Showing posts with label Journalist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journalist. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele Calls BS on Saudi Arabia"s Story Over Journalist

The former head of the RNC doesn’t believe a word of Saudi Arabia’s explanation of how journalist Jamal Khashoggi died, and he doesn’t buy Trump’s denial of financial ties there. We got Michael Steele Saturday at the L.A. Convention Center…


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Saudi Arabia says Journalist Khashoggi"s Death Result of Fistfight, 18 Arrested

Journalist Jamal Khashoggi got into a brawl inside Saudi Arabia’s consulate in Turkey … and that led to his death … according to Saudi officials finally speaking out about the controversial and brutal incident. The Saudi kingdom’s public…


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Ronan & Mia Farrow Slam Trump"s Response to Slain Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi

Ronan and Mia Farrow think President Trump’s painted himself into a diplomatic corner when it comes to dealing with Saudi Arabia over the apparent murder of a journalist. We spoke to Ronan and his mom on Sunday afternoon about the…


Friday, June 8, 2018

Journalist Slams Anthony Bourdain as "Gaping Assh-le," Gets Savaged on Twitter

The name David Leavitt might not be familiar to you, but there’s a very good chance you’ve seen his awful attempts at humor or insight clogging up your social media feeds.

Many people first became aware of Leavitt when he famously thought the correct way to respond to news of the Manchester bombing that claimed 22 lives was to make jokes at the expense of Ariana Grande.

“MULTIPLE CONFIRMED FATALITIES at Manchester Arena,” Leavitt tweeted.

“The last time I listened to Ariana Grande I almost died too.”

And folks, the rib-ticklers didn’t end there.

In response to criticism, Leavitt decided to keep his “dad-joke night in the Catskills” routine going by tweeting:

“Honestly, for over a year, I thought an Ariana Grande was something you ordered from Starbucks.”

Leavitt was swiftly and rightly roasted to a crisp on that memorable occasion, and while most people would’ve taken their licks and then happily limped back into obscurity, it seems he’s fallen in love with his new career as a professional troll.

As you’ve likely heard by now, the world awoke today to news that beloved chef, writer, and television personality Anthony Bourdain passed away.

It’s difficult to think of an international celebrity who cultivated such an intimate relationship with his fans, and millions are mourning a death that feels more personal than the passing of most public figures.

So leave it to Leavitt to solidify his reputation as the world’s most tone-deaf dumbass by thinking today would be a good day to settle his long-simmering feud with Bourdain.

In the wake of the Manchester incident, Bourdain was one of thousands who pointed out to Leavitt that he’s the very worst kind of person.

“You, sir, are truly a steaming, gaping,” Bourdain tweeted with his trademark candor.

When Anthony Bourdain describes you as a piece of anatomy he wouldn’t eat on the Mekong Delta in front of a camera crew, you know you effed up, and it seems Leavitt really took the insult to heart.

“Selfishly taking your own life and hurting your friends and family makes you the steaming, gaping asshole Anthony Bourdain,” Leavitt tweeted this afternoon.

He then doubled down by 

“You don’t go to heaven when you kill yourself. It’s incredibly selfish. Don’t do it,” he tweeted, adding:

If you’re religious, then you believe there’s a special place in hell or purgatory for people like Anthony Bourdain who take their own lives.

Leavitt then attempted to score points on Kate Spade’s suicide, accusing the late designer of courting depression by chasing “material goods and ego boosts.”

After being ratioed within an inch of his life and losing over 1,000 followers in an hour, Leavitt attempted to backtrack and play the old “actually, I’m more affected by this tragedy than you are” card.

“A couple close friends have taken their lives,” he tweeted.

“That’s why I’m opinionated on this.”

It’s hard to know what to say when a life as big and bold as Anthony Bourdain’s ends in such a tragic fashion, so we’ll just encourage you to call the National Suicide Prevention hotline at 1-800-273-8255 if you’re plagued by thoughts of self harm.

Oh, and don’t follow David Leavitt on Twitter. 

