Showing posts with label Saran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saran. Show all posts

Monday, October 1, 2018

Farrah Abraham Trashes Simon Saran and His "Stupid Rebound Chick"

Farrah Abraham appeared on Face The Truth to defend her parenting and to test positive for barbiturates, but that’s not her only new television gig.

Farrah will appear alongside ex-boyfriend Simon Saran on Season 2 of Ex on the Beach.

She’s already building hype by, you guessed it, attacking Simon on social media.

Farrah took to her Instagram stories to tease her ire for ex-boyfriend Simon Saran.

In her post, she writes over (alleged) messages from Simon.

We should of course acknowledge that any and all social media messages can be faked.

That said, we’re not willing to wager that Farrah knows how to do that.

The fact of the matter is that Simon, in these messages, looks like he’s mostly just reaching out to be nice.

In these chaotic images, Simon appears to have sent Farrah money.

Simon also writes: “I love you & miss you.”

“Ex’s [sic] never get over me,” Farrah laments. “This one is just in line with the rest – BYE.”

As far as we know, Farrah doesn’t have all that many ex-boyfriends.

But we have to agree with her — most people would take a long time to recover from dating her.

“Sending me money again?” Farrah seems to laugh. “I don’t even talk to you $ $ $ $ thanks.”

He also offered to get her some massages, inviting her to let him do something nice for her.

“I feel sorry for his stupid rebound chick who he never liked,” Farrah says.

It doesn’t really sound like she feels all that sorry for Ashley Hannawacker.

If she did, she probably wouldn’t be calling her a stupid rebound chick, right?

Farrah dismisses Simon, writing “BYE” in all caps.

For that matter, she also calls him “Slimon,” fusing his name with the word slime.

It even appears that she has saved his contact information on her phone under that name.


It’s kind of weird for Farrah to be “bashing” Simon by just acting like a huge jerk and showing her followers that he still says and does nice things for her.

But hey, whatever builds hype for Ex on the Beach, we guess.

Ashley Hannawacker and Simon have been together since March.

So far, Simon hasn’t posted anything inflammatory about Farrah.

A few weeks ago, he did share a piece of advice on social media: “Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution.”

He doesn’t mention Farrah by name, but that looks like a reference to the Teen Mom Terror if we’ve ever heard one.

As for Ex on the Beach, Farrah and Simon are said to have begun filming a few weeks ago.

Everything should be wrapped up in time to give Farrah plenty of time to prepare for her upcoming boxing match.

Farrah sure does love to fight.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Farrah Abraham Lands Spot on MTV Reality Show ... With Her Ex Simon Saran

It’s been almost ten months since Farrah Abraham was fired from Teen Mom OG.

The reasons for her dismissal vary, depending on whose version of events you believe, but whether it was Farrah’s work as a camgirl or her notoriously horrendous attitude that got her canned, the upshot remains the same:

Ms. Abraham is no longer a cast member on the show that made her famous.

But that doesn’t mean she’s through working for the network that gave her her big break.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup is currently in her second week of filming for MTV’s Ex on the Beach Season 2.

She’ll be joined on the notoriously drama-packed series by her most volatile ex, Simon Saran.

The news may come as a shock to TMOG fans, as when Farrah and Simon broke up, it was not on the best of terms.

In fact, these two took shots at each other on social media for months after they parted ways.

Now, they’ll do battle and plot revenge hookups with other pseudo-celebs on the sunny beaches of Malibu.

According to The Ashley, Saran revealed his involvement with the show in a recent social media post.

And we think it’s safe to say he sounded less than enthused about the experience.

 “MTV appearance, f-ck it, why not,” Saran wrote on Instagram this week.

In a way, this is a double-reconciliation of sorts for Farrah.

In addition to crossing paths with Saran again, Farrah is once more working with Viacom, the network that owns MTV.

