Showing posts with label Decker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Decker. Show all posts

Monday, December 31, 2018

Jessie James Decker Check Out My Nude Hubby Retirement Looks Good on Eric!!!

Eric Decker threw in the towel on his NFL career, but it looks like he hasn’t lost a step in retirement … because Jessie James Decker had to throw a towel over her husband’s manhood while showing off his toned bod in a super revealing photo. 
It seems Eric didn’t just h...
Jessie James Decker Check Out My Nude Hubby Retirement Looks Good on Eric!!!

Monday, October 22, 2018

Jessie James Decker Flaunts Flawless Bikini Bod

Jessie James Decker’s got us all green with envy … envy over for NOT being on Miami beach to see this shoot going down live. Jessie’s frolicking in a green bikini and flauntin’ what her mama gave her while shooting a commercial. Unclear what…


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Jessie James Decker Cool With Her Kids Playing Football, Dad Will Teach "Em!!

Brett Favre wouldn’t allow it … neither would Barack Obama, LeBron James and Adrian Peterson — but Eric Decker WILL let his kids play football when they grow up — so says his famous wife. We got Jessie James Decker out in NYC this week…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Jessie James Decker and Eric Decker: Expecting Baby #3!

Jesus has taken the wheel for Jessie James Decker and Eric Decker.

And, according to the reality star herself, He’s steered the couple right into some seriously blessed news:

They’re expecting another baby!

In an adorable video shared by Jessie to Instagram, the NFL wide receiver and his songwriter of a wife sit down with daughter Vivianne (and son, Eric Jr., who is doing his own thing) and ask her a question:

“You know how you were praying to Jesus?” Jessie asks her three-year old. “What were you praying for?” 

“For a baby,” the toddler replies.

And this is when the Decker break this major news to their kids:

There’s a little boy or girl growing inside of Mommy!

“Jesus helped put a baby in mommy’s tummy,” Jessie explains.

Watch the Eric & Jessie make the reveal below:

“Eric and I are so excited to share with y’all that we are expecting baby Decker number 3!” wrote Jessie as a caption to the footage above, adding:

“As you can see Viv is so happy and Bub doesn’t quite know what’s going on but we are over the moon and feel so blessed and can’t wait to meet this little one.”

Decker concluded that she’s due at the end of March. How exciting!

The country star previously opened up to Us Weekly about raising her two kids. She said the following in September of last year:

“They’re not crybabies. They’re tough. When one of them falls down or gets hurt, I’m never like, ‘Oh poor baby.’ I’m like, ‘You’re fine. Get up! You can handle it.

“There’s not a lot of crying going on between them.

“If my Bubby [Eric Jr.] pulls Vivi’s hair by accident, she doesn’t even go crazy. She’ll just say, ‘Mommy, hair. Bubby, hair.’ She tells me in a calm manner what happened.”

On their reality show, meanwhile, Jessie recently made no secret over her desire to maybe expand her family.

“I don’t wanna say the door’s closed on baby No. 3 because we love our babies so much, they’re so amazing and I like can’t imagine not having another one,” she said on air. “We’re still talking about it.”

Clearly they were doing a lot more than talk about it!

If you know what we mean!

The Deckers got married back in 2013.

They are best known now for their career in front of the camera, on a series that chronicles their life and relationship, but Decker has enjoyed a solid professional football career.

He has 52 touchdowns overall and has amassed 5,391 receiving yards.

Currently playing in the slot for the Tennessee Titans, Decker caught four passes for 34 yards in this past Sunday’s 16-10 loss to the Dolphins.

In life overall, however, Eric Decker is clearly winning.

Congrats to the expecting couple!