That’s just sound advice for everyone.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tom Wolfe Dies; Pioneering Author and Journalist Was 88

Sad news from the world of literature today, as a true giant of American letters has passed away.

Author and journalist Tom Wolfe died of complications from pneumonia in a New York hospital last night at the age of 87.

His passing was confirmed this morning by his longtime agent, Lynn Nesbitt.

Wolfe’s contributions to the literary landscape of the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s cannot be overstated.

With trailblazing works such as The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test and The Right Stuff, Wolfe helped to usher in the so-called “New Journalism” that helped to define the American counterculture of the late 20th century.

With bestselling novels such as Bonfire of the Vanities and A Man In Full, Wolfe demonstrated an inimitable for using fiction to address the shifting values and social trends of an era.

Wolfe’s unique voice proved tremendously influential, not only in its era but across generations.

Tom Wolfe Image

His impact can be seen in the work of such literary and journalistic luminaries as Truman Capote, Norman Mailer, and Hunter S. Thompson.

“He is not just an American icon, but he had a huge international literary reputation,” Nesbit in a statement issued this morning.

“All the same, he was one of the most modest and kindest people I have ever met. I never exchanged a cross word with him in our many years of working together.”

Though his pride in his southern roots remained a constant throughout his life, Wolfe became a fixture on the New York social scene shortly after earning his PhD in American studies from Yale.

With his lanky frame and signature white suits, Wolfe cut an unmistakable figure at Manhattan’s most elite social events.

Tom Wolfe Pic

Within minutes of when news of his death went public, Wolfe’s name became the top trending topic on Twitter.

Tens of thousands of tributes from friends, fans, and literary peers have poured in from all over the world.

Wolfe was often a controversial figure during his decades in the public eye.

And even today, there are those who are addressing some of his more divisive views in unflattering fashion.

But no one is denying that the man knew how to craft a sentence – or make a bold fashion statement. 


Friday, May 26, 2017

The Bachelorette: Journalist SLAMMED for Making Race Comments

You don’t need The Bachelorette spoilers to tell you that Rachel Lindsay made history as the first African-American lead of the franchise.

Everyone across America seems to be loving her quick-wit and honest opinions, which first gained publicity on The Bachelor.

But making history is no easy task.

That’s true for Rachel and others, like Newsweek’s Janice Williams is feeling the ire of the internet after some controversial remarks. 

She commented initially that the casting of Lindsay on the show was a milestone for African-American women and we do agree with that.

However, she subsequently argued that Rachel was in the small minority of women who date outside their race and the internet was not impressed.

(As for who will win The Bachelorette and whether that person is African-American, well, read the spoilers or stay tuned on that front.)

Williams then went on to cite data from a 2015 study by the Pew Research Center, stating that African-American women only date men of the same color. 

The headline was controversial, to say the least.

“Unlike new ‘Bachelorette’ Rachel Lindsay, single black women rarely date outside their race,” it reads. It’s crazy how the article even got the green light in the first place. 

We’re not quite sure if Newsweek was going the controversial route in order to garner some more clicks.

Over on social media, the site opted for the more sensational side of things.

“New ‘Bachelorette’ Rachel Lindsay is proving black women actually do like men outside their race.”

Like, what the hell?

One Twitter user was quick to point out that African-American women are less likely to receive responses when they attempt to contact potential matches. 

“We are least likely to get responses/initial contacts yet most likely to respond,” wrote a Twitter user named TheBADCounselor.

Upon reading the full article, readers would have learned that the article was written by an African-American woman. 

We’re struggling to decide whether the tweet was the result of some genius marketing, or if it was all coincidental. 

With the backlash spilling in from all over Twitter, Newsweek decided to remove the story and the tweet. 

“Newsweek has removed a story posted on May 23 about the Bachelorette. We apologize for any offense it caused,” the magazine wrote in a Wednesday tweet.

Williams, however, was not ready to accept the way she was treated by Twitter and opened up to Salon about it. 