It’s a bit of an unexpected reunion as Abraham sued Viacom for wrongful dismissal after she was fired from TMOG, and as far as anyone knows, that suit was never settled.

Maybe the company decided to throw her a one-off gig as part of her severance package.

Or maybe they’ve finally figured out what fans have known all along — obnoxious as she may be, Farrah is ratings gold.

Whatever the case, we applaud the decision to re-introduce one of the most memorable trainwrecks in the history of reality TV.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Simon Saran on Farrah Abraham"s New Relationship: I Ain"t Saying She"s a Golddigger...

Last week, the world learned that Farrah Abraham is dating Aden Stay, a 40-year-old stuntman who has apparently grown weary of explosions and car wrecks, and is now looking for a truly dangerous challenge.

Ya know, like dating Farrah Abraham.

Thus far, it seems like the relationship is going relatively smoothly.

Farrah and Aden have posted pics of their date nights, and the photographic evidence that she has yet to claw his eyes out indicates that this might be Farrah’s healthiest relationship yet.

But not everyone is convinced that Abraham has finally found Mr. Right.

As you may recall, Simon Saran dated Farrah for a surprisingly long period of time, and despite the combative nature of their relationship, Simon and Farrah remained friends.

The only thing Simon does better than make poor romantic choices is talk major amounts of trash, so it’s not surprising he has thoughts to share regarding Farrah’s new beau:

“Good for her,” Saran told The Ashley’s Reality Roundup in a recent interview.

“She needs an older man in her life. Plus she needs the financial support from him. Guys like that are more willing to give [that].”

Yes, he decided to go the passive-aggressive route this time, and he was pulling it off until he got a bit heavy-handed toward the end there.

Since Simon’s trash talk is the stuff of legend in the Teen Mom universe, we really expected more.

Not his best work, but with any luck, this will kick off another feud between Simon and Farrah, and we’ll get to see two masters of the all-caps hate tweet do their thing.

The last known interaction between Saran and Abraham took place in July of last year when the exes went at one another on Twitter.

Shortly thereafter, Farrah revealed that she’s no longer allowed to communicate with Simon by decree of her 9-year-old daughter:

“I’m not allowed to talk to him because Sophia doesn’t like him,” Farrah told E! News.

Something tells us she’ll be defying Sophia’s orders and throwing major shade at Simon in the very near future.

Watch Teen Mom OG online to remind yourself of just how mind-blowingly unstable Farrah and Simon’s relationship truly was.


Monday, October 16, 2017

Farrah Abraham: I Don"t Care if Simon Saran Still Loves Me!

In case any of you have forgotten that Farrah Abraham came from somewhere — she hasn’t just always been around, like the moon or the specter of death — she got her start on the Teen Mom franchise. And she’s still a part of it.

During a Teen Mom 2 special, Farrah reunites with her ex, Simon Saran.

Basically, MTV thought that she’d be more entertaining if she plays off of Simon. And she was right.

The special was titled “Being Simon,” which is a weird moment to all Simons who live in places where the name is unusual and are therefore accustomed to that name referring only to them.

(Trust me; I would know)

Lately, Farrah’s been getting the attention that she craves for very different things.

For instance, Farrah’s been slammed for bad parenting yet again, because her photos of her daughter — cute though they may be — serve as a reminder that she homeschools Sophia.

That’s not the way to give your kid a fair start at life.

And Farrah Abraham’s vaginal rejuvenation treatments are either a case of the world’s worst choice of celebrity spokespeople or the world’s most desparate case of someone craving attention and not caring if it’s negative.

(It’s probably a little of both)

And, oh by the way, Farrah Abraham did a livestream sex show where she bared her breasts and then masturbated for all the world (well, anyone willing to pay) to see.

Which is a totally fine thing to do — sex work is work, and it’s valid — but we get the feeling that the motivation behind it had to do with, again, the negative attention that Farrah seems to crave by any means.

But, hey, a sex show is immeasurably better than another Farrah Abraham racist outburst.