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Eric Decker: Playing For the Jets Made Me Miss Broncos

Eric Decker says playing for the sucky NY Jets made him long for the days when he was a Denver Bronco.  Cameras were rolling on the WR the day after he was cut by the NY Jets back in June — and now his reaction is a part of his E! reality…


Eric Decker: Playing For the Jets Made Me Miss Broncos

Eric Decker says playing for the sucky NY Jets made him long for the days when he was a Denver Bronco.  Cameras were rolling on the WR the day after he was cut by the NY Jets back in June — and now his reaction is a part of his E! reality…


Monday, September 25, 2017

Eric Decker Hoodwinked Into National Anthem Demonstration, Wife Says

Eric Decker did NOT want to be a part of the Tennessee Titans’ national anthem demonstration on Sunday — the team made a decision “without him knowing” … so says his wife, Jessie James Decker. The Titans players issued a statement after they…


Eric Decker Hoodwinked Into National Anthem Demonstration, Wife Says

Eric Decker did NOT want to be a part of the Tennessee Titans’ national anthem demonstration on Sunday — the team made a decision “without him knowing” … so says his wife, Jessie James Decker. The Titans players issued a statement after they…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Brooklyn Decker and Andy Roddick: We"re Pregnant! Again!

We know that Brooklyn Decker had some trouble adjusting to motherhood with her first baby. Hey, that’s normal. Now, the actress and her husband, tennis legend Andy Roddick, have some exciting news.

Brooklyn is pregnant, and they’re expecting a daughter.

Hopefully both parents have learned from the experience that no one can adequately prepare for — having their first child — to prepare for baby number two!

You might remember that Brooklyn Decker gave birth in 2015.

Her son, Hank, is just shy of two years old.

That makes this a pretty reasonable time to have another kid.

Like, two years is a reasonable cooldown time, basically.

And a spacing of two years is pretty healthy for kids so that they can still grow up as peers.

Andy Roddick got to announce the pregnancy during his speech as he was inducted into the Tennis Hall of Fame.

E! got their hands on the speech and shared Andy’s excited words as he extended his thanks to his wife.

“Brook, I don’t know how you juggle it all. …”

So many husbands say that about their wives.

(Gender roles, much?)

But he’s making a happy announcement and getting inducted into the Hall of Fame, so we’ll let it slide … we guess.

“You hear a lot of guys find it very tough to walk away from professional sports, but you are the reason my personal transition into a quasi-everyday life has been gratifying and full.”

We all remember when Andy Roddick ended his tennis career.

(We remember more because he’s Brooklyn Decker’s husband than because of any interest in sportsball)

He was very emotional at the time, so we guess that he must genuinely enjoy all of that running around outdoors.

But then there’s the big announcement, in which Andy mentions their son.

“Hank will someday realize how lucky he is, and our daughter that’s coming will also realize she has the best mother on Earth.”

That last statement’s a little ambiguous.

Like, Hank is almost two.

That’s old enough to have an opinion about whether or not your mom is awesome.

But we guess that you can love and appreciate your mom without realizing how lucky you are, because you don’t know about the horrors of the world.

So, yeah, that sounds true.

But the big news, of course, is that they’re expecting again!

Brooklyn also shared that photo of herself on Instagram, if in a roundabout way instead of posting it to her own account.

But whatever, Brooklyn looks absolutely gorgeous while pregnant.

(As if that’s some surprise — she was a swimwear model well before she became a famous actress)

Announcing a pregnancy during a speech at an event at which you’re being honored is pretty cool.

Nice of Brooklyn to let him spill the news, since it’s mostly her business to share.

Still, though it’s no fair comparison, this was no match for Beyonce’s naked glory.

We like our pregnancy announcements to be as extra as possible.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Jessie James Decker Has a Little Bikini and A Lot of Light (PHOTO GALLERY)

Jessie James Decker needs the best lighting possible to show off her awesome body in a bikini — and while in Miami … she got it. Eric Decker’s smokin’ hot wife hit Miami beach Tuesday for a photo shoot, where 1 of the lighting guys had to use a…


Friday, April 29, 2016

Brooklyn Decker Misses Flight to Breast Pump, Is Not Happy About It

It’s not easy being a new mother.