The Newsweek writer said:

“I feel like when it comes to these kinds of topics, of love between people of different races, people just automatically get defensive about it.”

What do you think about this? Was it genius marketing by Newsweek or should people have looked at the full article before making comment on it?

Hit the comments below!


Thursday, May 25, 2017

David Leavitt: Journalist Jokes About Manchester Bombing, Gets Roasted Alive on Twitter

David Leavitt is a "journalist" with a surprisingly large Twitter following.

We put the word in quotes because the guy seems to make most of his money live-streaming while he plays video games, and we refuse to live in a world where that"s considered journalism.

Anyway, we mention Mr. Leavitt not to make fun of his corny ass career, but to point out the abhorrent comments he made in response to the recent bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England.

The terrorist attack left 22 dead and at lead more gravely injured.

Leavitt thought the tragedy offered a good opportunity to crack a few jokes at Grande"s expense.

Twitter disagreed. Strongly. Check out some of the best responses to David"s douchery in the slideshow below:

1. The "Joke"

The joke

This is David’s idea of humor. Needless to say, it didn’t go over well.

2. Are We Having Fun Yet?

Are we having fun yet

David “The Jester” Leavitt decided to double down with this “dads’ night in the Catskills” gag about Ariana’s name. Twitter dug deep and discovered he’s been making the same joke for YEARS!

3. Anthony Bourdain Cuts to the Chase

Anthony bourdain cuts to the chase

An objectively accurate description. When Bourdain describes you as a piece of anatomy he wouldn’t eat on the Mekong Delta in front of a camera crew, you know it’s bad.

4. The Ratio

The ratio

“The ratio” on Twitter refers to the responses to your tweet in proportion to the “likes” and retweets. When the responses are higher than the other two, that’s bad. In Leavitt’s case, it was very, very bad.

5. The Rule of Threes

The rule of threes

Clearly, David studied under the masters.

6. Sincere Advice …

Sincere advice

… which, of course, David ignored until it was too late.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Journalist Proposes to Girlfriend, Immediately Vomits

Darrell Hamilton, Jr. is a California-based video journalist who had a very romantic idea last month.

He wanted to propose to his girlfriend, Rheanna Lopez, during a private plane ride on February 11.

How nice, right? How sweet, no? How… gross and disgusting?

In the end, yes. But also: how memorable!

As documented in the video below, Hamilton underestimated the sensitivity of his stomach while on board such a small air craft.

He felt extreme nausea building up as the plane bobbed and weaved through the air, but he at least kept any and all vomit down until after he pulled out a diamond ring and asked the key question.

And then he immediately threw up.

"Rheanna just really likes outdoors and nature and I thought it"d be a cool idea to give her a nice view," said Hamilton in an interview with ABC News on Sunday, adding that his girlfriend of two years had only flown in a commercial plane once before.

Earlier in the day, the couple walked along Reedley Blossom Trail in Reedley, California, where Hamilton snapped photo.

Following their hike, Hamilton whisked Lopez off to a nearby airport to kick off the surprise.

"It had nothing to do with being nervous," he says of getting ill, explaining:

"I got sick from being inside the plane. It was a really small plane and the pilot was helping me look for the sign I made her. The tilting kind of messed with my stomach…

"I couldn"t hold it much longer. I just tapped her on the shoulder. I didn"t even ask her. I just gave her the ring."

And how did she react? Watch and find out now!

Journalist proposes to girlfriend immediately vomits

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Vin Diesel Hits on Journalist, Makes Us Really Uncomfortable

Forget being fast and/or furious.

Vin Diesel has made headlines for acting inappropriate and awkward while being interviewed by YouTube star Carol Moreira.

In the following video, the action star is talking to Moreira about how Tom Hanks helped him become a star (true fact: they worked on Saving Private Ryan)… until he can no longer help himself.

He simply has to speak out.

So Diesel goes ahead and interrupts himself to tell Moreira the following:

"God, you"re so beautiful. God, she"s so beautiful."

This may be true. But it"s also disrespectful and irrelevant to the interview taking place.

Diesel wasn"t done, either.

