Showing posts with label Suspends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suspends. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Ohio State Suspends Urban Meyer Three Games After Investigation

Ohio State has suspended head football coach Urban Meyer for 3 games without pay after an investigation determined he permitted misconduct to continue surrounding ex-WR coach Zach Smith.  However, school officials state neither…


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Cardinals GM Steve Keim Pleads Guilty to DUI, Team Suspends Him 5 Games

Arizona Cardinals GM Steve Keim has pled guilty to an extreme DUI stemming from a July 4th arrest … and the team has hit him with a 5-game suspension.  As we previously reported, Keim was pulled over in Chandler, AZ after cops said he was…


Friday, February 9, 2018

Logan Paul Uses Taser on Dead Animals, YouTube Suspends Ads

Just four days ago, Logan Paul returned from hiatus with more followers than he had before his shameful “suicide forest” controversy, in which he filmed and mocked a suicide victim.

A million new followers does not amount to a lesson learned. And Logan Paul just filmed himself doing something else awful and disturbing.

This time, YouTube has taken action by suspending all advertising from his channel.

Towards the end of Logan Paul’s video in which he announced his return to vlogging, he bragged about his increase in followers:

“I know for a fact everything I do from this point on will get criticism, it will get backlash, because I’m a very polarizing dude. You either love me, or you hate me.”

He forgot to mention that some people are blissfully unaware of his existence.

“So internet, please, use me, bro. Crucify me, vilify me, and I can promise you one thing, guys. I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to be here for a minute.”

That is:

One, not the first time that he’s referred to criticism of his unconscionable behavior and compared it to the literal crucifixion of Jesus.

Two, straight out of the monologue of an insufferable anime villain.

For reasons that we cannot begin to fathom — because surely, even if he wanted controversy, he should have known to wait a couple of weeks — Logan Paul filmed himself tasering a dead rat.

He shows himself finding a couple of dead rats on his porch.

(Which is obviously massively suspicious; how many mansions have dead rats show up? We don’t see neighborhood cats leaving them as gifts)

He then repeatedly tasered one of the dead bodies. It’s always reassuring to see a privileged man taking out his violent impulses on dead animals. That’s one of the signs of a healthy mind, right?

So, obviously, it’s in poor taste and is massively inappropriate.

The fact that this is right on the heels of his video in Japan’s infamous “Suicide Forest” makes things even worse.

After that first dreadful video in Japan, which was culturally insensitive and also just, like, objectively insensitive, Logan Paul faced consequences from YouTube.

They reduced his cut of advertising revenues.

Now, however, YouTube has taken things a step further by cutting off all of Logan Paul’s advertising.

Being an obnoxious little s–t on camera while also being super handsome is how Logan Paul made his millions.

Alot of that is merchandising, but he made seven figures in 2017 from advertising revenue alone.

YouTube released a statement explaining why they had taken the drastic step of this suspension:

“This is not a decision we made lightly.”

Of course not. Logan Paul is a huge source of revenue for the streaming platform.

Suspending his ads hurts them, too. Imagine if NBC stopped airing ads on This Is Us?

(But also imagine if Kevin Hartley were an insufferable little fame monster instead of the talented, handsome actor that he is)

“We believe he has exhibited a pattern of behavior in his videos that makes his channel not only unsuitable for advertisers, but also potentially damaging to the broader creator community.”

YouTube is right to be concerned about a ripple effect. If YouTube stars get a bad reputation (well, a worse reputation), parents might start limiting access to YouTube rather than taking a close look at who is just giving a makeup tutorial versus who is ruining lives for fun and money.

Logan Paul was YouTube’s darling son, and now he’s hurting the brand so much that even his massive number of subscribers aren’t worth it.

This suspension is temporary, however, and it looks like YouTube is hoping that he will mellow out.

Unfortunately, when you reward a terrible young man’s behavior with fabulous wealth, it doesn’t exactly discourage him from being obnoxious.

Is Logan Paul even capable of learning his lesson now? He’s not a child, folks.

Or will he return after this suspension ends with some new terrible stunt to feed his martyrdom complex?


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Vanderbilt Suspends 3 Football Players In Botched Cell Phone Shooting

Vanderbilt has suspended all 3 football players involved in a botched cell phone recovery incident — in which 2 of the players were shot … the school has confirmed. As we previously reported, police say WR Donaven Tennyson rounded up two of his…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Ariana Grande Issues Statement on Attack, Suspends World Tour

We have an update on the terrorist attack that killed at least 19 people inside Manchester Arena on Monday night.

As previously reported, an explosion rocked this venue shortly after Ariana Grande finished her set and thanked her fans for attending.

Just as she made her way off stage, what authorities have described as a “nail bomb” was detonated, around 10:33 p.m. local time.

No organization has claimed responsibility for the mass murder, while police are operating under the assumption that this was the act of a suicide bomber.

He has not been identified, but it is the working assumption that the bomber is dead.

The death count has also now risen to 22 individuals, with 59 other concert goers reported as wounded, 19 of them in critical condition.

As a result, this is now the deadliest militant assault in Great Britain since four British Muslims killed 52 people in suicide bombings on London’s transport system in July 2005.

British Prime Minister Theresa May called for an emergency Cabinet meeting Tuesday and said the explosion was being treated as an “appalling terrorist attack.”

Police do believe there was just one bomber, however.

Numerous survivors of the blast have shared their accounts to The BBC and other outlets, with one 19-year old explaining his experience as follows:

“We ran and people were screaming around us and pushing on the stairs to go outside and people were falling down, girls were crying, and we saw these women being treated by paramedics having open wounds on their legs …

“It was just chaos… It was literally just a minute after it ended, the lights came on and the bomb went off.”

