Showing posts with label Posted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Posted. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Thousand Oaks Bar Shooter Ian Long Posted on Instagram During Killings

The shooter who terrorized college students at Borderline Bar & Grill was shockingly on social media as he shot a dozen people dead, and, based on what we now know, it sounds like they were revenge killings.  Law enforcement sources tell us…


Monday, August 27, 2018

Young Thug Posted Bail for All Crew Members Arrested on Weapons Charges

Young Thug posted bail for his crew when they were arrested for gun possession at a party last week … and we’re told he’s footing the bill for their legal fees too. Sources close to the rapper tell TMZ … he ponied up the bail money for all…


Monday, March 12, 2018

NYC Helicopter Passenger Posted Takeoff Video Minutes Before Crash

One of the passengers who died on that helicopter that crashed into NYC’s East River captured the aircraft’s takeoff and posted it moments before they went down. Trevor Cadigan (closest to camera) was recording video as the Eurocopter AS350 lifted…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

DJ Paul Says Newsweek Needs to Fire Whoever Posted MLK Casket Pic

DJ Paul is joining Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter in calling out Newsweek for posting a pic of MLK in his casket … but he wants more than a simple apology. We got the Memphis native at LAX, and asked him about Newsweek’s controversial…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Jinger Duggar: PROOF of Pregnancy Posted on Instagram?!

Jinger Duggar is trolling us, y’all.

She knows that fans of her famous family want nothing more than to hear a pregnancy announcement in time for the holidays, but like Kylie Jenner, Jinger is playing this one close to the vest.

And yes, that’s the one and only time you’ll see a comparison between Jinger Duggar and Kylie Jenner.

Rumors about Jinger being pregnant began circulating the same week she exchanged vows with husband Jeremy Vuolo.

Of course, pregnancy rumors always make the rounds immediately after any Duggar pregnancy.

And in the vast majority of cases, they turn out to be accurate.

But Jinger is a rebel, and her defiance of her parents’ belief system goes well beyond her decision to wear pants.

Jinger recently became the first Duggar woman of her generation to be married for an entire year without announcing pregnancy,

But it looks like fans might soon receive the news they’ve been clamoring for.

“Sugar and spice. Think about it,” Jeremy captioned the above photo.

Naturally, fans of the couple immediately seized the opportunity to jump to conclusions:

“Girls are made of sugar and spice. You’re having a baby girl,” wrote one eager follower.

“It’s a girl!” commented another, who really cut right to the chase.

Other fans were more skeptical, and they make some pretty good arguments to the effect that Jinger is not, in fact, expecting:

“If it was a little girl, she certainly doesn’t look big enough to know yet even though I hope so.”

“Sugar = lollipops, Spice = Jinger,” wrote another, who may have just blown this case wide open.

We’re beginning to think this “pregnancy” announcement was actually just an attempt at humor of Jeremy’s fault.

So we wouldn’t get your hopes up too high, Jinger boosters.

But it’s worth noting that Jeremy’s comment definitely qualifies as … a dad joke.

So make of that what you will.

We’ll certainly keep an eye on the situation for you, but for now, it looks like Jinger and Jeremy are content to remain a family of two.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: PROOF of Shotgun Wedding Posted on Instagram?!

By now, you’ve likely heard that Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

You may have also heard about the contoroversy surrounding Joy’s conception date.

According to her family, Joy got pregnant during her honeymoon, just days after she married Austin Forsyth,

But fans of the Duggars have come up with a timeline of their own.

It’s widely believed that Joy-Anna’s was a shotgun wedding, and that she and Austin actually conceived long before they said “I do.”

Obviously, this would create problems for her family, as the Duggars are almost as famous for their belief in premarital abstinence as for their love of procreation.

So Joy is sticking to her official story:

She continued to claim that she got pregnant in late May or early June, shortly after tying the know.

And fans continue to insist that photos like the one above are evidence that Joy is lying.

Joy and Austin posted the image to honor America’s service members on Veteran’s Day.

“We are so thankful for the men and women who have served to defend our freedom! Grateful we got to spend the day with my grandfather who is a Army veteran,” they captioned the pic.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. (Psalm 33:12)”

Not surprisingly, however, their Instagram followers were less concerned with the vet in the photo than with Joy-Anna’s bump.