And it’s especially not easy being a new, first-time mother.

You’re constantly tired. You’re often confused. And you’re a tad overwhelmed by the prospect of having to keep a tiny human being alive.

Just ask Brooklyn Decker, who gave birth to a son in October and who now has a new source of frustration to add to her list of parenthood complaints.

The model took to Twitter on Wednesday in order to vent about an incident that at an unnamed airport, where she was flying home after leaving little Hank for a night for the first time since he came into the world.

Even before any hiccups affected the trip, Decker wrote on social media that she felt like a “mess” for being away from her child.

“Moms: booze is my only solution,right?” she joked on Twitter.

But then she stopped laughing due to what happened next.

Writing that she was “#Spiraling” over confusion about whether to “pump in your seat on the flight” or in “the bathroom,” Decker explained to followers that there were a pair of mechanical delays.

As a result, passengers were told they could de-plane until the situation was resolved.

“I did,” she wrote. “Pumped in the bathroom. Returned 15 min later. Flight closed. Deeeeep breaths.”

For understandable reasons, however, those deep breaths only worked to a small extent.



Decker is not an avid Tweeter and doesn’t consider herself someone who complains or over-shares. But…

“I repeat-this is the FIRST TIME leaving my baby,” she added. “I don’t know why I’m sharing all of this. I’m just livid. And tweeting. Whilst drinking.”

And that booze may have played in a role in Decker next taking a broader view of the issues affecting mothers around the world.

“As women and as moms we try to do it all but it sure ain’t easy,” she wrote, adding:

“Crazy thing is I got off to pump thinking, ‘I don’t want to offend the guy next to me.’ But why? He probably sucked a boob too. #winemusings.”

They may be wine musings, but that doesn’t make them any less true.

Here’s to hoping Brooklyn did eventually make it home for some cozy cuddles with Hank.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Jessie James Decker: So ... This Is My Breast Pump

She gave birth to her second child, Eric Decker II in September 2015, and country singer Jessie James Decker wants women everywhere to know that “bouncing back” from pregnancy is hard for celebrities as well.

Last month, Decker spoke up about the controversy surrounding her Instagrams, in which the 27-year-old shows off a thin frame just a month after giving birth.

In fact, Decker has shared her baby weight loss journey with fans, offering up tips and updates on how much she’s lost.

Decker recently went on Fox News to address the controversy regarding her rapid weight loss, and admitted that she was wearing Spanx on air to hide allegedly wobbly bits.

“I wanted women to see what my body looked like under the flattering clothes,” she said.

“Your body takes a beating and I wanted women to see what I was really like.

Jessie James Decker Instagrams Her Breast Pump

“I didn’t want to make women feel bad,” Decker said in defense of her Instagrams.  “We’re all in this together.  It’s hard being a mom, and we need to support each other instead of bash[ing] each other.”

Another Instagram featured a makeup-free Decker with only a sports bra on,  showing off her c-section scar from having Eric Jr.

“I appreciate all of the sweet comments about how tiny I look after baby! But I don’t want to mislead any mommy’s who just had babies and are stressing!’ Decker wrote.

“My tummy is still swollen and you can see my c-section scar and pooch! I had another due to my 9lb baby and petite frame. So no rushing and no stressing about losing weight! Wanted to make sure y’all saw what my tummy looks like under the tank top and blazer…I do wear a belly waist train thingy a few hours here n there which helps c section mamas and swelling to go down.

“I am so glad we all can support each other. Being a mommy is so rewarding but hard work so we need to stick together and help each other out.

“I’m not perfect but I do my best. That’s what it’s all about. So never be hard on yourself.”

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Jessie James Decker: 13 Photos of Country"s Hottest Star!

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Friday, October 16, 2015

Jessie James Decker Shows Off Post-Baby Body, Aims to Inspire Other Mothers

Six weeks after welcoming a baby girl into the world, Jessie James Decker has taken to Instagram to show off her post-baby body.

