Showing posts with label Slip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slip. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Bob Barker Ambulance Called to Home After Nasty Slip & Fall

Bob Barker has had another health scare at his L.A. home that required another ambulance and paramedics to treat the legendary game show host. 
Sources connected to Bob tell us the former ‘Price is Right’ host slipped and fell at his Hollywood Hills home earlier this ...
Bob Barker Ambulance Called to Home After Nasty Slip & Fall

Friday, August 17, 2018

Shonda Rhimes Sued Over Sidewalk Slip and Fall

Shonda Rhimes hasn’t had a misstep in her career, which is more than can be said about a world-renowned physician who tripped and fell in front of her house, and now the good doc is suing her. Dr. Kuo Chao claims in a new lawsuit, he was jogging…


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Britney Spears Suffers Nip Slip on Stage, Doesn"t Give AF

Britney Spears is a living legend, a wonderful mother, and anabsolute music phenomenon. She is also currently on her Piece of Me Tour.

On Saturday, she suffered a bit of a wardrobe malfunction while on stage. Specifically, it was a nip slip.

An insider close to the tour is dishing on exactly how Britney is reacting to the realization that she was flashing the entire crowd for a couple of minutes.

On June 14, Britney Spears experienced a nip slip — or rather, her audience did. Neither she nor her dancers seemed to notice for a full two minutes.

Now, a source explains to HollywoodLife that Britney"s nip slip was no big deal.

"Britney is so not bothered by wardrobe malfunctions," the insider reveals.

"At this stage in her career," the source continues. "They’re like second nature to her."

She"s had a lot of shows and a lot of costumes in 20 years.

"She just rolls with it," the insider explains.

It totally makes sense that Britney is unfazed by the nip slip. Realistically, the naked eye is not going to be able to spot the naked nipple on stage.

"She will," the source admits. "Make sure to use some stronger tape going forward though."

That"s smart. Just because you don"t freak out about something doesn"t mean that you want for it to happen again.

Britney will do this, the insider states, "as she doesn’t want to intentionally flash the audience!"

Of course not!

There"s nothing wrong with nipples, but they should only come out to play when you want them to.

There"s more than just Britney"s life experience that gives her such a calm attitude.

The insider explains, reminding us that "Britney is on stage every night pretty much."

This is a grueling tour. Thankfully, she"s in the best shape of her life.

Britney works hard to keep her body like this, and it pays off.

"And," the source continues. "She’s used to changing quickly in and out of outfits backstage."

That is all part of the business.

The insider points out that these costume changes take place "in front of her dancers,"

Her dancers are all professionals — and plenty of them are changing clothes in these moments, too.

But Britney has grown accustomed to the exposure, the insider dishes, "so being naked doesn’t faze her."

Kind of like how your first no-clothes party in college was probably kind of awkward, but by your fifth you were grumbling about having to wear clothes to and from the party.

Britney is a world-savvy adult "and nip slips aren’t mortifying to her." the source explains.

Not, the insider points out, "like they would be to a lot of other people."

If, say, Taylor Swift were to have a wardrobe malfunction that led to her being partially nude on stage, it would be a huge deal.

Taylor is younger and is very deliberate about how much of her body she is willing to reveal.

Britney"s been at this longer and very naturally has become more accustomed to little slip-ups that can happen on stage.

It goes with the territory when you"re one of the greatest performers in human history.

Good for Britney for having a healthy sense of perspective!

Britney spears suffers nip slip on stage doesnt give af

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Kim Kardashian Lets Nip Slip in Nude Pic for Fragrance Line

Kim Kardashian’s baring it all for her new fragrance line … but it looks like she missed a spot this time while strategically covering her lady bits. Kim posted another very risque pic Tuesday to promote her perfume — KKW BODY — and got…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr: Did He Just Let Slip a Bachelor Spoiler?!

Jimmy Kimmel is at it again, interviewing Arie Luyendyk Jr. and pressing him to reveal forbidden The Bachelor spoilers.

Naturally, Arie can"t actually divulge how the season goes. You know how this works.

Except that, as you"ll see in the video below, it looks like Arie may have slipped up and revealed something that he didn"t mean to.

