Thursday, July 6, 2017

This is What Happens When You Call 911 About a Slip "N Slide

Let no one say the police in Asheville, North Carolina don"t know how to have a good time.

As you"ll find out in the fun story below, a couple officers in this city were called on July Fourth to investigate an unusually long and allegedly illegal Slip "N Slide.

When they arrived on the scene, however, these badge-wearing heroes didn"t place anyone under arrest.

Instead, they placed themselves on a tube and had some fun…

1. Let’s Set the Scene

Lets set the scene

A neighbor called 911 after spotting a giant Slip ‘N Slide down the street, seemingly blocking traffic.

2. The Cops Dutifully Showed Up and Investigated

The cops dutifully showed up and investigated

But they didn’t shut down the activity… they joined in!



“We looked at it and determined it wasn’t really an issue,” said senior officer Carrie Lee, as a neighbor captured the unexpected play time on video and then shared it on Facebook.

4. There She Goes!

There she goes

“The first thing I said, I said I’m not here to break up your fun,” Lee said, explaining how she and her partner then decided to partake in the fun.

5. Making Friends, Having Fun

Making friends having fun

Katlen Joyce Smith’s Facebook footage of these awesome shenanigans has been viewed nearly 165,000 times.

6. Slipping and Sliding!

Slipping and sliding

“I still can’t handle the amazing-ness of it all,” Smith later wrote on her social media account, which blew up big time after this story spread around the Internet.

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