In the past, doctors (who have not personally treated the mom-to-be) have analyzed her photos and come to the conclusion that it looks as though Joy-Anna got pregnant before marriage.

The consensus amongst professionals seems to be that Joy is about a month further along than she claims.

Of course, fans have been offering their own not-so-professional opinion for months, and it seems there are very few who buy into Joy’s version of events.

Some Duggar obsessives, however, are quick to point out that every pregnancy is different, and it’s impossible to tell from a photo when exactly Joy conceived:

“I’m 17 weeks along and look like I’m about 6 months along. People need to shut their mouths and realize that every person’s body handles pregnancy differently,” wrote one fan on the pic above.

“People need to leave it alone. Love you Joy and Austin congratulations,” commented another.

These folks are not wrong in their argument that it’s silly to try and pinpoint an exact date of conception based on a photo.

Frankly, we would draw such conclusions based on a few pics.

It’s all the other evidence that Joy and Austin broke her family’s courtship rules that has us convinced.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Proof That She"s FAKING Pregnancy Posted on Snapchat?!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child.

Or is that just what the lame-stream media wants you to believe?

Strap on your tinfoil hat, cue the X-Files theme music, and pop some of those herbal boner pills Alex Jones sells on his show, because it’s loony conspiracy theory time, folks!

Kylie has yet to confirm that she’s pregnant, but the consensus among fans has been that she’s simply waiting for the right time in order to ensure maximum publicity.

(She is Kris Jenner’s daughter, after all.)

But what if there’s a much simpler explanation?

What if Kylie hasn’t confirmed that she’s pregnant because she’s not actually pregnant?

We know. Your head is reeling, just like the first someone told you that Ted Cruz is both the Zodiac Killer and Lee Harvey Oswald, but hear us out.

First of all, we present you Exhibit A:

Kylie posted the above photo on Snapchat, with a caption that reads simply, “GIRLS TRIP!”

It seems innocent enough–until you realize that girls headed straight to the town of Fake Pregnancysburg in the state of Scandals-vania!

Please, look closely at the sundry snacks and assorted foodstuffs that Kylie and her compatriots are purchasing for their trip.

We’ll just be over here pausing menacingly with our hands clasped behind our backs like Law & Order prosecutors.

Notice anything unusual in the upper-right corner, near the Black and Mild flavored cigarillos?

That’s right–tampons, an item that’s generally not purchased by pregnant women!

Add that to the fact that Kylie wants us to believe she hasn’t gained an ounce in the past two months, and we think you’ll that there’s sufficient evidence that the young Ms. Jenner is not with child.

You might be saying to yourself, “But she clearly stated that she’s taking a trip with a group of her girlfriends. Maybe the tampons are for someone else.”

Or maybe you’re thinking, “Well, or course Kylie doesn’t want to admit to gaining any weight. She is a member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, after all.”

And maybe you have a point, skeptical hypothetical reader.

But we say this to you: 

What’s more fun to believe: that Kylie is actually pregnant and just keeping an uncharacteristically low profile, or that this whole thing is an elaborate charade that’s soon to blow up in Kris Jenner’s face and bring the entire Kardashian empire crumbling down?

We’re following the first rule of celebrity gossip here, folks:

Drama is always more important than facts.

We rest our case.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Selena Gomez"s Instagram Gets Hacked, Justin Bieber Nudes Posted

Selena Gomez’s Instagram account just got hacked … and whoever’s behind it immediately posted nude photos of her ex, Justin Bieber. A post from Selena’s official IG account went up Monday showing 3 paparazzi pics of Bieber flashing his penis…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Emma Watson, Amanda Seyfried Nude Photos Stolen, Posted on 4Chan

Back in 2014, the world looked on in stunned horror as intimate photos of dozens of young actresses and models were posted online without the women’s consent.

The massive data breach was eventually affixed with a flippant moniker – The Fappening – but there was nothing funny about the waking nightmare endured by Jennifer Lawrence, Kaley Cuoco, and Kate Upton, and numerous young stars.