Arie luyendyk jr and jimmy kimmel

As you know, Jimmy Kimmel has a history of interviewing each season"s Bachelor (or Bachelorette) and confronting them with his wife"s theory of which contestants will make it the farthest … and who will win.

Molly — Jimmy"s wife — tends to do pretty well with her guesses. But only pretty well.

For example, Jimmy interviewed Rachel Lindsay at the beginning of her season of The Bachelorette. The theory presented? That Rachel was engaged to Peter Kraus.

That was a simpler, more innocent time, when people believed that Rachel Lindsay had sense.

Arie luyendyk jr pleads innocent

Arie, of course, insists that he can"t reveal anything.

In fact, though past Bachelors and Bachelorettes have said "oh, my fiance and I are just laying low until the season ends," Arie"s taking that a step further.

He"s refusing to even tell Jimmy Kimmel when the last time that he saw his fiancee was.


But then Jimmy Kimmel stops asking — and starts sharing his theories. Well, his wife"s theories.

Arie luyendyk jr on jimmy kimmel

We already know who Arie Luyendyk Jr"s final four will be, but here are the names that Jimmy listed:

First up is Tia Booth. Because Tia is nice and likable and so are her friends, though Jimmy (well, really Molly) predicts that Arie won"t pick her in the end.

Next is Chelsea, whom Jimmy has pegged as this season"s Bachelor Villain — great to keep around as fodder (though … all the way to the final four might be too much).

Then comes Bekah M, and we can only assume that her youth played a role in getting her into the (imagined) final four. Or perhaps Jimmy Kimmel just wanted to highlight how rare short hair is in the franchise.

As if to emphasize the many, many redundant names in this season, Jimmy also named Becca K (Becca Kufrin, not to be confused with Bekah with a K), whom he noted Arie must have taken notice of to some degree after just the first episode.

Arie luyendyk jr shrugs helplessly

Jimmy Kimmel even goes so far as to name Becca Kufrin as the prospective winner.

Now, if you"ve taken the plunge into our spoilers, you know who Arie chooses at the end of the season.

But what"s catching people"s attention is how Arie responded — seeming to let his guard slip — when Jimmy brought up Chelsea, the potential "villain."

"Chelsea, you gave her the first impression rose, she’s very attractive, she’s aggressive."

He uses that aggression — often a positive quality — to lead into how he sees her role on the show playing out this season.

"She’s also clearly going to be the villain, so you need to keep her around for a while."

The producers need to do that. Arie may have other priorities.

"You won’t pick her, you’ll just keep giving her roses so she can antagonize everyone else in the house."

Arie seemed to break character in that moment (as you"ll see in the video), going from nodding to shaking his head. Was he saying that she"s not in his final four, or protesting her "villain" label?

Arie luyendyk jr and jimmy kimmel bec slash ka 3 way discussion

We don"t know.

Jimmy Kimmel created a distraction after he"d named all four women, by proposing that Arie have a threesome (since he"d mentioned falling in love with two contestants) with Becca and with Bekah.

Jimmy"s delivery sounds more like a guy broing it out and less like someone promoting healthy polyamory, so it was a line bound to rub people the wrong way.

But also a line bound to help Jimmy take some of the heat for Arie"s possible slip-up.

Decide for yourself if Arie really slipped up — or if it"s some kind of misdirect or whatever — by watching the video below.

Arie luyendyk jr did he just let slip a bachelor spoiler

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Sia Bares Her Breast in Epic Nip Slip!

Even though Sia’s “Chandelier” and “Titanium” are perhaps her best known songs (even if she was technically just featured in the latter), she herself is most recognizable for her iconic appearance.

Well get ready to see a very different side of Sia. As in, her boob.

Because the talented singer suffered a pretty major nipslip, but apparently didn’t mind the pic being shared.

For someone whom most people can’t really picture that well, facially, in their minds, Sia is very recognizable.

There’s her signature wig, which looks like a tamed version of Cruella de Vil’s hair.

There’s her big white dress, almost featureless.

And, a lot of the time, there’s her big white bow, rising impractically above her head like a two-sided battleaxe of fashion. Or whatever.

When she performs, you see very little of Sia other than her mouth. It’s only her very distinctive voice that assures you that it’s her on stage.

Well … in this new photo, like we said, she gives off a very different look.