Compared to all of those adventures in bad publicity, Farrah Abraham’s Teen Mom 2 special with Simon Saran wasn’t an unending thrill-ride.

But that’s not to say that it was uneventful.

During the former couple’s trip to San Francisco, Simon Saran expressed an interest in rekindling their former romance.

“I still want to date you; I love you.”

You’d think that Farrah would have talked about how he’d failed to show her respect during their relationship.

Instead, she went with a different angle.

“Then maybe you shouldn’t be weird with other people and call them ‘babe’ and hug them and take pictures with other people.”

One, that sounds super specific.

Two, which part of that is bad, exactly? Is he not allowed to hug people?

Farrah laid down some rules for Simon if he wants to crawl back into her good graces, romantically speaking.

“You cannot interact with other girls who are like basic b–ches.”

It’s not every day that you hear someone say “basic b–ches” unironically.

Simon defended himself:

“I did it right in front of you because it was innocent.”

Why does he want to get back with her, exactly?

Farrah wasn’t down to reunite with Simon Saran in that capacity, even though he’s boasted of his endowment (the surest sign of insecurity).

But she was willing to learn more about his culture. He’s a Punjabi Sikh.

Simon Saran cautioned her: “You’re going to smell like curry.”

Well, that’s not a bad thing. Curry smells amazing.

Farrah Abraham talked about how she can “relate” to the immigrant community.

“I relate to immigrants and working hard and my grandad showed me what hard work was.”

Immigration involves so much more than that. There’s a blending of cultures, and sometimes there’s culture shock. There’s leaving one’s friends and family. There’s being regarded with suspicion or dislike in your new home.

But … we’re not exactly shocked that Farrah made it all about herself.

And remember, we’re talking about Farrah and Simon, so their talk turned to things that one should never discuss.

In this case, flatulence.


After Farrah chastized him for his flatulence, Simon responded: “Your farts are worse than mine.”

Farrah denied it, saying: “I have never farted.”

That’s obviously not true, but can we all pretend that their exchange never happened?


In the background for a lot of this, Farrah and Simon were working together on “business.”

By which we mean that Simon Saran was flipping houses and Farrah Abraham was also there.

She may have, at some point, dunked a basketball with Simon’s assistance.

But don’t get your hopes up of these two becoming a couple again, folks.

It looks like Farrah’s happy having Simon Saran as her platonic sugardaddy.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Simon Saran Is Just my Platonic Sugar Daddy!

It’s tough to tell what exactly is going on between Farrah Abraham and Simon Saran these days.

Farrah and Simon broke up back in March, but they proceeded to send fans some very mixed signals on their social media pages.

In fact, at one point, it looked as though Farrah and Simon had gotten engaged.

Back in June, Farrah and Simon took a trip to Jamaica together.

We suppose that could be the sort of thing exes do, but this certainly didn’t look like a couple of platonic friends enjoying an island getaway together.

Many fans were convinced that Simon proposed during the trip and that Farrah accepted.

When you see the sort of video Farrah was posting to Instagram during the vacay, it’s not hard to see how they may have arrived at that conclusion.

Ah, yes, one of those casual BFF trips. To an island. Where you take a candlelit path to your intimate dinner for two on the beach.

Who hasn’t done that with one of their exes?

And if you think that was the last trip these two took together, you’ve severely underestimated Farrah’s ability to get free stuff from horny dudes.

Farrah and Simon recently returned from a trip to Greece, another locale that’s ideal for honeymoons and other romantic getaways, but kind of a strange spot to take someone you recently broke up with.

The situation is made all the weirder by the fact that Farrah got a restraining order against Simon just last year.

Fortunately, E! News asked these two just what the hell is going on between them at a recent red carpet event.

“We are just friends and I think it’s better if we keep it at that level,” Saran says (tee-hee).

“Her head game changed my mind. She’s great at it. Definitely knows how to cheer one up and put one in a better mood.”