The massive hack of Apple’s iCloud storage service first began to garner attention when nude photos of Lawrence appeared on the image-sharing site 4Chan.

A data dump that’s frighteningly reminiscent of that scandal is currently taking place on the same site, this time involving actresses Emma Watson and Amanda Seyfried.

According to Buzzfeed, stolen photos of both women began to appear on 4Chan message boards late Tuesday night.

The site describes the images as ranging from “tame selfies to explicitly sexual photos.”

In a since-deleted message, the hacker responsible for the the photos promised more explicit images will be posted in the days to come.

An outspoken advocate for feminist causes, Watson says she was threatened with a nude photo “leak” after giving a speech at the UN shortly after the 2014 data breach.

A rep for the actress has confirmed that the photos of Watson posted last night are legitimate:

“Photos from a clothes fitting Emma had with a stylist a couple of years ago have been stolen,” Watson’s spokesperson said in a statement released today.

“They are not nude photographs. Lawyers have been instructed and we are not commenting further.”

Seyfried and Jillian Murray – a Code Black actress who’s currently believed to be the only other victim of the hack – have not yet commented on the situation.

According to Buzzfeed the photos of Seyfried and Murray are “much more explicit” than the photos of Watson, reportedly showing the actresses fully nude and, in some cases, engaged in sexual activity.

Watson began speaking out against such appalling violations of privacy during the original “Fappening,” tweeting:

“Even worse than seeing women’s privacy violated on social media is reading the accompanying comments that show such a lack of empathy.”

The hacker responsible for the 2014 theft was eventually caught and arrested, and is currently awaiting trial.

There’s no word yet on what sort of action authorities are taking this time around.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Farrah Abraham Posted a Racist Christmas Photo Because Of Course She Did

Farrah Abraham is widely despised on social media, but it’s hard to feel bad for her, because she basically begs for it.

Like a disobedient toddler, Farrah just wants attention, and she doesn’t care if it’s positive or negative.

That said, for the first time ever, Farrah’s followers might be going too hard on her.

Either that, or she’s an abhorrent racist.

It says a lot about Farrah that both scenarios are pretty much equally likely.

Anyway, the latest controversy surrounding everyone’s least-favorite sex tape star involves the paranoia-inducing Christmas tradition, Elf on the Shelf.

If you’re not familiar with Elf, then your Facebook friends are less annoying than ours, and we envy you.

Basically, it’s a holiday “game” straight out of an Edward Snowden fever dream, in which parents hide an elf doll and tell their kids it’s a spy from Santa.

Anyway, as she does with most things, Farrah found a way to make Elf on the Shelf horrendous. 

Well, maybe.

Fans are accusing her of doing something truly dumb and awful, and we would say they’re jumping to conclusions, but Farrah is involved, which means the most jackass-y explanation is probably the most accurate.

Check out the evidence and decide for yourself:

Yes that’s two shelf elves with Snapchat filters, one of whom has his face completely covered.

Fans who apparently spent a lot of time analyzing this pic claim that the portion of the left elf that we can see indicates that he’s black.

Obviously, if that’s true, it means Farrah completely blocked out the black elf’s face, a move that may not have had racist motivations behind it, but that totally comes off as random act of bigotry.

Not surprisingly, there are some heated debates going on in the pic’s comments section, and many of the arguments revolve around the message that Farrah is sending to her daughter.

Of course, we’re talking about the mom who eagerly talked about her daughter’s future sex tape (the girl is 7 years old, by the way), so this is far from the first questionable message she’s gotten from her mother.

Really, the only worthwhile debate about Farrah’s parenting is “Should we call CPS, or send them an email?”


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Farrah Abraham: Nude Photo Posted By Simon Saran?!

There’s a good chance that you’ve already seen Farrah Abraham naked.

Farrah made a sex tape (not a porn, as she so frequently reminds us); she worked as a stripper; and she sells vibrating molds of her own orifices online.

Thanks to that last venture, it’s possible you have a little bit of Farrah nudity on your mantel at this very moment.

(We kid. Please don’t display Farrah’s b-hole or any other sex toys on your mantel. That’s just weird.)

Anyway, the point is Farrah likes to get naked – publicly and often.

But her latest exposure might have been entirely accidental.

