Showing posts with label Jacket. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jacket. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2019

R. Lee Ermey "Full Metal Jacket" Star Gets Military Funeral

R. Lee Ermey, the former Marine who rose to fame by playing the sadistic Gunnery Sgt. Hartman in “Full Metal Jacket,” was laid to rest Friday at Arlington National Cemetery. 
A former Marine drill instructor turned successful actor, Ermey, had his cremated remains buried with full ...
R. Lee Ermey "Full Metal Jacket" Star Gets Military Funeral

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Han Solo"s Original Jacket Expected to Fetch Up to $1.3 Mil in Epic Auction

Han Solo’s 4-pocket black blazer in the OG ‘Star Wars’ movies — as well as other real props from some of your fave flicks — can now be yours … for a boatload of cash. Prop Store — a well-known auction house — is about to host the UK’s largest…


Monday, June 25, 2018

George Lopez Selling "Keep the Kids, Deport the Racist" Jacket for Charity

George Lopez is taking Melania Trump’s disgustingly poor fashion choice, and turning it into cold hard cash, baby — and he’s planning to use it to show he really DOES care. George and D.L. Hughley stepped out this weekend in a couple of…


George Lopez Selling "Keep the Kids, Deport the Racist" Jacket for Charity

George Lopez is taking Melania Trump’s disgustingly poor fashion choice, and turning it into cold hard cash, baby — and he’s planning to use it to show he really DOES care. George and D.L. Hughley stepped out this weekend in a couple of…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Melania Trump Wears "I Really Don"t Care, Do U?" Jacket ... WTF?!?!

Are we living, not in the real world, but in a heavy-handed political cartoon? Because it’s looking that way.

Melania Trump went to visit one of the children internment facilities that her husband’s administration has been using to hold immigrant parents separately from their parents.

But some people feel that she really didn’t care. They think that because she wore a jacket stating, in massive letters, that she really didn’t care.

When Melania Trump landed in McAllen, Texas, she was not wearing this olive green bomber jacket.

She then went to visit one of the facilities along the U.S.-Mexico border where multiple immigrant children have been held by the Trump Administration’s child-separation policy.

When the First Lady then boarded her plane at Andrews Air Force Base, she was wearing this jacket.

On the back, in massive bold white lettering that no camera could possibly miss, was a clear message:

“I really don’t care. Do U?”

(Here’s a clearer look at the jacket’s words — it’s not an uncommon sight on Instagram models)

This is … positively surreal.

See, while an Instagram model might show off a sassy jacket for whatever reason, the context of the First Lady’s visit is not.

She was visiting an internment camp that holds children that her husband’s policy has separated from their parents as they are all detained.

While some of the detained unlawfully crossed the border (a federal misdemeanor, not unlike using the American flag in advertising) and others arrived to seek asylum, which is legal, the humanitarian issue was that children were being kept in cages.

Yes, cages. While ICE contacted news outlets to inform them that they objected to the characterization of the fenced-in enclosures that held innocent children as “cages,” even ICE admitted that it was not inaccurate.

While within the facility, Melania asked “How can I help to reunite these children with their families as quickly as possible?”

Only her husband, or Congress, can make that happen right now.

(Yes, she signed a homemade flag while she was there. Sure)

So … it is positively surreal that she would wear this jacket — which she notably donned while leaving, where cameras were sure to catch her, as she is always photographed while bording planes — after this visit.

The First Lady has been using her clothing choices to speak in photos for years, dating back to the pink bow following Trump’s “grab ‘em by the p–sy” controversy.

Is this a signal to the press and the world that she doesn’t care about the plight of thousands of innocent children who are frightened and caged?

Actually … we don’t think so.

Various analysts have spoken up.

Don’t get us wrong, everyone is bewildered. But many suspect that this wildly unsubtle message was not directed at the children or even at the news media.

It is believed that Melania intended this jacket — or perhaps the controversy that it created — as a message for her husband, Donald Trump.

There is nothing about this story that is not bizarre, but there is also nothing about the Trump family that is not strange and unsettling.

Is she trying to make Trump look (somehow) worse while maintaining plausible deniability over it?

We can only guess at her motives.

But Melania is known for being extremely deliberate with all of her fashion choices. It defies belief that this was an exception.

Particularly when that would mean that she just happened to grab this jacket to wear after spending time in Texas … on the Summer Solstice.

(We checked, and today it got into the eighties in McAllen, Texas … that is not jacket weather)

Stephanie Grisham, Melania’s spokesperson, was dismissive of questions.

