Showing posts with label $13. Show all posts
Showing posts with label $13. Show all posts

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Howard Hughes" Palm Springs House Sells For $1.3 Million

Palm Springs has been a celebrity playground for decades … and it’s also where the former home of Howard Hughes, one of the world’s weirdest and wealthiest people, just changed hands. Hughes’ sleek mid-century home has sold for $ 1.3 million ……


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Han Solo"s Original Jacket Expected to Fetch Up to $1.3 Mil in Epic Auction

Han Solo’s 4-pocket black blazer in the OG ‘Star Wars’ movies — as well as other real props from some of your fave flicks — can now be yours … for a boatload of cash. Prop Store — a well-known auction house — is about to host the UK’s largest…


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Stevie J Lost His $1.3 Million Appeal; Is He Going to Jail?!

Stevie J is in major trouble, and we’re not even talking about his alleged assault on Erica Mena at the Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta reunion.

He has lost his appeal over $ 1.3 million in child support that he owes.

Is he going to end up behind bars?

We know that hip hop artists sometimes earn increased social credibility (“street cred”) from imprisonment, but heading to jail for being a deadbeat dad … probably doesn’t qualify.

Stevie J was “found guilty of knowingly withholding child support payments for his son and daughter over 18 years.”

That could cost him — seven figures, to be exact.

And Bossip reports that he has lost his latest appeal.

The appeal itself was an oddity, causing his first lawyer to quit working the case, citing that he had essentially no chance of winning and that it was a fool’s errand to try.

Stevie J persisted, believing that the ruling was “unfair,” even though he agreed to the payment in February of 2017.

Here’s where it gets weirder.

Stevie J opted to represent himself in his appeal.

If you genuinely cannot afford an attorney to handle your appeal, that’s fine. Otherwise, try to avoid representing yourself in court over anything more significant than a parking ticket.

And it turns out that the Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta star didn’t exactly miss his calling.

According to court documents, he “let deadline after deadline pass on the case without any action.”

Which is why the judge dismissed this appeal.

But will Stevie J go to jail after being found guilty of knowingly not paying child support to the tune of $ 1.3 million?

It doesn’t look like it.

Reports say that he avoided prison when he agreed to make the payments — though, at the time, the U.S. attorney was seeking to have him put behind bars for six months.

And perhaps this was why he gave up on his appeal.

If he was already going to pay up and if he wasn’t going to go to prison, why bother?

It would have been nice if he had elected to not waste the court’s time and notify them that he was withdrawing his appeal, though.

It is a strange and confusing case.

The moral, we suppose, is to just pay your child support. The guy’s net worth is estimated to be around $ 5 million. Don’t be a deadbeat.

On a more serious note, however, is what Stevie J allegedly did to Erica Mena at the reunion.

It began with a verbal altercation, which is the bread and butter of reality television and usually no big deal.

But things escalated when Stevie J’s criticisms of Erica turned into insults of her 11-year-old son.

Specifically, he used an anti-gay slur, calling the child a “f–got.”

Unacceptable under any circumstances, and not the first time that he has been accused of homophobia.

Some reports say that Erica responded by slapping Stevie J.

But it sounds like what happened next was much more serious — with Stevie J allegedly jumping on top of her and attacking her.

Reports say that Stevie J was pulled off of Erica by security and expelled from the building.

Many fans expect that he will be fired for this shocking display of alleged violence and homophobia.

Erica posted to Instagram but quickly deleted a video in which she referred to him as a “b–ch” who “likes to fight girls.”

It seemed that she was still feeling understandably heated from their alleged confrontation, but she may have been instructed to delete it or simply thought better of it.

Many fans hope that Erica pursues legal action against him, even if he is fired from the show.


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Kylie Jenner Says She No Longer Uses Snapchat, Company Loses $1.3 Billion in 24 Hours

Kylie Jenner’s recent hiatus from social media until she announced that she’d welcomed her baby girl had some wondering: Has she lost any social media clout during her absence?