Farrah’s on-again, off-again boyfriend recently posted the photo below on Snapchat:

As you can see it appears to be a semi-nude photo of the newly-blonde Farrah.

It’s unclear if Simon intended to post the pic, or if it wound up online eventually.

Either way, the Teen Mom star doesn’t seem to particularly mind.

She hasn’t gone so far as to share the pic herself (she wouldn’t want to look desperate!), but Farrah also has yet to complain about the pic or ask anyone to take it down.

We think it’s safe to say that even if the pic was posted accidentally (a very big “if”), Farrah is enjoying the free publicity that it’s bringing her way.

Tellingly, this isn’t even the first time that Saran has posted racy pics of Farrah.

Just days before the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards, Saran posted a very similar semi-nude photo of Farrah.

One would think that after making such a “mistake” once before, Saran would be more careful with regard to his snaps.

It’s yet another reason that many believe Farrah is responsible for the posting of the pic.

Of course, the number one reason that that’s the leading theory at the moment is the fact that this is Farrah Abraham we’re talking about.

The girl is second only to Kim Kardashian in her ability to manipulate the media.

There are no accidents in Farrah’s world, especially when it comes to nudity.


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Nicki Minaj Nip Slip: Accidentally Posted to Instagram?!

We all know that Nicki Minaj nip slips are a fairly common sight on social media, so perhaps it’s not surprising that her millions of Instagram followers examine every pic she posts with a magnifying glass.

But this time we’re thinking they may have been fooled by an optical illusion. 

Like we said, this wouldn’t be the rapper’s first nip slip.

In fact, it wouldn’t be the first time that Nicki posted a nip slip to Instagram by “accident.”

But after spending more time examining this photo than we care to admit, we’re confident that this pic features at best the a mere outline of areola.

There’s a roundish shadow where a nipple might be, but we can’t help but think there’s some serious wishful thinking at work here.

Knowing how strict the Instagram no-nipple policy is, the fact that the pic is still online several days after it was originally posted is pretty good indication that it doesn’t meet the qualifications for a nip slip.

But hey, if you’re worried that Nicki has lost her risque edge, fear not.

She also posted these:

Yeah, if you can ignore the random box of donuts behind her in the one pic, it’s pretty sexy stuff.

Nicki originally tagged her fiance Meek Mill and wrote something about how the pics are “just for him.”

Plenty of fans pointed out how dumb that was because she posted them on IG instead of just sending them to Meek.

So Nicki deleted the caption but kept the pics – which we’re taking as an admission that they’re just a plea for attention.

Never change, Nicki.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

JoJo Fletcher: Bachelorette Behind-the-Scenes Photos Posted on Twitter!

For the first time ever, we"re being treated to a behind-the-scenes look at the next season of The Bachelorette – and its gorgeous star JoJo Fletcher.

All courtesy of the executive producer himself.

Mike Fleiss has been lighting up Twitter hyping up the new season, and clearly it"s working. For us. Will the process work for Fletcher?

“JoJo just told me that her biggest fear is being rejected again and ending up alone. But most of the guys seem to be falling for her."

Not surprising, given who we"re talking about.

Filming is still underway, with eight guys left, so if you"re seeking The Bachelorette spoilers to tell you who wins … slow your roll.

We can tell you that Aaron Rodgers" brother, Jordan Rodgers, will be one of the dudes vying for JoJo"s heart. Juan Pablo? Not so much.

For her part, JoJo tells Mike that she “sees marriage material in 6 or 7 of the guys," so it looks like Mike & Co. did a great casting job.

No wonder Lauren Bushnell wants to trade lives.

We kid – mostly – although there have been tabloid reports suggesting exactly that since Ben Higgins rejected JoJo in favor of Lauren.

In any case, what"s done is done, and his loss is our gain. Check out these behind the scenes shots and more JoJo Fletcher photos!

1. JoJo Fletcher: Lady in Red

Jojo fletcher lady in red

JoJo Fletcher looking ravishing in red. The signature color for The Bachelorette, one might say, and perfect for the woman of the hour doling out the roses.

