get under Trump’s skin, so it’s no surprise the president was so upset that even autocorrect couldn’t reason with him this morning:

“Alex Baldwin, whose dieing mediocre career was saved by his terrible impersonation of me on SNL, now says playing me was agony,” Trump tweeted.

“Alex, it was agony for those who were forced to watch. Bring back Darrell Hammond, funnier and a far greater talent!”

That tweet was only live for about 10 minutes before Trump deleted it and replaced with a version in which Baldwin’s name and “dying” were both spelled correctly.

Needless to say, Twitter wasn’t so quick to forget the president’s spelling boo-boos.

But unhinged Trump tantrums are obviously nothing new.

The weird thing about this one is, the Baldwin interview took place back on Wednesday, and the Donald has been never one to buy into the expression about revenge being a dish best served cold. 

(After all, the analogy wouldn’t make much sense to someone who only eats food that congeals if it’s left to sit for more than a few seconds.)

The best explanation with regard to the timing seems to be that less than thirty minutes before Trump’s tweet, Baldwin’s interview was mentioned in a segment on Fox News, which is the president’s state-run television network of choice when he’s lounging around the White House in his bathrobe.

Of course, the real reason that Trump decided to start his morning with an old-fashioned Two Minutes Hate is that he’s coming off yet another chaotic week and he’ll do just about anything to change the topic of conversation.

It’s a typically inept move from an administration that aims for Third Reich, but usually misses the mark and lands more in the Keystone Cops area.

That said, we’ll give the Donald credit for one thing – Hammond actually does have the better technical impression, in terms of nailing Trump’s “FBI Mafia informant turned used car salesmen” mannerisms.

But wherever you stand on who serves up the best impersonation of anus-lipped commander-in-chief, there’s no denying that Baldwin’s response left Trump as roasted as one of those well-done steaks he likes so much:

“Agony though it may be, I’d like to hang in there for the impeachment hearings, the resignation speech, the farewell helicopter ride to Mara-A-Lago,” Baldwin tweeted, adding:

“You know. The Good Stuff. That we’ve all been waiting for.”

Get emmmmmm!

As though that wasn’t enough to send DJT into a diaper-filling rade, Baldwin continued:

Looking forward to the Trump Presidential Library. A putting green. Recipes for chocolate cake. A live Twitter feed for visitors to post on.

“A little black book w the phone numbers of porn stars. You’re in and out in five minutes. Just like…”

Baldwin might want to start using his middle name, a la Lee Harvey Oswald, because we’re pretty sure that qualifies as an assassination.


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Donald Trump Fires Off Childish Response to Kim Jong-un"s Nuclear Threat

Donald Trump is firing back at Kim Jong-un’s “nuclear button” threat — but he did it in the most childish way possible. POTUS hopped on Twitter to let the North Korean leader know “I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more…


Sunday, December 10, 2017

Jalen Rose: Yeah, Joel Embiid Trolled Me, Here"s My Response

Jalen Rose is taking the vegetarian approach with Joel Embiid — NO BEEF — ‘cause the ex-NBA star has nothing but love for the Sixers stud … despite being the butt of his joke the other day.  ICYMI — Embiid poked fun at Rose in an…


Jalen Rose: Yeah, Joel Embiid Trolled Me, Here"s My Response

Jalen Rose is taking the vegetarian approach with Joel Embiid — NO BEEF — ‘cause the ex-NBA star has nothing but love for the Sixers stud … despite being the butt of his joke the other day.  ICYMI — Embiid poked fun at Rose in an…


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Prince William Has Hilarious Response to Prince Harry Engagement

Prince William is typically known for one of two things:

1. His dashing good looks.

2. His beautiful and pretty much perfect wife.

The Royal hunk isn’t normally applauded for his sense of humor, although that may need to change in the wake to his latest response to Prince Harry’s engagement.

Yes, in case you somehow missed it, Prince Harry is now engaged to Meghan Markle.

The couple made the news official this week via a statement, a joint photo shoot and an adorable joint interview.

When the announcement was initially made, William and Kate Middleton issued a formal response through Kensington Palace that read as follows:

“We are very excited for Harry and Meghan. It has been wonderful getting to know Meghan and to see how happy she and Harry are together.”

Short. Simple. Undoubtedly truthful.

For also…. boooooring!

On the first day of his visit to Finland on Wednesday, however, William was asked by reporters about this exciting piece of family news…

… and he responded in a far funnier manner.

“We’re very excited, delighted for them both. We’re wishing them all the happiness in this very exciting time,” he said, adding:

“Personally, I hope it means he stays out of my fridge and will stop scrounging my food, which he’s done for the last few years!”

HA! There you go. There’s a sign of humanity from the often-buttoned-up Royal family member.

During a special briefing at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, officials revealed that the Harry and Markle will get married May of next year at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.

No exact date has been announced yet.

But Middleton is due to give birth to her and William’s third child in April, meaning Great Britain may very well explode in happiness next spring.

We’ll need to keep a close eye on our dear allies.

Markle, meanwhile, has given up her acting career and will be living in London full-time.

We’re sure Middleton has talked to her and will continue to talk to her about the overwhelming changes she’s about to encounter over the following days, weeks, months and years.

