Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Condom Challenge is Something That"s Actually Happening

We have good news, readers:

Teens across the country are using condoms more than ever before.

But we also have some bad news:

These teens are not necessarily using the condoms for safe sex.

Instead of wrapping the condom around their penis or their partner"s penis, these people are sucking the prophylactics through their noses and then taking them out of their mouths.

No, really.

We"re not kidding:

Just like past idiotic trends such as the Tide Pods challenge, something called the "Condom Snorting Challenge" is sadly sweeping the nation.

Videos of teens doing taking this ridiculous action have been on the Internet for years, but there"s been a new proliferation in recent days.

Needless to say, although we will anyway, condoms can be a choking hazard; they can also cause appendicitis if swallowed.

Moreover, they can cause an allergic reaction… and it’s even possible that nasal passages and/or sinuses could get infected because nothing but air is supposed to pass through them.

They really are not meant to be a corridor for condoms is the point here.

Does this look remotely enjoyable?

Or comfortable? 

Or worth doing just so you can gain a few new followers on social media?

We guess the answers have to be yes, for some people out there at least.

For others, it"s simply enjoyable to sit back and make fun of these individuals.

To wit:


Check out the video below for more on this condom challenge and to try and understand why it"s actually happening:

Condom challenge is something thats actually happening in americ