Showing posts with label Zealand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zealand. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2019

"Riverdale" Stars Archie & Jughead Strip for Lake Day New Zealand is for the Boys

The guys from “Riverdale” are definitely enjoying their mid-season break right now — and it looks like Archie’s still in tip-top shape without a shirt on. Ditto for Jughead! 
KJ Apa — who plays Archie — and his right-hand man, Cole Sprouse, were spotted ...
"Riverdale" Stars Archie & Jughead Strip for Lake Day New Zealand is for the Boys

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Cardi B Kulture Swap in New Zealand!!!

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Cardi B Kulture Swap in New Zealand!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Meghan Markle Suffers Wardrobe Malfunction, Shows Her Underwear to the People of New Zealand

Ever since she married Prince Harry back in May, we’ve been hearing a lot about Meghan Markle’s various gaffes and faux pas.

Meghan’s breaches of royal protocol are generally pretty tame, of course.

Take, for example, the time Meghan failed to curtsy properly.

Only the very stuffiest of royal traditionalists would ever get upset over something so patently ridiculous.

Meg’s latest slip-up is a bit more scandalous than all of that, but while it may have caused much pearl-clutching among elderly residents of the UK, it probably won’t make many waves on this side of the pond.

Meghan Markle Wardsrobe Malfunction

That’s it, folks.

That’s the “wardrobe malfunction” that supposedly has Buckingham Palace up in arms.

Meghan is wearing a sheer skirt during an appearance in New Zealand, and while a faint outline of the royal knickers is visible, this certainly is not the sort of thing that’s likely to spark a national incident.

And so, it’s time once again to play our favorite game, Is Meghan Being Judged More Harshly Than Her Royal Peers and Predecessors?

To be fair, it’s not as if the UK tabloids have ever been especially nice to Kate Middleton.

In fact, they had a field day when nude photos of Kate made their way onto social media.

But it often feels as though they weren’t quite so quick to find fault with every little thing Kate did, the way they do with Meghan.

There are numerous reasons why the press might be giving Meg a harder time.

They range from the nefarious (low-key racism) to the benign (Meg is an American and a former actress).

It’s even been suggested that the media dislikes Meghan’s awful family and they’re projecting those feelings onto Meg herself.

That’s a depressing possibility to contemplate, as it basically means that Meghan’s family is winning.

They’ve set out to destroy her, and if the press is judging her more harshly 

Of course, it’s entirely possible that we’ve devoted way too much thought to this brief glimpse of Meghan’s underwear.

This has been Deep Thoughts About a Pseudo-Wardrobe Malfunction.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Justin Bieber Goes Shirtless in New Zealand Bar ... Bartender"s LOVING IT!! (PHOTOS)

Justin Bieber took a load off … and everyone was all smiles. The Biebs hit up a bar in New Zealand and for some reason, decided to rip his shirt off before pounding a few back. Bartender was all in.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Air New Zealand Suspends Employee for Lewd Social Media Pics

Come fly the friendly skies?

Not so fast, claim a few rogue Air New Zealand employees.

Air New Zealand

The company has been forced to respond to a handful of lewd images that were posted last year by a select number of pilots and flight attendants, but have only first gone viral now.

They include a blow-up doll in the cockpit and video of a stewardess saying she wishes she could spit all over some customers.

In response to these photos, which we’ve sprinkled throughout this article, Air New Zealand executives say they are “shocked and appalled.”

An employment attorney says the images could bring the airline into “disrepute”, and could amount to serious misconduct.

“We expect the highest standards of behavior and respect from all our staff,” an Air New Zealand spokeswoman says, adding that an internal investigation is underway.

It’s unclear what took the airline so long to pounce on this story.

The same spokeswoman says the Snapchat video (from which we’ve screen-capped a photo) was shared four years ago, while the blow-up doll pics (hehe) are about a year old.

“One of the staff members concerned no longer works for Air New Zealand and the other two have been removed from duties pending the outcome of our investigation,” the woman said in a statement, adding:

“It goes without saying that this is a situation we are treating with extreme seriousness – and our obvious concern is that the behavior displayed is a clear breach of not just our code of conduct but basic decency.”

Air New Zealand is a carrier often praised for its passenger-friendly service and amenities.

And who’s to say that some passengers wouldn’t like the idea of a blow-up doll sitting in the cockpit?

Still, you can understand why the airline would not be receptive to these messages and pictures.

The aforementioned attorney also says these sorts of social media posts could be ground for dismissal.

“Particularly in a situation where they are in full uniform, it would be difficult to argue that they would not bring the company into disrepute by virtue of those photographs,” he says.

Context would matter, employment lawyer Fraser Wood states, making us wonder what context there could be for these sex doll images

Perhaps they were being used as auto pilots, like in the movie Airplane?

At the end of the day, Wood had a simple message to pass along to those who wish to keep their jobs:

“Don’t post anything you don’t want your parents or employers to see,” he warns.