The answer is no.

With one tweet, Kylie Jenner may have just delivered the killing blow to Snapchat. And it’s already cost them $ 1.3 billion.

Kylie Jenner spent months without pumping out new content on social media.

Part of that was because her body was busy constructing a tiny life form. That takes a lot of time and it also takes a lot out of you.

(We do think that precious baby Stormi Webster was worth it, and we imagine that Kylie agrees)

But mostly, she chose to spend her pregnancy in seclusion because she didn’t want to stress about social media — not about her output or over how others might reply to her.

That is totally her choice. She’s since apologized to fans for not sharing that part of her life with them, and made up for it by sharing a baby video of her pregnancy and the birth of her daughter.

Also, she’s back on social media.

So, did Kylie’s influence ebb while she was playing the role of a build-a-baby workshop?

It did not.

But it seems that her love of Snapchat, of which she was once more or less considered the reigning queen, sure has waned.

On Wednesday, the makeup mogul tweeted an innocuous question that’s been asked by countless others for the past few weeks.

We wonder if, at the time, she knew the devastating effect that it would wreak.

Kylie Jenner Snapchat tweet

“Sooo does anyone else not open Snapchat anymore? Or is it just me… ugh this is so sad.”

Not only has Instagram introduced its own Stories feature, complete with more options than Snapchat offers, but Snapchat’s most recent update has infuriated long-time users and caused them to put down the app.

Clearly, Kylie is among them.

She followed that by tweeting:

“Still love you tho snap … my first love.”

That profession of love, however, did not save the app’s stock.

On Thursday, the market value of Snapchat dropped by 7.2 percent.

That’s by 1.3 billion dollars.

Though there were other factors — such as a recent influx of strongly negative reviews from users after the app’s recent update.

Market analysts have Twitter too, folks. They could see Kylie’s tweet and they could see the sentiment mirrored in replies by her 24.5 million followers.

Outrage over an update is nothing new — countless apps and video games see backlash from furious users after “helpful” updates alter or destroy their ability to continue to use the things that they love.

But when the Queen of Snapchat herself doesn’t find the app usable anymore? That’s beyond a warning sign.

It’s no wonder that investors decided to jump ship.

No one could be happier at this news than Mark Zuckerberg.

It wasn’t all that long ago that the Facebook founder and billionaire offered to buy Snapchat for a cool $ 2 billion.

Snapchat declined. Internet denizens note that Instagram then came out with a Stories feature that many users find preferable to Snapchat’s, effectively making Snapchat (in some people’s opinions) redundant unless you’re just sending nudes.

That may still have played a role in Snapchat’s apparent downfall, but Zuckerberg surely couldn’t have predicted that Kylie would so mournfully tank Snapchat’s brand with a single tweet.

The question is: did Kylie have any idea that she might be effectively euthanizing Snapchat?

And did Snapchat realize how much their brand hinged upon one barely-20-year-old?


Kylie Jenner"s Tweet Might"ve Cost Snapchat $1.3 Billion

Kylie Jenner’s bitching about Snapchat might’ve inadvertently inflicted some pain … in Snapchat’s pockets. The reality star tweeted Wednesday, saying she doesn’t use the social media app at all or as much as she did before. And less…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

O.J. Simpson"s Old Crib Hits Miami Market For $1.3 Million

O.J. Simpson’s former crib in Miami is waiting for him if he wants it should he walk free in October … for the right price, of course. Oscar Ramirez from FB Agents Corp is the listing agent and tells us if the NFL Hall of Famer wants to buy it…


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Stevie J Pleads Guilty, Hit with $1.3 Million Child Support Bill

Stevie J’s failure to pay child support just smacked him in the face, and wallet — the judge is ordering him to pay $ 1,304,835.86 … and that’s getting off easy. Stevie was forced to fork over the dough to wipe the slate on back child support owed…