A fan in an Ariana Grande shirt stands outside a hotel in Manchester, shortly after the artist’s concert ended in the death of many attendees.

Said Donald Trump in a statement on the attack:

I extend my deepest condolences to those so terribly injured in this terrorist attack and to the many killed and the families, so many families, of the victims.

We stand in absolute solidarity with the people of the United Kingdom.

So many young beautiful innocent people living and enjoying their lives murdered by evil losers in life. I won’t call them monsters because they would like that term.

They would think that’s a great name. I will call them from now on losers because that’s what they are. They’re losers, and we’ll have more of them, but they’re losers, just remember that.

This wicked ideology must be obliterated.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, meanwhile, said it “will only strengthen our resolve to…work together with our British friends against those who plan and carry out such inhumane deeds.”

Grande has also issued her first statement since the fatal incident.

On Twitter last night, the singer – who sources tell TMZ was “in hysterics” following the explosion – wrote a simple message that expressed her shock and grief.

“broken. from the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. i don’t have words,” Tweeted Grande.

ariana reply

Grande had been scheduled to perform on London on Thursday night.

Insiders now tell TMZ that she has suspended the entire European tour until an unspecified date, putting on hold future shows in England, Belgium, Poland, Germany and Switzerland.

Adds Grande’s manager, Scooter Braun:

“We mourn the lives of children and loved ones taken by this cowardly act. We ask all of you to hold the victims, their families, and all those affected in your hearts and prayers.”

In the following video, you can see attendees run for the exits after hearing the bomb go off:

Greater Manchester Police Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said that victims were being taken to eight hospitals and confirmed that children were among the deceased.

“We believe the attacker was carrying an improvised explosive device which he detonated,” he said.

“We have been treating this as a terrorist incident and we believe at this stage that the attack was carried out by one man.”

An investigation is underway to determine if the attacker was part of a larger plot or terrorist network.

Bianca Landrau, the Boston hip-hop star known as Bia, who also performed at the show, Tweeted an update on her status yesterday, writing:

“Guys we are okay!!!”

outside arena

Police mill about the street in Manchester, searching for answers and helping anyone they can in the wake of this tragedy.

And singer Victoria Monét, the opening act at the concert, said in a statement that she was safe but “heartbroken that loved ones who came to have the night of their lives ended up losing them,” adding:

“I wish I could say that I am OK, but I am not. Please send all your prayers up high for Manchester.”

Many other celebrities have also taken to social media to issue messages of mourning.

Here is a sampling of what they’ve said:

celeb wishes

We join everyone around the globe in sending our condolences to all affected by this heinous act.

We’ll continue to provide update on this terrible story as news breaks.

May the victims rest in peace.


Ariana Grande Suspends World Tour in Wake of Terrorist Bombing

Ariana Grande has indefinitely suspended her world tour in the wake of the terrorist bombing in England … TMZ has learned. Sources connected to Ariana tell TMZ, she will not perform Thursday in London and has decided for now to put the entire…


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Chris Brown Suspends All Driving Privileges After Lambo Crash

Chris Brown believed in “it ain’t no fun if the homies can’t get none,” but that’s all coming to a screeching halt after a friend totaled his insanely expensive Lamborghini Aventador. We’re told Chris went nuclear after he was told about TMZ’s…


Friday, November 4, 2016

Harvard University -- School Suspends Soccer Team ... Over Sex-Rating Scandal

Harvard University has suspended the men’s soccer team for the remainder of the season after officials found that players had been creating detailed reports on women they’d like to bang.  An investigation was launched into the program over…


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Air New Zealand Suspends Employee for Lewd Social Media Pics

Come fly the friendly skies?

Not so fast, claim a few rogue Air New Zealand employees.

Air New Zealand

The company has been forced to respond to a handful of lewd images that were posted last year by a select number of pilots and flight attendants, but have only first gone viral now.

They include a blow-up doll in the cockpit and video of a stewardess saying she wishes she could spit all over some customers.

In response to these photos, which we’ve sprinkled throughout this article, Air New Zealand executives say they are “shocked and appalled.”

An employment attorney says the images could bring the airline into “disrepute”, and could amount to serious misconduct.

“We expect the highest standards of behavior and respect from all our staff,” an Air New Zealand spokeswoman says, adding that an internal investigation is underway.

It’s unclear what took the airline so long to pounce on this story.

The same spokeswoman says the Snapchat video (from which we’ve screen-capped a photo) was shared four years ago, while the blow-up doll pics (hehe) are about a year old.

“One of the staff members concerned no longer works for Air New Zealand and the other two have been removed from duties pending the outcome of our investigation,” the woman said in a statement, adding:

“It goes without saying that this is a situation we are treating with extreme seriousness – and our obvious concern is that the behavior displayed is a clear breach of not just our code of conduct but basic decency.”

Air New Zealand is a carrier often praised for its passenger-friendly service and amenities.

And who’s to say that some passengers wouldn’t like the idea of a blow-up doll sitting in the cockpit?

Still, you can understand why the airline would not be receptive to these messages and pictures.

The aforementioned attorney also says these sorts of social media posts could be ground for dismissal.

“Particularly in a situation where they are in full uniform, it would be difficult to argue that they would not bring the company into disrepute by virtue of those photographs,” he says.

Context would matter, employment lawyer Fraser Wood states, making us wonder what context there could be for these sex doll images

Perhaps they were being used as auto pilots, like in the movie Airplane?

At the end of the day, Wood had a simple message to pass along to those who wish to keep their jobs:

“Don’t post anything you don’t want your parents or employers to see,” he warns.