Showing posts with label Fragrance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fragrance. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Kim Kardashian Lets Nip Slip in Nude Pic for Fragrance Line

Kim Kardashian’s baring it all for her new fragrance line … but it looks like she missed a spot this time while strategically covering her lady bits. Kim posted another very risque pic Tuesday to promote her perfume — KKW BODY — and got…


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Kim Kardashian Strips Down, Models For Fragrance Bottles

It looks like Kim Kardashian aims to break the internet again, and those hilarious NSFW pics that she’s been sharing were just a warm-up.

This time, she’s gone fully nude.

All to create a mold so that you can buy perfume bottles shaped exactly like her legendary curves. Take a look!

Kim Kardashian shared the image that you’re about to see on Instagram.

As you can see, either Kim or someone on her team had to make a couple of tweaks to the image to meet Instagram’s standards.

You can see that her nipples have been pixilated, both because Instagram is famously unable to cope with lady nips and because Kim generally avoids showing fans her entire nipples.

You may also notice that her crotch area appears to have received the same treatment.

(Unlike when it comes to nipples, Instagram is very even-handed with their ban on displaying genitals)

In the caption of this still salacious photo, Kim writes:

“We took a mold of my body and made it a perfume bottle.”

Take a look:

Kim looks incredible!

Those legendary curves will make her perfume bottles as unique and distinctive as her own body.

We’ve spoken before about how, when it comes to the Kardashians, their brands are tied to their bodies.

Sure, a lot of actors and TV personalities try to stay in shape, just like regular people. Life is that much easier when you’re better looking.

But for the Kardashians, so much of the content that they produce hinges upon their curves, their skin, their beautiful faces, and often tantalizing glimpses of them wearing little to nothing.

Like the sort of thing that Kim’s been posting lately.


This nudity helps to attract fans — many of whom, quite frankly, would love to look like Kim, or have sex with Kim. Or both!

The emphasis upon using their bodies for branding also makes them ideal for certain types of celebrity endorsements.

For example, how many times have we seen members of the Kardashian-Jenner clan hawking “fit tea” or corsets.

All of the advice from medical experts who say that these aren’t real body solutions goes out the window when people fixate on the idea that perhaps they, too, could have a mind-boggling, internet-breaking body.

Less insidious endorsements, like for underwear or lingerie or swimwear, obviously work very well for the Kardashian and Jenner ladies.

Now, however, Kim is taking things to a whole new level.

Her Kim Kardashian West fragrances — crystal gardenia, crystal gardenia citrus, and crystal gardenia OUD, so we hope that you like gardenias — will rest in little glass molds of her actual naked body.

Clearly, Kim’s photo is designed to serve as both an advertisement and as proof that the bottle’s design is authentic.

But … is there something more motivating her to share this sexy pic?

Recently, Kanye seems to have lost his mind, and fans are concerned.

There have even been reports of Kanye getting into fierce arguments with Kim’s family.

Allegedly, he has even had some explosive fights with Kris Jenner.

Between these reports and his impulsive, bizarre ramblings on social media that are simply impossible to hide, some fans wonder if Kim is using her body to distract the entire world from her husband’s erratic behavior.

Kim loves her husband and she would clearly do anything for him.

That probably includes baring all in order to distract his detractors from his embarrassing and self-destructive behavior as he appears to be headed for another mental breakdown.

(Let’s hope for the best, though)

But Kim’s new fragrance line drops on April 30. That photo might have always been scheduled to come out this week.

It could all be just a coincidence.


Monday, February 12, 2018

French Montana Smells Success in the Fragrance Biz

French Montana smells a chance to cash in on his name with all kinds of products … particularly perfume. French filed docs, obtained by TMZ, seeking to trademark his name for commerce in the health and beauty market. French says he wants to…


French Montana Smells Success in the Fragrance Biz

French Montana smells a chance to cash in on his name with all kinds of products … particularly perfume. French filed docs, obtained by TMZ, seeking to trademark his name for commerce in the health and beauty market. French says he wants to…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Women"s March Pussyhats Inspire New Fragrance

The scent of a woman will be pussy if a budding entrepreneur can nail down a trademark for her new line of fragrances inspired by the enduring symbol of the Women’s March … the pussyhat. Fran Moss filed docs with the U.S. Patent and…


Friday, February 3, 2017

Blue Ivy About To Launch Fragrance & Hair Care Line at Age 5!!!

Beyonce doesn’t believe children should just skate through life until they graduate college … she’s already taken steps to ensure her daughter becomes a mogul, at age 5. Bey’s company wants to launch a line of Blue Ivy Carter products ……
