Showing posts with label Underwear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Underwear. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Meghan Markle Suffers Wardrobe Malfunction, Shows Her Underwear to the People of New Zealand

Ever since she married Prince Harry back in May, we’ve been hearing a lot about Meghan Markle’s various gaffes and faux pas.

Meghan’s breaches of royal protocol are generally pretty tame, of course.

Take, for example, the time Meghan failed to curtsy properly.

Only the very stuffiest of royal traditionalists would ever get upset over something so patently ridiculous.

Meg’s latest slip-up is a bit more scandalous than all of that, but while it may have caused much pearl-clutching among elderly residents of the UK, it probably won’t make many waves on this side of the pond.

Meghan Markle Wardsrobe Malfunction

That’s it, folks.

That’s the “wardrobe malfunction” that supposedly has Buckingham Palace up in arms.

Meghan is wearing a sheer skirt during an appearance in New Zealand, and while a faint outline of the royal knickers is visible, this certainly is not the sort of thing that’s likely to spark a national incident.

And so, it’s time once again to play our favorite game, Is Meghan Being Judged More Harshly Than Her Royal Peers and Predecessors?

To be fair, it’s not as if the UK tabloids have ever been especially nice to Kate Middleton.

In fact, they had a field day when nude photos of Kate made their way onto social media.

But it often feels as though they weren’t quite so quick to find fault with every little thing Kate did, the way they do with Meghan.

There are numerous reasons why the press might be giving Meg a harder time.

They range from the nefarious (low-key racism) to the benign (Meg is an American and a former actress).

It’s even been suggested that the media dislikes Meghan’s awful family and they’re projecting those feelings onto Meg herself.

That’s a depressing possibility to contemplate, as it basically means that Meghan’s family is winning.

They’ve set out to destroy her, and if the press is judging her more harshly 

Of course, it’s entirely possible that we’ve devoted way too much thought to this brief glimpse of Meghan’s underwear.

This has been Deep Thoughts About a Pseudo-Wardrobe Malfunction.


Friday, October 12, 2018

Charles Barkley, I Haven"t Worn Underwear In 10 Years!!!

EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! Here’s Charles Barkley admitting he hasn’t worn a pair of undies since 2008 … AND NOT REGRETTING IT AT ALL!!! “I’ve been 10 years without underwear,” Chuck shamelessly said to Jimmy Fallon on Thursday’s episode of…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Baker Mayfield"s An Underwear Model Now!

Baker Mayfield is not only the Browns’ best backup QB … he’s clearly the team’s best shirtless model too — ‘cause dude is selling underwear now, and he’s killin’ it!! The Cleveland rookie announced his partnership with undie company PSD…


Sunday, August 5, 2018

Celebs Wearin" Calvin Klein -- Happy Underwear Day!

In honor of national underwear day, we’re celebrating with some designer drawers! These steamy stars have stripped down to their skivvies to shake up this under-appreciated holiday … Flip through our gallery of celebrities wearing Calvin…


Celebs Wearin" Calvin Klein -- Happy Underwear Day!

In honor of national underwear day, we’re celebrating with some designer drawers! These steamy stars have stripped down to their skivvies to shake up this under-appreciated holiday … Flip through our gallery of celebrities wearing Calvin…


Friday, April 13, 2018

Ex-Disney Star Orlando Brown Arrested in His Underwear by Bounty Hunters in Crazy Video

Orlando Brown was arrested for an outstanding warrant, but not by cops — by determined bounty hunters who busted into a man’s house and found the former “That’s So Raven” star hiding … in his underwear. We’re told the crazy video footage –…


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Kim Kardashian Posts Underwear Selfie, Gets Slut AND Mom Shamed!

In many ways, Kim Kardashian is the embodiment of the American dream.

Now, before you go hurling rotten produce at your computer screen or tossing your mobile device into a dumpster and then lighting the dumpster on fire, hear us out:

Kim came from a reasonably well-off family, it’s true, but who could have ever predicted she would grow up to be one of the most famous women on the planet?

In her early twenties, Kim was basically Paris Hilton’s errand girl.

By the time she reached her thirties, Kim had not only eclipsed Paris in terms of fame and fortune, she’d become a bonafide international icon and a one-woman media empire.

These days, she continues to rise to new levels of fame, all while raising three children and remaining in flawless physical condition.

We point all of this out only to highlight how absurd it is that Kim still gets ragged on by basement-dwelling trolls every time she posts a pic that they deem too risqué.

