Showing posts with label Trashed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trashed. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2019

R. Kelly Claims Ex Trashed Him to Their Kids ... Child Support Stopped in Response

R. Kelly is rationalizing his decision to stop paying child support — claiming his ex-wife set the ball in motion by turning their children against him. 
Sources close to R. Kelly tell us the singer was absolutely lashing out at Drea Kelly when he quit writing child support che...
R. Kelly Claims Ex Trashed Him to Their Kids ... Child Support Stopped in Response

Saturday, April 22, 2017

James Worthy Fires Back at Kevin Durant After KD Trashed Him (VIDEO)

James Worthy ain’t backing down from Kevin Durant — saying the NBA star was not only WRONG when he trashed him on a recent podcast, but claims KD’s underhanded allegations could seriously damage his career. Worthy is upset about a story Durant…


Friday, February 10, 2017

Charles Oakley Trashed White People & Police In MSG Meltdown ... Witnesses Say (DOCUMENT)

TMZ Sports has obtained the witness statement in the Charles Oakley incident at MSG — in which Knicks staffers claimed Oakley went on a verbal tear trashing white people, cops and Jimmy Dolan after things got physical with security. According to…


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Taye Diggs Survives Crash, G-Wagon Trashed (PHOTO GALLERY)

Taye Diggs got a wheel torn clear off his Mercedes SUV during what looks like a solo wreck Wednesday night in West Hollywood. These photos from the rainy accident scene show Taye was lucky to walk away from the crash — looks like he somehow…


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Farrah Abraham Lets Her Kid Wear SO MUCH Makeup, Gets Trashed for It

Farrah Abraham is a terrible human being. That’s not even a little bit shocking.

But do you know what is shocking?

The way Farrah insists on showing off her awfulness at every available opportunity.

It seems like the girl can’t even open her mouth without some form of hate or ignorance falling out of it — and if something is able to climb out of the dark pit of silicone and shame that is Farrah’s mouth, then you know it must be serious.

She’d dumb and gross, that’s what we’re saying.

She proved it earlier this week when she shared a seemingly innocent photo of some Elves on Shelves that turned out to be a little bit racist.

And she’s proving it again today with this sincerely insane photo of her poor seven-year-old daughter, Sophia.

Brace yourself, because this is pretty overwhelming:


Yeah, so that’s a little girl in foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and some seriously bold lipstick.

And she’s not at home playing with her mother’s makeup, she’s posing for promotional photos at her very own clothing boutique.

Do you see something wrong with this picture?

Though really, it would probably be easier to ask you if you see anything right with this.

It doesn’t matter, it’s a trick question anyway: Farrah is horrible, her parenting is horrible, everything is horrible.

And, lucky for the future of humanity, everyone seems to be in agreement on this.

When she posted the photo on Instagram, she got a few hundred comments. on Sophia’s makeup alone.

A few people thought she looked cute with all the makeup, a few made some unnecessarily hateful and cruel comments about this kid’s appearance, but most tried to offer some constructive criticism.

“That lipstick color is a little grown for a 7 year old,” one kind soul advised, just in case Farrah wasn’t aware.

“Let your daughter be a child and wipe that sh-t off her mouth before she turns into you!” another said.

“Omg your child looks older than you!!” one comment read. “What’s wrong with you as a mother???? I’m sure if her father was alive, she would not wear that RED LIPSTICK!!! SMH!!!!!”

Another commenter wondered “Why does she have that awful color lipstick on at her age? My 13 year old isn’t even allowed to wear anything but gloss. Stop sexualizing her, you’ll regret it.”

Yeah, we doubt there will ever come a day that Farrah regrets anything.

But it sure is nice to think about, right?


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Farrah Abraham, 7-Year-Old Daughter TRASHED on the Internet Over This Photo

Teen Mom OG star Farrah Abraham is easily the worst celebrity parent out there … but

What happened to her seven-year-old daughter, Sophia, is probably the worst thing we’ve ever heard when it comes to the Backdoor Teen Mom.  

See that adorable, innocuous photo there? 

That’s Sophia, and as you can see, she won the cheer stick for being the greatest cheerleader in the history of all cheerleaders or whatever.  

You know Farrah; any opportunity to exploit her child – as well as Farrah’s own vulva – will be an opportunity to strike while the iron’s infested with … something. 

Unfortunately, followers of both Farrah and Sophia’s Instagram pages (yes, seven-year-old Sophia has her own page, as sad as that is to say) dragged poor Sophia all over the internet, slamming her looks. 

Some of the commenters were less awful, and simply wrote, “Kid needs braces, bro,” while others were … less nice. 

Another comment read, “Where is child protective services when you need them.”  

Worse yet, one of Farrah’s “fans” actually wrote, “Your kid looks like a gremlin. I don’t think anything can make her pretty.” 

In case we’ve all been caught unaware for whatever reason, Sophia Abraham – despite the gremlin her mother is – is a child … a seven-year-old child who doesn’t need your bulls–t. 

Yeah, she’s been exploited and subjected to force-fed modeling tactics, but she’s still just a kid

There’s absolutely no excuse to drag a child over her looks, or because of who her mother happens to be. 

Especially adults – what the hell are you even thinking? 

If you wanna go after Farrah, go hard, because Farrah is the crud that builds up beneath the dock in a pollluted lake. 

But her child – a child? 

Kids these days get enough bullying from their peers; they don’t need adults throwing cheap shots at them, too, just because they don’t agree with what the child’s porn star mother does.  

This poor little girl’s been through enough

Isn’t it time people left her the hell alone and allowed her to make, at least, an attempt to grow up in normal circumstances? 

It’s not like she’s got some great fair shake to begin with. 



Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Denise Richards: Charlie Sheen Trashed My House & Smeared Dog Crap on the Rugs!

Another day, another tale of gentlemanly behavior from everyone’s favorite tiger-blooded warlock from Mars.

Last week, we learned that Sheen had ex-wife Denise Richards and his two kids kicked out of the home that he’d promised she could live in rent free for life.

Of course, this is Charlie Sheen we’re talking about, so he also threatened to cut off Richards’ head and send it to her father.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Sheen’s goons paid Denise a visit while she was still moving out of the home Chuckles had bought her.

As you might expect, they didn’t come bearing housewarming presents for her new crib:

“Before I had completely vacated the Clerendon residence, Sheen’s representatives caused the locks to be broken and changed on two occasions, and removed my jewelry and several of the children’s clothes,” Richards claims in court documents obtained by Radar.

Apparently, before moving out, Richards installed wall-to-wall carpeting to make the place more attractive to perspective buyers. According to a source close to Denise, that plan backfired in a big way:

“Denise had carpet installed in several of the bedrooms that had hardwood flooring. She wanted the house to look perfect for prospective buyers,” the insider claims.

“But just weeks after the carpet was installed, someone tracked mud and dog feces all over it. This was in all of the bedrooms with the new carpet. It was obviously done with malice because no other rooms in the house suffered any damage.

“The carpet had to be taken out after it had just been installed. What a total waste of money. Whoever did it was just childish.”

Thus far, no one has explicitly blamed Sheen for the dog-doo escapade, but we’re guessing the perpetrator starred in both Major League and Major League II.

That’s right – we’re looking at you, Tom Berenger!