Showing posts with label Sidewalk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sidewalk. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2018

Shonda Rhimes Sued Over Sidewalk Slip and Fall

Shonda Rhimes hasn’t had a misstep in her career, which is more than can be said about a world-renowned physician who tripped and fell in front of her house, and now the good doc is suing her. Dr. Kuo Chao claims in a new lawsuit, he was jogging…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Mavs ManiAACs Murder Sidewalk Dance Routine for All-Star Weekend

SLAY BITCHES … SLAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Prepare yourselves … ‘cause you are about to see the greatest all-male, big-belly-havin’ dance troupe in all of professional sports BREAK IT THE HELL DOWN — at the pick-up curb at LAX.  Meet the Mavs…


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Wale -- Sidewalk Freestyle ... for the Lovers (VIDEO)



Got one of those cool Hollywood moments with Wale … who decided to set a romantic mood for everyone pouring out of a nightclub by dropping an awesome freestyle. 

Wale was leaving Henry’s Monday night when he ripped off a few verses to the melody of Michael Jackson‘s “P.Y.T.” 

Throw in a sexy sidewalk saxophone, and a bunch of (likely) boozed up couples leaving the club — and, yeah … it’s just good fun. 

Check it out … makes you wanna party.