“It’s a jacket,” she claimed, as if that should be the end of the conversation.

“There was no hidden message,” Grisham insists.

“After today’s important visit to Texas,” Grisham reportedly said. “I hope this isn’t what the media is going to choose to focus on.”

We’re not sure what about Melania’s photo-op to visit a building where her husband’s administration is warehousing children is supposed to be the focus of conversation.

But Melania threw whatever that was out the window when she told the world that she doesn’t really care about any of that.


Melania Trump Wears Tone-Deaf "I Really Don"t Care" Jacket During Border Trip

Melania Trump’s getting destroyed on social media for wearing what most would consider a tone-deaf jacket … considering she wore it on her way to visit child detention centers in Texas. As she boarded the plane Thursday in D.C., Melania was…


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Dikembe Mutombo Says He Definitely Plans To Wear Craig Sager Jacket

Dikembe Mutombo says he’s gonna show the world just how honored he is to receive the Craig Sager Strong Award … by actually wearing the crazy Craig Sager-inspired jacket given to the winner. It was just announced that Mutombo would be the…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

President Trump Wipes Off Dandruff From Emmanuel Macron"s Jacket

President Trump and Emmanuel Macron are so tight, they have no problem wiping the dirt off each other’s shoulder in front of cameras … or dandruff, for that matter.  Trump was hosting the French President and his wife, Brigitte, at the…


Monday, April 16, 2018

R. Lee Ermey Dies; Full Metal Jacket Star Was 74

R. Lee Ermey, a Golden Globe-nominated actor likely best known for his role as Gunnery Sgt. Hartman in Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket, passed away on Sunday morning from complications of pneumonia.

He was 74 years old.

The sad piece of news was confirmed via Ermey official twitter account by his longtime manager, Bill Rogin, who wrote the following:

“It is with deep sadness that I regret to inform you all that R. Lee Ermey (“The Gunny”) passed away this morning from complications of pneumonia.

“He will be greatly missed by all of us. Semper Fi, Gunny. Godspeed.”

Ermey was a Marine himself for 11 years, having retired from the service in 1971.

He was a staff sergeant who served in Vietnam and Okinawa, Japan and who was later awarded the honorary rank of gunnery sergeant.

Equipped with this real-life experience, Ermey often portrayed military and law-enforcement figures, including the voice of Sarge, the leader of the little green army men in the Toy Story movies; Sheriff Hoyt in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake (2003), and a police captain in Se7en (1995).

On Ermey’s Facebook page, meanwhile, Rogin added more thoughts about the star.

This is what he wrote:

He will be greatly missed by all of us.

It is a terrible loss that nobody was prepared for. He has meant so much to so many people. And, it is extremely difficult to truly quantify all of the great things this man has selflessly done for, and on behalf of, our many men and women in uniform.

He has also contributed many iconic and indelible characters on film that will live on forever. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman of Full Metal Jacket fame was a hard and principled man.

The real R. Lee Ermey was a family man, and a kind and gentle soul. He was generous to everyone around him.

And, he especially cared deeply for others in need.

There are many Gunny’s, but this one was OURS. And, we will honor his memory with hope and kindness. Please support your men and women in uniform.

That’s what he wanted most of all.

A bit more background:

Ermey studied criminology and drama at the University of Manila after his time in the military, starting his acting career as a Marine drill instructor in 1978’s The Boys in Company C.

Francis Ford Coppola then hired him for an uncredited role as a helicopter pilot in 1979’s Apocalypse Now.

On television,, Ermey had voice roles on The Simpsons (as Colonel Leslie Hapablap) and Family Guy.

Matthew Modine, his Full Metal Jacket co-star, actually quoted poet Dylan Thomas as he remembered Ermey on Twitter:

#SemperFidelis Always faithful. Always loyal. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And, in closing, even Donald Trump Jr. Tweeted a tribute upon learning of the actor’s death:

Well today we lost a legend and a great American. I am proud to have had R. Lee Ermey as a friend and shooting teammate.

If you thought he was motivating in Full Metal Jacket you should have seen him on the firing line when points mattered.

I’ll never forget those moments just not sure I can relay them fully here… just take my word for it LEGENDARY!!! (I wish I filmed his reaction to me bringing a pink gun to shoot in a match see pic 2.

He was having none of my “it takes a real man to shoot a pink gun” line. I made it just for that response and he did not disappoint.) They unfortunately don’t make many like him these days.

Thanks for your friendship sir.

May R. Lee Ermey rest in peace.