He went on to gush about Farrah, while at the same time implying that she’s kind of a moody and manipulative psycho:

“Plus she’s funny at times. Grumpy at times too, but overall a good person. All of this reeled me back in but on a friend level. That’s all I have at the moment.”

Uncharacteristically, Farrah was a lot less forthcoming when asked about the nature of her relationship with Simon.

“I have nothing to share,” she told the outlet.

A rep for Farrah had more to say on the subject, but it was the usual BS about how she’s too busy for a relationship and the trip was for business, and blah, blah, blah…

“She just returned to America from working overseas,” says Farrah’s spokesperson.

“She is focusing on her upcoming business endeavors and spending time with her daughter and has no time to feed into negative situations.”

We guess that’s the closest thing to an honest response that we’re gonna get out of this situation.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive this non-couple’s turbulent romance.


Monday, July 24, 2017

Farrah Abraham Slams Simon Saran, Offers "Backdoor Key" to Strip Club Appearance

Farrah Abraham is back in the U.S., back on Twitter and back doin’ the Farrah Abraham things we have come to know and love.

After a brief, overseas stint on the series Single AF, the hardest workin’ D-lister in show business has returned to her native land.

Thank goodness for that. Oh, how we missed her.

Next month, the 26-year-old who is quick to remind you that she is NOT a porn star will once again be trading off of her porn career.

Farrah will be at the Crazy Horse III gentlemen’s club in Las Vegas August 4, which she teased with a promotional clip on Instagram.

“#lasvegas your [sic] the best!” she wrote. “Own the club & get your #BackDoorKey VIP Key package at the Kick-off event with me! Aug 4th”

“Get free bottle & table! This is the way to PARTY” 

At press time, it was not immediately clear what a “Backdoor Key Launch Party” is, but we can think of about 240 inappropriate jokes.

That’s all that really matters in the end, right?

Equally unhelpful, the club’s website advertises that this epic event is “Hosted by Farrah Abraham – Backdoor Mom and TV Personality.”

“Backdoor Mom.” No Teen. She’s all grown up.

As Starcasm notes, Farrah actually has a long and storied history with the Crazy Horse strip club franchise, dating back to 2013.

She helped launch the Vegas venue, and in 2015 hosted the opening of the Crazy Horse gentlemen’s club in Pompano Beach, Florida.

With Farrah then, incredibly, was Simon Saran, a man who needs no introduction after two-plus years of on-and-off dating and trolling.

The couple’s 115th breakup (we’ve lost count, but that’s gotta be pretty close) took place earlier month, and may be the one that sticks.

As you can see, over the weekend, the MTV OG tweeted this screen shot of an email sent to her by Simon with the subject line “Call.”

The text is equally declarative: “Lets talk.” 

Farrah, who has accused Simon of stalking her and trying to sabotage her business career of late, had a field day with this message.

“Oh look, running right back #Fake #Ex … guess the haters were wrong AGAIN,” Abraham wrote, calling the email “So predictable.”

For his part, Saran slammed Farrah as a fraud publicly and insinuated that she will be alone forever because her entire life is phony.

It’s always good times with these two. At least he knows where to find her August 4 if he wants to clear the air in person …


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Farrah Abraham SLAMMED by Simon Saran: She"ll Be Alone Forever!

Remember when it looked like Farrah Abraham and Simon Saran were actually really in love?

Seems like a lifetime ago now, doesn’t it?

In reality, it’s been less than two months since Farrah and Simon went down to Jamaica together for romantic dinners on the beach and selfies that inspired pregnancy rumors.

But it might as well be decades with the way they’ve been behaving lately.

They had some sort of falling out — it’s hard to say what exactly happened, but we first suspected an issue earlier this month when Simon announced he was done with Teen Mom.

He’s always loved trolling every single cast and crew member imaginable, so for him to give up such a hobby seemed suspicious.