Kim posted the above photo to Instagram this week, along with a caption reading:

“Found this pic I took in the bathroom on set of My @calvinklein shoot #MyCalvins #ad”

Now, in terms of Kim Kardashian underwear selfies, this one is pretty tame.

Nevertheless, the trolls and haters came out in full force to 

Mom-shaming Kim is one of the internet’s favorite activities, but this pic seemed to bring out all manner of trash-talkers.

There were the plastic surgery-shamers, who said things like:

“She looks a bit more natural here. Is this an old pic?”

And then there were the classic body-shamers who like to pretend that 1. Kim would ever show any interest in them, and 2. They would totally pass if she did.

“If u still looked like this id crash but u garbage now,” wrote one such troglodyte.

And then there are those who seem to completely misunderstand the nature of Kim’s career and social media presence:

“Will your thirst ever be quenched?” these people ask, ironically quenching their own thirst in the process.

Folks, allow us to explain something important:

It’s not called “thirst” when you’re just carrying out the basic requirements of your job.

This is what Kim does for a living.

She identified the pic as an ad, which means she got paid (probably a staggering sum of money) to post it.

On top of that, this is how she’s amassed the following of tens of millions of fans that allows her continue cashing in on this sort of thing.

But please, continue telling us how taking a selfie in front of a mirror makes her a bad mom.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Kim Kardashian Taunts Mom-Shamers with Underwear Selfie!

Kim Kardashian isn’t backing down after being mom-shamed for nudity on Instagram.

Remember that Kardashian clan underwear photoshoot where Kylie was still farcically pretending that she didn’t have a baby bump? Well, Kim is offering fans a behind-the-scenes look at her own body.

As you’ll see in this photo below, Kim looks absolutely stunning.

Kim Kardashian is doubling down on her love of showing off her body without needless shame.

This time, she’s sporting Calvin Klein underwear and flaunting her body’s perfect curves.

She’s offering a behind-the-scenes glimpse at her body for that Calvin Klein campaign of her family’s.

Her caption is short and simple: “bathroom selfie on set @calvinklein #MyCalvins.”

And here’s the photo:

She looks extraordinary for a woman who’s just had her third child!

Okay, we joke. Kim’s new baby was born via surrogate. Kim doesn’t have any Chicago West weight to shed — another perk of surrogacy!

(Though, despite her difficult childbirths, Kim is famously adept at immediately shedding her pregnancy weight and regaining her pre-baby body. She did it with Saint faster than most people would believe)

Now, these Calvin’s aren’t exactly what you probably picture for sexy underwear. They’re … white. They look soft to the touch.

But we think that the point behind this particular campaign (at least in part) was that this sexy underwear is wearable in your real life. Kim and her family are the ones who are showing it off as sexy.

Sometimes, the reflex to be contrary works against us. It can lead to self-destructive behaviors.

in Kim’s case, however, her defiance is a huge, triumphant middle finger to the body-shamers, mom-shamers, and avowed misogynists who simultaneously demand that she cover up while happily objectifying her exposed body. 

These haters perpetuate old, tired, patriarchal values that treat women as commodities who shouldn’t be in control of how and where they display their bodies.

These are the same “values” that tell people to hate sex workers, or make people sex-shame women for promiscuity while praising men who do the same as “studs.” These are the same pernicious cultural elements that condemn selfies as “narcissistic.”

Kim has zero chill about shutting down that kind of talk. She’s stated that she’ll go on taking nude selfies until she dies.

As part of her personal campaign Kim Kardashian has posed for multiple photos of herself in bed.

Whether she censors herself with her hands or digitally, she looks astonishingly beautiful and yet Instagram appropriate.

In photos that are presumed to have been taken by Kanye, Kim lounges topless in a thong or under sheets.

No one person can destroy harmful patriarchal values, but Kim’s cultural impact is significant. Like it or not, the Kardashians are a huge part of why butts — the larger the better — are now openly appreciated in American culture.

So we’d say that Kim is at least making a dent.

By continuing to bombard the internet with nudes and underwear selfies, Kim is also showing how multifaceted people can be.

She’s a mom. She’s a reality star. She’s a businesswoman. She’s a wife. She’s a mother of three. And yeah, she has a rocking bod and is happy to show it.

It’s possible that Kim sometimes gives herself more credit than is warranted, but we’re pretty sure that other people don’t give her enough credit for what she’s accomplished.

The Kardashians are a media and fashion empire, and Kim has been the face of them from the start.

Though Kylie may one day usurp her place.


