Showing posts with label That's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label That's. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Mountain Of Bev Hills $400 Million Offer Rejected By Owners That"s Chump Change, Bro

There’s a real estate battle brewing for the most expensive property in the history of Los Angeles, fittingly dubbed “The Mountain,” because we’ve learned the owners of the incredible mountaintop property just laughed off a developer’s $ 400 MILLION...
The Mountain Of Bev Hills $400 Million Offer Rejected By Owners That"s Chump Change, Bro

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Notre Dame vs. Clemson Tigers Bald Eagle Lands on ND Fan in Stands ... That"s Gotta Hurt

A Notre Dame fan became a human perch at the Cotton Bowl Classic after a bald eagle swooped down and landed on his shoulder. 
The incredible (and probably incredibly painful) moment went down Saturday ahead of the Fighting Irish’s game against the Clemson Tigers at AT&T Stadium in ...
Notre Dame vs. Clemson Tigers Bald Eagle Lands on ND Fan in Stands ... That"s Gotta Hurt

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Halle Berry Training with Cyborg ... My Body Ain"t All That"s Killer!

Breaking News

Halle Berry just stepped into the gym with the most dangerous woman alive — UFC star Cris Cyborg!
The two hooked up at Cyborg’s gym in Huntington Beach, CA on Thursday for a training session — and anyone who’s ever worked out with Cris before knows she...
Halle Berry Training with Cyborg ... My Body Ain"t All That"s Killer!

Halle Berry Training with Cyborg ... My Body Ain"t All That"s Killer!

Breaking News

Halle Berry just stepped into the gym with the most dangerous woman alive — UFC star Cris Cyborg!
The two hooked up at Cyborg’s gym in Huntington Beach, CA on Thursday for a training session — and anyone who’s ever worked out with Cris before knows she...
Halle Berry Training with Cyborg ... My Body Ain"t All That"s Killer!

Halle Berry Training with Cyborg ... My Body Ain"t All That"s Killer!

Breaking News

Halle Berry just stepped into the gym with the most dangerous woman alive — UFC star Cris Cyborg!
The two hooked up at Cyborg’s gym in Huntington Beach, CA on Thursday for a training session — and anyone who’s ever worked out with Cris before knows she...
Halle Berry Training with Cyborg ... My Body Ain"t All That"s Killer!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Jenelle Evans Trashes The Hollywood Gossip (Hey, That"s Us!)

Jenelle Evans is not very happy with The Hollywood Gossip at the moment.

Yes, this The Hollywood Gossip.

The website you"re reading right now.

In a barrage of Tweets on October 5, the Teen Mom veteran took extreme issue with a story we ran earlier in the week in which we alleged that her son, Kaiser, was in the hospital following a medical procedure.

You can read that story HERE.

We had no ill intentions by writing the article. We were simply passing along information as we had received it and we wished her child nothing but the best in the process.

But scroll down to see what Jenelle had to say in response, along with why she dragged Briana DeJesus into her critique…

1. Kasier Has Our Full Support

Jenelle evans an kaiser in the hospital

This is what we wrote on Friday afternoon: “Jenelle Evans takes a lot of flak from Teen Mom 2 fans, but today, she’s receiving nothing but much-needed emotional support. Jenelle’s youngest son, Kaiser, has been hospitalized, and this week, she updated her Instagram followers on the scary situation. The bad news is, Kaiser is still hospitalized after undergoing multiple procedures.”



As you can see, Evans took exception to this article on our site. Pretty major exception.

3. This is What She Wrote:

This is what she wrote

“My son is NOT hospitalized. He’s HOME. ANYTHING for money these days, even if it’s about innocent children,” Evans penned as the Tweet to her photos. (For the record, we want to reiterate, that we simply passed along information about someone in the news; and her son, who is often mentioned and discussed on Teen Mom 2. There was no judgment or accusations attached to our post. We literally just shared photos Evans herself posted of Kaiser in the hospital on Instagram.)

4. Kaiser is Home

Kaiser is home

Kaiser is now home, Jenelle wrote on Twitter. To which we say: Hooray! We hope he is making a full recovery.

5. Eff You, Briana!

Eff you briana

How did DeJesus get involved in this? She shared a link to our story on her Twitter page and she wrote: “Kaiser HOSPITALIZED following ABUSE allegations.” Jenelle responded to that Tweet with the photo above.

