Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Nip Slip Spotted on Snapchat!

Kailyn Lowry is usually a master of controlling what information about her personal life is shared with fans and what’s kept private.

But with a wildly popular reality show and millions of social media followers, Kailyn is pretty exposed these days.

As a result, every now and then, something … slips out.

Yes, Kailyn was snapchatting a breastfeeding session last night when fans noticed a momentary nip slip.

Fortunately, as a single mother of three who’s basically running a media empire these days, we doubt she’s spending too much time or energy worrying about.

In fact we’re sure Kailyn has already moved on from the incident – but naturally, the internet has not.

Fans are still obsessing over the slight slip, as though there aren’t full-blown Teen Mom sex tapes out there with which they can amuse themselves.

To us, the incident isn’t interesting for the slip itself, but for what it tells us about celebrity life in 2017.

Aside from a handful of Clooney-level A-listers, stars basically have to share certain aspects of their lives on social media in order to remain relevant.

This is especially true of young celebs, reality stars in particular.

So, like her co-stars, Kailyn plays ball and interacts with fans on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter.

For the most part, she seems to enjoy the process.

But there are times when she’d clearly prefer to be left alone.

Unfortunately for Kailyn, that’s simply not an option at this stage in her life.

But it seems she’s learned to rebel in certain small ways.

For example, Kailyn hasn’t revealed her baby’s name yet, even though she gave birth over six weeks ago.

She tweeted yesterday, that she plans to reveal the baby’s name with a photo of a customized blanket in the very near future.

Still, the fact that Kailyn has chosen to keep fans in the dark for so long sends a powerful message.

It reminds fans that just because they made her famous, that doesn’t mean they own her.

Sadly, that’s something many people need to be reminded of these days.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of what Kailyn is willing to share.