Monday, January 22, 2018

Kylie Jenner Poses in Underwear, Remains in Baby Bump Denial

Give Kylie Jenner credit, folks.

The 20-year old has managed to pose for a new underwear campaign with her sisters…

… while STILL managing to hide her baby bump.

Jenner has been noticeably absent from the public eye for several weeks now, presumably ever since her pregnant stomach became impossible to keep on the Down Low.

The new Calvin Klein campaign in which she stars with all four of her sisters is the first time we"ve really seen fresh photos of Kylie in months.

And it"s pretty hilarious just how far Jenner and her loved ones are going to keep her midsection hidden from the camera, even while she wears very few layers of clothing all around.

Scroll down and then all around for a look through these Calvin Klein images, while also being reminded of other ways Kylie has hidden her bump from fans in this final trimester…

1. In Their Calvins

In their calvins

Kylie, Khloe and Kim are posing here in their underwear, while all working to shield a certain baby bump that is likely very large on one of them.

2. We Love Our Calvins!

We love our calvins

Hmmm… we wonder why Kylie is holding a blanket in front of her belly here. Any ideas?

3. So… Many… Sisters

So many sisters

What? Huh? No baby bump here, Kylie Jenner is basically saying as she poses with her sisters.

4. White Wonders

White wonders

The Kardashiain sisters look very sexy in this snapshot. And, hey, look at that: Khloe’s hand is helping to cover Kylie’s stomach!

5. Khloe, Kourtney and Kendall

Khloe kourtney and kendall

Looking darn good, Khloe, Kourtney and Kendall! The sisters rock Calvin Klein underwear here…and nothing else.

6. Kim in Undies

Kim in undies

Kim Kardashian is no stranger to posing in her underwear. Or to posing in nothing at all.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Scott Disick: Watch Sofia Richie Dancing in Her Underwear!

Scott Disick and Sofia Richie are still together, folks. And they"re looking positively domestic.

The self-described Lord filmed a video of Sofia dancing in panties in his kitchen, as you"ll see below. And she"s dancing to her dad"s music, which adds a whole other complicated layer to this.

You"ll have to decide — is the video fun and festive and playful, or is it creepy?

Your opinion of the video will probably be based on what you think of Scott Disick himself.

Is Scott Disick a creepy older man taking advantage of a teenager … or is he just living out the fantasy of most straight men?

Or, quite frankly, is it both?

(It might be both)

We"ve heard that Lionel Richie hopes that Sofia and Scott split, so we know what side her dad takes in all of this.

Let"s just hope that he misses this particular video.

There"s no questioning that Sofia Richie looks gorgeous.

She"s a 19-year-old model.

Also, she"s dancing around in a santa top and she"s not wearing any pants. But hey, a red top and white panties makes for a festive Christmas color scheme, right?

Scott Disick might be genuinely in love with Sofia … or she might unwittingly be some sort of revenge for Kourtney finding happiness with Younes Bendjima.

In the first part of this video, which Scott decided to share with the world, he appears to be tossing ice cubes, which Sofia is catching and tossing into the sink.

They"re just goofily messing around. If you forget about their huge age gap or how Scott spent most of 2017 before settling on Sofia, you"d think that it"s just a cute video of a girlfriend and boyfriend.

Which is what it is. It"s just that the girlfriend is 19 and the boyfriend is 34.

If you don"t feel like doing math, 19 x 2 is 38, which means that Sofia is literally half the age of Scott"s ex and baby mama, Kourtney Kardashian.

At the same time, though, Sofia"s an adult. Are critics of the relationship infantalizing an adult woman who can make her own decisions?

It"s the second part of the video — where the dancing puts her panties on full display for the camera and therefore for Scott"s many, many followers — that really has people talking.

Sofia"s dancing looks great, don"t get us wrong. And she has very muscular legs.

But she"s dancing to her dad"s music — when Lionel Richie is scared to death by her current relationship.

A little awkward, even if she claims that her dad totally supports her relationship choices.

The creepiness level — Scott filming a teenager"s sexy dance while her father"s voice sings — may be more unnerving than their age gap, quite frankly.

Scott Disick is a complicated man. More complicated than you"d imagine for a dude who drank and banged his way through 2017 in order to try to get over a breakup.

And Sofia, despite her youth, is an adult. She has actual thoughts and feelings and desires of her own, and perhaps shouldn"t be reduced to "Scott Disick"s hapless girl-toy."

When you watch this video below, which version of their relationship do you see?

