Sunday, October 7, 2018

Jenelle Evans Trashes The Hollywood Gossip (Hey, That"s Us!)

Jenelle Evans is not very happy with The Hollywood Gossip at the moment.

Yes, this The Hollywood Gossip.

The website you"re reading right now.

In a barrage of Tweets on October 5, the Teen Mom veteran took extreme issue with a story we ran earlier in the week in which we alleged that her son, Kaiser, was in the hospital following a medical procedure.

You can read that story HERE.

We had no ill intentions by writing the article. We were simply passing along information as we had received it and we wished her child nothing but the best in the process.

But scroll down to see what Jenelle had to say in response, along with why she dragged Briana DeJesus into her critique…

1. Kasier Has Our Full Support

Jenelle evans an kaiser in the hospital

This is what we wrote on Friday afternoon: “Jenelle Evans takes a lot of flak from Teen Mom 2 fans, but today, she’s receiving nothing but much-needed emotional support. Jenelle’s youngest son, Kaiser, has been hospitalized, and this week, she updated her Instagram followers on the scary situation. The bad news is, Kaiser is still hospitalized after undergoing multiple procedures.”



As you can see, Evans took exception to this article on our site. Pretty major exception.

3. This is What She Wrote:

This is what she wrote

“My son is NOT hospitalized. He’s HOME. ANYTHING for money these days, even if it’s about innocent children,” Evans penned as the Tweet to her photos. (For the record, we want to reiterate, that we simply passed along information about someone in the news; and her son, who is often mentioned and discussed on Teen Mom 2. There was no judgment or accusations attached to our post. We literally just shared photos Evans herself posted of Kaiser in the hospital on Instagram.)

4. Kaiser is Home

Kaiser is home

Kaiser is now home, Jenelle wrote on Twitter. To which we say: Hooray! We hope he is making a full recovery.

5. Eff You, Briana!

Eff you briana

How did DeJesus get involved in this? She shared a link to our story on her Twitter page and she wrote: “Kaiser HOSPITALIZED following ABUSE allegations.” Jenelle responded to that Tweet with the photo above.

6. Whoa There!

Nathan and kaiser being tough

We did not say or even hint that Kaiser was in the hospital due to any form of abuse. We wished him well and wrote very clearly that he had to undergo some unfortunate procedures.

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