Though she’s still wearing white. And, in a manner of speaking, hiding her face.

In the photo below, Sia is wearing a white robe.

Her face has one of those green face masks that exist almost exclusively on the faces of moms in cartoons.

Sia’s hair is up in a bun and, while one hand holds a white cloth, the other is raised and making a peace sign.

(We know that it’s a very different symbol in a lot of countries, but we’re pretty sure that she means this as a polite and carefree peace signs)

Her pink slippers complete the ensemble nicely. It’s about as casual of a look as one can get and still be wearing clothes.

But Sia is a little nude, because she’s experiencing a nip slip.

Actually, that’s an understatement — her entire breast is exposed.

Tonya Brewer, Sia’s makeup artist, shared this photo on Instagram.

And, of course, added the banana emoji to obscure Sia’s nipple.

Tonya, whom one assumes had permission from Sia before sharing this (because obviously you would, right?), explained the context of the photo.

And apparently Sia did not realize that the picture was quite as risque as it ended up being.

Tonya writes:

“She just directed her first film. she had no idea her boob was out. thank you for letting me create magic with you @siamusic”

We’re not sure how one goes about being half bare-chested, like an ancient Minoan or like a statue of Justice, without noticing.

Especially if someone is snapping your photo.

Sia must feel really, truly comfortable around Tonya Brewer and around everyone else (you can clearly see that there are multiple other people in the background).

Also, that place must be pretty warm. Maybe even too warm. Otherwise the boob that broke free would surely be more noticeable, right?

To be fair, though, it’s likely that none of us have room to talk. Most of us have accidentally mooned someone once or twice, not realizing that they were there.

And I, at least, have had multiple instances of only noticing that I have a cut on my leg because I felt the blood dripping onto my foot.

Compared to that, a bare breast could be very easy to miss. And also very, very funny.

Sia is a gift.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Nip Slip Spotted on Snapchat!

Kailyn Lowry is usually a master of controlling what information about her personal life is shared with fans and what’s kept private.

But with a wildly popular reality show and millions of social media followers, Kailyn is pretty exposed these days.

As a result, every now and then, something … slips out.

Yes, Kailyn was snapchatting a breastfeeding session last night when fans noticed a momentary nip slip.

Fortunately, as a single mother of three who’s basically running a media empire these days, we doubt she’s spending too much time or energy worrying about.

In fact we’re sure Kailyn has already moved on from the incident – but naturally, the internet has not.

Fans are still obsessing over the slight slip, as though there aren’t full-blown Teen Mom sex tapes out there with which they can amuse themselves.

To us, the incident isn’t interesting for the slip itself, but for what it tells us about celebrity life in 2017.

Aside from a handful of Clooney-level A-listers, stars basically have to share certain aspects of their lives on social media in order to remain relevant.

This is especially true of young celebs, reality stars in particular.

So, like her co-stars, Kailyn plays ball and interacts with fans on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter.

For the most part, she seems to enjoy the process.

But there are times when she’d clearly prefer to be left alone.

Unfortunately for Kailyn, that’s simply not an option at this stage in her life.

But it seems she’s learned to rebel in certain small ways.

For example, Kailyn hasn’t revealed her baby’s name yet, even though she gave birth over six weeks ago.

She tweeted yesterday, that she plans to reveal the baby’s name with a photo of a customized blanket in the very near future.

Still, the fact that Kailyn has chosen to keep fans in the dark for so long sends a powerful message.

It reminds fans that just because they made her famous, that doesn’t mean they own her.

Sadly, that’s something many people need to be reminded of these days.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of what Kailyn is willing to share.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

This is What Happens When You Call 911 About a Slip "N Slide

Let no one say the police in Asheville, North Carolina don"t know how to have a good time.

As you"ll find out in the fun story below, a couple officers in this city were called on July Fourth to investigate an unusually long and allegedly illegal Slip "N Slide.

When they arrived on the scene, however, these badge-wearing heroes didn"t place anyone under arrest.

Instead, they placed themselves on a tube and had some fun…

1. Let’s Set the Scene

Lets set the scene

A neighbor called 911 after spotting a giant Slip ‘N Slide down the street, seemingly blocking traffic.