A cute couple celebrating the holidays or a man showing off his nubile young conquest, flaunting her in the faces of everyone he dislikes?

And, again, might it be both?

Scott disick look at sofia richie dancing in her underwear

Prince Harry Grills Barack Obama About Aretha, LeBron and Underwear

Prince Harry did what American journalists have been itching to do for a year … interview President Barack Obama post presidency. Harry was guest hosting the “Today” radio show Wednesday and played his interview with Obama, part of which was a…


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Ethika Sending $250K of Underwear to Hurricane Harvey Victims

Ethika Underwear will have Houston’s back and front covered — thanks to a massive shipment of sports bras and underwear that’s headed to Texas. Ethika announced Wednesday it had sent 14,000 pairs of men’s, women’s, and kids underwear to George…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Kylie Jenner Posts Underwear Selfie, Declares Hatred of Mankind

Kylie Jenner has amassed an Instagram following of more than 92 million due in large part to her willingness and ability to give the people what they want.

In her case, that mostly means racy Kylie Jenner selfies, but she also delivers a healthy dose of swag and a heaping helping of aspirational lifestyle porn that have helped her rise above the pack of celebrity Snapchatters.

It’s Kylie’s attitude that fans respond to as much as her bikini pics, and the 19-year-old seems well aware that her brand depends on the right mixture of both.

Kylie’s balancing of these two sides of her public persona can be seen in two of her most popular social media posts from the past week.

First, there’s the above Snapchat selfie.

It’s not hard to see why it was a hit among fans.

Kylie is in her underwear and snapping the pic herself, a formula that’s brought her great success in the past.

What seems casual was probably carefully planned, but since there’s nothing cool about wanting to be cool, Kylie occasionally reminds her followers that if given the chance, she would happy to say goodbye to her fans and haters alike.

Kylie Jenner Meme

Kylie posted the above meme (without credit, but it appears to have originated on the page of Instagram comic @TankSinatra), and it drew a number of confused reactions from fans.

Obviously, Kylie would last about ten minutes in a remote lighthouse (presumably with no wi-fi), but there’s a good chance that’s not the point.

Kylie may not be shoving her younger fans away, but instead embracing them – sending the message that she too often feels awkward or overwhelmed.

It’s a calculated risk, as such a post could obviously make Kylie come off as ungrateful, but her more thoughtful fans (read: the only ones who are likely to contemplate the meaning of this meme) it might serve as a welcome sign of relatability.

Maybe it’s just an expression of teen angst.

Or maybe it’s a shrewd way to move some more lip kits.

Of course, the third possibility is that we’re just reading way too much into Kylie’s random Instagram posts.


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Cristiano Ronaldo Releases Spring Underwear Collection (PHOTO GALLERY + VIDEO)

Breathe, ladies (and some fellas) … we’re about to show you pics of Cristiano Ronaldo in his underwear … several pics, in different colors for your ogling pleasure. The soccer hunk is releasing his SS17 CR7 Underwear campaign … and this time,…


Cristiano Ronaldo Releases Spring Underwear Collection (PHOTO GALLERY + VIDEO)

Breathe, ladies (and some fellas) … we’re about to show you pics of Cristiano Ronaldo in his underwear … several pics, in different colors for your ogling pleasure. The soccer hunk is releasing his SS17 CR7 Underwear campaign … and this time,…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Scott Disick"s Changing Chicks Like You Change Underwear (PHOTO)

Scott Disick has a revolving door policy when it comes to models hanging poolside … but one thing they all have to do is show of their asses. Scott cozied up to a blonde Tuesday at the Setai Hotel, the day after he was chilling in exact same…


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ivanka Trump"s Fashion Brand Applies For Underwear Trademark

Ivanka Trump’s fashion company wants to slap her name on bras, panties and other forms of underwear … even though Ivanka herself won’t be in on the deal. Ivanka Trump Marks LLC just filed legal docs to expand its product line to almost anything…


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Courtney Stodden: Nip Slip in Racy, No Underwear Pic!

Courtney Stodden debuted a brand-new look last night to her Instagram followers.

If you have eyes (which we’re assuming you do; otherwise, what are you even doing here?) you’ll see that this is the hottest, the most beautiful your favorite reality celebrity has ever looked. 

Further, she shared one of her more racy pics – outside of the Courtney Stodden sex tape, of course – where, in the right position, you could see just about everything. 

Stodden showed off her flawless skin and fantastic, uh, posture in a too-small bra and what looks to be zero panties.  