Full Metal Jacket Star R. Lee Ermey Dead at 74

R. Lee Ermey, the former Marine who played the sadistic Gunnery Sgt. Hartman in “Full Metal Jacket,” is dead. Ermey’s manager says the drill instructor turned actor died Sunday morning from complications from pneumonia. Ermey appeared in more than…


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Mel B Rocks Spice Girls Jacket with "Wannabe" Lyrics, in Public

Mel B’s so obsessed with being in the Spice Girls, you might say it’s scary … and if you didn’t say it, her wardrobe spells it out.  Mel was out in WeHo Tuesday wearing a pink coat emblazoned with her Spice name … Scary. There were a…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

L.A. Winds Make This Man Struggle Putting on His Jacket

Los Angeles felt a lot like Chicago Wednesday night … just ask this guy, who struggled like hell just to put on his jacket in the damn wind. We spotted this pap outside WeHo hot spot Madeo, where he just could NOT, for the life of him, seem to…


L.A. Winds Make This Man Struggle Putting on His Jacket

Los Angeles felt a lot like Chicago Wednesday night … just ask this guy, who struggled like hell just to put on his jacket in the damn wind. We spotted this pap outside WeHo hot spot Madeo, where he just could NOT, for the life of him, seem to…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Gwen Stefani Wears Bomber Jacket Gift from Fan During Dubai Concert

Gwen Stefani made a fashion designer’s dream come true … by modeling her clothing onstage while she sang her final song. Gwen was rocking a private show for the launch of the new Renaissance Hotel in downtown Dubai Monday night when Safiya…


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Rajon Rondo Rocks Short Sleeve Suit Jacket to Bulls Game (PHOTO)

Rajon Rondo rocked a short sleeve suit jacket to the Bulls game Friday night … and we gotta say — kinda swag!!!  Ronda is currently nursing an injured thumb and has a cast on his right hand that might prevent him from fitting his arm into a…


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Jason Derulo"s Got Your Jacket That Turns into a ... Backpack!!! (VIDEO)

Jason Derulo says he’s not gonna make you look stupid in a jacket that turns into a backpack … that’s how good his fashion game is. The singer was in the mood to talk up his new fashion line — LVL XIII — when he was out in NYC Wednesday…


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Candice Swanepoel Suffers a Nip Slip Swimming With Just a Leather Jacket On (PHOTO GALLERY)

Candice Swanepoel doesn’t seem to know — or care — what water does to leather … she swam with some of it on and nothing underneath. The Victoria’s Secret model was doing a photo shoot in Rio de Janerio for Vogue Brazil, which appears to be…


Friday, October 7, 2016

Wale Nightclub Fight -- Some "Fat Guy" Cost Us Our Food ... Says Chick in Neon Jacket (VIDEOS)

One of the girls who squared off with Wale on the Sunset Strip now says the whole mess wasn’t the rapper’s fault … instead, it was a random chunky dude who ended up costing her a late-night meal. Bana Bongolan is the GF of the blonde…


Monday, May 23, 2016

Blac Chyna: Throwing Shade at Kim Kardashian...With a Jacket?!

If you watched last night’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, you know that tensions are running high over Rob’s relationship with Blac Chyna.

In the real world, we’ve been inundated with ChyRo drama for months (and with Blac’s pregnancy in full swing and the couple planning a wedding, it’s unlikely to let up anytime soon).

But on KUWTK, the fun is just getting started, and Kim and company are already getting fed up.

Last night we finally got to see the fallout from Rob and Blac dissing Kris Jenner on social media.

We also learned that Kim straight hung up on Rob after he unexpectedly put Blac on the phone.

The anti-Chyna sentiment was strong throughout the episode, and naturally Blac felt the hate as she watched at home.

And that may be why she decided to send the Kard clan a message with a sassy denim ensemble.

It’s subtle, but that’s kinda Blac’s MO.

The future Mrs. Angela Kardashian likes to maintain a level plausible deniability when she’s throwing shade at her in-laws-to-be, and this is no exception.

So she’s wearing a jacket with the words “That’ll Teach ‘Em” emblazoned on the back.

It doesn’t necessarily mean she’s talking about the Kardashians, right?

Well, if it weren’t for the fact that she Snapchatted those photos on the very day that a Chyna-centric episode of KUWTK aired, we might be inclined to believe that the sentiment was directed at all her haters equally.

But the shade isn’t so specific that Blac can’t play dumb at Thanksgiving this year.

Say what you will about the girl, she knows what she’s doing.

Watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online to watch the entire family get overtaken by the Chyna syndrome.