He actually turned to people behind the camera and asked:

"Am I right or wrong? I mean look at her. How am I supposed to do this interview? Look at this woman. She"s so beautiful. Talk to me, baby."

Oh God, Vin.

Clearly unsure what to do or how to react, Moreira was able to get the interview back on topic…

… until a few minutes later when Diesel returned to hitting on the journalist after she brought up the pair"s shared interest in Dungeons and Dragons.

"I"m anything like you because I love you," he said. "Guys, really? Look how beautiful she is. You guys think this is a joke. How am I supposed to sit here when I"m looking at such beauty? She"s so beautiful. I"m in love. I"m in love with the interviewer!"

Watch the video below – which begins with Moreira explaining how Diesel made her feel very “uncomfortable” – to also see the chauvinist actor practically drool over how “f-cking sexy” Moreira is.


Vin diesel hits on journalist makes everyone really uncomfortabl

Monday, November 14, 2016

Gwen Ifill Dies; Longtime PBS Journalist Was 61

Gwen Ifill, the longtime news anchor on PBS, has died after a battle with cancer, the network confirmed in a sad statement.

The journalist was 61 years old.

The WETA president and CEO, Sharon Percy Rockefeller, wrote in an email to staff at the public TV station Monday:

“I am very sad to tell you that our dear friend and beloved colleague Gwen Ifill passed away today in hospice care in Washington.”

“I spent an hour with her this morning and she was resting comfortably, surrounded by loving family and friends…”

“Earlier today, I conveyed to Gwen the devoted love and affection of all of us at WETA/NewsHour.”

“Let us hold Gwen and her family even closer now in our hearts and prayers.”

A mainstay at the network on PBS’ NewsHour and Washington Week, Ifill had been absent from election coverage last week.

Not surprisingly, her ongoing health issues were the reason; Gwen leave of absence back in May to get medical treatment.

 PBS NewsHour executive producer Sara Just said:

“Gwen was a standard bearer for courage, fairness and integrity in an industry going through seismic change.”

“She was a mentor to so many across the industry and her professionalism was respected across the political spectrum.”

“She was a journalist’s journalist and set an example for all around her. So many people in the audience felt that they knew and adored her.”

Just continued her statement mourning the loss of the journalist:

“She had a tremendous combination of warmth and authority.”

“She was stopped on the street routinely by people who just wanted to give her a hug and considered her a friend after years of seeing her on TV.”

“We will forever miss her terribly.”

In honor of her life’s work, Ifill was set to receive the 2016 John Chancellor Award from Columbia University this Wednesday.

A spokesperson for the school did not immediately have a comment, but will likely issue one in the wake of her passing soon.

Ifill, who was born in New York, graduated from Simmons College in 1977, before beginning her career at the Boston Herald-American.

She held reporting positions at The Washington Post, The New York Times and NBC before joining PBS back in 1999.

Gwen moderated the 2004 vice-presidential debate between Dick Cheney and John Edwards and the 2008 vice-presidential debate.

That showdown between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin became one of the most watched and talked-about debates in history.

She also moderated a Democratic primary debate between Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last year.

Gwen will be pissed.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Nancy O"Dell Revealed as Woman in Lewd Donald Trump Tape; Journalist Nearly Fired by Mogul

The married woman Donald Trump spoke of trying to f–k in a lewd 2005 video released yesterday has been identified as Nancy O’Dell.

A woman who, it turns out, Trump tried to get fired two years later when she got pregnant and was co-hosting his Miss USA pageant.

In a Friday-night segment on Access Hollywood, the program addressed Trump’s campaign scandal involving former host Billy Bush.

The Republican presidential candidate was on the entertainment program as he prepared to film a cameo on the soap Days of Our Lives.

Behind the scenes, Bush and Trump can be heard on a “hot” mic they didn’t know was recording them as they made very lewd comments.

“There were seven other people on the bus with Mr. Trump and Billy Bush at the time,” host Natalie Morales said of the incident.