But not for the reason you may think.

Unlike Kim Kardashian or other famous mothers who take pride in how quickly they lose weight after giving birth, the singer shared this photo to thank fans for their support… but also to inspire other moms around the world.

“I don’t want to mislead any mommy’s who just had babies and are stressing,” Decker wrote as part of a long caption, adding:

“I am still 15 pounds away from what I was originally before I got pregnant with Vivianne.

“I take occasional walks but haven’t done anything yet to try and lose weight and am in no rush!”

Earlier this month, Decker also shared a beautiful photo of her breastfeeding her child.

She wants to help normalize that important act, while also helping fellow mothers relax about their own figures in the aftermath of becoming a parent.

“Nursing mamas should def not try and do any severe diets or milk supply will run low,” she also wrote on Instagram.

“My tummy is still swollen and you can see my c-section scar and pooch! I had another due to my 9 lb. baby and petite frame.

“So no rushing and no stressing about losing weight!”

Just a few days ago, another famous mom made another strong statement, though for an unfortunate reason:

Hayden Panettiere entered a treatment program for postpartum depression.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Jessie James Decker Shares, Defends Stunning Breastfeeding Photo

Jessie James Decker is a singer, songwriter, designer and wife of an NFL star. Most importantly of all, she says, she’s a mother of two.

The 27-year-old has also been a vocal advocate for breastfeeding, and certainly displayed this in a stunning photo posted to Instagram Thursday:

In the selfie, the “Lights Down Low” singer cuddles up with her 5-week-old Eric Thomas as he nurses. She captioned the photo simply:

“Love being a mommy and feeding my sweet boy.”

Decker has often expressed her love for nursing, saying she was looking forward to the bonding time again with her second child.

Her daughter, Vivianne Rose, is 18 months old.

“I really loved breastfeeding the first time around,” she told American Baby. “It’s such a wonderful, intimate thing to share with your child.”

“I remember that full, happy look Vivianne would get when she was done,” she adds. “I also love all the cuddling during the baby stage.”

What she doesn’t love? The online backlash.

“Here’s a closer look to those accusing me of ‘posing’ for this,” she wrote. “Here’s a shot I took before but thought was maybe too visual.”

“Now I don’t care. Enjoy #normalizebreastfeeding”

Nothing posed or left to the imagination about that.

Defending moms who love to capture these picture-perfect moments of nursing, James Decker said she doesn’t understand the big deal.

Why are those selfies deemed unacceptable, she wonders, while “half-naked” girls like Kylie Jenner on social media are applauded.

“In photos of me nursing, there’s probably less cleavage than what I’ve shown on the red carpet,” the stunning “Lights Down Low” singer explained.

Moreover, it may look easy, but it’s anything but:

“Sharing breastfeeding photos online is a good example for other women who want to nurse. Nursing is hard. It doesn’t always come easy.”

“We need to support each other.”

Monday, October 5, 2015

Brooklyn Decker Gives Birth to First Baby!

A tree is no longer the only thing growing in Brooklyn.

So is a brand new family!

That’s because supermodel Brooklyn Decker has welcomed her first child into the world alongside husband Andy Roddick.

According to Us Weekly insider, the little boy was born in Austin, Texas last Wednesday.

Decker, who confirmed her pregnancy in early May, has been keeping Instagram followers closely apprised of her progress via a number snapshots of her baby bump.

She’s remained especially candid throughout these nine months, even revealing a close-up of her acne back in July.

“Pregnancy hormones are effin’ awesome. #acne #hairyface,” she wrote as a caption to that memorable image.

The beauty married her former tennis-playing husband in 2009, gushing over Roddick’s influence a few years later in an interview with Women’s Health.

“Being married to Andy has given me a new appreciation for my body,” Decker said at the time. “He’s taught me that it’s not how thin you are that matters. It’s how your body performs, how it endures wear and tears.”

We send our very best wishes to the newly-expanded family!!!!!!!