A mask is preventing us from seeing the glory that is Courtney’s otherwise dewy face, and that bra is just, you know, pointless, but man. 

Have you ever seen her look this good? 

Nope. The answer is a simple and unequivocal ‘hell no.’ 

Courtney Stodden is a force to be reckoned with, and it seems that she’s absolutely on the up-and-up since suffering a devastating miscarriage earlier in the year.  

As you can see, her hair is growing back, and she’s looking healthier than ever, and for that, we give major kudos. 

Previously, Stodden had spoken out about her miscarriage, and a rep for the star said, “It is with a heavy heart to inform you that last week, Courtney Stodden suffered a heartbreaking miscarriage.” 

“Courtney and her husband, Doug, are at an emotional loss for words and are using this time to grieve with their close family and friends.” 

“Please respect their privacy as the couple tries to cope with losing their precious baby, and seek the support they both need,” the statement concluded. 

No one was, of course, more heartbroken by the news that Stodden had suffered a miscarriage, but her friends and fans alike grieved heavily with her during her time of loss. 

As of late, however, she’s returning to her wild roots, and sowing her oats in the best way she knows how: by being a blonde, sassy bombshell with hilarious opinions on everything. 

Earlier this week, Stodden joked about wanting to bone Ken Bone, the breakout star of the last Presidential Debate. 

Stodden wrote, “Every Barbie needs a Ken … and Ken Bone is mine! #kenbone #boneme #presidential debate.” 

Girl, never, ever change. 


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Justin Bieber Poses in Underwear, Grabs His Junk

Justin Bieber must be aware that fans aren’t very happy with him these days.

Over the past several weeks, Bieber has canceled all meet-and-greets… stopped posing for selfies with supporters… and given a lackluster Billboard Music Awards performance.

So, what did Justin do in order to win back those who might be mad at him right now?

Simple: he took off almost all of his clothing!

In a new, VERY revealing Instagram photo, The Biebs is showing off The Body, posing in nothing but his tight underwear and grabbing his bulging penis while doing so.

Really. You can see for yourself here:

Bieber simply captioned the pic with “mycalvins,” a reference to his long-time ad campaign on behalf of Calvin Klein.

We’re guessing the company is happy to receive such free publicity.

Bieber and his penis, of course, have a long and interesting history on the Internet.

Late last year, a photo of Justin Bieber naked leaked online after a paparazzi member snapped pictures of him on vacation in Bora Bora.

The superstar reacted to the incident with understandable outrage, unlike the Internet, whose reactions you can see below:

However, Bieber is also an underwear model and said in a recent Calvin Klein ad that he was turned on while talking to the camera.

Still, there’s a big difference in a celebrity voluntarily shedding articles of clothing, as Justin is doing here, while still keeping his most private part covered up…

… versus a photographer invading his privacy and capturing the bare unit itself for a photo.

What do you think of Bieber’s NSFW selfie? Is it too raw? Too raunchy? Or just too gosh darn sexy?

Can you imagine the fallout if Kim Kardashian released the same sort of nearly-nude picture? Is there a double standard at work here?

Or should we just shut up and show you more Justin Bieber shirtless snapshot. Okay then. Sorry…

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Posing in Underwear and Photoshop-Free!

I’m loving the confidence, but the duck pout…not so much.

Anyhoo, Khloe Kardashian has a ridiculously toned body, which she should be damn proud of.  

Yesterday, Kardashian took a bathroom selfie and shared it to Instagram, hoping to inspire others with her abs, etc.

Instead, users studied the photo and noticed a weird curve in the door frame of the bathroom.  


Not one to ignore a negative comment (or 6,000), Kardashian posted the original photo on Instagram with a special message.

“If only hatin burned calories how dope yall would be. Too bad it doesn’t,” Kardashian wrote.

“Here’s the OG shot. The petty movement ain’t cute. Oh and I almost forgot…Namaste.”

Last night, Kardashian’s makeup artist Joyce Bonelli posted a new photo of the reality star to further prove that what you see is real.

Bonelli’s pic didn’t appear to be altered, other than perhaps the use of Instagram filters and some fantastic lighting (the photo looks to have been taken in Kardashian’s Kocktails With Khloe dressing room).

Kardashian wore a grey tank top tied just below her cleavage, with boy shorts that showed off her taut stomach and lithe frame, the result of intense gym sessions with trainer Gunnar Peterson and a cleaned-up diet (no dairy).

Ok, going to the gym forever bai.