A camera crew, Trump’s security guard and publicist were there, she said, and Nancy O’Dell is the unnamed woman Trump was referring to.

The now-infamous recording in question appears below:

The Washington Post posted the tape yesterday.

On it, the thrice-married, then 59-year-old Trump boasts of trying to f–k a married woman who he “moved on like a b-tch” only to be rebuffed.

Bush and others laughed heartily as the real estate mogul described taking O’Dell furniture shopping and trying in vain to get in her pants.

Ultimately, despite how hard he “tried to f–k her,” he just “couldn’t get there,” Trump laments. Hey, you win some, you lose some, right?

Trump also boasted that when you’re a “star,” you can grope women (“grab them by the p-ssy” even), consequence-free. They let you!

The fallout from this was so bad, even by Trump standards, that his presidential campaign – already on life support – did the unthinkable:

Last night, Trump apologized for the comments!

Granted, Billy Bush’s apology was more prompt and sincere, and Trump still qualified his by saying it’s not that big of a deal in the end.

He also threw in the quasi-defense that Bill Clinton is an even bigger pig anyway, which is both dubious and not really relevant here.

Still, a mea culpa from Donald at all? Progress!

It remains to be seen if he can weather the storm in time to pull off an election upset of Hillary Clinton, but this story is far from over.

O’Dell, who he later said changed her look and opted for “the big phony ti-s and everything,” crossed paths with him two years later.

The TV personality was named the host of the 2007 Miss USA pageant by NBC, despite the concerns of Trump, who owned the event.

The businessman tried, but ultimately failed at having her removed from her contracted post because he was dismayed by her baby bump.

According to insiders, Trump didn’t want a pregnant woman hosting the show, but because of O’Dell’s contract with NBC, failed to oust her.

O’Dell, 50, gave birth to her daughter Ashby that year; Nancy and second husband Keith Zubchevich have been married since 2005.

Prior to that marriage, the current Entertainment Tonight co-host was married to her first husband, Dr. Richard O’Dell, from 1994-2004.

It’s unclear when Trump’s advances took place.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Steven Nabil: Iraqi-American Journalist Live Tweets Istanbul Airport Attack

At around 10:30 p.m. local time, gunmen opened fired and detonated explosives at the international terminal inside Instanbul Ataturk Airport.

Steven Nabil, an Iraqi-American journalist (per his Twitter bio) was heading home to New York after his honeymooon, when he and his wife nearly got caught in the crossfire.

Nabil’s play-by-play account of how they escaped is nothing short of miraculous.

“We just left the aiport. My wife was injured during the attack,” he tweeted.

“We were face to face with the attacker while he sprayed I ran back got my wife pulled her to store broke in and waited in terror while he was shooting outside the store.we barely made it.

“My wife was sitting at nero cafe while i went 3rd floor to get food from sabbaro.

“Heard shots ran fast toward her.

“people Came down the stairs to see the court empty and the terrorist firing toward us.

“carried her arm and ran around sitting ducks we then took cover in a closet inside a hair salon.

“The 45 minutes we were sitting ducks waiting to find out who will open the door.”

The death toll is still being counted as of press time, but NBC News reported at 7:50 p.m. ET 35 dead and “over a hundred” injured.

One witness told NBC that he spotted three suicide bombers.  Another said he heard blasts in a parking lot, where an attacker was seen shooting an AK-47 before blowing himself up.

Then, yet another blew himself up in arrivals, while one more suspect was seen by police who then yelled “suicide bomber.”

He then detonated his explosives.

Details on the attack are still coming in, and one witness told Voices of America what he saw.

“There were two small explosions and then a large one. People scattered everywhere,” he explained.

“They didn’t know where to go. We were waiting for my sister, but couldn’t find her. We’re [still] waiting.”

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Morley Safer Dies; Legendary Journalist Was 84

Morley Safer – the legendary CBS news broadcaster best known for his decades of award-winning work on 60 Minutes – has passed away at the age of 84.

No cause of death was given, but Safer was reportedly in declining health when he announced his retirement last week.

