Showing posts with label Lewd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lewd. Show all posts

Monday, April 9, 2018

Mother Apologizes After Her Young Son Wears Lewd McDonald"s Parody Shirt to School

The video that you are about to watch might be the best, and most adorably innocent, thing that you"ll see all day.

An elementary school student wore what he thought at the time to be a McDonald"s shirt. Honestly, he was probably just sleepy and grabbed a shirt that fit.

Unfortunately, the intensely lewd shirt was a parody … one that went right over his head.

Inappropriate mcdonalds shirt child 01

Texas mom Shelly McCullar was stunned after her son wore a shirt designed to parody the McDonald"s logo in a deeply inappropriate manner.

Not only did she not realize that he wore it to school, but he didn"t realize that it was anything but a McDonald"s shirt.

Unfortunately, though the shirt does read "I"m lovin" it," which is McDonald"s irritating slogan …

(Nothing against McDonald"s, but they"ve never had a good slogan during my lifetime)

… It does not actually show the golden arches.

Instead, it shows the silhouette of a woman"s spread legs. One might infer that the implied woman is wearing nothing save a pair of heels.

In other words, the shirt advertises sex with a woman.

Inappropriate mcdonalds shirt child 02

McCullar offers an apology — and an explanation.

"Once again, my sincere apologies to the teachers and staff at Travis Elementary. I promise from now on to monitor what my kids are wearing!"

Obviously, some parents go overboard when it comes to rigidly controlling what their children (who are people!) wear. But, in this case, this is not a shirt that should be worn by an elementary school student.

"I had no idea Anthony wore this to school!!"

Of course. Plenty of parents are busy. And if it"s cold, you might never see their undershirt.

"Just to clarify, I would never let my kid wear something like this."

Few parents would.

Inappropriate mcdonalds shirt child 03

She explains how this came to pass.

"A friend had given me some hand me down clothes for Anthony."

Clearly, this boy is not the only one who didn"t notice that the shirt was inappropriate.

"I haven’t had the chance to completely go through them. I will tonight though!!"

We"re sure that she did.

"Through my embarrassment, I did [laugh my ass off]!!"

She finished that with a couple of tags:

"#ithoughtitwaslikemcdonslds #notthegoldenarches"

Mcd image

Our favorite part about this story might be that … no one seemed to notice.

The boy didn"t notice, because even if he thinks about girls in that context, he"s just not old enough to immediately connect his shirt"s logo to sex.

But it seems that no teacher noticed, either.

We live in a world where girls are sent home because their sleeves are too short, flaunting their sinful shoulders which will surely leave boys too enthralled to concentrate in class.

And yet … not one teacher commented on this boy"s shirt.

There are two possible explanations.

The first is heuristics. It"s how the human mind processes sensory information, valuing efficiency over accuracy. His shirt has the colors and general shape of a McDonald"s logo, so it may register automatically as that to a teacher who has twenty-plus other students.

As the child says, "they thought it was like McDonald’s too."

Mcdonalds image

That said … it"s also possible that a teacher noticed but was simply too embarrassed to call attention to it.

Teachers and administrators will absolutely do that. They"ll see something that violates school policy but they"ll make a judgment call to pretend that they didn"t see it.

This child is clearly so innocent that he had no idea what he was wearing. A teacher didn"t want to be the one to explain sex to a kid without his parent"s permission.

Also, calling attention to it would mean that other students would be involved. There"s no good solution there … except to pretend that you never noticed.

See Anthony"s awkward, adorable explanation in the video:

Mother apologizes after her young son wears lewd mcdonalds parod

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Eric Bolling: Suspended by Fox News Amidst Lewd Sexting Scandal

Someone has to tell the men at Fox News that it’s really easy NOT to sexually harass your co-workers.

Like, really, incredibly, very, very, very easy.

Apparently this memo has not been circulated around the network’s office, however, because long-time host Eric Bolling is the latest employee to be accused of sexual misconduct.

Fox News has suspended Bolling amidst accusations that he sent unsolicited, X-rated photos to at least a pair of colleagues and one Fox Business Network staffer several years ago.

In short, based on reporting by The Huffington Post, Bolling allegedly sent these women pictures of his penis.

These three women have not been named, but they were included among the 14 sources that spoke to the aforementioned publication about Bolling’s actions.

Fox News has hired the law firm Paul Weiss to oversee its own investigation into what happened and it has released the following statement in light of these serious allegations:

“Eric Bolling has been suspended pending the results of an investigation, which is currently underway.”

Pretty short, simple and uninformative.

According to The Huffington Post, Bolling sent these unwanted images on separate occasions and the women knew they came from his cell phone because they recognized his number.

One woman says she texted Bolling back to never contact her again in such a manner, and he never replied.

Bolling is a former commodities trader who has worked at the Fox News and Fox Business networks since 2007.

He joined the network after a stint at CNBC.

In September of 2014, during a discussion on the program The Five, Bolling stirred up controversy when talking about the first female fighter pilot from the United Arab Emirates leading the bombing of the Islamic State.

On air, Bolling asked if instead of saying “boots on the ground.” it might be more appropriate to say “boobs on the ground.”

He apologized the next day for the immature and unprofessional remark, citing “a look” he received from his wife after he arrived home.

Bolling has filled in on occasions in the past for Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity, while he was serving as a co-host on The Specialists at the time of his suspension.

In response to these penis picture allegations, a lawyer for Bolling has said the following:

Mr. Bolling recalls no such inappropriate communications, does not believe he sent any such communications, and will vigorously pursue his legal remedies for any false and defamatory accusations that are made.

That’s a pretty hilarious and transparent statement.

Notice that Bolling does not flatly deny sending these images at any point.