6. Whoa There!

Nathan and kaiser being tough

We did not say or even hint that Kaiser was in the hospital due to any form of abuse. We wished him well and wrote very clearly that he had to undergo some unfortunate procedures.

View Slideshow

Friday, October 5, 2018

David Ortiz, "Johnny Damon Picks Yanks Over Sox? That"s Some Bulls**t!"

David Ortiz is just as surprised as the rest of us by his old teammate, Johnny Damon — telling TMZ Sports he’s SHOCKED that Damon would root for the Yankees to beat the Red Sox in the ALDS.  “Johnny Damon?! That’s some bullsh*t, isn’t…


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Ian Ziering Protests School Bully That"s Threatened to Kill Other Students

Ian Ziering says there’s a student with a history of violence at his daughters’ school, and it’s gotten so bad, he’s scared it could escalate to a massacre if the school district keeps protecting the boy. Ziering was joined by several parents…


Thursday, September 20, 2018

LeBron James on Trump Insults, "That"s Like Somebody Saying I Can"t Play Ball"

LeBron James is lashing back at Donald Trump — saying he didn’t give a crap when POTUS called him dumb because, “I’m not.” “That’s like somebody saying I can’t play ball,” LeBron told The Hollywood Reporter.  “That doesn’t bother me at all.…


Monday, August 27, 2018

UFC"s Junior Dos Santos Says That"s Not Him In Violent Nightclub Rampage!

UFC star Junior Dos Santos — a former heavyweight champ — claims he’s been FALSELY identified as the violent maniac who knocked out several people in a nightclub rampage … and he’s pissed.  The video is insane — showing a muscular dude…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jimmy Butler"s Cool with Dwyane Wade, "That"s My Bro"

Jimmy Butler had himself one helluva Monday — squashing beef with Dwyane Wade and going on a lunch date with a smokin’ hot Instagram model … and TMZ Sports has the video.  First, D-Wade … Everyone saw Dwyane clap back at Jimmy last week…


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Kim Kardashian West in a Bikini Bouncing on a Trampoline ... That"s All, Really

Kim Kardashian West did a shameless promo … for gravity and, if you weren’t before … you’re about to be a big fan of it. Look, we’re not trying to score a Pulitzer here. It’s Kim. It’s a white bikini — a small bikini — a trampoline, and…


Monday, July 30, 2018

Lindsay Lohan Reality Show is a Thing That"s Happening

Pack your bags, television viewers.

We"re about to head to Greece…

… with Lindsay Lohan!

MTV has announced that it is partnering with the former singer/actress/total and complete trainwreck on an upcoming reality show tentatively titled "Lohan Beach Club."

The series began shooting this week in Mykonos, where Lohan has settled in and reportedly made a very calm and drama-free life for herself.

Lohan said as much in a recent interview that aimed to paint her as just a nice and normal girl next door.

"My past has to stay in the past," Lohan told The New York Times this summer, emphasizing that she"s a "good person" and people need to "let go" of the mistakes she made during her dark period.

These mistakes, of course, included multiple arrests for drunk driving, numerous public meltdowns and that one really weird poem to ISIS.

That was then, however.


The new series, which will debut in early 2019, will chronicle Lohan as "she works to expand her business empire with the launch of Lohan Beach House," per a MTV press release.

It continues:

The exclusive seaside destination will serve as a backdrop for the series, and features luxury spa amenities, a renowned restaurant and a transformative day and nightclub poised to redefine the Mykonos experience.

The debut of Lohan Beach House marks the star’s third business venture in the Greek Islands, following the opening of Lohan Nightclub in Athens, Greece and Lohan Beach House Rhodes in Rhodes, Greece.

“Lohan Beach Club offers viewers VIP access to one of the most exclusive destinations in the world, and a behind the scenes look at how a young, successful entrepreneur runs her empire,” said Nina Diaz, President, Programming and Development for MTV, adding:

“We are thrilled to have such a passionate and creative partner in Lindsay to help explore this intriguing culture, all through the eyes of her brand.”

Over the course of the show, Lindsay will lead a team of handpicked brand ambassadors to make her mark on what many folks consider to be the vacation capital of the planet.

These team members will be asked to prove their expertise, ambition and charm while helping bring Lohan’s vision to life.

Sounds… intriguing? We guess.

