Friday, January 22, 2016

Jessie James Decker: So ... This Is My Breast Pump

She gave birth to her second child, Eric Decker II in September 2015, and country singer Jessie James Decker wants women everywhere to know that “bouncing back” from pregnancy is hard for celebrities as well.

Last month, Decker spoke up about the controversy surrounding her Instagrams, in which the 27-year-old shows off a thin frame just a month after giving birth.

In fact, Decker has shared her baby weight loss journey with fans, offering up tips and updates on how much she’s lost.

Decker recently went on Fox News to address the controversy regarding her rapid weight loss, and admitted that she was wearing Spanx on air to hide allegedly wobbly bits.

“I wanted women to see what my body looked like under the flattering clothes,” she said.

“Your body takes a beating and I wanted women to see what I was really like.

Jessie James Decker Instagrams Her Breast Pump

“I didn’t want to make women feel bad,” Decker said in defense of her Instagrams.  “We’re all in this together.  It’s hard being a mom, and we need to support each other instead of bash[ing] each other.”

Another Instagram featured a makeup-free Decker with only a sports bra on,  showing off her c-section scar from having Eric Jr.

“I appreciate all of the sweet comments about how tiny I look after baby! But I don’t want to mislead any mommy’s who just had babies and are stressing!’ Decker wrote.

“My tummy is still swollen and you can see my c-section scar and pooch! I had another due to my 9lb baby and petite frame. So no rushing and no stressing about losing weight! Wanted to make sure y’all saw what my tummy looks like under the tank top and blazer…I do wear a belly waist train thingy a few hours here n there which helps c section mamas and swelling to go down.

“I am so glad we all can support each other. Being a mommy is so rewarding but hard work so we need to stick together and help each other out.

“I’m not perfect but I do my best. That’s what it’s all about. So never be hard on yourself.”