Over the course of his 46 years with the iconic TV news magazine, Safer filed an astonishing 919 reports.

His time on air makes him the longest-serving broadcaster in the history of network television.

And as his colleagues and the millions who were enlightened by his bold investigations each week will tell you, Safer’s diligence and commitment to the truth never faltered:

“He was an extraordinary writer and reporter, and a true gentleman,” said CNN anchor and 60 Minutes contributor Anderson Cooper.

“From his work during the War in Vietnam to his completely unique and evocative pieces for 60 Minutes, he set the standard for what we all want to be as journalists. His kind shall not pass this way again.”

Indeed, Safer’s work in Vietnam forever changed the face of war reportage when the already-veteran journalist brought the sight of US Marines setting villagers’ huts on fire into American living rooms.

It was a radical act at a time when war coverage was often limited to cursory updates on troop movement son the evening news.

“Morley was one of the most important journalists in any medium, ever,” said CBS Chairman and CEO, Leslie Moonves. “He broke ground in war reporting and made a name that will forever be synonymous with 60 Minutes.

“He was also a gentleman, a scholar, a great raconteur – all of those things and much more to generations of colleagues, his legion of friends, and his family, to whom all of us at CBS offer our sincerest condolences over the loss of one of CBS’ and journalism’s greatest treasures.”

Yes, in addition to his groundbreaking investigative work, Safer will be remembered for his wit, his storytelling prowess, and his insightful, compassionate profiles of the newsmakers of the day.

“Morley Safer helped create the CBS News we know today. No correspondent had more extraordinary range, from war reporting to coverage of every aspect of modern culture,” said CBS News President David Rhodes.

His work will be missed, but his influence will never be forgotten.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Taylor Swift is "The Living Embodiment of White Privilege," Journalist Argues

Over the years, many have questioned the spoon-fed narrative that Taylor Swift is just a simple country girl whose dreams of big-time stardom came true thanks to a combination of hard work, perseverance, and remarkable talent.

Last year, Swift’s first guitar teacher exposed a number of lies about the singer’s past that were most likely created by talent agents and record label execs, but have been repeatedly regurgitated by Taylor and the most public members of her inner circle.

Last week, Kanye West attacked Taylor in a song with a disturbingly misogynistic bent, and the usual cast of family members and celebrity friends rushed to her defense.

Even supporters who usually steer clear of the spotlight, such as Taylor’s brother, got involved by publicly reprimanding West.

Was Kanye out of line? Absolutely. But now, Swift’s camp is experiencing some backlash, as some have argued that Team Taylor is taking a bit too much pleasure in publicly bashing a man who seems to be in the midst of an emotional breakdown.

Regardless of whether or not that’s true, the feud is inarguably more complex than it initially seemed.

There is not, as many once thought, a clear winner here, even if a recent survey by Nielsen reflects that Taylor is far more popular than West amongst music fans.

In an opinion piece published by The Daily Beast yesterday, writer Marlow Stern argues that the results of the survey should surprise no one.

Despite what we’ve been told about Swift beating the odds as the ultimate underdog, Stern writes, she is the product of incredible wealth and privilege, a fact that should maybe make us think twice before we applaud her takedown of a self-made black man from Chicago’s Southside:

According to the Swift fairy tale, she is the consummate underdog, an outsider who grew up on a Christmas tree farm and was mercilessly bullied and rejected, but never gave up on her dream of music superstardom.

“That Christmas tree farm Swift grew up on in Pennsylvania was actually purchased from one of Swift’s father’s clients (and the family summered at their oceanfront mansion in Stone Harbor, New Jersey).

“You see, Swift’s father is a very wealthy senior vice president at Merrill Lynch—and the descendant of three generations of bank presidents—while her mother worked at a mutual fund and is the daughter of a rich oilman.”

Stern goes on to argue that Taylor has spent years perfecting her persona as “the unpopular geek who deserves your sympathy…while modeling for Abercrombie & Fitch in the eighth grade.