2. Jo Jo Fletcher: Life’s a Beach

Jo jo fletcher lifes a beach

Life is just beachin’ when you’re The Bachelorette. Or you look like this. If both are the case … you pretty much have it made in the shade. Or sunlight as the case may be.

3. JoJo Fletcher: No Baggage Here!

Jojo fletcher no baggage here

Suitcases in the literal sense of baggage, check. Unwanted advances from exes or other lasting emotional hangups from previous relationships? She’s (mostly) free and clear of that as far as we know.

4. JoJo Fletcher: Breathtaking Beauty

Jojo fletcher breathtaking beauty

The Bachelorette star JoJo Fletcher stares into the distance in a breathtaking photo posted by none other than executive producer Mike Fleiss. Dude knows how to hype his own show. Another dozen pictures like this and ratings will shoot through the roof.

5. JoJo Fletcher: The Girl Next Door

Jojo fletcher the girl next door

There’s something about her. Whatever “it” is, she’s got it. She’s got a certain girl next door charm, JoJo Fletcher does. Those 25 guys are going to be fighting tooth and nail.

6. JoJo Fletcher: Chairwoman of the Board

Jojo fletcher chairwoman of the board

The Bachelorette will see you now. JoJo Fletcher may have had her heart broken by Ben Higgins, but she’s in the boss’ chair now. So to speak.

View Slideshow

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Nip Slip Posted to Instagram?!

Kylie Jenner has been slowly transforming into Kim Kardashian for years, but now she’s really stepping into her big sister’s shoes with her latest Instagram post:

At least we think she is. Word on the street (and by “the street,” we mean the Internet, because we never leave the house) is that Kylie posted the above pic to Instagram earlier today before quickly deleting it.

Legend has it you can see a hint of nipple on the right side, which is okay now because Kylie is 18, right, Tyga?

Anyway, the pic is no longer on Kylie’s Instagram, or her Twitter, or the Instagram page devoted to her Snapchats.

We even checked Facebook, even though we’re pretty sure teens stopped posting racy pics on there around the time everyone’s grandma joined.

So unless Kylie has been keeping a secret MySpace page from, this pic just doesn’t exist on social media anymore.

But really, if you’re looking for racy Kylie Jenner selfies, there’s no shortage of them out there.

Getting your squint on with this one to see if you can make a nipple appear like it’s some sort of Magic Eye puzzle is like sitting around and waiting for your cat to do something funny.

It’s called Google, fam. That sh-t is everywhere online.

Or you can just look right here:

Kylie Jenner: Nip Slip Posted to Instagram?!

Kylie Jenner has been slowly transforming into Kim Kardashian for years, but now she’s really stepping into her big sister’s shoes with her latest Instagram post:

At least we think she is. Word on the street (and by “the street,” we mean the Internet, because we never leave the house) is that Kylie posted the above pic to Instagram earlier today before quickly deleting it.

Legend has it you can see a hint of nipple on the right side, which is okay now because Kylie is 18, right, Tyga?

Anyway, the pic is no longer on Kylie’s Instagram, or her Twitter, or the Instagram page devoted to her Snapchats.

We even checked Facebook, even though we’re pretty sure teens stopped posting racy pics on there around the time everyone’s grandma joined.

So unless Kylie has been keeping a secret MySpace page from, this pic just doesn’t exist on social media anymore.

But really, if you’re looking for racy Kylie Jenner selfies, there’s no shortage of them out there.

Getting your squint on with this one to see if you can make a nipple appear like it’s some sort of Magic Eye puzzle is like sitting around and waiting for your cat to do something funny.

It’s called Google, fam. That sh-t is everywhere online.

Or you can just look right here:

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Adam Lind: Nude Selfie Posted on Instagram! AGAIN!

It was less than a month ago that graphic photos of Adam Lind pleasuring girlfriend Jessica Nicole emerged on Instagram and created some serious PR and legal headaches for the Teen Mom villain.

Now, it looks as though he’s either forgotten about that controversy, or he really enjoyed the publicity, because Lind has posted another round of racy photos:

Based on his lengthy caption, we’re guessing the 26-year-old aspiring bodybuilder missed the attention:

“Can’t wait for these comments,” Lind wrote under the above Instagram pics.