2. The Cops Dutifully Showed Up and Investigated

The cops dutifully showed up and investigated

But they didn’t shut down the activity… they joined in!



“We looked at it and determined it wasn’t really an issue,” said senior officer Carrie Lee, as a neighbor captured the unexpected play time on video and then shared it on Facebook.

4. There She Goes!

There she goes

“The first thing I said, I said I’m not here to break up your fun,” Lee said, explaining how she and her partner then decided to partake in the fun.

5. Making Friends, Having Fun

Making friends having fun

Katlen Joyce Smith’s Facebook footage of these awesome shenanigans has been viewed nearly 165,000 times.

6. Slipping and Sliding!

Slipping and sliding

“I still can’t handle the amazing-ness of it all,” Smith later wrote on her social media account, which blew up big time after this story spread around the Internet.

View Slideshow

Monday, June 12, 2017

Remy Ma"s Nip Slip During Concert

Remy Ma stole the show at Hot 97’s massive Summer Jam concert at MetLife Stadium .. or at least her boobs did. Remy came running onstage for her verse of “Lean Back” but only made it a couple of steps before her right boob popped out ……


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Candice Swanepoel Suffers a Nip Slip Swimming With Just a Leather Jacket On (PHOTO GALLERY)

Candice Swanepoel doesn’t seem to know — or care — what water does to leather … she swam with some of it on and nothing underneath. The Victoria’s Secret model was doing a photo shoot in Rio de Janerio for Vogue Brazil, which appears to be…


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Britney Spears Has Vegas Nip Slip (VIDEO)

Britney Spears revealed herself to fans in Vegas when her leotard shifted around her chest … but powered through it like a champ. The nip slip went down Wednesday night at Planet Hollywood, where she made a hard right turn during a strut ……


Saturday, December 31, 2016

Princess Cruise Passenger Sues for Sewage Slip and Fall

A passenger on a Princess Cruise Line ship claims she was injured in rough waters … not ocean water, but dirty toilet water. Jillanne Buchannan says in a new lawsuit she and her husband were on a cruise from Spain to France, last year, aboard the…


Thursday, December 8, 2016

1D"s Niall Horan -- The Pink Slip? (PHOTO)

Niall Horan looked like he knew he had just let a giant cat out of the bag leaving one of L.A.’s most expensive baby stores with a basket of pink stuff.  Niall’s old 1D bandmate, Liam Payne, and his partner, Cheryl Cole, are…


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Courtney Stodden: Nip Slip in Racy, No Underwear Pic!

Courtney Stodden debuted a brand-new look last night to her Instagram followers.

If you have eyes (which we’re assuming you do; otherwise, what are you even doing here?) you’ll see that this is the hottest, the most beautiful your favorite reality celebrity has ever looked. 

Further, she shared one of her more racy pics – outside of the Courtney Stodden sex tape, of course – where, in the right position, you could see just about everything. 

Stodden showed off her flawless skin and fantastic, uh, posture in a too-small bra and what looks to be zero panties.  

A mask is preventing us from seeing the glory that is Courtney’s otherwise dewy face, and that bra is just, you know, pointless, but man. 

Have you ever seen her look this good? 

Nope. The answer is a simple and unequivocal ‘hell no.’ 

Courtney Stodden is a force to be reckoned with, and it seems that she’s absolutely on the up-and-up since suffering a devastating miscarriage earlier in the year.  

As you can see, her hair is growing back, and she’s looking healthier than ever, and for that, we give major kudos. 

Previously, Stodden had spoken out about her miscarriage, and a rep for the star said, “It is with a heavy heart to inform you that last week, Courtney Stodden suffered a heartbreaking miscarriage.” 

“Courtney and her husband, Doug, are at an emotional loss for words and are using this time to grieve with their close family and friends.” 

“Please respect their privacy as the couple tries to cope with losing their precious baby, and seek the support they both need,” the statement concluded. 

No one was, of course, more heartbroken by the news that Stodden had suffered a miscarriage, but her friends and fans alike grieved heavily with her during her time of loss. 

As of late, however, she’s returning to her wild roots, and sowing her oats in the best way she knows how: by being a blonde, sassy bombshell with hilarious opinions on everything. 

