Showing posts with label Inspire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspire. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Leah Messer Teases Podcast: I"m Aiming to Inspire!

Leah Messer has a lot to say.

And she hopes you will want to listen.

The veteran Teen Mom cast member has spoken to Us Weekly about a brand new project that she really hopes will make a difference in the lives of her fans.

It"s a podcast.

But it"s different than the podcast made famous by fellow MTV colleague Kailyn Lowry. 

In what way? And what will Messer"s podcast be titled?

Scroll down to find out!

1. Let’s Podcast!

Leah messer baby bump pic

Messer is making her move into this ever-growing medium. She tells Us Weekly that new episodes of her podcast will drop every Wednesday.

2. What Will It Be Called?

Leah messer close up

Life Reboot. What do you think? We like it! You can’t say you aren’t curious to hear what a podcast with such a title will be about.

3. Can She Sum It Up? What is She Trying to Accomplish with It?

Jason jordan smiles with leah

“[It’s] a life transformational podcast,” the 26-year old explains to this tabloid. “Of course it’s fun … but it’s also inspirational, aspirational and motivational.”

4. Wait… Doesn’t Kailyn Lowry Have a Podcast?!?

Kailyn lowry podcast

Yes, it’s called “Coffee Convos” and she co-hosts it with Lindsie Chrisley of Chrisley Knows Best. Does this mean Leah is trying to start a rivalry with her fellow MTV personality?

5. No, No, No, Leah Explains

Jason jordan and leah messer

We’ll let Messer outline the differences: “Kail’s is day-to-day conversational and ours is more about transforming your life and learning how to become the best version of yourself. Even though they’re different, we love to support one another. I was on Kail’s and she was just on ours … the third episode I think.”

6. Who Might Appear?

Leah messer on insta

Leah isn’t dropping any names, but: “I think I’ll definitely have other Teen Mom stars and other … people that [manager] Lindsay [Rielly] and I both know on,” she previews. “We have an exciting lineup of guests for the next couple of months.”

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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Women"s March Pussyhats Inspire New Fragrance

The scent of a woman will be pussy if a budding entrepreneur can nail down a trademark for her new line of fragrances inspired by the enduring symbol of the Women’s March … the pussyhat. Fran Moss filed docs with the U.S. Patent and…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Manchester by the Sea: Did It Inspire These Parents to Kill Their Son?

A couple in upstate New York stands accused of killing their adoptive special needs son.

And prosecutors believe they may have been inspired to do so by the movie Manchester by the Sea.

On March 1, 16-year-old Jeffrey Franklin was found dead after a fire broke out at the Mount Upton, New York home he shared with his parents, Ernest Franklin and Heather Franklin.

A few weeks later, Ernest and Heather were arraigned on charges of second-degree murder, arson and tampering with physical evidence, with a plea of not guilty entered on their behalf.

The couple is being held without bail at Chenango County Correctional Facility.

This is where things get tricky, confusing and possibly very, very shady:

An investigation after the fire revealed that Jeffrey – a special needs child who was deaf and who battled bladder and bowel control problem – did NOT have smoke or soot in his mouth, trachea or bronchi.

These findings strongly imply that the teenager did not actually die in the fire.

According to a transcript of last Friday’s bail review, Chenango County District Attorney Joseph McBride alleged that on the night of Jeffrey’s death, Heather watched the Oscar-nominated film, Manchester by the Sea.

It stars Casey Affleck as a man kills his children in an accidental fire.

casey pic

In the story, Affleck’s character is told you cannot be prosecuted for accidentally killing one’s kids, leading McBride to tell a judge that he thinks this spawned an idea and a scheme by Ernest and Heather.

“Within two hours of that movie playing to this defendant and her husband, Jeffrey’s deceased,” McBride said in court.

He went on to detail the strange actions by both Heather and Ernest on the night/early morning in question, along with their excuses for such actions.

“She [Heather Franklin] inexplicably left the house, driving around Chenango County and Delaware County, and doesn’t return until the fire totally engulfs the house,” McBride said at the hearing, based on court transcripts.

Heather told the cops that she drove to a pair of stores, looking for a certain prescription drug, but evidence (in the form of surveillance video, we assume) shows she never went to the aisle in either store where the drug was located.

Ernest, meanwhile, told police that he was not at home at the time of the fire because he was out trying to chase down the family dogs.

But prosecutors say there was no evidence that any animals lived in the home.

The Franklins adopted Jeffrey in 2012.

“There was a very big strain on the family relationship because of Jeffrey’s special needs and that this defendant was complaining on Facebook about the strain that that was putting on her,” McBride said of Heather.

McBride said that an autopsy determined that Jeffrey died prior to the fire being started, but that his charred corpse makes it nearly impossible to determine a cause of death.

When authorities arrived on the scene, Ernest was “very calm, cool, collected,” McBride said in court.

“He pointed to the room where Jeffrey was lying, and the defendant had no physical injuries from any attempt to try to save [his child].”

If convicted, both of the Franklins face up to 25 years to life in prison.

Heather is pregnant and her lawyer is therefore requesting that she be released due to the “high-risk” nature of her physical state.

As of this writing, Ernest Franklin’s bail was set at $ 250,000 and his wife’s at $ 125,000. Neither has posted bail.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Kylie Jenner Just Wants to Inspire You

Kylie Jenner doesn’t want you to talk about her hair, her boobs or even her famous lips.

For the second year in a row, Kylie and her sister have been named two of the most influential teenagers in the world. And it’s a responsibility Jenner says she takes seriously.