“I give it till noon or shortly after TMZ/radar has a blasting story on how proud they are of me and my success ..mind you there is no nudity.

“Yes I was naked when looking at my body kinda a big deal to me since it’s my lifestyle and could land me future sponsors or sign on with under armour or Nike etc.

“Then I’ll be making big bucks doing what I love and getting free stuff !! ughh I really hope Dr drew and Randy approve of this.  #bodybuilding #powerlifting #gym #cockblocked #bigchange #underarmour #musclepharm #liftheavy #fuckem #doyou #behappy”

Yes, the man wrote a freakin’ novel about a couple naked selfies, but as he said, this is his lifestyle (we assume he meant “livelihood”), and he has big dreams of making big bucks with an endorsement deal from Nike [insert laughing til we cry Emojis here].

After his previous round of explicit pics went public, Lind was dumped by girlfriend Stasia Hubert, but they got back together shortly thereafter. 

So either she decided she doesn’t mind if he gets naked all over social media, or he decided he’s not gonna let her embarrassment get in the way of his “career.”

Either way, we’re sure Chelsea Houska (the long-suffering source of Lind’s fame) is doing some serious eye-rolling right now.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of the insane amount of crap Lind has put Chelsea through.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Adam Lind: Graphic Sex Photo Posted on Instagram!

Notorious Teen Mom D-bag Adam Lind has been having a rough time on social media lately.

Last week, Lind went on a racist rant on Instagram and ended up being called out as an a-hole by fans. So in a way, his latest scandal involves what you might describe as an act of self-love.

That’s Adam with Jessica Nicole, whom he dated briefly in 2014, before dumping her for Brooke Beaton.

Obviously, a good deal of time has passed, but Jess must still feel a little salty about the way things ended, because she recently perpetrated an act of revenge straight out of Human Centipede. Amber Rose would be proud.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, we’re saying that Jessica revealed to the world that Adam likes to – as the kids say – eat the booty like groceries.

You can see the explicit photo that Jessica posted and quickly deleted over at Radar Online.

Remarkably, the pic was reportedly not meant as an “eff you” to Adam, but was instead simply an ill-advised joke:

“Jessica jokingly sent Adam the photo and teased him about posting it,” the source explains. “As a joke, he told her to do it, not thinking she would. But then she did!”

Equally shocking is the fact that Adam had to tell Jessica that that’s not the sort of thing she should post online:

“He thought it would make him look bad,” the insider says. “He has worked hard at stabilizing his life.”

If this were any other D-lister we might be surprised, but we expect this sort of thing from Chelsea Houska’s ex. 

After all, you are what you eat.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to be reminded of just what an ass Adam can be.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Kate Hudson: Posted Ass Pic for Nick Jonas??

Ah, celebrities: They’re just like you and me. It seems they, too, post racy photos to social media to make their exes jealous.

At least that’s what Kate Hudson did, according to Us Weekly.

A source tells the magazine that back in November, Kate had her stylist Sophie Lopez post a photo of the actress lying bare ass up in a bubble bath.

The reason? To get the attention of Kate’s former boy toy Nick Jonas.

Sophie posted the pic to her own Instagram, and although Kate’s face can’t be seen, she basically confirmed it was her by commenting, “Omg! You’re so fired! #fabletics”

May as well get a plug in for your workout wear line.

According to the source, the photo was uploaded after the couple’s alleged fling had cooled down.

Have a look:

It may sound a little far-fetched, but if it’s true, we can’t decide if it’s masterful or totally transparent.

We can only guess what kind of convo might’ve gone down between Kate and her stylist…

Okay, so, I want Nick to see what he’s missing. Because, I mean, look at my ass, duh.

So here’s the plan: I’m gonna take a bath in some excellent lighting. You’re gonna be there with a camera. I’ll be face down to highlight my perfect buns, so make sure the bubbles are strategically placed.

Then, YOU’RE gonna post the pic but not actually tag me, because, I mean that would be too obvious. I’m gonna pretend to be mad and leave a comment. Then Nick will see it and totally miss the shit out of me! 

Sounds perfectly logical.

And her master plan just may have worked, because the two were spotted together on a ski trip to Mammoth earlier this month. 

Well played, Kate.