Shortly after he made his statement, Farrah confirmed that their relationship had taken a turn in — what else? — an insane Twitter rant.

She claimed that Simon “is not in my life and really is hurt I moved on,” she called him “pathetic” and “jealous” and accused him of “stalking” her.

Around the same time, he shared some photos of himself looking awfully friendly with a new lady, then tweeted that after he posted the pictures, Farrah sent him a cease and desist letter.

Her lawyers have since admitted that the letter was sent, but Farrah said it wasn’t because she was jealous that he moved on.

Instead, she said that he’s been “ruining business deals” for her, “stalking social media,” and “saying lies about me, my parenting, and other scandalous things.”

She also claimed that he’d been reaching out to her friends and family in an attempt to keep track of what she’s up to.

But, in a new interview with E! News, Simon is, once again, giving his side of the story.

And the whole thing is just getting uglier by the minute.

“Given that I have respect for her dad, I’ll let her slide,” he begins. “I don’t need drama in my life at this point.”

“She can say what she wants, but we all know who the real one is and who the fraud is.”

“I have no hard feelings against Farrah,” he continues. “We are just from two different worlds. She likes the fake life, I want what’s real.”

“I wish her the best for her and much success in all her future endeavors.”

In response to Farrah’s claims that he’s been stalking her, Simon explains that “Her friends reach out to me and give me an update on her. She’s very confused.”

“Her friends know that she screwed up big time by losing me.”

But is there a chance they’ll get back together again, like they eventually always do?

“No,” he says. “I think we are better off going our separate ways. There’s no loyalty in that woman.”

“She’d rather make a buck then to keep someone around who actually cared about her. She will forever be alone.”

It’s harsh, but it doesn’t sound like he’s being shady at all here. It sounds like he’s sharing his experience with her, and like he’s being honest about how awful it was.

If you want shade, you’ll have to look to Twitter — there’s plenty of it over there!

In response to one of Farrah’s statements about how she “made” Simon, he wrote “You made me? How? You went from selling dildos and finger banging equipment to having a high end furniture store front I put on for you.”

There’s the Simon we know and kind of love sometimes!

He also answered a few questions about Teen Mom in general.

For instance, he claims that the moms make $ 300,000 per season, and that while he and Farrah’s father have “always been good,” her mother “is the worst example of a human being in American History.”

He also claims that Larry, one of the show’s executive producers, “makes fun of Gary’s weight. Laughs with other crew members that he needs an extra plane ticket to seat him.”

He adds that “Larry is a piece of sh-t.”

Surprisingly, Simon also alleges that one of the grossest scenes in Teen Mom history, the one where Matt Baier tried to pressure Amber Portwood into marrying him in Las Vegas, “was fake.”

As for Farrah’s outlook on the latest round of her feud with Simon, she told E! “I’m so happy I’ve separated myself and won’t be harassed or stalked by him further.”

Don’t bet on it, girl.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Simon Saran is Stalking Me, For Real!

Farrah Abraham does not seem like an easy person to get along with.

And yet, for the past few years, Simon Saran has managed to stick around, for better or for worse.

He stayed when Farrah bought herself an engagement ring and insisted he pay her back for it and then use it to propose to her.

He stayed with her through meltdown after meltdown, and goodness knows she’s had plenty of them.

They’ve broken up, gotten back together, only to break up again … it’s been a mess.

And although the two of them just went on a romantic vacation together just two months ago, it looks like they’re actually done for good this time.

Earlier this month, Simon announced that MTV is airing a Being Simon special soon, and that it would be the last time he’d appear anywhere in the Teen Mom franchise.

Farrah then tweeted that he’s not in her life anymore “and is really hurt I moved on.”

She also advised him to stop talking about her.

“You’re pathetic,” she told him, “and I’m a great mother, professional, friend & women. Go STOP using me for money!”