“I know how influential I am over my fans and followers,” the 18-year old tells Time Magazine, the publication that awarded her this honor.

“I feel like everything I do, my hair color, my makeup, I always start these huge trends, and I don’t even realize what I’m capable of.”

That may sound cocky, but take the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge, for instance.

Jenner often shared pictures of her plump lips, but she never stuck her mouth in a shot glass in order to achieve this look, as followers started to do in dangerous fashion.

That wasn’t even my influence, because I didn’t ever pick up a shot glass; that was a trend before my name was attached to it,” she says.

“Then people just started calling it the Kylie Jenner lip thing. I went on social media and said I was not down for this, I don’t approve of this. So weird.

“But I started taking a different approach a couple of months ago.”

It’s true: the reality star has started an anti-bullying campaign, #IAmMoreThan.

“I thought of the idea because, almost my whole life, since I was 9, since I’ve been in the spotlight, that comes with so much bullying and attacking

“Everything I do, there’s a huge light on it. I’m okay with that because it is what it is, it comes with the lifestyle. [But] it has still affected me a lot.”

There are times Kylie says she’d love to lead a more normal life.

But she also wants to leave behind a legacy.

“That I’ve helped people and that it wasn’t just about me. That I was an inspiration for young girls.

“And it wasn’t just getting your lips done and having good hair, but being a good person and inspiring other people to not bully other people and do good things and be nice to everybody.”

Jenner concludes that she’s just trying “to find” herself, same as all her young fans.

And she hopes she can play a positive role in wherever their destination leads them.

“I just want to inspire my fans to be whoever they want to be, because that’s what I’ve always done. And they know that.

“I’ve been experimenting with my hair, with my lip colors. I have green hair one week, blue hair the other. I’m Gothic another week. I’m always experimenting and trying to figure out who I am and exactly what I want to be.

“I feel like it inspires them to be exactly who they want to be.”

Thursday, October 22, 2015

#FatGirlsCan Video Aims to Educate, Inspire

Remember that horrible fat-shaming video shared by unfunny YouTube star Nicole Arbour?

Consider the following to be the opposite of that.

Created by writer and activist Jes Baker, the PSA is dubbed #FatGirlsCan because that’s the message Baker wants to pass along.

"We are told that if we are fat, we can"t," she explains. "But the reality is – we can."

Baker details in the footage how individuals are taught that "fat" is a bad word, and how the size of one"s body simply precludes them from doing certain things.

The video project is in conjunction with Baker"s book, "Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls," which will be released next week.

"What was the ultimate thing that no one tells fat girls?" Baker told HuffPost. "My answer was: that they CAN.  

"They can find love, they can win Emmys, they can whitewater raft, they can have healthy pregnancies, they can ride roller coasters, they can break fashion rules, they can be professional dancers, they can be rockstars, they can have amazing sex, they can, they can, they CAN.

"And I see it every day. And the best part of this message is that it applies to all bodies."

Amen! Watch the video now. And don"t be ashamed if a few (dozen) tears are shed as a result.

Number fatgirlscan video aims to educate inspire

Friday, October 16, 2015

Jessie James Decker Shows Off Post-Baby Body, Aims to Inspire Other Mothers

Six weeks after welcoming a baby girl into the world, Jessie James Decker has taken to Instagram to show off her post-baby body.

But not for the reason you may think.

Unlike Kim Kardashian or other famous mothers who take pride in how quickly they lose weight after giving birth, the singer shared this photo to thank fans for their support… but also to inspire other moms around the world.

“I don’t want to mislead any mommy’s who just had babies and are stressing,” Decker wrote as part of a long caption, adding:

“I am still 15 pounds away from what I was originally before I got pregnant with Vivianne.

“I take occasional walks but haven’t done anything yet to try and lose weight and am in no rush!”

Earlier this month, Decker also shared a beautiful photo of her breastfeeding her child.

She wants to help normalize that important act, while also helping fellow mothers relax about their own figures in the aftermath of becoming a parent.

“Nursing mamas should def not try and do any severe diets or milk supply will run low,” she also wrote on Instagram.

“My tummy is still swollen and you can see my c-section scar and pooch! I had another due to my 9 lb. baby and petite frame.

“So no rushing and no stressing about losing weight!”

Just a few days ago, another famous mom made another strong statement, though for an unfortunate reason:

Hayden Panettiere entered a treatment program for postpartum depression.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kendall Jenner, Khloe Kardashian Inspire #ThighBrow Trend

We’ve seen many fascinating Instagram trends come and go during the social media site’s relatively short history.

No makeup selfies were all the rage for a while. We’ve seen the rise of Man Crush Monday, Woman Crush Wednesday and Throwback Thursday.

We’ve even seen people pose with food that they couldn’t possibly eat.

But leave it to a Jenner and a Kardashian to inspire not only a new trend, but a new word. Someone call the folks at Webster’s, because we need “thighbrow” in our dictionaries, ASAP.

In case you were wondering the thighbrow is that crease peaking out of Kendall Jenner and Khloe Kardashian’s swimsuit bottoms.

No word on if they started the trend on purpose, but knowing the Kard clan we wouldn’t put it past them.

In the three weeks since that photo was posted “#thighbrow” has become a popular hashtag, and naturally, Kylie Jenner had to raise the bar by executing the first standing thighbrow:

Truly, the student has become the master. Stuff like this is why Kylie is more popular than her sisters online. She thinks outside the box, ya know?

Anyway, the thighbrow trend will likely fade from memory in the very near future, but now matter what happens, at least it’s not as dumb as waist training.