Friday, October 9, 2015

Jessie James Decker Shares, Defends Stunning Breastfeeding Photo

Jessie James Decker is a singer, songwriter, designer and wife of an NFL star. Most importantly of all, she says, she’s a mother of two.

The 27-year-old has also been a vocal advocate for breastfeeding, and certainly displayed this in a stunning photo posted to Instagram Thursday:

In the selfie, the “Lights Down Low” singer cuddles up with her 5-week-old Eric Thomas as he nurses. She captioned the photo simply:

“Love being a mommy and feeding my sweet boy.”

Decker has often expressed her love for nursing, saying she was looking forward to the bonding time again with her second child.

Her daughter, Vivianne Rose, is 18 months old.

“I really loved breastfeeding the first time around,” she told American Baby. “It’s such a wonderful, intimate thing to share with your child.”

“I remember that full, happy look Vivianne would get when she was done,” she adds. “I also love all the cuddling during the baby stage.”

What she doesn’t love? The online backlash.

“Here’s a closer look to those accusing me of ‘posing’ for this,” she wrote. “Here’s a shot I took before but thought was maybe too visual.”

“Now I don’t care. Enjoy #normalizebreastfeeding”

Nothing posed or left to the imagination about that.

Defending moms who love to capture these picture-perfect moments of nursing, James Decker said she doesn’t understand the big deal.

Why are those selfies deemed unacceptable, she wonders, while “half-naked” girls like Kylie Jenner on social media are applauded.

“In photos of me nursing, there’s probably less cleavage than what I’ve shown on the red carpet,” the stunning “Lights Down Low” singer explained.

Moreover, it may look easy, but it’s anything but:

“Sharing breastfeeding photos online is a good example for other women who want to nurse. Nursing is hard. It doesn’t always come easy.”

“We need to support each other.”