Earlier this week, Stodden joked about wanting to bone Ken Bone, the breakout star of the last Presidential Debate. 

Stodden wrote, “Every Barbie needs a Ken … and Ken Bone is mine! #kenbone #boneme #presidential debate.” 

Girl, never, ever change. 


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Nicki Minaj Nip Slip: Accidentally Posted to Instagram?!

We all know that Nicki Minaj nip slips are a fairly common sight on social media, so perhaps it’s not surprising that her millions of Instagram followers examine every pic she posts with a magnifying glass.

But this time we’re thinking they may have been fooled by an optical illusion. 

Like we said, this wouldn’t be the rapper’s first nip slip.

In fact, it wouldn’t be the first time that Nicki posted a nip slip to Instagram by “accident.”

But after spending more time examining this photo than we care to admit, we’re confident that this pic features at best the a mere outline of areola.

There’s a roundish shadow where a nipple might be, but we can’t help but think there’s some serious wishful thinking at work here.

Knowing how strict the Instagram no-nipple policy is, the fact that the pic is still online several days after it was originally posted is pretty good indication that it doesn’t meet the qualifications for a nip slip.

But hey, if you’re worried that Nicki has lost her risque edge, fear not.

She also posted these:

Yeah, if you can ignore the random box of donuts behind her in the one pic, it’s pretty sexy stuff.

Nicki originally tagged her fiance Meek Mill and wrote something about how the pics are “just for him.”

Plenty of fans pointed out how dumb that was because she posted them on IG instead of just sending them to Meek.

So Nicki deleted the caption but kept the pics – which we’re taking as an admission that they’re just a plea for attention.

Never change, Nicki.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Sharna Burgess Suffers Nip Slip on Dancing With The Stars, Recovers Like a Champ

Oh hell, there goes her top.

On last night"s episode of Dancing With The Stars, eight teams continued to fight for the mirror ball trophy and avoid double-elimination.

The night"s theme was "Icons," where each team performed routines to songs by legendary American artists.

Sharna Burgess and NFL star Antonio Brown danced to The Rolling Stones" "Paint It Black," and all was going well until one of the girls tried to sneak out of Burgess" costume.

As judge Len Goodman was listing off Brown"s mistakes during the dance, host Tom Bergeron interrupted during the east coast live broadcast to let everyone know that Burgess was in the middle of a wardrobe malfunction.

It was terribly awkward, the way Bergeron handled the situation.

"They said to me, "Look at Sharna"s top,"" Bergeron announced.

Burgess was a great sport, and laughed when Bergeron told her about the nip slip.

"I"m only doing the producer"s bidding.

"Pull it up, just a touch, just for the family," Bergeron told Burgess as he blocked her so that she could readjust.

After the girls were back in place, Burgess joked that she deserved a score of 10.

The pro dancer continued to joke about the malfunction on Twitter, tweeting with others and laughing about what had happened.

Hey, you had a nip slip.  It happens.  

It"s like that time on Friends when Rachel Green"s boob fell out of her Bloomingdale"s chemise during dinner with Joshua and his parents.

"it"s alright. I"ve got nice boobs," Rachel said.

Watch the video below of last night"s competition…and the malfunction.

Sharna burgess suffers nip slip on dancing with the stars recove

Sharna Burgess Suffers Nip Slip on Dancing With The Stars, Recovers Like a Champ

Oh hell, there goes her top.

On last night"s episode of Dancing With The Stars, eight teams continued to fight for the mirror ball trophy and avoid double-elimination.

The night"s theme was "Icons," where each team performed routines to songs by legendary American artists.

Sharna Burgess and NFL star Antonio Brown danced to The Rolling Stones" "Paint It Black," and all was going well until one of the girls tried to sneak out of Burgess" costume.

As judge Len Goodman was listing off Brown"s mistakes during the dance, host Tom Bergeron interrupted during the east coast live broadcast to let everyone know that Burgess was in the middle of a wardrobe malfunction.

It was terribly awkward, the way Bergeron handled the situation.

"They said to me, "Look at Sharna"s top,"" Bergeron announced.

Burgess was a great sport, and laughed when Bergeron told her about the nip slip.

"I"m only doing the producer"s bidding.

"Pull it up, just a touch, just for the family," Bergeron told Burgess as he blocked her so that she could readjust.