According to Stern and several others who have studied Swift’s career, positioning herself as the victim is a strategy that Taylor has used in everything from her feud with Katy Perry to her indignant response to jokes made by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler at the 2013 Golden Globes.

Obviously, Taylor has a right to defend herself when she feels she’s being attacked, and Kanye’s remarks were incredibly offensive.

Still, it’s not hard to see why some believe that the feud-happy singer has reached a point in her career where she should be left to fight her own battles  – and should perhaps be more selective when choosing said battles.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Jared Fogle: Journalist Shares SHOCKING Undercover Interview

In August, former Subway spokesperson Jared Fogle was arrested on 14 counts of soliciting sex with minors.

Not only did the media respond in outrage, Jared’s wife filed for divorce, and Subway quickly fired him.  In the blink of an eye, Jared became one of the world’s most disgusting men.

And his title as a piece of sh*t perv isn’t going away anytime soon.

A journalist working undercover recorded Fogle bragging about his encounters with minors, even admitting that he had an “amazing” time with “a little boy.”  He also admitted on the tape that he likes little girls.

Rochelle Herman-Walron shared her recordings of Jared on the Thursday and Friday episodes of Dr. Phil.

She began interacting with and secretly recording Fogle after made an oblique, off-putting comment about little girls. The journalist later handed over the recordings to the FBI.

Herman-Walrond, a former Florida journalist, duped Fogle into believing she was part of his kiddie porn loving circle of friends.

“I had to be two separate people in order to continue on with this investigation,” she explained.

In the recorded conversations, 38-year-old Fogle recounted his experiences with children.  Horrifically, he even said, “I had a little boy, it was amazing; it just felt so good. I mean, it felt — it felt so good.”

When asked if he preferred young boys over underage girls, Fogle answered, “Both of them.”

The child molester even said he would be willing to travel abroad to take part in more child sex-related acts.

“I would fly us clear across the world if we need to, to Thailand or wherever we want to go,” he said. “If we’re gonna try to get some young kids with us, it would be a lot easier.”

Fogle even tried to recruit Herman-Walrond to film her own children: “Are there any of your kids’ friends that you think are pretty hot?” he asked her. “What if we put a camera in your kids’ room, would they be OK with that?”

In a slap in the face to every child Jared touched or thought about touching, Fogle faces a measly five years in jail.

We vote for life in prison.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Journalist Gets Hit By Car on Live Television

A few days ago, we posted coverage of a female journalist getting sexual harassed while reporting on sexual harassment.

Pretty crazy, huh? Nearly as crazy as this:

The video featured here depicts a Fox Sports anchor in Mexico speaking live via satellite with reporter David Medrano Mora.

We"re not sure what the two are talking about, exactly, but we"re pretty darn positive that Mora gets hit by a car during the broadcast.

The vehicle doesn"t seem to be moving very quickly, and we"ve been told that Mora did not suffer any major injuries… but still.

It"s safe to say this isn"t something one expects to see while watching television. Check it out for yourself.

Journalist gets hit by car on live television

Monday, September 28, 2015

Journalist Gets Sexually Harassed... While Reporting on Sexual Harassment

Forget rain on your wedding day or 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.

THIS is an example of true irony:

BBC journalist Sarah Teale was recently filming a report outside a sexual harassment conference in Nottingham, relaying statistics to viewers regarding people getting verbally abused in public.

"An online study showed that a shocking 95% of people said they had been harassed, jeered at, or had obscenities shouted at them in the street and a large proportion said they"d also been groped or grabbed inappropriately in public," Teale said.

And no sooner had Teale gotten these words out when a man off camera yelled something inappropriate in public at the reporter.

We wish we were making this up.

Fortunately, Teale handled the cat call with professionalism, though she later took to Facebook to lament its existence:

"It"s not banter, it"s not funny and no-one should have to put up with it," she wrote. "It"s fairly obvious from my reaction that it wasn"t staged. If [cat calling] is a craze it doesn"t make it any less offensive."

Journalist gets sexually harassed while reporting on sexual hara