MTV, of course, has found incredible succes in dredging up the past of late, as Jersey Shore: Family Vacation earned huge ratings in the spring of 2018, while Kristin Cavallari is even back with her very own program.

So why not Lohan, right?

See what Lindsay herself has to say about the project in the video featured here.

Will you tune in for it?

Lindsay lohan reality show is a thing thats actually happening

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Farrah Abraham: I"m Not Going to Jail! That"s Fake News!

Last month, Farrah Abraham was arrested after allegedly attacking a male staff member at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Earlier this week, Farrah was formally charged with assault, and prosecutors decided to tack on resisting arrest for good measure.

(That’ll happen when video of you telling the police to go f-ck themselves makes its way across social media.)

Naturally, Farrah handled the situation by admitting blame, asking forgiveness of the victim, and entering therapy in order to ensure that nothing like this ever happens.

Just kidding, she’s actually been blaming everyone else for her arrest and lying about the altercation every chance she gets.

Yes, despite considerable evidence to the contrary (Did we mention that video with the cops and the F-bombs?), Farrah says she was not arrested.

Most recently, she made that delusional claim on the Instagram page of Paparazzi Magazine after the outlet tagged her in a post about the arrest.

“Don’t tag me on lies all this is false,” Farrah commented.

 “False info,” she added.

Yes, apparently, “false info” is Farrah’s version of “fake news.”

Sadly, she won’t be old enough to run for president in 2020, but the way her career is going, you can expect her to be elected to the White House in 2028.

Anyway, to the surprise of absolutely no one, Farrah is completely full of it.

She was arrested; she has been charged with multiple misdemeanors; and she is facing 18 months in prison.

The folks over at Hollywood Life even went so far as to obtain court documents pertaining to Farrah’s arrest.

Armed with that evidence, HL reached out to Farrah for comment.

The surprising part is, she actually responded.

The not-so-surprising part is, she’s still trying to BS everyone.

“This case is all false. It’s all lies. It’s all false information,” Farrah responded.

“The court date has been set for August 13th, but there has been no judge assigned. I’ve told everybody this is all false.”

Man, she really loves that “false info” catchphrase.

You’ve gotta love how Farrah thinks she can just make people’s heads spin with legal mumbo-jumbo, and everyone will be like, “Well, she must be telling the truth!”

A word of legal advice, Farrah — don’t try that on the judge.


Monday, May 21, 2018

Johnny Manziel Gets Support From NFL Rookie Stars "That"s My Big bro"

Couple of high-profile NFL rookies throwing their support behind Johnny Manziel — with Derrius Guice and Bradley Chubb saying he’s a good dude who deserves another shot in the league. In fact, Guice — 2nd round pick for the Redskins — says he’s…


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Condom Challenge is Something That"s Actually Happening

We have good news, readers:

Teens across the country are using condoms more than ever before.

But we also have some bad news:

These teens are not necessarily using the condoms for safe sex.

Instead of wrapping the condom around their penis or their partner"s penis, these people are sucking the prophylactics through their noses and then taking them out of their mouths.

No, really.

We"re not kidding:

Just like past idiotic trends such as the Tide Pods challenge, something called the "Condom Snorting Challenge" is sadly sweeping the nation.

Videos of teens doing taking this ridiculous action have been on the Internet for years, but there"s been a new proliferation in recent days.

Needless to say, although we will anyway, condoms can be a choking hazard; they can also cause appendicitis if swallowed.

Moreover, they can cause an allergic reaction… and it’s even possible that nasal passages and/or sinuses could get infected because nothing but air is supposed to pass through them.

They really are not meant to be a corridor for condoms is the point here.

Does this look remotely enjoyable?

Or comfortable? 

Or worth doing just so you can gain a few new followers on social media?

We guess the answers have to be yes, for some people out there at least.

For others, it"s simply enjoyable to sit back and make fun of these individuals.

To wit:


Check out the video below for more on this condom challenge and to try and understand why it"s actually happening:

Condom challenge is something thats actually happening in americ

Friday, March 2, 2018

UFC"s Daniel Cormier: Jon Jones Deserves Steroids Ban, "That"s His Reality Now"

Daniel Cormier ain’t about to throw a pity party for Jon Jones … saying his rival got what’s coming to him with his steroids suspension. “He put himself in all these situations — these were not forced on you. That’s his reality…