She tweeted several more messages about him, including some screenshots from texts in which he called her a “rude pig” and sent her photos of a new car he’d bought.

Then Simon, who’d previously shared several photos of himself with a new girl, tweeted “Farrah sees me happy with a beautiful woman and sends me a cease and desist letter! Lol wtf?”

It was all very, very strange, but thanks to a new interview Farrah did with Us Weekly, we have more details.

First off, her lawyer confirms that Simon was in fact sent a cease and desist letter — but not because he got a new girlfriend.

It’s actually because he’s allegedly been stalking her.

“I’m no longer trying to be cordial or friends with my ex,” she says, explaining that Simon has been “ruining business deals” for her and “stalking social media.”

She also claims that he’s been trying to keep track of her by contacting people close to her and asking them about her location

“There’s a lot I’ve been through with him and his actions now are embarrassing,” she says. “If he wanted to be with me, he had the opportunity, but instead he missed his chance.”

She adds that he’s been “saying lies about me, my parenting and other slanderous things.”

“He doesn’t get along with anyone in my work, my friends, my family and I’m tired of helping him while I get treated horribly.”

“Like every other ex,” she says, “he’s in the past now.”

Simon, meanwhile, has referred to Farrah’s new story as “fake news,” and that “I’ve clearly moved on and she’s bitter.”

As usual, it’s hard to figure out who’s telling the truth here,

But still, what a fun mess, right?


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Taking Legal Action Against Simon Saran?!

Remember how, just about a month ago, Farrah Abraham and Simon Saran went on an extremely romantic vacation together in Jamaica?

What happened?

We don’t know everything that’s gone on between Farrah and Simon recently, but we do know one thing.

And that’s the fact that they are sincerely not getting along right now.

Shortly after they returned from their vacation, Farrah began filming for her new dating show, Single AF — which, you know, could be a clue that she was actually single.

However, Simon’s made several tweets about the show, and from what he’s been saying, Farrah’s just been taking advantage of the opportunity to make money.

Basically, she’s striking while the iron is hot — the iron being MTV’s interest in her — but not really looking for love.

Some people have been theorizing that all of their drama is completely manufactured, that they’re actually in a loving relationship, and their issues are just for show.

But thanks to their latest feud, we think it’s pretty safe to say that isn’t the case.

First of all, Simon’s been sharing some photos of himself cuddled up to a new lady, which seems like a pretty clear signal that he and Farrah are done.

He’s also announced the official premiere of his Teen Mom OG special, Being Simon — and he announced that this would be the last time we’d see him on television.

Then Farrah lovingly tweeted “FYI Simon is not in my life and really is hurt I moved on.”

“Free ride is over!” she added. “Stop talking about me if you’re over me lmao.”

Simon, in all of his maturity, responded with “Worst free ride ever!”, so you know things are really bad between them.

“Why are you trying to get attention,” she shot back, “you’re pathetic and I’m a great mother, professional, friend & women. Go STOP using me for money!”

He asked her what money she was referring to, and she told him he was “jealous” of her.

She also shared a text message exchange between them, one where Simon advised her to “Stop being a rude pig” and then sent her photos of a new Range Rover he’d purchased.

Because that is how two reasonable adults behave in a disagreement.

“Thanks 2 me you got your own ‘Being Simon’ special,” she told him. “Simon wants to be on TV so much! F-cking joke! Be thankful not hateful!”

What a great big mess, right?

And it’s only getting worse.

In case you missed it, on Monday night’s reunion special, Dr. Drew claimed that Simon wasn’t there because he’d demanded $ 250,000 from MTV to film it.

It’s a pretty outrageous claim — we’re sure Simon doesn’t earn that much for filming an entire season, let alone one special — and he didn’t appreciate it.

When someone asked him on Twitter if he’d really asked for that much money, he replied with “No you stupid whore I did not.”