Thankfully, Markle has the ideal role model to assist her along the way, as no one could have handled these sorts of changes as well as Middleton has since she married William.

Markle, however, already seems up to the task.

Asked about the harassment she’s received due to her mixed heritage, the now-former actress took a high road in her interview on Monday with Harry.

:At the end of the day I am proud of who I am and where I have come from and we have never put any focus on that,” she said.

“We have just focused on who we are as a couple.”

And who they are as a couple, as you can see below, is two very happy and very in love individuals!


Monday, November 13, 2017

Conor McGregor Tells Haters "F**k Yous All" in Response to Ref Incident

Conor McGregor is explaining why he “lost it” at an MMA fight in Dublin on Friday — saying the ref had no business trying to throw him out of the cage. He also offered up a “f**k yous” to all of his critics. You remember the incident…


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Donald Trump Calls Kim Jong Un "Short and Fat" in Response to Being Called Old

Donald Trump just took the high road in a war of words with the leader of North Korea … just kidding — he called him short and fat. The Prez responded to Kim Jong Un calling him old by dishing out an insult on Twitter Saturday night (Sunday…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Kris Jenner Goes Blonde, Twitter Goes Crazy in Response

Kris Jenner, is that really you?

The matriarch and manager of E!"s most famous family revealed quite a new look on social media this week, posing with a drink in her hand and a platinum blonde mop of hair atop her head.

"Caption this…. mine is SWF," Kim Kardashian wrote on Twitter, making fun of her mom for following in her hairy footsteps by referencing the film, "Single White Female."

Oh, caption this, Twitter users replied?

Sure. Let"s do it!

1. Cha-Ching!

Cha ching

Just sitting back and reaping the financial rewards of my unwed daughters getting pregnant.

2. This is the Life, People

This is the life people

Can someone book me one helluva cruise, please?

3. I’m Rich. You’re Poor.

Im rich youre poor

What else is there to say?

4. Sure? We Guess?

Sure we guess

This is quite the detailed description.

5. I Got This, Girl

I got this girl

Just sit back and laugh all the way to the bank, Kris.

6. You’ll Never Catch Me!

Youll never catch me

Cue the villainous laugh.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Suicide Threat Prompts Police Response

There were concerns Harvey Weinstein was suicidal when he got into a heated argument with his daughter Wednesday morning, and police responded … TMZ has learned. According to law enforcement, Weinstein was at his 22-year-old daughter Lily’s…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Rachel Lindsay Defends Response to Peter Kraus" Bachelorette Bombshell: Editing, People!

As The Bachelorette spoilers predicted, Rachel Lindsay’s final three men all went to Dallas and Spain with her on the penultimate episode.

What no one could’ve predicted was the scrutiny Rachel would face for her response to Peter Kraus’ thoughts on (not) getting engaged.

Monday’s dramatic ending of The Bachelorette featured none of the three remaining men being eliminated, but Peter dropping a bombshell.

Kraus’ doubts about marriage and uncertainty about the engagement that typically comes at the Final Rose ceremony were a shocker.

It’s not that anything Peter said in particular was all that shocking, but in the context of The Bachelorette, such candor is unheard of.

To make a long story short, Peter told Rachel that he only wants to get engaged once, because he sees marriage as a given after that.

Furthermore, he didn’t know if they were there yet as a couple, despite the fact that things are moving very positively in that direction.

Sounds reasonable, right? So what’s the problem?

Well, if you ask Rachel … the editing is the issue.

Lindsay’s response, as seen on ABC, was basically saying that an engagement wasn’t marriage, and that she’s not looking for a boyfriend.

Plenty of fans on Twitter immediately questioned why she didn’t think an engagement is akin to marriage, prompting her to reply.

Rachel addressed that as such on Twitter:

“This was the chopped and screwed version of my response. Obviously engagement means marriage 2 me. It’s all I talk about.”

Some people defended her. One said:

“I understand what Rachel means she’s not looking for a boyfriend. She wants an engagement with someone who is sure about her.”

Another Lindsay fan added, “That has to be so frustrating. I couldn’t imagine saying one thing and it being portrayed completely differently.”

Anytime anything happens to anyone who doesn’t like it, they always hide behind editing; Rachel may have a legit gripe here, however.

Without a doubt, it’s a popular show with a vested interest in keeping viewers hooked, and that was tailor made for a dramatic cliffhanger.

As for Peter’s comments, many viewers applauded him for his honesty, and speaking his mind despite it breaking with show tradition.

Rachel’s parents seemed skeptical that one can fall in love and commit to marriage after two months, but rarely does a suitor say this.

While tons of people gave Peter props, others were suspicious, accusing him of leaving himself an out or “playing the game” with this.

There’s talk (largely due to his high school yearbook comment that he would be The Bachelor) that he wants to be the next Bachelor.

He may well get to live that dream.

Regardless, however, it’s a bit of a stretch to think he choreographed that scene last night just to give himself some more wiggle room.

As for whether this dooms Peter’s chances, Rachel wasn’t divulging any Bachelorette spoilers (follow the link for those if you like).

She did Tweet a finale teaser:

“I want somebody who wants what I want AND wants it with me… Stay tuned to see who I found that w/ on the finale 2 weeks!”

You can bet that we will.