His attorney is careful to use language such as how he doesn’t “recall” doing so and doesn’t “believe” this happened.

You may interpret such word parsing however you see fit.

The accusations against Bolling come fewer than four months after Fox News mainstay O’Reilly was fired following a number of sexual harassment lawsuits.

And his exit followed the July 2016 resignation of Fox Corp. CEO Roger Ailes, who was accused of sexual harassment by ex-Fox and Friends anchor Gretchen Carlson.

(Megyn Kelly made similar accusations against Ailes last year.)

Carlson’s former co-host, Steve Doocy, has also been accused of sexist, inappropriate behavior in the work place.

At this point, it may be easier to list male Fox News employees who have NOT been accused of sexual harassment than to rundown all who have been.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Nancy O"Dell Revealed as Woman in Lewd Donald Trump Tape; Journalist Nearly Fired by Mogul

The married woman Donald Trump spoke of trying to f–k in a lewd 2005 video released yesterday has been identified as Nancy O’Dell.

A woman who, it turns out, Trump tried to get fired two years later when she got pregnant and was co-hosting his Miss USA pageant.

In a Friday-night segment on Access Hollywood, the program addressed Trump’s campaign scandal involving former host Billy Bush.

The Republican presidential candidate was on the entertainment program as he prepared to film a cameo on the soap Days of Our Lives.

Behind the scenes, Bush and Trump can be heard on a “hot” mic they didn’t know was recording them as they made very lewd comments.

“There were seven other people on the bus with Mr. Trump and Billy Bush at the time,” host Natalie Morales said of the incident.

A camera crew, Trump’s security guard and publicist were there, she said, and Nancy O’Dell is the unnamed woman Trump was referring to.

The now-infamous recording in question appears below:

The Washington Post posted the tape yesterday.

On it, the thrice-married, then 59-year-old Trump boasts of trying to f–k a married woman who he “moved on like a b-tch” only to be rebuffed.

Bush and others laughed heartily as the real estate mogul described taking O’Dell furniture shopping and trying in vain to get in her pants.

Ultimately, despite how hard he “tried to f–k her,” he just “couldn’t get there,” Trump laments. Hey, you win some, you lose some, right?

Trump also boasted that when you’re a “star,” you can grope women (“grab them by the p-ssy” even), consequence-free. They let you!

The fallout from this was so bad, even by Trump standards, that his presidential campaign – already on life support – did the unthinkable:

Last night, Trump apologized for the comments!

Granted, Billy Bush’s apology was more prompt and sincere, and Trump still qualified his by saying it’s not that big of a deal in the end.

He also threw in the quasi-defense that Bill Clinton is an even bigger pig anyway, which is both dubious and not really relevant here.

Still, a mea culpa from Donald at all? Progress!

It remains to be seen if he can weather the storm in time to pull off an election upset of Hillary Clinton, but this story is far from over.

O’Dell, who he later said changed her look and opted for “the big phony ti-s and everything,” crossed paths with him two years later.

The TV personality was named the host of the 2007 Miss USA pageant by NBC, despite the concerns of Trump, who owned the event.

The businessman tried, but ultimately failed at having her removed from her contracted post because he was dismayed by her baby bump.

According to insiders, Trump didn’t want a pregnant woman hosting the show, but because of O’Dell’s contract with NBC, failed to oust her.

O’Dell, 50, gave birth to her daughter Ashby that year; Nancy and second husband Keith Zubchevich have been married since 2005.

Prior to that marriage, the current Entertainment Tonight co-host was married to her first husband, Dr. Richard O’Dell, from 1994-2004.

It’s unclear when Trump’s advances took place.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Air New Zealand Suspends Employee for Lewd Social Media Pics

Come fly the friendly skies?

Not so fast, claim a few rogue Air New Zealand employees.

Air New Zealand

The company has been forced to respond to a handful of lewd images that were posted last year by a select number of pilots and flight attendants, but have only first gone viral now.

They include a blow-up doll in the cockpit and video of a stewardess saying she wishes she could spit all over some customers.

In response to these photos, which we’ve sprinkled throughout this article, Air New Zealand executives say they are “shocked and appalled.”

An employment attorney says the images could bring the airline into “disrepute”, and could amount to serious misconduct.

“We expect the highest standards of behavior and respect from all our staff,” an Air New Zealand spokeswoman says, adding that an internal investigation is underway.

It’s unclear what took the airline so long to pounce on this story.

The same spokeswoman says the Snapchat video (from which we’ve screen-capped a photo) was shared four years ago, while the blow-up doll pics (hehe) are about a year old.

“One of the staff members concerned no longer works for Air New Zealand and the other two have been removed from duties pending the outcome of our investigation,” the woman said in a statement, adding:

“It goes without saying that this is a situation we are treating with extreme seriousness – and our obvious concern is that the behavior displayed is a clear breach of not just our code of conduct but basic decency.”

Air New Zealand is a carrier often praised for its passenger-friendly service and amenities.

And who’s to say that some passengers wouldn’t like the idea of a blow-up doll sitting in the cockpit?

Still, you can understand why the airline would not be receptive to these messages and pictures.

The aforementioned attorney also says these sorts of social media posts could be ground for dismissal.

“Particularly in a situation where they are in full uniform, it would be difficult to argue that they would not bring the company into disrepute by virtue of those photographs,” he says.

Context would matter, employment lawyer Fraser Wood states, making us wonder what context there could be for these sex doll images

Perhaps they were being used as auto pilots, like in the movie Airplane?

At the end of the day, Wood had a simple message to pass along to those who wish to keep their jobs:

“Don’t post anything you don’t want your parents or employers to see,” he warns.