But, oddly enough, he deleted that tweet, along with this next one that is actually pretty shocking:

“Farrah sees me happy with a beautiful woman and sends me a cease and desist letter! Lol wtf?”

So after he posted those photos with another lady, Farrah pulled one of her classic moves and had her lawyer fuss at him for no real reason?

Sounds about right.

Simon also deleted the tweet about the letter, along with one that read “I’d rather tell you the truth through my twitter, than her running to the media to make up lies.”

In some tweets that are still on his account, he verified that Dr. Drew’s claims that he asked for $ 250,000 to film the reunion show are “bullsh-t.”

He added that “I had real work related commitments. That’s why I didn’t come.”

As one of the very, very few Teen Mom cast members who works an actual job in addition to filming the show, it’s definitely possible.

But it’s also possible that both Simon and Farrah will say or do literally anything to get some attention.

So who knows what’s real?


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Farrah Abraham SLAMS Simon Saran: He"s a Stalker!

Yesterday, Farrah Abraham’s smarmy ex, Simon Saran confirmed that he’s done with Farrah and quitting the show that made him famous.

Yes, fans of Teen Mom: OG, we regret to report that the upcoming Being Simon special that’s somehow a thing is the last you’ll see of Mr. Saran on screen.

But that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to continue enjoying his always-amusing social media feuds.

It looks as though Simon’s beef with Amber Portwood has come to an end, but these days, he’s turned his attention to a much more deserving target. 

Yes, now that his time on the show has reached it’s conclusion, Simon is squaring off against the Teen Mom end boss.

We’re talking, of course, about Farrah herself.

Unlike all of his other feuds, it doesn’t look like Simon started this one.

But he’s certainly hell-bent on having the last word.

“FYI Simon is not in my life and really is hurt I’ve moved on,” Farrah tweeted, possibly in response to yesterday’s interviews.

“Free ride is over! Stop talking about me if you’re over me lmao,” she added.

Demonstrating the dearth of wit for which he’s become semi-famous, Saran shot back:

“Worst free ride ever!”

As online comebacks go, it’s about the equivalent of a schoolyard “I know you are, but what am I?” but it was enough to get Farrah’s goat.

“Why are you trying to get attention, you’re pathetic & I’m a great mother, professional, friend & women. Go STOP using me for money.”

“What money?” Simon replied, prompting Farrah to call him “jealous” and accuse him of “stalking” her dates.

As you can see, this is some extremely high-minded Lincoln-Douglas debate stuff.

Farrah offered the above screen shot as proof that Simon is still texting her:

“Simon you wanna lie this is you just texting me,” she captioned the image.

“Get a life – no one wants your nasty low life style. Your hateful, user, fame whore.”

She added:

“Thanks 2 me you got your own ‘Being Simon’ special. Simon wants to be on TV so much! F–king joke! Be thankful not hateful.”

As a parting shot, she retweeted a fan who wrote:

“@F1abraham you and simon were in trouble when his tits got bigger then yours.”

Keep it classy, you two!

Watch Teen Mom: OG online for more of Farrah and Simon’s totes healthy relationship.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Simon Saran: I"m Done With Farrah Abraham & I"m Quitting Teen Mom!

Farrah Abraham and Simon Saran easily rank right up there with the most dysfunctional couples in the history of the Teen Mom franchise, which is really saying something.

Simon has assumed a weird role as a sort of resident agitator, picking fights with Amber Portwood, Matt Baier, and other cast members, seemingly just for the fun of it.

We always assumed he just gets off on bringing misery into the lives of others, but it could be that it was all part of Simon’s strategy to remain relevant after his ill-fated relationship came to a close.

Yes, after years of on and off drama, it looks as though Farrah and Simon are broken up for good.

The last time they split was in March, but they’ve been spotted together in public multiple times since.

Now, however, it looks like Farrah and Simon’s claims that their just friends are actually legit.

For one thing, Farrah is starring on a reality show called Single AF, which is a pretty good indication that she’s single af.