After the girls were back in place, Burgess joked that she deserved a score of 10.

The pro dancer continued to joke about the malfunction on Twitter, tweeting with others and laughing about what had happened.

Hey, you had a nip slip.  It happens.  

It"s like that time on Friends when Rachel Green"s boob fell out of her Bloomingdale"s chemise during dinner with Joshua and his parents.

"it"s alright. I"ve got nice boobs," Rachel said.

Watch the video below of last night"s competition…and the malfunction.

Sharna burgess suffers nip slip on dancing with the stars recove

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Nip Slip Posted to Instagram?!

Kylie Jenner has been slowly transforming into Kim Kardashian for years, but now she’s really stepping into her big sister’s shoes with her latest Instagram post:

At least we think she is. Word on the street (and by “the street,” we mean the Internet, because we never leave the house) is that Kylie posted the above pic to Instagram earlier today before quickly deleting it.

Legend has it you can see a hint of nipple on the right side, which is okay now because Kylie is 18, right, Tyga?

Anyway, the pic is no longer on Kylie’s Instagram, or her Twitter, or the Instagram page devoted to her Snapchats.

We even checked Facebook, even though we’re pretty sure teens stopped posting racy pics on there around the time everyone’s grandma joined.

So unless Kylie has been keeping a secret MySpace page from, this pic just doesn’t exist on social media anymore.

But really, if you’re looking for racy Kylie Jenner selfies, there’s no shortage of them out there.

Getting your squint on with this one to see if you can make a nipple appear like it’s some sort of Magic Eye puzzle is like sitting around and waiting for your cat to do something funny.

It’s called Google, fam. That sh-t is everywhere online.

Or you can just look right here:

Kylie Jenner: Nip Slip Posted to Instagram?!

Kylie Jenner has been slowly transforming into Kim Kardashian for years, but now she’s really stepping into her big sister’s shoes with her latest Instagram post:

At least we think she is. Word on the street (and by “the street,” we mean the Internet, because we never leave the house) is that Kylie posted the above pic to Instagram earlier today before quickly deleting it.

Legend has it you can see a hint of nipple on the right side, which is okay now because Kylie is 18, right, Tyga?

Anyway, the pic is no longer on Kylie’s Instagram, or her Twitter, or the Instagram page devoted to her Snapchats.

We even checked Facebook, even though we’re pretty sure teens stopped posting racy pics on there around the time everyone’s grandma joined.

So unless Kylie has been keeping a secret MySpace page from, this pic just doesn’t exist on social media anymore.

But really, if you’re looking for racy Kylie Jenner selfies, there’s no shortage of them out there.

Getting your squint on with this one to see if you can make a nipple appear like it’s some sort of Magic Eye puzzle is like sitting around and waiting for your cat to do something funny.

It’s called Google, fam. That sh-t is everywhere online.

Or you can just look right here:

Monday, March 7, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian Posts Insane Selfie, Suffers Nip Slip (NSFW!)

Was it a show of sisterly solidarity?

Or was an accidental nip slip?

Whatever the case, Kourtney Kardashian posted a free show to her Instagram account last night.

While her younger sister, Kim posted a photo of the most winning post-baby body ever, Kourtney wished her followers a good night.  Actually it was more of a sultry good night look, and Kardashian was wearing a sheer-paneled, low-cut top.

And that sheer-paneled, low-cut top was pulled down a bit too low, because the top of her nipple was clearly visible.

One thing is for sure, though.  Kardashian is one of those people who doesn’t care if they accidentally showed off more than they meant to.  The photo is still up, and somewhere she is saying to someone, “I love it.  So gorge.”

Whether it was a message to her baby daddy, Scott Disick (who’s been taking advantage of spring break with college kids in Mexico) or done purely out of boredom, Kardashian is no doubt owning her nip slip.

This isn’t the first time Kardashian’s boobs stole the spotlight; At Kendall Jenner’s 20th birthday party last November, Kardashian wore a lace top so sheer that the camera flash captured…it all

The good news is that Disick is totally loving the slip.

“Hell yeah get it girl,” he commented on her post, according to E!

“I know 3 kids that those nips made into perfect angels.”

So…that’s great.