On top of that, it looks as though Simon has found someone new.

We don’t know her name yet, but the mystery woman is all over Simon’s social media pages.

Tellingly, many fans have jumped to the conclusion that Simon is in a new relationship, and he hasn’t corrected them.

The news comes as something of a surprise, as just last month, fans were buzzing about rumors that Farrah and Simon were engaged.

The former couple went on a romantic vacation to Jamaica together, and Farrah dropped hints about a proposal on Instagram.

So whatever happened between these two that led them to call it quits, it’s safe to assume it happened in the past few weeks.

And that’s not the only recent development in the exciting life of Mr. Saran.

In a recent tweet, the reality star confirmed that he’ll be the subject of an umpcoming Teen Mom special entitled Being Simon – and revealed that that will be the final time he’ll appear on television.

“It will be the last time you see me on screen so make sure you watch it!” Saran tweeted.

Something tells us fans won’t be terribly sad to see him go.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive all of Simon’s most weaselly moments.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Is Simon Saran Tearing Her Family Apart?!

Farrah Abraham has a whole lot of problems. Like, just so, so many.

Enough to fill a boat. A real big one.

But some of the biggest issues she has are with her parents — her mother, specifically. One could even go as far as to say that her parents could be the root of all her other problems.

Debra Danielsen, Mommy Dearest herself, has been arrested for being violent with Farrah, and while she insists it was no big deal, Farrah says that Debra’s been very abusive towards her.

Beyond that, we’ve seen Debra be manipulative and just generally awful on Teen Mom OG and during their time on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars Family Edition.

Farrah has had many a meltdown over her mother’s treatment of her, but honestly, Deb doesn’t seem all that concerned with repairing her relationship with her daughter.

She seems to be more into playing the victim whenever possible, and in maintaining a close enough relationship with Farrah to get that sweet, sweet Teen Mom money.

To hear Debra tell it, she’s not to blame whatsoever in what’s happened between her and her daughter.

Farrah isn’t, either.

No, it’s all that dastardly Simon Saran’s fault!

“Simon broke up a family,” Debra reveals in a new interview with Radar Online.

“Farrah has blocked me. She doesn’t talk to me and it’s been a while now. I’ve only tried to help her.”

“They’re my world,” she insists, apparently referring to both Farrah and Sophia. “I’ve done everything for them.”

She also claims that Simon “makes stuff up” about her — like that time that he recently stated that she’d been talking to a lawyer in an attempt to get custody of Sophia.

Oh, and that other time that he recently stated that she’d brought dudes over to her house to bang while she was supposed to be watching Sophia.

She says that “It’s always about Simon wanting to earn more money and use my money and my family to appear on the show.”

“He could go away, nobody would miss him!”

OK, but here’s the thing.

Instead of Simon tearing Debra’s family apart, it seems like what’s actually been happening over in reality is that Simon’s been helping Farrah stand up to her mother.

You might have missed it in between Ryan Edwards nodding off while driving and Amber Portwood almost beating Matt Baier, but there was a lot of Farrah drama in the Teen Mom season finale.

She paid for Debra, Debra’s creepy fiance, David, and Simon to go on a vacation together, and David was rude to her the entire time.

They finally got into a huge fight over dinner one evening, and David told Farrah that the reason he was being cold to her was because she didn’t respect her mother.

Farrah actually managed to be reasonable for once, explaining that David had no place talking to her like that, and that she’d give respect when it was earned.

When things got too heated, Simon calmly and quietly pulled her aside, suggesting they go for a walk.

It was a surprisingly sweet move, but for the entire vacation, Farrah seemed to be comforted by his presence.

Debra, meanwhile, made a scene in a nail salon and screamed that she wanted to die, right in front of the employees and Sophia and everyone.

So one person threatens suicide if she doesn’t get her way, the other is supportive and sweet …

Which one do you think could be the one responsible for breaking the family?
